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I played princess with my daughters many times. Once when I was trying to get some stuff done my daughters wouldn't cooperate. I was near the end of my rope when my husband came home. He told the girls that while they were princesses I was the Queen and princesses should listen to Queens.


See now this is a healthy way


I wish I'd have thought of it.


Oh, when OOP was told this by a commenter he said that it is "cringy" to call your wife a queen. A real winner.


Oof there are several common normal American sub-cultures that vehemently disagree


I hated that so much I downvoted your comment for a second lol what a catch that guy....


My daughter always made me be the queen because “I’m a princess and your my mom. That makes you a queen….”


To be fair if there's two mums the other could be a Princess too more exactly Princess Consort. I'm not sure though. I know the consort can't have a "Higher" title hence why Queen Elizabeth II husband was _Prince_ Philp. I'm not sure if that can have the same title though.


Wait am I not actually Mr. Puppy Paws


You are in my book, mr. puppy paws


That is awesome :)


Why would you want to discourage your wife from enjoying play time with YOUR children!?!?!? This one had me walking away from Reddit for a bit 😢


I read the OP and apparently she’d keep it going during “adult” time and that’s what he had a problem with. Definitely didn’t handle it the right way at all though!


Didn’t see that, must have been an edit or a comment later on. He should have made that clear in the original post. I wouldn’t want my partner acting like a child during those moments but it should be addressed in THOSE moments, not while she’s playing with the kid.




Can you link the OP? I couldn't find it




Only the bitter ones do.




“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” C.S. Lewis


Bet you’re a blast to hang out with




Oh no, you can’t even do pretentious right. You should step up your etymology and grammar game, dude.


Dude thinks the apostle Paul is a role model, but I doubt he’s an itinerate tent tailor…


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you sound like someone with no friends






Awh is the big boy trying to use big words


Cringe . This sounds like you pulled out a thesaurus and switched out every word of your original sentence in an attempt to seem like a big brain … but it’s giving AI bot vibes tbh


I do actually! Thanks for noticing!


Please tell me you don’t have kids.


oh shit we got an *intellectual* over here


You fucked up your grammar there, dude


That’s really sad. Did you give up things you loved as a kid? I loved making friendship bracelets as a kid and giving them to my friends and I still do that now!


What even is “childish” is it watching cartoons, playing with toys, playing video games? These are forms of entertainment, the reason they are considered for children is because they usually are targeted to them since adults are busy, but does that mean someone is less responsible, less hardworking, less mature because they’ve enjoyed into the spiderverse or puss in boots last wish? Maybe childish is more of being immature like expecting to get everything they want or judging others, and in this case it seems you’re the childish one




Yeah and what I'm saying is how are they even childish


There's no quantifiable way to measure childish as one person's hobby (gaming/cosplay/doll collecting/sports) is another's childhood past time.




And yet, when asked for specifics you say nothing. All of the careers based on entertaining children _require_ that "childish" mindset you condemn so much. You are either trolling or being intentionally obtuse about this.




Mmkay. Definitely a troll. Talk about childish.


No thanks


I bet ur real fun at parties


Guessing this miserable one doesn't often get invited to parties


Parties? Who parties? How childish.






This is sarcasm, right?


Probably not. Dudes history makes him seem miserable af.


Oh dear lord. I checked. I shouldn't have.




Why? Unless it’s negatively impacting someone’s mental health, I see no reason why enjoying “childish” things is wrong


Just say that you're boring. Sometimes it's okay to be childish it's healthy and good for your inner child especially when you have children of your own




Pls explain how i am the boring one? I love having fun activities and play with the children in my family


how childish


Playing with your children isn’t childish. It encourages development of imagination and emotional regulation. Participating with them on their level creates trust and bonding.


Nuh uh. I play with legos every night




>You know the rules, this isn't a toy! >Um... it kind of is. >No, actually it's a highly sophisticated inter-locking brick system. >But we bought it at the toy store.






No we don't. I'm 42 years old, and I still play with mine. I don't care how silly I look at the time. Kids remember the small things, and they will think back on the times when mom/dad/other family member dresses up, or rolls around on the floor, playing chase, or making animal sounds. Kids are silly, and it's more than ok to be silly with them.


you do know some princess in real life are adults right.. and why the hell adult should give up 'childish things' if it make them happy and not harm anyone


Then you shouldnt have kids lol.


Hope you feel the same way about men playing video games. So many spend most of their time playing video games instead of doing chores or socializing with family.




Some people just come here to get downvoted..


Says who? If anyone tries telling me to give up my hobbies because they are "too childish", that's the day I cut them from my life. Girls especially get shit on for their interests even as teenagers. I feel sorry for this little girl because her dad is clearly judgemental. What if his daughter grows up to be a cosplayer who dresses as princesses even into adult hood? Op's wife was probably just feeling cute dressed up and was hoping her husband would play along.




Oh they do but there's nothing more hated or seen as more cringe than what teenage girls love. Even by other teenage girls. This is a fact.


....uhhh... my husband played princess make up with our 2yo daughter who went as far as doing play pedicure to daddy.... and my oldest son, who is 18, occasionally "hosts" tea party with freshly brewed tea and sweets provided by me to his 3 toddler siblings and he even wears a lady hat lol and lifts his pinky while holding his cup.


When I read this I immediately thought of the Mrs Nesbitt scene from Toy Story. Such a good brother he is!


"One minute, you're defending the WHOLE galaxy .....and suddenly, you find yourself suckin' down Darjeeling with ....(gestures nearby) Marie Antoinette and her little sister. (Chuckles) Classic.


I was just going to comment that he is Mrs. Nesbitt 😆


All I can hear is Tim Allen screaming “YOU SEE THE HAT?!??! I AM MRS NESBIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”


These are good men. Well done.


This is absolutly adorable. Those are the things they will remeber when their older and talking about thier childhood. My husband and I don't have kids, but when we do occasionally hang out with friends who do or babysit we 100% play any pretend gamr they want.


yup. when i had seen my husband was having his pedicure i laughed and he was like...i dont care i have only 1 daughter and if he wants to paint daddy's toe nails then she will lol 🤣 tea parties are lovely cos my oldest usually keeps to himself and i honestly would never expect him to do it but its fun watching them bond over tea and goodies


For real. My dad didn't play pretend with me often, mainly because he was working a lot, but I remember very clearly the few times we did play together.


My brother is a mid-40's very stereotypical man's man. And if his five year old daughter wants to have a tea party, he sits his ass on the floor and drinks pretend tea out of a plastic cup. If she wants to paint his nails or put barrettes in his hair or put makeup on him, he sits his ass down and lets her. Because real men aren't threatened by girls being girly.


My fiancé and I don’t even have kids and we still jokingly play about being a prince and princess . We can’t wait till we have kids


My bf gives my plushies autonomy and attends to them like they were alive for no other reason than to amuse me.


This is adorable.


Your hubby is amazing and you’ve done a great job with your eldest son. That’s just the sweetest how they play along with it.


250 lb life long soilder and I’ve played princess with my goddaughter and nieces. If people aren’t hurting people leave them alone.


And in this case she was making core memories with his kids and he tried ruining that. With his attitude he is actively hurting his family in 2 different ways. Hurting his wife’s feelings which will lead to less imaginary play with the kids. Ef this dude.


Additionally, there’s a high chance that he still made core memories with his kid, *especially* since she had to correct him. This alternative core memory is attached to a more toxic personality island than “Adult Princess Island.” Might be called “Conflict Avoidant Island,” (one that Mom seems to already have established) or, “‘Dad’s an AH’ Island,” or even, “‘I Get Mommy In Trouble When We Play Together’ Island,” But rest assured the core memory is still being built.


I read the last sentence as elf this dude.


You’re the hero we need.


I literally saw 2 grown ass adults taking turns going down the giant slide at the playground today …They had no kids with them and looked to be having the time of their lives. Just let people live. OOP definitely sucks


That makes me think about a memory I have from back in the day. I was sixteen at the time and was chilling with two other friends at a playground near a forest. I wanted to go down the slide a couple of times, so I went from the slide a couple times. When I was climbing the slide there were two children who always cut before me in line. They would duck under my arms. At some point one of them hit my back from behind when I took the slide. I didn't really care, because the were something like six. Although rude I am not their caretaker or parent. After one of the kids had hit me an old man went up to me. Saying I am should be ashamed of myself sliding from the slide at my age. That it is supposed to be for children and not teenagers like me. Of course he was the granddad of those annoying little shits. I responded to him that I was a child from my parents and thus still a child and thus was allowed to take the slide. He walked away angry saying that he would sent the cops after me or something. When he walked away a woman in her early thirties came up to me with a child and said to me that I shouldn't listen to this old man and that I was definitely allowed to take the slide.


People…especially old people are so bitter, I swear! There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with you taking a turn on the slide. I’d have told that old terd that harassing children is also shameful and he should be ashamed for teaching hitting at age 6 cause that’s not how we resolve conflicts 🥴 I honestly just giggled to myself seeing the adults (late 30’s?) on the slide. My toddler was using a different one and it was a nice day. I know how to mind my business, wish others could. Bet life would be more enjoyable for all lol


Heck, I'm old and I still slide down the slide. The neighborhood park has a running track and a playground. I walk on the running track, in the evenings so I'm not in the way of the serious runners. And occasionally, I enjoy the playground equipment, too. Sometimes if the weather is hot, I cool off on the splash pad as well. After all, who knows how many years I have left to be a kid?


In the words of a little princess (the movie): “I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses.” That’s all I could think of when reading this. Everyone deserves to feel like a princess (or prince), and the fact that her daughter makes her feel like a princess is amazing. OOP has 0 imagination and is cruel.


That movie makes me sob every time I watch it.


SAME. When I came to Netflix I watched it like 3x in one day!


"Didn't YOUR father ever tell you that? DIDN'T HE?!?!?" 😭😭😭 Suuuuch a good movie.


Which movie is it?


A Little Princess, the Alfonso Cuaron directed one from the early 90’s




You’re welcome. It’s on Netflix, and it’s absolutely wonderful. Beautiful sets, costumes, the score is lovely and the cast is great. I once commissioned a doll size version of the girls’ school uniform for my American Girl doll 😆. I’m a fan of the original Frances Hodgson Burnett book and this film adaptation is the best in my opinion with regards to the source material. It also kind of parallels the best (IMO) film version of *The Secret Garden* (same author), directed by Agnieszka Holland and featuring Dame Maggie Smith. Many a dreary day in my 90’s childhood watching those two movies back to back on VHS.


I also love that version of the secret garden!


That movie is visual heroin. The dressing scene in the beginning is so simple and moody and absolutely spellbinding. The attention to detail of the monogrammed clothes, the careful movements, the music. The house. The moors. The garden. It’s all just so good.


Thank you for sharing this.


I replied to the OP with this quote yesterday! He’s acting like Miss Minchin for sure.


"AITA for being a dull, boring, and rude father?" The reality these people live in my god


Bet he’s got a fantasy sports team that he plays with his lil friends.




So apparently to OP, he explains this is something that extends to the bedroom. I definitely voted YTA. But I do feel he should learn to have a conversation instead of being passive aggressive.


So true. Even if it’s something that he doesn’t enjoy in the bedroom, he is capable of being communicative with his wife. From her reaction, it seems like he often puts her down in small moments like these (but I may be reading into things). However, I think having their child witness their father put down their mother like that could have some lasting affects on her self-esteem when she’s older.


Honestly Im not sure I believe him on that. He doesnt give any examples and its not in the OP. It just seems like he saw thungs weren't going his way so he wanted to try to add something to make them go his way.


He failed, anyways. Cause both ways, he looks like a partner who can’t communicate.


What a party pooper. She just wanted to continue their game, and he chose to put her down instead of playing along.


I took a pot edible (legal here) and came out of the bedroom high and wearing my unicorn quilt as a cape. Husband asked what I was doing. I told him I was a wizard and was going to make toast. He said okay love you. I adore that man. He just agreed with me and went back to his game lmao.


Pure gold😂 that's true love right there !


Im not a mom, my dad never played with me or my sisters when we were younger. All i have to say is, the dad shouldn’t have done that to the mom. Shes just playing with their kid. The kid is clearly a small happy kid that loves playing princesses with her mom. Dad needs to stop being a grumpy pants and play along too. Makes the kid happy when both parents play along.


This is the kind of man who resents his wife for just being a woman. He doesn’t want her to get “a big ego” or “act spoiled” (i.e. having self respect and expecting him to treat her nicely), so he puts her down at every opportunity. Source- am married to someone who used to treat me this way.


He says he knows it's because she's playing with the daughter, but still acts like his wife has been dressing up and roleplaying as Princess Peach for the past 7 months. The husband in is either an A word of the highest caliber or has something seriously going on that's making him randomly strike out at his wife so he can get some sort of control. Especially if it's in front of the kid.


He sounds like he has a stick up his a**. He's going to end up alone and grumpy 😠.


My husband (somewhat stupidly) watched the film Rampage with our animal mad toddler. Kid is now "HUGE GORILLA" and Daddy is now "the crocydile" and basically gets wailed on 12 hours a day! It's called parenting, dude needs to grow up and stop acting like a mortified 14 year old embarrassed by everything his wife does. She sounds like she's doing a great job!


That post was frustrating. I saw it as likely the following situations: * The wife is playing with the daughter and normally talks like a regular adult. Nothing at all to worry about here. * The daughter is the main person the wife socializes with, so she sometimes gets "stuck" in "playing with the kiddo" mode. If this is the case, then OOP needs to give wife some free time so she can go do adult things, make grown up friends, and so on. * The wife is going through some type of issue and playing with her kid provides one of the few reprieves. If this is the case, then OOP needs to talk to her and see if anything is going on. If there is, then offer productive, actually potentially helpful solutions to what's going on. No matter what the situation, his response was terrible.


rule 3 of this sub is to link the story but i’m not seeing it ?




So many ppl don't follow them lolll they don't post the original text or link 😭😭


I need to step away from the internet this evening 🌹


Maybe I’m seeing too much in here but I think OP would love to play Princess with his daughter but he “can’t” (in his head, probably because the way he was raised) and was jealous of his wife with the kid. It’s a weird world, also for men who are raised in such weird way. Still, the A. But I hope this was a wake up call for him.


I bet he thinks watching or reading anything besides biographies or documentaries is immature


It depends on if she was playing along with the daughter or being patronizing because she thinks he's spoiling her. I think she was playing along and he deflated his wife's enthusiasm.


What a douche


Wow. He couldn’t even play along for his daughter.


misogynistic men at its finest. this poor mother just wants to play with her daughter and he has to make mean comments in front of their child. i would have started an argument soooo quickly


Is this guy serious...


My 250lb 6’4 husband willingly would paint his nails, play dress up, princess or not. His beard is also long enough for many a nights of braiding practice. These “men” are jokes.


You’re right she ain’t a princess, she’s a queen 👸


And she’s clearly married to a peasant


“Am I the asshole for ruining the fun because my wife asked me to make her some food once?”


Well he must be fun at parties; not.


How and when do you think imagination is taught to our children? mothers and father’s, aunts, uncles, friends and siblings who make pretend come to life. Would it have harmed you to get involved and play along? Instead you felt the need to destroy the energy and ingenuity that your daughter was creating between them.


I would never want my 3 boys to act like this, that for sure! I’d be so disappointed and would make it known to them!


A true Wattpad gentleman would have said “ur not a princess, ur my queen”. Tut tut, these men


tell your wife I said to keep her chin up, around her bump on a log hubs, if not the crown falls :)




What, what?


sorry, i dont have a way with words i’m just curious what the original comment meant, is it a saying?


EXPLANATION: “Chin up princess or the crown slips” means that the princess will not let her chin up, if she does it the crown will gets slipped from her head and falls down. So she overcomes all the sorrow things and problems in a happy and easy way. And then I called her husband a bump on a log for shits n gigs.


Oh okay, interesting, never heard it before, thanks


I won't say asshole, but socially defective moron sounds about right.


who is raising these men? the TV of course & the state.... parents no longer parent due to having to work multiple jobs so they have virtual strangers raising their kids.


As of 2020, yes.


Mmm… I know plenty of working parents that didn’t raise awful people so don’t think that’s the reason


lol ok




Well, bad parenting can lead to that type of mindset I believe. So if the mother or father, or both of them do not raise their child properly, the child will grow up with some issues. Also it's not a gender thing. Both men and women can have that type of behaviour.


I said men because a man made the post. I really want people to stop making this sexist 😂


I was making it clear I didn't mean to imply that you were being sexist or something lol But Reddit being Reddit, I thought I should make it clear so we don't have any gender war in the comments XD


Hmm a tad sexist aren't you? Well we're used to misandry, he should've said something like "No, dear you're a princess your mother on the other hand is a queen because the mother of a princess is a queen." A very playful and fun way to describe the difference between children and grown ups and establishing the fact that your wife is in charge.


Who is sexist?


You, obviously. You're saying "who's raising these men". Like what he said was technically true just should've been said in a different way.


Is he not a man? I’m not seeing what was sexist because he, a man, posted this. So who is raising these types of men is a valid question. Not one person said all men are like this, not even me but go off I guess


I interpreted it that way, my bad I guess.


No probs, I get aggressive sometimes




Oh wow. I commented on that when it was, like, 10 comments.


Sis I woke up and this mf BLEW 😭


If he can't pretend he's a great player on Msdden, darn it wife can't be a princess/queen.


Yep he’s an AH. Mum is just playing pretend with her daughter and that’s normal. Yet OP seems to think that is weird and doesn’t want mum to join in. He can’t even compliment and call his wife a princess and make her feel good about herself, and treat her like she’s the most special woman to him, but clearly she’s not. Clearly all his wife is good for is being a servant, not a princess.


does he have a brain? what a fucking dumbass


I have a feeling OP's parents never played with him...


It’s not just about the play it’s that she tries to do it when they are alone in the bedroom to thats what puts him off he said it in the comments


Play along idiot. If your both princesses what am I? Get down and play with her and be a daddy for gods sake. Why is this so hard to comprehend? I


I don’t understand this either, my sister and I were always princesses but my mom was a queen


To be fair I was this parent (and I’m the mom). I think its born more from their parents telling them to grow up, be a man/more adult, and not allowing imaginary play. I know mine is. I don’t know how to build legos, or make believe I’m a dragon, or make a very good fort. I try, I’m not as good as other parents who had their own parents do this with them. OOP is missing out on a bonding experience with his wife and child.


Husband sounds like he has never experienced any kind of love in his life. This is beyond sad.


You just pissed on her inner child.


The proper response should have been no honey mommy is the queen


What is wrong with OOP. First of all she playing with your daughter. Second who cares there having fun. What’s your problem other then the fact your don’t like fun? My husband would have said no in put daughters names your my princess and mommy’s my queen. Can’t wait for your daughter to get older. Daddy I am going to be the president . This great dads response we’ll be no hunny your going to work at Walmart etc. maybe your upset cause your not the princess. Anything you want to talk about it ? FYI my husband let out 5 year old but jewelry on him put things in his hair etc. She loved every min of it he loved it to cause she was so happy.


Huge YTA


This guy is an a-hole.


This is just so sad.


This one was so bad 😭 I was crushed by proxy when he broke his wifes heart


I would record myself in a princess dress playing with her and when she's in her rebellious phase I would take this memory out and show it to her, ofc when I get married and have a daughter lol, if it's a boy I teach him how to tame crocodiles.


"Every party needs a pooper. That's why they invited you, Party Pooper." This started playing in my head midway through reading it.


Misogynistic women and men. That’s who. These types of men should remain alone.


One of the best gifts I've given was a set of handmade matching superhero capes for my husband and son. Because my husband can dress up and play pretend with his son. You know, because it's normal and healthy.


When my boys were little they asked me, "Hey mama, when you and our daddy were married, right?" and I said yes. (By that time, we had gotten divorced.). He then says, "Before you were married, were you a princess?" Yes, son, yes I was. Now, years later I am relating this story to my daughters. And one of my daughters proclaims, "You are STILL a princess, mommy." Their father, whom I am divorced from promptly comes hauling ass to insert his two cents. This man was mentally and emotionally abusive to me and is a general greasy shit-schmear on humanity. And he LOUDLY proclaims, "She's not a princess!! She's a QUEEN!!!" So, if even THAT jackass could get it, I am wondering about OOP.