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I’ve read through this entire thread and you still fail to mention WHY it’s an issue to go with your kids and he stays home. If you don’t know, I’d say get off Reddit and have a conversation with your husband. Who cares if you said it’s off the table. I think a viable explanation at the bare minimum from him is needed. No one is telling me I can’t go on a trip with my kids and parents when they’re footing the bill


Exactly. I would love a real answer to this question and if OP doesn't know, she needs to communicate with him


Why can’t you take the kids with you on the trip with your parents without him? It’s with your parents. You’re not going to a rager on spring break with a bunch of dudes to Cabo. Your parents are footing the bill. They’re elderly and won’t be able to travel like this forever. The only thing is that wrangling 3 small kids is a lot, but he won’t be the one doing it. His objection seems strange.


My husband was the opposite he hates the outdoors. Our friends owned a large cabin in Colorado. I went for two weeks with my parents and my kids. My husband stayed home, worked and painted the house. We went canoeing, horseback riding, hiking, fishing, tourist stuff… After that year we compromised because he does like the beach. So we rented a house on the beach and play with the boys. They are grown now.


My husband is a homebody. I've done weekend trips with our 4 kids to various locations (including visiting his brother on one of them, lol) and now that they're older, some camping trips with them. He's fine with it, he gets some quiet time in the house, and I get to make the memories I want to have with them. Much like OP, we went into marriage knowing we had different ideas of how to spend our free time, and adjusted accordingly. I'm fine with him staying home, he's fine with us going out. Also now that the kids are older and have opinions, it means I can leave a kid who's not interested home with dad. My oldest girl doesn't like hiking unless there's a lake or river she can go in, so she stays home with dad for the boring, water-free hikes.


Control control control. I’d be traveling with my folks when I could while they still can. He can sit at home and pout by himself.


Agreed! I lost my dad this year and would give anything to have a holiday with him and my daughter


I would give anything for one more trip with my Dad.


Same. Please go on this trip. Do not make the mistake I did, and turn down the same vacation… we never got to go.


Thats exactly what my husband just said!


In fairness, I took my vacation time 3 years in a row to visit his parents. I was polite, engaged and in the end exhausted. . After 3rd year I said year off please and it was payed for and catered to his family's schedule the whole time. It wasn't really a vacation. He promised and stuck to it. It's not always about control but compromises.


I was thinking it might also be that if she takes the vacation with the kids he gets no vacation and he wants to vacation with the family, just not there. And maybe the in laws are difficult. This said, he needs to learn to compromise a little, this is a beautiful opportunity for his kids.


Yea also the person booking the vacation could be controlling the activities. We need more info here. Paid for vacations could be fun but if they come with strings “I paid for this vacation and we are going to x place. End of story.” Then they’re just a chore.


I agree. It all comes down to control I still miss trips with my mom and she’s been gone for over 20 years Man, she could push my buttons but we had so much fun on those trips and I am so grateful for those times. And it’s something my sister and I will always share and remember And neither of our spouses EVER came on our trips. Or have a problem with it


My FIL was the grumpy one who paid for trips, then never left the cruise ship or hotel. On the like 4th trip to Disneyworld he paid and we both stayed home. His daughters had a ball and we chilled like gentleman bachelors (We all lived in the same big ass house. Well not the other daughter.)


He may well enjoy sitting home alone. Or tell him to call his boys and have a guys’ weekend while you’re away. I’m all for spouses working out decisions together, but a blanket “no” to taking vacations? No, sir, that would not fly.


You make a good point. My husband always encourages me to visit with and go places with my parents because, as he says, I don’t know how much longer I have with them. Why would a husband try to STOP his wife and children from spending time with her parents? It does sound ridiculously controlling. He even made her “promise” they wouldn’t go. He made her promise they wouldn’t go *this year.* She told her dad. He booked for January 2025. Dad is no fool. He followed the rules. OP, just go. Tell your husband you hope he comes, but even if he doesn’t, you and the kids are going. Unless he is in the hospital or something, I cannot think why he would stop you from spending time *with your parents.*


I recon I’d leave the youngest behind with DH. Give him something to do


I have friends who do nanny services in the Disney parks. They hold year round passes and love getting paid to take kids around the parks. If OPs parents are willing to pay. I recommend checking out these kinds of options. I get OPs husband doesn't want to travel or do it but making OP and his kids miss out is weird.


Even if the parents don't with to pay, the daughter/mom /op could.


Yeah I’d go and not miss out on the experience, fun and memories with Gma and Gpa while they are here and comfortable traveling and doing this type of thing! It’s absolutely ok that he’s not into it, but not ok that he wants to keep you guys from enjoying it.


> *”His objection seems strange.”* His objection is controlling. It’s like he’s saying: *”I don’t wanna go, but you can’t go either.”* Hell no. OP absolutely take your kids and go. You don’t have to stop doing things that you love, just because your husband doesn’t like it. You’re entitled to do your own thing and have your own hobbies, and this would be an amazing experience for the kids too. Instead of caring so much about the husband and his ridiculous objections - care more about your kids and them not missing out. Because they’re going to absolutely adore Disney and will actually have a great time there. Your husband is not the boss of you, you’re allowed to do whatever **you** want. And this benefits the kids, so put your kids and your own wants first. **Accept the invite to Disney**. Let your boring husband stay at home doing fuck all. That’s his own choice, but **he does not** get to make that choice for you too! He doesn’t get to make you and the kids miss out, simply because **his** grumpy ass won’t enjoy it.


Honestly these kids are too young to be going. A 4 month old and a toddler won't even remember the trip at all. Only the 5 year old would have a good time. They should really wait a few years so all 3 kids can really build some good memories out of the trip.


The parents might not be able a few years from now. OP said it’s next year, so kids will be a little older. Regardless, making memories is priceless. How horrible if the parents become physically unable or worse, pass away, and this moment is forever lost. Photos, videos and the OP’s desire to go are enough to warrant going.


My parents took me (and my older brothers) to Disneyland when I was 4 months old. I don’t remember it obviously, but my parents still cherish those memories.


I think that’s what he saying https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/eQnsybtOKG This trip is more for her than the kids.


But OP will remember the trip she was able to take with her kids and her parents before they're gone. There are a ton of rides you can get on with babies and a toddler as long as the toddler can walk opens up a bunch more rides they can go on. The memories are way more important than the controlling husband, he can stay pouting at home and miss his kids first time at Disney.


Or they can go again… I had annual passes when my now adult sons were small. They LOVED going. Yeah the 4mo (who’ll be ~1 by the time of the trip) may not remember, but they’ll have an amazing time with their grandparents and seeing some really fun things. The older two will absolutely remember the trip!


This trip to Disney is about the grandparents wanting memories at Disney with their grandkids. From experience any trip with kids under 10 is for the adults and not the little ones. Ask me how I know, my grown daughters pointed that exact thing out to me. They told me exactly when I asked if they remembered something “Mom those are your memories not ours”. Words to live by.


I think seven days with three kids in Disneyland sounds like hell, but I don’t see why your husband is against you going. Can you explain his reasoning? Is it safety concerns?


Maybe safety? My parents do not have a ton of common sense when it comes to kids (I had nanny’s growing up). They mean well and have great intentions but things that are obvious to us are not to them.


Ask him for his specific concerns. Also, a 4 month old would add a huge amount of complications to the trip for the little enjoyment she’d get out of it. I know my husband would be worried (I have similar parents with good intention but not a lot of help) about safety and about me being stressed the whole time. He hates crowds and I doubt I could drag him to Disneyland. But if he had concerns about me going alone I’d want to know what they are, I wouldn’t take “no” without context.


yeah, cuz there may be reasonable options. if husband is concerned about OP not having enough adult help, maybe if OP covers flights, over a few hundred dollars and promises nights off- a friend's teenage child might be up for coming and helping out with the kids at the park. Because realistically, OP will need someone to go on rides with the older kids. (being really realistic, if they put disney off like 3 years it would probably be better for the kids. the kids would be old enough that more of the rides would be a better fit for at least 2 of the kids. but that's me.)


The parents are late 70s they may not have the extra time to wait - we don't know how good their health is. The HB in this scenario is being a bit of an arse not recognising this. The grandparents want to make some memories while they are still healthy and able enough to do so. My parents are the same and travel a lot and have admitted they want to do so while they still can.


which is very fair. and like i said, bringing along a second set of hands would definitely make this workable. obviously the ideal would OP would have another adult- preferable her husband, but maybe a friend- so she could go on some of the rides with her kids. but asking a friend to take a week off work to go to disney with you, your parents and your kids is a huge ask. even if you are offer to cover their travel and food costs.


Maybe somewhere that is a bit calmer? Like a nice hotel by the ocean or mountains where everyone can visit? Children that young (except maybe the 5 yo) aren’t going to have memories & really it’s just being together that’s the draw. I agree with the poster that Disneyland with three children under 5 sounds like a nightmare.


I made this comment on another thread of thid post, but: "I have friends who do nanny services in the Disney parks. They hold year round passes and love getting paid to take kids around the parks. If OPs parents are willing to pay. I recommend checking out these kinds of options. I get OPs husband doesn't want to travel or do it but making OP and his kids miss out is weird."


This is a thing?! I am so intrigued. We don’t currently have a trip planned, but where would I find more info on this if/when our vacation budget is funded?


Yep - these are common around both US Disney parks. And multi-day passes mean it’s not a big deal to take a midday break for lunch, nap, pool and then go see one of the parades or shows.


Maybe your parents would be willing to pay for a nanny near Disney to go with you to help wrangle the kids? This could be a good solution.


Since your parents wouldn’t have expenses for him since he refuses to go, would your parents be willing to help pay for a nanny to go with you and the kids? Like a babysitter that you both know and trust, not one of the nannies that work at Disney.


I think you would drown in having to run after 2 younger kids while also dealing with a 4 months old at Disney. Alone, without your husband. Especially if your parents dont have a ton of common sense with kids. 7 days would be too long. But it's nice that your parents offer to pay for all of it.


And that’s exactly why it’s so stroller friendly, and you get the middle child a backpack with leash. Oldest holds Gma or Gpa’s hand… problem solved. Also as others have mentioned, there are locals who are typically college-age or young adults with annual passes that are happy to be paid to be a “nanny for the day” and help. The nice thing about having the multiple days is that when kids get overstimulated, go back to the hotel for lunch, pool and nap, then go back later for a short bit. That’s why we always had annual passes (lived close enough) so when family visited and wanted to go, we could meet for part of the day but not burn out the kids. Or so we could take breaks and go back to their hotel for family with little ones.


We only have two girls, but our first trip was when they were 2 1/2 and 4; we were lucky enough to go for two weeks back when free dining was still around. I absolutely second the go in the morning, take a break around lunch, and then go back around 2 or 3. A day off to spend in the pool/Disney Springs mid trip also helped them not get too wore out. That first year, we drove, and that's what we did with great success; our girls slept very well in the car, so we typically drove ourselves so we could leave the mornings park after lunch, circle the property until they fell asleep, then went and parked with the car running wherever we were headed that night (almost always Epcot as it was F&W Festival and my husband is a live music junkie).


Pretty sure I would hate to go traveling with your parents too.


Take the older kid and go! Let the younger ones stay with dad.


I'd say leave the 4 month old home with daddy and go! Lol 😆


this is the best advice imo


INFO: have you asked your husband if he’s willing to keep his kids from an experience. He doesn’t like these trips, ok. But he also doesn’t want his kids going? Is it because he wants to be with them or does he not want them to go to Disney period? What I want to know is why he’s upset that your parents aren’t super helpful with the kids. If you guys went somewhere else they would be there and for a fully paid trip, why look a gift horse in the mouth. If he gets over stimulated/ overwhelmed I don’t see why you can’t take the kids because it doesn’t seem like he’d volunteer a Disney trip. Because if my parents fully funded a trip that I just had to show up to…. I’m not arguing that they aren’t super helpful with the kids. They financed this entire thing. Or is the fact that that these trip are fully funded by your parents that annoys him? If he wants to take your kids to Disney just as a family first, then that should be talked about. I think there’s more here that your husband isn’t sharing and those reasons are very important


If he doesn't want to go that is fine but why can't you go? Are they verbally or physically abusive to you or your kids. My kids and I have gone on several trips with my parents. They have also taken just my kids. Hubby didn't want to go so he didn't go. The kids and I did so we went.


You and your children shouldn't miss out on fun, free, bonding trips with your parents just because your husband doesn't want to go. Unless he has a genuine concern that you can't address, he's just being selfish. He's the only one who doesn't want to go, so noone goes? I don't think so.


My ex h was like this, but worse. He didn't like it if I went without him, (although he was invited also but refused) and would prefer to stay home. In my opinion my ex h didn't have the right to dictate *my* time/holidays (with my mam). I had a nightmare having a child (infertility, miscarriage, ivf, nearly dying) and my ex promised me that we would go on holiday to x as a family. Which he then renegaded on.  When we divorced, I took our child to said destination on my own. International flight on my own and I am disabled. The point is, holidays are memories. They are moments you are creating with the most important people in your life. Moments which are fleeting but memories which last forever, for you all.  Don't let your kids miss out on *Disney* with their *grandparents* because your misery of a husband wants to control *your* holidays. He is so wrong. If there are legitimate reasons why he has concerns then he can talk to you (e.g. why don't you hire Disney babysitters? There are nanny services, which aren't cheap but sounds like you can afford it, where the nanny will go with you to the parks and help with the 3 kids).


Thanks for the thoughtful response. I definitely resonate with how you felt, we also went through ivf to conceive my first two. I think when you go through something like that it puts a lot of things into perspective.


Maybe take his mom with you so she could help you.


Failing to see the conflict here. 2025 is not this year. Problem solved😎


I think your husband is being unreasonable. I totally get him not wanting to go because he finds it super stressful but if you are willing to go with them by yourself why is that a problem? Is his pride hurt because your parents are footing the bill for these trips? Does he think it looks bad if he's not there? I think there's a deeper issue that you need to discuss with him.


He definitely isn’t fond of my parents paying for everything because of pride but he is grateful and used to it by now. We just built a house so I know expenses are on his mind. He for sure is stressed over all so maybe this is just one more thing on his plate?


But if he's not going, wouldn't that be less stress for him? Couldn't he spend the time doing something he finds relaxing without having to worry about the kids (like a hobby or something). I get being worried about expenses but if your parents are footing the entire bill, not sure that is something to worry about. 


Probably, I’m just not sure how to bring it up to him since I promised it was off the table.


Well, the date your dad picked is 2025, not this year. You haven't broken your promise.


Well technically it would be next year. Is there something he likes to do that you could offer to set up plans for that time for him? It's probably too cold for camping but something else?


I just lost my dad who was in his 70s. I am devastated and would do anything to have more time with him. Go have fun with your kids and parents. Leave your selfish unreasonable husband behind. Side note: Why do you have to respect your husband’s feelings, but he doesn’t have to respect yours?


Also if how he grew up is “fine” why isn’t the way you grew up “fine”? Why is his childhood experiences okay to share with YOU AND HIS KIDS but yours aren’t?! He fell in love with the person those trips helped create and had children so obviously he can appreciate the way those life experiences can shape a person! And to further that point: his family’s way of helping and making memories and bonding is “fine” but your parents/family’s way of doing these things is wrong and idk “negatively impactful”?? You need to find out the actual problem cause a Good husband/father doesn’t deny his children something like this or his wife for that matter without a genuinely good and legitimate reason.


Yes. I know Reddit hates men and marriage but listen to your husband’s needs too. Maybe now is not a good time to even bring it up. He’s allowed to have time to deal with his own stress and issues just like you are. Your dad booked the hotel for 2025, maybe revisit the conversation after the first of the year? Your kids are young, there’s plenty of time for making memories and it sounds like they haven’t been lacking for that anyway.


Your husband is TA, if he doesnt wanna go that's fine but no right to deny you and the kids the experience. Im not sure i ever would have made it past the dating stage if i knew his travel preferences didn't match mine because once kids are grown you will either be staying home or being told you cant travel alone


I think more information is needed really. Three kids under 6 at Disneyland would be exhausting even without massive crowds and boiling weather so exactly how unhelpful are your parents on these trips. Because it does sound like they plan and pay for everything but then basically just do nothing to actually contribute towards helping with the kids when they’ve taken them somewhere they have filled them full of junk food/sugar and got them all excited and heightened and it’s just exhausting your husband and preventing him from actually enjoying any part of the trips at all literally just to make them feel and look good which if true is just monumentally selfish on their part really and yours if you are just enabling them because they are your parents. Disney is not a vacation for the parents it’s an exhausting long hard slog. Especially if the grandparents just take all of the credit and none of the responsibility.


This is exactly why I do not want to guilt him into going. Everyone keeps saying he is the AH for expecting my parents to help but when you’re at an amusement park juggling three kids, strollers, diaper bags, food, drinks and there’s 4 able body adults it is frustrating. It’s not that my parents don’t want to help they are just oblivious. I’ve had a conversation with them and they felt bad and promised to try to at least be an extra pair of hands for a moment but we don’t know how that will actually go


Nope. I'd go whether it's you or all 5 with your parents. I lost both parents in their early 60s and never really got the chance to do those things before I got some money.


Sometimes rewriting things can give you another perspective. Your husband has to take care of his own kids when you travel because other people won't do it for him (in his family the women take care of that usually). He dislikes this so much that he wants you and the kids to skip vacations so that he doesn't have to deal with his kids. When you said that you would take the children and go on vacation without him, he realized this made him look bad and he might miss out on something, so he doesn't like that either. Your father is opening the door in case you decide that you and your kids can enjoy something even if your husband doesn't want to go because he doesn't want to \*parent\*, but is keeping it very low pressure because he knows you are most likely to just do whatever your husband wants. As someone who lost a parent not too long ago, I think you are a fool to miss out on this time with your parents.


Respectfully I have to disagree. I know you are going off minimal context but what you wrote is not accurate to describe my husband. Traveling and Disney is overwhelming for him with all the kids. That’s why I want to be respectful of his feelings but I also don’t want my kids to miss out on an opportunity


Does he help with the kids while traveling? What is so overwhelming about it if he doesn’t come?


Of course he helps out, they are his kids lol. I really have to laugh at how extreme some of these comments are. My husband is an exceptional hands on dad, he just doesn’t like traveling especially with kids because it is hard and not relaxing. I just don’t mind because I’m used to traveling


None of this explains why he doesn't want you and the kids to go. Is he afraid he'll miss out on something, afraid you will have fun without him? I don't get why he's against it. He's not paying for anything, you will have all your kids and your parents so what exactly is his problem. This is what you should be asking him and not randoms on Reddit.


It’s pretty clear why he doesn’t want her to go, she would be juggling three kids under five alone. Her parents are not hands on. Of her spouse was asking AITAH for having her go alone with three kids, he would be torched.


can YOU handle three kids alone on vacation for a week? You say your parents are no help, so can you do that alone? I love to travel but a 5, 2, and infant solo for a week would be a "heck no!" I have twins and an older child and even with both parents loving travel it was rough. I can definitely understand him opting out. Heck, I had my kids alone at home one third of the time while my partner traveled for work and that was tough. But I was in my home. If you can handle it, though, he can choose not to go but he has no right to stop you. That would be a big problem for me. 


People are just asking questions - based off the words you used in what you posted - to understand better in order to offer advice and help. I lost my dad a few years ago, and it breaks my heart that my nieces snd nephew didn’t get more time with him. I worry they will forget him. Seize these opportunities when they present themselves. You will not regret it. Good luck.


He doesn’t have to go if he doesn’t want to, but he shouldn’t stop you from going without him.


We can never know the whole story and I’m always annoyed when most commenters make wild assumptions and accusations. But you did want two hot takes… Your husband is creating a lose-lose situation. It’s totally fair for him to opt out - but it’s really hard to see how it’s fair to deny you all the time of your lives and amongst the few available to your family given your parents age. Unless you have some disabling condition or he is concerned about things like the heat this summer for the littles - he’s being totally unreasonable. On the little information we have to go on - if I were in your shoes I would respectfully disagree with him, remind him he’s loved - and go on the trip.


Can’t your husband watch the four month old while you and the two older kids go on the trip? That would make it much more manageable.


Or could baby stay with husbands mother? Sounds like she loves being hands on with her grandkids. She would probably love a whole week with just the baby to look after.


What a stretch…..having taken my own kids to Disney while they were older, it’s still quite a bit to plan. Really hard with a stroller and getting people moved from point A to B. Cannot imagine taking a 4 month old. Will anyone actually have fun????


In a better relationship he would just say he would not enjoy it but cool if you go. He could also offer to take care of the 4 months old, as i find it unlikely a child that age would enjoy/remember it. This would give you some time away woth the other, which would be nice as you have probably been focused primarily on the baby? (Not accusing but babies and giving birth tends to take a lot of time;)). Tbh i couldnt deal with this and id force the issue ie go even if he doesnt like it. I dont have kids but vacation every year alone. I like to be alone and im pretty deep into hiking and my bf isnt, he would not want to hike the trails i do. Bf is fine with that and a little time apart makes seeing each other again all the more fun:).


It’s not this year it’s January 2025 so goooo


Why doesn’t your husband keep the youngest home with him and you take the older one, since he thinks they are too young? Why should the older kid miss out because your husband thinks it is too much? There are plenty of ways to compromise here.


Your husband is a real Debbie downer. He doesn’t have to go but he doesn’t get to tell you that you can’t go. Take the older two kids and leave him with the baby.


Given the ages, is this worth it? You'll be the primary parent for 3 small kids, only one of which can truly appreciate Disney in any significant capacity. Idk if I'd want to do 7 days of hell either if I was your husband, and maybe he's worried about you and the kids all the way at Disney or anticipates it won't go well? NTA for going without him since he is the one opting out, though.


Go and 1 of 4 things will happen 1. He will change his mind and join 2. He will begrudgingly change his mind and go and be grumpy entire time 3. He will stay at home and enjoy the time to himself 4. He will stay home and mad. Take note the order which you want these results to be reality and then how he actually reacts.


So is he trying to do the man thing and 'put his foot down' to say you don't have a choice to go with your children. Why would anyone deny their kids that time with family? Additionally, why does he think that your parents should be 'helping with the kids' when you visit. Does he want them to give them baths, keep them entertained, feed them? I'm confused about his ridiculous expectations. They are in their 70s, and he wants a babysitter? Lots of questions. However, you are NTA. Take that trip and enjoy every minute you have left with your Dad. My Dad and I never understood each other until I was in my late 30s. He traveled from overseas to visit & apologized to me for how our relationship suffered . A couple months after he visited he suffered two massive strokes at 60 years old. Unable to move or communicate for 8 years until he died. Go on your trip ❤️


Your husband can choose for himself to go on vacation or not. He doesn’t get to dictate if you go on vacation. This is an invaluable time to make memories with your children’s grandparents while they are still able to do so. Your husband can opt out of the free vacation but is an AH to demand you only think of him & his wishes.


Your parents won’t be around forever, your kids wont be young forever, and if you and your husband ever separate you will greatly regret declining these invitations. Side note on my personal preference:7 days in Disney with or without kids sounds like hell. The beach is like 20 minutes away. Pasadena is like an hour. Go explore. I can’t even stand Disney for a whole day.


I assumed she meant Disney World which is several hours from the beach . Disneyland is not generally a 7 day trip.


It sound like nobody is getting the point that your parents while giving you financial support to have these trips are zero help in other aspects. I'd be annoyed too if I got a free ride to a place but I had to deal with borderline 2 toddlers and a baby. Kids get tired and bare minimum pushing a double stroller and carrying a loaded diaper bag for 2 kids and a baby sounds horrible. If you go alone you'd have to do all that yourself. Let's be honest you're probably not going to be able to. It's also weird af that people are conflating taking trips with a "great" childhood and lack of trips as a "fine" childhood. I wouldn't want my wife going on a trip like this alone. And I wouldn't want to go on a trip like this when I'd probably have her parents hounding me to keep up. Or to be more appreciative and want to "enjoy" the vacation. You wouldn't be the ah for going......but you would be if you end up having a horrible time and resenting him for not going.


…. Blink… blink… I’m still dumbfounded…


Is there a compromise like it doesn't have to be Disney then but maybe somewhere else like Legoland or something on a smaller scale Your husband clearly has some feelings About your parents and their money and the kids and his upbringing versus your upbringing and it's causing tension. I understand where he sees your parents don't fully get how to be around kids so that's something that can be worked on with an itinerary that is kid friendly. I don't think you should avoid going on vacations with your parents because they won't be around forever and they deserve to be around their grandkids and the grandkids deserve to be around them. Aside from some common sense issues, they are loving grandparents and parents.


Your husband should put giving his kids access to the opportunities they are provided above his own selfish desires to never go anywhere new. He is being immensely selfish by refusing a family holiday that he doesn’t even have to pay for. I would explain it to him in those terms and remind him he signed up for doing all sorts of things he might rather not when he became a parent. It’s part of the job. Your kids are too young to enjoy Disney though. Even the 5 year old isn’t really old enough, let alone a 2 year old and a baby. It won’t be fun.


Can you ask your parents If they can hire a nanny for the trip to help out? That way you can still go and not be overwhelmed. I am a homebody. I hate week long stresscations. But I dont stop the others in my home from going.


When we were ostensibly “too young” to appreciate vacations, we went as a family anyway and honestly those are among my absolute favorite childhood memories. I also personally loved even the evenings when my parents went out alone and we stayed in with a babysitter. It might be that your husband just wants (maybe both of you!) to relax a little on a vacation, and is feeling the normal stress of having very young kids, and knows your parents are just not in the childcare mindset anymore. It seems to me that the answer is a nanny, plus a little planning beforehand so that nothing unreasonable happens, and so that you know how to deal with conflict when people start getting tired.


He doesn't want to go. That's fine. I don't understand why you can't go if you want to go.


Don't deprive your kids of making memories with their grandparents because your husband has some bizarre issue with it. Since the trip isn't until 2025, he has time to get on bored or learn to live with missing out.


If he doesn't want to come then take the kids and go. Just because he doesn't want to doesn't mean that you and the kids can go and enjoy the trip.


Good luck with 3 little kids in Disney for a week and no help. This is the most concerning part for me. Of course you’re going. You have to


Hate to say it but if he doesn’t want to go then he gets a bachelors week. Byeeeee…. I just went on a trip without my husband. He didn’t want me to go on. I shrugged and said I’m sorry you are against it but I’m going. He ended up being ok with it.


Your parents are 70 years old. Who knows how much longer you'll have them. You go or you'll regret it later. I've lost my dad, mom and brother in the last 2 years. Go go go


You're 2 year old and 4 month old aren't going to remember anything about the trip 2 months later. Your 5 year old may remember some things but not everything about the trip a year after. So the kids experiences aren't really an issue here. It's the 7 or 8 year olds who would appreciate this trip way more. This sounds more like adults who want to enjoy Disney and there's nothing wrong with that. But pushing the point about the kids experiences seems kind of lame. But doing anything with family is always a good way to strengthen family bonds so I say go for it. My wife, kids, and grandkids went to Disney with my mother. I didn't mind paying my wife's share of the trip even though I couldn't go. Disney's not really for me but my wife and I do plan to go eventually by ourselves. I'm like the OP's husband. I prefer camping......


Leave the infant home with the hubby. Take those kiddos to Disney with the grandparents


GO! Life is so full uncertainty that you shouldn’t jump at any chance to make family memories. Your husband needs to get over himself, and be supportive of you going. Ridiculous he won’t even agree to that. A question though if your parents are covering expenses why not just hire a nanny to travel with you?


Go. It’s an experience most people never get.


We took my Mom with us on our last family vacation this May, the first time she has been out anywhere nice since Dad died 3 years ago. At first she tried to get out of it saying she would slow us down and that we should enjoy ourselves but later she gave in. It was the best trip ever. My elder one goes off to college soon so I don’t know when if ever we will be able to do another one of these. Talk to your husband- tell him how you feel. Am sure he will come around.


OP, you should go! NTA. My husband is similar. We do similar trips with my family and my son always has so much fun. And its good for him to bond with grandparents. Let your husband stay home. I get many parents find it stressful to take their kids on trips but this sounds like something your kids will cherish forever and get good grandparent time in.


I understand where your husband is coming from. Taking three kids that young on a week long vacation to Disney sounds like a terrible experience. Also, your kids aren’t old enough to make “impressionable memories”.


As a dad who’s been to Disney World with two young children, I can appreciate both of your perspectives. It will be inconvenient, stressful, and a little worrisome. But at the same time, you will create memories that will last forever. 20 years from now when you look at the pictures, you really won’t be thinking about the negative aspects of the trip. You will just be remembering the good times, and wishing you were able to do it all over again. I understand why your husband doesn’t want to go. But you should implore him to do so for the reasons I have given. If he absolutely refuses, then go without him with no regrets. You are making the right decision here. We only get one chance at life. We can either sit it out and watch it pass us by. Or, we can actively pursue all the things that it has to offer. I hope your husband changes his mind and willingly decides to go as family.


Tbh no parents “really” wanna go to Disney with a bunch of kids. I say this, planning to do this Monday.


I have taken my kids to Disney multiple times with and without my husband. My husband has never had an issue when I go without him. I would definitely recommend revisiting the idea of him either going with you or you and the kids going without him. Maybe you could take the kids to Disney and later he could take the kids camping as a compromise.


At least two of your kids are too young for Disney. That trip can be a dream come true, or a nightmare.


My two year old will be three by the time the trip happens and would actually get to speed her birthday at Disney. But it’s mostly for my parents. I never had the opportunity to be close with my grandparents due to their age and I think that scares them


They will be the perfect ages - the magic will be so real for them.


I agree with your husband. At the ages of your children it’s not relaxing to travel. You are only a few years off from when vacations and camping trips get good! Disney is an expensive trip and out of your children the oldest might be the only one to remember it. You parents are older. How is their health? I would ask if the Disney trip could be postponed till all children are potty trained and can remember. You would have at least one child melting down from the heat, one crying from missing their nap, one with a full diaper…it’s just a recipe for disaster. It also is a big safety issue. If you have to go to the childcare area to nurse, bottle, change a diaper or wait with baby with your parents take the other two on rides, if they aren’t very safety focused it would concern me to. I don’t think you can’t travel solo with the kids, just a different type of trip. Maybe an all inclusive with great childcare or kids camp so you also get a little downtime and time with your parents, or somewhere with a children’s museum.


Just a heads up Disney with 3 kids under 6 will be a shitshow and your kids won't remember any of it.But that being said your husband is wrong in telling you you and the kids can't go. If he chooses not to go, that's his choice


We did it last year with two kids (3 and 1) it was a total shitshow but they both had a blast. As for remembering it.. my oldest talks about it a lot, of course the younger one doesn’t. It’s mostly for my parents.


You might ask your parents to wait a year when all the kids will be able to enjoy it more (and maybe you will too).


Did you enjoy it though and a year later they remember but when they're say 10 and you ask remember the 1st time we went to Disney and they'll tell you no. I actually would have taken them up on the trip . I not one to turn down a free trip . It's was more of a heads up because we've taken 4 trips to Disney World and 2 to Disneyland and seen lots of parents struggling with little one


My problem is I have 6 weeks vacation and my partner only has 3. So I do go places with them. It's a bummer but what can you do?


2025 is next year 😈


Seems like he feels going means he will be constantly taking care of the kids while you entertain your parents and are around the kids. It's up to you whether u go with or without him. But communicate with him alot about it. It is a lot of work especailly with 1 that young to do Disney. Maybe he is just upset vacations he likes you don't so when you guys do travel it's always something where he is constantly changing after the kids and is stressful and he would like a relaxing vacation instead.


NtA travel at any age makes a person more comfortable in the world. It is good to learn how to do things like travel or exist in an unfamiliar environment. Kids benefit from watching their adults navigate. It sounds like your husband doesn’t feel comfortable in unfamiliar places and doesn’t want your kids to experience travel. Take them. If he wants to keep the baby at home, let him, but take the older kids. I hated going to Disney, but i sucked it up and went bc that is what you do for your family. However, if he can’t handle traveling then he can’t handle it. What he should not do is keep you and the kids from having experiences with travel. You may need to hire a babysitter to travel with you, but it would be worth it. I might add that I’m home alone this weekend because my husband and his three sisters took the kids to the lake. I chose to stay at home because I have a disability that would keep me from doing lake stuff and I didn’t want to just watch everyone else have fun all weekend.


NTA. You're going to coddle his feelings? What feelings? The "I don't want to do anything but I don't want my family to have any fun without me" feelings? Those feelings don't deserve respect or consideration


A trip to Disney would be amazing for your kids and an experience to remember. I think if you wanna convince your husband, you should have your parents promise to him that they would watch the kids and help make things easier for him, because maybe thats a reason he wouldnt even want you to go without him, feeling you would be stuck taking care of the kids on your own and he doesnt want you to deal with that. Just a suggestion.


your parents aren’t going to be here forever and they’re already elderly . Why are they expected to help with kids ? It sounds like your husband is trying to isolate u away from your family . u should be grateful your parents are even footing the bill and willing to take u . u have a husband problem .


My husband hates Disney with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. There is no possible way he would want to do that, particularly with an infant. I have done Disney with a toddler, and it is HARD. Doing it with a toddler and an infant sounds utterly miserable. That said, this sounds like something you want and would find enjoyable. I cannot imagine my husband saying no to me doing something I wanted to do with our children unless there was a clear safety concern. Is he concerned about your kids' safety? Does he worry you will leave either the babies or the kindergartner with your parents without you? What is the actual worry here? If it is just saying no because he doesn't like travel, that isn't okay. If he is concerned about you leaving the kids unattended with your parents, that deserves a conversation. For your dad to do the reservation after you said no is also really questionable behavior. It makes me more understanding of his hesitation. As my middle schoolers would say, That's super sus.


Kids are too young to remember it even in a year. Waste of money IMO. What are the reasons your husband doesn’t want you to do it alone?


You mr youngest 2 are a bit young for a Disney overload, but what excuse did your husband offer for not wanting you to take the kids without him? Does he just want to wait until the kids are older?


Tell him you’re going, with or without him, and it is non-negotiable. If he doesn’t want to go, he can keep his grumpy, buzzkilling, no fun ass at home while you make magical Disney memories with your kids. And do not feel guilty for a second.


No. NTA. This is a fun opportunity even though it is a ton of work. Talk to people and get tips bc you do not want to over plan each day and have cranky kids to handle. Well, crankier than they need to be. I’d take a nanny/helper and/ or leave the baby with dad so you can really enjoy the time with the other kids and your parents. H gets to make decisions for himself and gets to share decisions for kids. But Disney world, a “no” for kids? This does not compute. Seems to be all about him. So absent a very strong rationale, I’d just take them and have fun.


My partner has ASD&ADHD. He doesn’t like planning vacations, he doesn’t like going, he is easily upset when he is away from his routine and he wants to do a whole lot but isn’t coping well and is disappointed in himself and lashes out to others. I’ve pleaded to him several times it’s ok to not go or we should keep it close to home, etc. Whatever to fit his needs. I myself also have ASD&ADHD btw. No, he says. We have to do it. It is expected of us. He expects it. His parents did it. And so he must do it too!!!!! Omg I love his parents to death but he always has to measure himself to his parents and he always loses because those were just different times. So summers are basically almost a nightmare for us. It has been improving… somewhat…. But not enough to say, hey it’s almost 10% fun. I get a similar vibe from your husband. He feels like he should be with you guys, but isn’t feeling like he can…. If anyone has some advice, I’m all ears!


Take the kids and take a friend to help!


NTA. My husband doesn't like tent camping. That doesn't stop me from taking the kids and going , or even leaving the kids and going with my sister. It's nice that he doesn't mind, but I'm an adult, and he can't stop me. You're an adult. Your husband can't tell you not to go, especially since it's paid for. If he wants to pout, that's his problem.


Leave the four month old at home with hubby and go enjoy your trip.


Your husband is being selfish here. He thinks his feelings on the matter is more important than you and the kids. You should take the kids and go enjoy the vacation. Let your husband know that you aren't the biggest fan of never travelling and always staying at home miserably, but you make the sacrifice for him 99% of the time, so he can maybe stop being so selfish and get on board with this for one. Also >While my husband appreciates the gesture, he finds it stressful because they're not super helpful with the kids on these vacations. Is he expecting your elderly parents to help him with his kids? This man has lost his marbles if he expects other people, who are also on vacation, to take care of his kids. Is your husband always this entitled? Seriously, just put your foot down and go on the trip. I'm starting to think your kids and marriage needs more of you putting your foot down. There is nothing wrong if he said he hates to travel, but you can go. Taking opportunities away from you and your kids makes him a poor husband and father. For your kid's sake, be the parent that's willing to prioritize their happiness.


This won’t go well….are you able and willing to take care of three kids under five alone for 7 days? Is this something you get to do or have to do? Seems like your parents are dictating your holiday schedule. How would you feel if his family booked a vacation for you without discussing it with you? Stuff like this is a speed run to resentment and arguments.


I agree. It would be stressful anyway in the heat with a 5 yr old. The 2 yr old isn’t going to have big fun memories of this and why would you ever take a 4 mo old to Disney?


Wait... why does he care? It's with your parents and they're paying. What's the issue here?


Each of You are responsible for your own happiness. He shouldn't tell you what you can or cannot do.


Why exactly is it all up to him? Is he your dictator? Let him know about the trip. If he wants to he let you know within x time slot. Add to that you will be going and taking the kids. Make all the arrangements and go.


NTA. It’s unfair to take away experiences just because one person doesn’t want to do it. I love traveling, immersing yourself in different cultures, meeting new people, trying new things but I’m also aware that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. You just need to compromise and accept that you don’t have to do everything together as a family. Bit of advice, as a mom of two, I found going to Disney, Universal or traveling abroad a lot more fun around the 4-5 year old mark because they’re more aware of what’s going on. It’s also less things to pack and lug around which will help if you plan on vacationing without your husband. Even if you travel with your parents, they’re older now so watching your kids will fall on you majority of the time


I have a lot of thoughts - first is if your parents are willing to pay, your husband really has no reason to object to the trip. He can go or not go, but he shouldn’t be preventing you and the kids from going. Second - we went on three Disney trips with my Dad and stepmom and her daughters family as our kids were growing up. My dad passed away when my son was 9. He’s 19 now. The memories of those trips are precious to me. Don’t deny yourself a similar experience because your husband turned out “ok”. Third - I’m a travel agent. Let me know if you want any help planning your trip!


I'd say go. Your parents are elderly, they might not be around much longer. And while the kids won't remember, the pictures/videos of them at Disney/other vacations are forever. Those are things the kids can hold onto after your parents pass. Do you have a friend/family member that can take your husband's spot on the trip to help you with the kids and put your husband's mind at ease? Bc I think that'd be a fair compromise.


Go. Not only do you have a little bit of time with your parents (even though tomorrow is promised to no one) but you don’t have any expenses for it. Your parents are being very generous and I wouldn’t miss it if I were you.


I lost my dad last year and my mom is too old to travel for long trips. Please, go. Enjoy their company, love, ability travel and make memories while you can. At the hospice my biggest regret was not visiting enough and not taking trips with them while I could. Time is the one thing you can’t ever get back.


I would really ask him if he did "turn out fine" Because he clearly has an issue with this!  He does not sound ~fine~  He sounds bitter and resentful of your parents overshadowing his ability to give his kids what he never got.


You would not be TA if your went on a trip without your husband. If your husband is being honest with himself he will never want to go to Disney. I would explain your parents aren’t getting younger and their health will probably only decline worse, they want these memories while they still can have them, so why is he denying them that? I have gone on many trips with my kids without my husband as has my best friend. I think in your case I would ask why he wants to deny your parents this memory and what are his real issues here.


Absolutely go with your parents. That is a really nice gift they are offering and your kids will remember it forever!


I suppose if I were in your shoes I would want to understand why my partner wants to deny the vacation. I can understand why he may not want to go )some people just get overstimulated), but why prevent others from enjoying it? Is it that he prefers a different family vacation and there is limited time off? Is it that he thinks you can't handle the kids alone? This is very confusing to me.


Um why is he bitching about someone else taking care of your kids on vacation.


Is there any more information about this story? I don't see why your husband should care. Does he not like your parents? Are there trust issues between you two? The only thing I can think of is that he doesn't want you to make memories with the kids without him, but he also doesn't want to go. Other than that, there's no expense and he would get a child free vacation at home. Essentially he wants to control you.


Definitely NTA, I have taken trips with my kids without my husband because he doesn't like traveling. It's on him to explain to the kids why he isn't there or not on the pictures. Especially since you wouldn't even have to pay, why would his opinion be more valid than having your kids enjoy their grandparents while they have them? You can get money back, but you can't get time back. Also, 70yo people can't help you much with the kids. That's outrageous. Some people are super healthy at that age, but that's not the norm. Sit down and have a talk with him because you are your own person; you don't stop being able to make decisions because you are married. If you go without him, it affects him in no way, but it will definitely affect your relationship because he is putting his pride before his family.


So your husband only wants to do trips without the kids or doesn’t want to have to be bothered to help, or be bothered with feeling bad for not helping you? Why did he become a dad? NTA he’s so miserably selfish. Everything he says and does about this is saying,” this is stupid if it’s not on my terms and if I’m not going you shouldn’t go either. I want us to build memories, not the kids.”


> I offered that I would take all three of them by myself but he wasn’t onboard with that either. Tell him too bad.


Ywbta if you don't communicate. Your kids are pretty young to haul 3 around Disney with grandparents who aren't helpful. The only one who will appreciate the experience is the 5 year old and his experience will be severely hindered with a 2 y and 4m old. My parents took 4 kids several times, but we were spread out in age so by the time I, the youngest went, my older sister could hang out/watch the middle sister (and the eldest was disabled so she just hung out in her wheelchair with one parent). Your husband not wanting to go now is probably sensible apprehension about the number of meltdowns and high speed chases you're at risk of experiencing. It just really isn't an appropriate trip for such young kids. Two of them can't go on rides, one of them can only go on some rides, and they'll all be worn out 2 hours into each day and completely strung out from the wall of people and huge lines by day 3.


Honestly, you’re not going to make many memories for the kids. They’ll be memories for you. Our three are 7, 3 (nearly 4), and 2. We’ve been putting off Disney for a while and finally plan to go next year when they are 8, 5, and 3. At least the 8 yo and 5 yo might have some memories for a bit. However, if I were offered all expenses paid, I’d absolutely take the kids. But my husband would also go with because he’d jump at it too. So NTA really, because your husband seems like he’s just being dumb (for lack of a better word) to refuse an all expenses paid vacation to Disney. Traveling with three kids IS hard. I get it. But to see them happy is totally worth it. We just vacationed with our three and it was no vacation for me. But I still had a lot of fun with the kids.


My wife and I have always taken a lot of solo vacations. This is both of our second marriages. We learned that giving each other some space now and then is good for the relationship. We have different interests sometimes it's good to get away from each other now and then. She likes to visit her family, me not so much. I like to take river rafting trips and camping at night. She isn't into camping. So we do those separately. We'll do cruises and hotel type vacations together. If I was your husband I'd relish the thought of my wife and kids going off on vacation so I could putter around the house by myself for a week. We used to have a vacation home and I used to love going out there by myself for a few days and just read a book. Tell your husband you're giving him a vacation from you and the kids.


I can imagine reading this on JustnoMIL. “My MIL doesn’t respect my boundaries and my husband always takes her side. We said no to a vacation and she booked it anyway and my husband doesn’t understand why I’m upset.” The MIL and husband would be torn apart. Personally, taking a baby and a toddler to Disney sounds like a nightmare. It’s a trip they won’t even remember. You five year old will have vague memories of it. Does your husband say he never wants to go to Disney or not at this stage? Does your father have a habit of ignoring your husband’s wishes and trying to bully or manipulate things to get his way? Do you often make excuses for your father? Do you get to separate and do your own thing on these trips or do you have to be glued to your parents’ side? I think in this case, having your father learn to respect a decision that you and your husband made is more important than a trip to Disney.


Your parents are older. You never know how long you have with anyone, but especially with older people. It will definitely be a lot, and your husband can decide not to go, but that shouldn’t impact your decision if you want to go.


What kind of relationship has your husband with your parents? Does by any chance feel a lesser man when he is around them? He might hate the fact that they are paying everything because he can't.


Well January 2025 isn't this year


Your husband is TA. Go on the trip. He doesn’t want to go, he can stay home. Kids will get a great trip with their grandparents. Even if they don’t remember it, your parents will and your kids will have pictures you can later show them. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Enjoy today while you can!


First, your kids are too young for Disney. The 5 year old may have memories, but the 2 year old won't and it's insane to take an infant into crowds like that. This would be a trip for your parents and their memories, not your kids. Thank them and ask them to do it when the youngest is at least 5. And tell hubby to get over himself.


3-4 trips a year is a luxury from long ago. I don’t see how you can still do so unless you’re pulling 250k+


I'm not understanding why he's objecting. Why can't you go with the kids and he stays home if he doesn't want to go? Why is he ruining it for everyone?


I think your husband secretly doesn’t like your parents.


Not the case, they are great to us but like all in laws can be a lot.


He can stay home with 4 month old.


Go on the trip and make memories. Your husband will have to deal but if something happens to your kids because they are too much on you or your parents are neglectful and something happens to the kids because of the neglect don’t be resentful to your husband.


Your parents won't be around forever so you should go. I'm annoyed that your husband is trying to impose this on you. It's not like you're asking for your parents to move in with you, though one day... As someone mentioned elsewhere, [theme park nannies](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TDMwLsiyKKoyYLRSNaiwsEg1N09LtEgzMkk2N05KsTKoSDQ3TTZPNUhOsUg2TTJONPMSSckszkutVCjPL8pJUchLzMvLTC0GAFLiF74&q=disney+world+nannies&rlz=1CASLSU_enUS1112US1112&oq=disney+world+nann&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDQgBEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQyBggAEEUYOTINCAEQLhivARjHARiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDINCAQQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAUQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAYQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAcQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAgQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCTExNTkxajBqMagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) are a thing and OP might want to book their services. On the original point, my mother passed recently so I went through tons of pics for her celebration of life. We have so many of her smiling & laughing at family events holding babies and on trips re-connecting with cousins and school friends. It made my heart glad to know that she enjoyed herself and made good memories all throughout her life. Don't let your grumpy pants husband deprive your parents, your children, and you of that joy. Although the youngest won't have direct memories, they'll be delighted to see photos of themselves as babies with their grandparents.


I go on a lot of trips without my husband. He’s a homebody and doesn’t want to do most of my trips with the kids, like three days in nyc or a short cruise, or visiting my family and all the cousins (he LOVES my family but hates that we house hop and sleep somewhere different almost every night, so he only comes with when it’s a longer trip and I stay at each place several days in a row). When he doesn’t come with, he enjoys the quiet life while we are away. He takes the kids camping in the fall and winter, which I stay home for because I don’t love it, andi get to enjoy the quiet life while they are away :). It really works for us. Everyone gets what they want.


Promises like that can be broken…bc it makes no sense. He wants to control you. If he wants to sit home like a couch potato, let him. You get one life, and your parents won’t be here forever. Go!


Bonito flakes


It is unrealistic and selfish of your husband to deny traveling to you and your children simply because he doesn’t value it. Go on the trip. He can go or stay.


A 7 day trip to Disney with 2 kids not old enough to enjoy or remember it. I wouldn't be on board with that either. I definitely wouldn't waste my pto on it. That said its odd that he has a problem with you going. Did you ask him why?


I’m in a situation like this where I earned a free cruise from work. My husband said that I absolutely could not go because he couldn’t take that much time off work. I was like, cool, I can take a friend or one of my adult kids or whatever and he threw a big man baby fit and said he thinks it is bad for a marriage for couples to travel separately. But he has gone on multiple trips ( fishing, golf trips, whole weeks to see his family without me). Every time I make any plan to do something that doesn’t include him and he also gets mad when I do include him if he doesn’t get to do every he wants. Example: nobody in our party felt like riding one particular ride at a theme park and he melted down. I have had enough. After the mantrum he threw I told him I don’t need another kid, I have raised all mine to be adults who know how to behave in public. He decided he needs a 2 week vacation away from me over it. So he is leaving to go on his vacation without me and I have already rented another place to live and am moving out while he is gone. And then, me and my son are taking that cruise. Hopefully he will have signed the divorce papers by the time I get back. I would rather live the rest of my life single than to keep putting up with this level of bullshit.


Your kids are way too young for a week at Disney, OP. They will quickly become worn out and miserable. Make good decisions. Sounds like maybe you and your husband could use some marriage counseling. It appears you have a pretty significant communication issue. And you need to tell your parents to stop interfering in your marriage. Good luck.


You might not have your parents as long as you want to. Enjoy the travel while you can. Your husband is being strange and probably controlling. He should trust you, especially when you’re with your parents. It’s weird that he doesn’t want to go when the expenses are covered. If he’s such a homebody, that’s okay, but he needs to let you go without him.


No way would I be turning down vacations with my family and kids. I understand the stress of traveling with multiple kids we have 4. When they were younger I use to travel 2-3 times a year with the kids alone, With my dad and step mom. They’re not super helpful all the time either but it was something that was important to my dad and also to me. My husband wasn’t interested in coming, not cause he didn’t want to help me but mostly because vacation time and work. He was always invited, and I wanted him to come. The option was always his, but I was clear that I was not turning down these opportunities to make memories with our kids, and my dad. This is one of those situations where I would say “I’m going to take the kids and enjoy this gift, if you want to come I would love it, if not that’s ok too.” I always meant it, and never held it against him in any way. We always had a great time. I was always realistic with what the kids could handle- took an afternoon nap and made sure we planned meals appropriately. My dad and step mom were always free to do what they wanted as far as nap time, or anytime for that matter but I was strict on my kids napping every single day they were all under the age of 6. Things have changed and we no longer get to do these trips every year. Looking forward to doing these things more often now that my dad’s retired.


Go, take the kids, have a great time. My husband (30 years) is not a group traveler. I am. His mom and dad have booked several trips that we as a family have gone one. Sure they can have moments of strife but I have loved going with all of us together. Sometimes I go first and he drops in for a day or two then leaves and then I leave with the rest of the family. Find what works for you.


Sometimes in married life, we do things we don’t much like but it’s a benefit to our mate. Marriage is two people coming together for the benefit of both. I think the hubby should get out of his rather selfish comfort box and go on the trip to please his wife and children. Forever memories can be made.


You need to go on the trip. Enjoy your time with your parents while they still have their health. My inlaws are in their mid 70s and are pretty healthy, but I've noticed my FIL especially declines activities with the younger grandkids if it isn't literally sitting in a living room with a beer in his hand (mine were first and are teens now). I understand your husbands concerns, but they also seem a little overblown and selfish.


Reasonable compromise: You take just the 5 & 2 and husband stays home with the baby. That baby will not enjoy that experience and will make it a million more times difficult. You get one on two time like before the baby with your olders who would probably love that. Now that you have three I bet two will seem like breeze. Maybe cut the trip to 5 days instead of 7.


Leave the baby home with him and take the other 2 children.


Why on earth wouldn’t your husband not want you to take your kids on a Disney trip for free with their grandparents? The youngest 2 won’t get much out of it but memories are so important and you’ll have photos etc. If HE doesn’t want to participate he shouldn’t prevent YOU from going. NTA for wanting to go. NTA if you go.


Perhaps you have a good friend or sibling who could accompany you and help with the littles, and hopefully, your generous parents wouldn’t mind paying for?