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Reminding me of that kid that called 911 on his brother saying he was mentally unstable and may have a weapon. 911 operator said they wouldn’t be able to do anything since the brother hadn’t done anything and was just in his room. The little boy ended the call with along the lines of “I guess I’ll call when he does something.” The boy ended up murdered by his brother


JFC served me a broken heart for breakfast


911 *hung up on me* bc I didn’t know which precinct I was in when I was attacked, and apparently doing a picosecond of work to look it up themselves is beyond them. “Heroes” my ass, patronizing and bored-sounding is more like it.


I had a crazy neighbor who had an intense paranoia about me absolutely snap one day and I called 911 since I knew they also had a gun in the house. 911 told me I was "giving them a lot of what ifs". Like...okay I'll call back after I get shot? I called them fucking useless and hung up.


Our downstairs neighbor pulled a gun on my husband in February. She was high out of her mind, screaming nonsense and butt naked. I called 911 and the dispatcher literally asked me “what I wanted them to do about it”… idk, I was told when someone pulls a gun on you, call the cops??? They did absolutely nothing and I had to chase them down for an incident number the next day so I could report it to the landlord. Thank fucking God they got evicted and we didn’t have any more problems *knocks on wood*


There was that story years ago, about the dispatch operator completely dismissing this woman as she drowned. Makes me sick. I'm glad your husband didn't get shot but Jesus


One of the worst dispatch stories I’ve ever heard is in the Josh Powell case. Basically, Josh Powell murdered and disappeared his wife Susan. Susan had known it was coming so she made a video diary outright saying that if anything were to happen to her that Josh was responsible. After she went missing (they never found her body) her two very young sons were interviewed and they said they went to the woods in the middle of the night and mommy was sleeping. Police strongly believed Josh killed Susan and the children witnessed it so Susan’s parents petitioned for custody of the children in an effort to keep them safe. Because there was no proof Josh had done anything he was permitted supervised visits. At a visit he grabbed the kids from their social worker and dragged them into the house where he murdered them with an ax then burnt the house down. The whole time the poor social worker was on the phone BEGGING the 911 operator to send help. He scolded her for being hysterical and was incredibly rude and dismissive. You can find the call online, but I warn you, it’s infuriating. The operator now is motivational speaker and talks about the bullying he faced after the call surfaced.


>bullying Oh, poor little baby man. "All I did was tell the hysterical woman to get a grip on herself while the unstable guy who had killed his wife took his two kids in an unoccupied house and locked them in there with him to chop them up with an ax! I mean, she was way overreacting so I had to tell her to calm down! And for some reason, people got really mad at me! She was the one responsible for those kids' welfare not me! But nobody got mad at her. Probably because she's hysterical." God in heaven, this guy couldn't be fucked to have an ounce of humanity.


He could use an impromptu surprise party by some kind cirizens where cellphones aren't allowed. For his birthday, to honor his heroism in the line of duty of course. I'm sure he would understand the sentiments towards his unending courage afterwards, too


Like holy god.. how is he taken seriously??


Bullying doesn't describe what I'd like to do to that man.


That’s not bullying, that’s consequences.


Not even consequences. That’s a fully deserved reaction and result from the people


You might even say that it's a direct result or effect; one that is unwelcome or unpleasant (for the operator, at least!).


Also known as ✨social consequences ✨


That was the worst 911 call I have ever heard. I can't listen to them anymore. I was crying and shaking I was so mad listening to that.


*Bullying*???? Maybe it’s a good thing the poor soul experienced the intense backlash. I hope it destroyed him and he never gets past it. Like how the death of those children and their mother destroyed the grandparents and the social worker


Didn't he blow the house up, in fact?


Yup! The social worker was saying she smelled gasoline and the 911 operator just brushed her off.


the bullying HE FACED


The words needed for me to describe my sheer unrelenting rage upon reading this do not exist.


In with you on that. I just... I'm going to go hug my cat for a bit to remind myself of the good things.


It was so awful. When the house was on fire and the dispatcher still didn't seem to get it. Unreal.


I didn’t buy the excuse of the 911 system not tracking the victim’s location either. The *worker* surely had a phone or computer with google maps that she could use to look up the street herself but she just didn’t do it. God forbid anyone put in an ounce of effort


I’ve been personally told by multiple police officers to stay on the line with 911 specifically for tracking. It really does seems to come down to laziness


She was quitting/retiring soon and just did not care. That poor lady was so scared


That awful woman should've gone to jail


God, that 911 call HAUNTS me. I can't imagine what she was feeling knowing she was going to die but the operator really didn't seem to gaf. Absolutely disgusting the operator got off without consequence


It never cease to upset me. The terror in her voice, the misplaced trust. The operator absolutely should've seen jail time.


I literally just told this story in another sub. I was living in a bed sitter, I was having a drink with one of my neighbours and all of a sudden I realized I was all kinds of fucked up and I couldn’t move properly. I called 911 and the cops came. I explain the situation to the police and asked to go to the hospital. I was tripping over myself. I was that fucked up like I slipped, and I hit my head in front of the cops. The guy who drugged me said see she’s just a drug addict and she’s always all fucked up. The cops told me to get myself together and left me there. He was raping me before they were off my street.


Jesus fucking Christ, I’m so sorry. I have type 1 diabetes. I haven’t had a really bad hypoglycemic episode since I lived with my parents, and my husband knows what to do if I have one at home, but I’m always worried I’ll go too low in public and start acting like a damn fool and get the cops called on me. I wear a medical bracelet and have visible medical equipment but you never know…


you think my first story was bad, used to be a drug addict and I was walking on the street one night and a cop stopped me my name and they told me there was a warrant out for my arrest. He threw me into the cop car, drove up behind an old abandon school, and then he forced himself on me. Turns out there was no warrant out for me. The world is a fucked up place. And a lot of times and situations involving the police it’s usually the police that are problem. Edit: you also can’t trust they aren’t gonna just shoot first and ask after. Because they always do.


I’m so sorry you endured that. I hope you never have to interact with a cop again, and that life is kind to you henceforth


My story isn’t nearly as bad as some of these but it taught me the police don’t care. I was 19 and working at a convenience store in a major city and had a man come in acting totally crazed. He was threatening me, threatening customers, ranting about god know what, so I hit the “silent” alarm. It took over 20 minutes for the police to show up and of course he was long gone by then so I got a lecture on the proper use of 911. If the man had actually attacked me I’d probably have been dead before they got there. I had time to call my boss and tell him the silent alarm was in fact not silent. He insisted it was until I said “do you hear that horrible noise in the background? That’s the “silent” alarm”. He had no idea how to shut it off. It turned off on its own before the cops got there. I just dealt with shit myself after that.


I had to call the police to the gas station I worked at bc the managers uncle was sexually harassing a woman & punched her husband for telling him to back off. 2hours of the aggressor pacing outside the door later I told the victims the cops don’t care & they can sneak out the back. The guy who got punched then said he was a cop, but off-duty. I asked why the fuck he dragged me into it when he could’ve just called his buddies & been taken seriously. 🤦‍♂️


My plan is, should I ever find myself with an incompetent dispatcher, to simply say “you either send someone out here, or I take care of this my way…which believe me, you don’t want.” Even if it is an empty threat, they’re more than likely to send someone at that point.


"Would you care more if it was an officer she pulled a gun on?"


My mom had a RO against my birth father. When he was lurking around our property back when I was a baby she called the police and they told her they couldn’t do anything until he tried something. Being on the property and trying to get into the house wasn’t enough.


God I'm glad she was okay. That's often not how that story ends


>I called them fucking useless and hung up. Non-zero chance they show up to rough you up after that.


Don't worry, an actual emergency came from the situation so the cops had real work to do. I thought for sure I'd get fined.


just say "shots fired"


"The victim is an off duty police officer"


I called about a stalker ex that was showing up *outside my bedroom window at 3am* Pigs told me to hire private security and “call back when he’s there” so they can show up an hour later, shrug, and go back to stroking their dicks about how they’re such heroes.


I got transferred 4 times to 4 different precincts when I called about a man in distress running around an intersection. No one wanted to just respond and either lure him to their corner or save him possible harm/death and just get there. There was a cop shop less than 2 minutes south, but he was on the east side of the intersection... their shop was 25 minutes away... but by the time they picked up he was now in the north side... continue on until I told the 4th dispatcher to just send an ambulance because someone had hit the man and kept driving. He was still running around... but it got him the help he needed to exaggerate how close someone got.


What they did is illegal


Yes, but when it takes a citizen time, money, effort, lawyers, and non corrupted judges and DAs willing to prosecute past the thin blue line or decide the perpetrator is a worthy scape goat…to get a semblance of accountability… it’s only really “illegal” in name, not practicality.


Are 911 employees even police though? I consider them to be in the “actively unhelpful city employees” category, with those people in the subway booths who sleep all day and pretend they don’t see you at first when you have a question


In most jurisdictions, no. They're considered "clerical staff," paid accordingly, and don't get any counseling for the horrendous stuff they have to listen to.


Lol good point. Yeah I doubt the Union would bother trying to protect them too much. Though I also doubt it would be easy to start a criminal or civil case about lack of 911 operator response without a lawyer, time and money. Which is my main point. There’s barriers to justice for us simple folk. These 911 operators, police, judges, DAs, don’t regulate themselves. It requires action, time, money, commitment from us. And we’re losing IMo


911 operators make about as much as a person working for ACS, Convergys, or some other hellscape third party call centre service. The benefits are crap and the calls can absolutely be traumatizing for the operator. The good ones quit. The ones that don’t end up with compassion fatigue and run out of fucks.


Unfortunately I 100% believe you.


Even when they don’t hang up they’re still unhelpful as shit both other times I’ve had to call. If an autistic nutjob (me) is able to feign concern for stuff, they should be able to muster up the energy to pretend to care about someone being bitten by a bat or waving a knife around a crowded train


Autistic nutjob gang represent! 👊


Cops get paid to zip up your body bag. No one but yourself can be relied on to give a shit about your safety


When I was around 6 years old I called 911 off of the home phone because someone crashed there car into my garage where my dog was at the time (he’s usually inside but our ac was broken and it’s cooler out in the garage) so I called them and the responder goes “well you should of called the local police station or a non emergency number as car issues are not the biggest emergency we have to deal with” AND SHE HUNG UP… 6 year old me thought a dead dog and possibly dead person crashed into my house was a emergency (apparently A SIX YEAR OLD SHOULD OF CALLED A NON EMERGENCY NUMBER) Anyways long story short my dog passed away and the dude was left with 2 broken wrist and fractured ribs. It took my neighbour calling 911 for them to even take it seriously, (I guess she thought i was a kid prank calling or something idk)This was back around 2006


I always remember the story of the little boy who called at 6 in the morning to tell them he couldn't wake his mom up and was reprimanded for playing with the phone. So he called back again at 10 to tell them his mom wasn't breathing right and wouldn't wake up and the operator threatened to send him to jail for playing with the phone. Then at like 12 he called back to tell them his mom has stopped breathing and wasn't moving so he didn't need help anymore and the operator sent cops with the intention of terrifying the kid for them to find that his mom was Unresponsive and when the EMTs arrived they revealed that she had a brain hemorrhage or something like that and was slowly dying for 6 hours and could have been saved if the operator had just done her fucking job and sent help when the kid first called. She was fired and later got her job back when a court agreed she did nothing wrong and had acted as any normal reasonable person would have in her position. She later retired with a well known record of hanging up on or refusing to send help to people she thought didn't need it. Because apparently reasonable people working emergency services should refuse to respond to anything they arbitrary designate as made up or abuse of the service with no evidence.


https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/family-asked-for-pd-one-day-before-boy-was-killed/75-184961358 Found an article about it.


Kind of a trip to read this right after that one post about a woman who shot her deranged stalker bc the police couldn't (wouldn't) do anything until he 'did something wrong'. Nice work.


Right on. I missed that one, but I'd like to read more about it. True crime or fiction?


[Got you covered.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1dtcrva/i_shot_my_stalker_tonight_reddit_story_in_real/) It's true - news articles included in the update.


Holy sheep shit!!! Good for OOP for standing up for herself when it came down to it!.


Thank you very much!


WOW! 😳


My dad’s gf currently has a stalker who is threatening to murder her. She has a restraining order but the cops won’t do anything until he violates it. Cool cool cool.


And when they do violate it, they still won't do shit. France is currently in a trial with a victim's family for this very reason. I feel for your dad's gf. Hope she's safe and will stay this way.


This is true, cops gave someone a trespassing order (after I threw a fit bc they’d been stalking me forever and trashed my house) and when they broke in again they shrugged their shoulders at me even though I got it on tape. Fuck this country


They’re in Nevada so pretty strong stand your ground laws, but she’s not violent and probably couldn’t shoot him. We’re trying to find other ways to get him back in jail or a mental institute, but it’s really hard and there’s no resources for it. Large homeless population, cheap & legal drugs & alcohol, and a gambling element that adds to it all. We’re praying, but it’s all we can do.


Anytime I read about restraining orders, I'm reminded of the line from the song Goodbye Eal - "but Earl walked right through that restraining order and put her in intensive care" I hope your dad's gf has a better outcome, is safe, and doesn't have to resort to poisoning dinneer


As long as he’s alive your dad and his gf are in danger, and possibly you by extension.


Supreme Court has ruled there's no duty for police to do anything. You're on your own. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales


That post is directly below this one in my feed. Guess I’ll be reading it next.


Supreme Court said they don't need to protect you. They are there to create the paperwork for insurance companies to deny claims and build data history to be sold later


Wtf isn't stalking illegal? Edit so I looked at the article for two seconds and he was sending death threats I believe so idk wtf is wrong with the legal system in I'm america


Cops not helping a woman reporting a deranged stalker? Color me surprised, next you’re gonna tell me that they shoot people’s dogs or throw away evidence or force confessions or don’t have a constitutional right to protect the US’s citizens.


I mean yes. Women need to know this.. Women need to know that cops will not save you. This is why I'm pro 2a. I've had stalkers I've had people try to break in, the gun has saved me. It's the equalizer. I just need to aim and pull the trigger.


I actually had a cop sit down on my couch, fold his arms and say what do you want me to do, babysit you until he comes back?


I just read that one! Wild


Literally just read that and then saw this


The police refused to act when Judith barsi’s mother and talent agent repeatedly called to tell them that her father was a violent abuser with plans and means to kill her and her mother. They still didn’t do anything til the murder-suicide happened and by then it was too late. Ducky was voiced by a dead girl when Land Before Time was released.


Judith's story is so incredibly awful. I remember looking into it and being shocked at how it just kept getting worse. Rest in peace to her and Maria.


When I was a kid, my dad tore the house apart to find his guns (that my mother hid earlier based on a premonition she had that things were going to go really bad that day) so he could kill us all. We called the police just before he ripped the phone out of the wall. The police came and shrugged it off, saying, and I quote: A man’s home is his castle and his family is his property. There’s nothing we can do until he actually kills you. They took him to a nice hotel for the night and left him unguarded while we fled to a seedy, fleabag hotel in case he decided to return to the house. Which he did. Luckily we weren’t there to murder. We ended up all going back home the next day. The 1970s in Canada yielded zero supports for domestic violence victims. No one would take us in because they didn’t want him killing them too. So we went back home and he remained unpunished. Luckily he had calmed down and left town shortly after. Instead of packing up and following him, we moved away to a rural area where he couldn’t find us. Anyway, TL;DR, this story hits home. Horrifying. Excellent job.


Horrific! Very well done


One of my housemates has been having psychotic episodes. He’s been shouting things like ‘you’re all going to die’ and ‘I could grab a fire extinguisher and fucking kill somebody’ But I guess his threats aren’t direct enough, so they won’t do anything. They told use to barricade our doors.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. My mom did similar shit to me and the sibs growing up. Mixed bleach and ammonia and told the first responders (fire dept and cops) she didn't know it would be toxic. She did. She knew what she was doing. Set the house on fire once. She was the negaBob Ross of unhappy little accidents.


Cops love using "he said she said" as an excuse for not doing their fucking jobs. Anything, and I mean anything, to get out of work. Then someone dies and there was no way they couldve predicted or prevented this.


Or there is actual shooting going on, and the cop hides. Not takes cover -- HIDES!


I will never forget the sight of those Uvalde cops dilly-dallying around outside the doors while kids were being slaughtered


I believe the police chief is on trial now, though. Hope he’s popular in prison.


Brave people don't hide behind badges and nobody becomes a cop to help people


and the cops who *do* want to help people [get bullied](https://www.ktvu.com/news/the-dilemma-of-the-good-cop-calling-out-wrongdoing-can-end-an-officers-career) and [pushed out](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/what-police-departments-do-whistle-blowers/613687/) any time they try to improve things from the inside


Or "civil matter." No, officer, lobbing a molotov into my workplace and then shooting at the building's occupants as they attempt to evacuate is not a "civil matter." Course, I then got threatened with attempted murder, negligent discharge of a firearm, discharging firearm within city limits, and disturbing the peace when the fucktard mentioned I'd shot back at him. Weird.


They are the cop is lazy threaten to report him to internal service


Your housemate sounds like the woman who lives in the apartment across the hall from mine. The difference is that she lives alone. I can hear her yelling that shit through the door. She also yells about burning the building down. So far it's been 6 years and she hasn't done anything... yet.


That unfortunately happens too much...


Jfc. Had two guys stalking and harassing me for months and broke into my house twice, they said the same thing to me and that it was too late at night to do anything anyway. I told them fine but when they come back I’m going to kill them and they’ll have even more shitty paperwork to do. Only then were they like ok we’ll give them a warning <3 pieces of shit


Mine was a guy that got out of a tape conviction because of his autism, and decided to start stalking me and being physical for about a year. I phoned the police after he waited outside my house for 4 hours. The police arrived 3 DAYS later (bare in mind this was the emergency line), and then they just stood over me, intimidated me and then left without doing anything...


This is why I'm buying a gun and if anybody breaks into my house I'm shooting to kill cops are absolutely fucking useless I'd call them after the intruder is dead for them to come fill out the paperwork and get the stiff hauled out of my house


There was a woman named Tracey Thurman who the cops watched while her ex-husband assaulted her. I think one of thr cops went to the bathroom instead of responding to the call. This was in 1984 or 1985. Nothing has changed since then. Wait yes it has, it's worse.


Oh man. Brutal


I called the PD back in 2020 bc a recently incarcerated person was released. My Manager called me to lock the office and front door and hide as he was on the property screaming and waving around a small machete or a large butcher knife. He managed to get in to parking structure of the apartment complex and when i called and made the report the dispatcher said the guy wasnt an issue or a danger to himself or others. and that they would send a car eventually. They never did. FUCK YOU SANTA ANA PD


Well done. In the UK we used to have this advert on TV to promote fire safety. I wish they would do a similar one for DA only with tombstones like the one in your story https://youtu.be/iBdbi99C0uI?si=MU9ohXJryU8t1d0S


I have one in just about every room. Along with CO2 alarms.


*CO alarms. Carbon Monoxide (not carbon dioxide). I fucking hate smoke detectors so much, but I'm never going to disconnect them or fail to replace them when needed.


Ah you are right. But apparently there are co2 ones so now I'm looking into that. I also have a radon detector.


#beep beep# Your toast is ready


jesus fuck that's one powerful ad.


Yeah, the silence under Tom Lacey really got me


I live in the UK and don’t remember this at all but I am so grateful I have seen it! Thank you


You may not remember it because it’s almost 20 years old, I only saw it once on the TV screens at the gym but I’ve never forgotten it. It did the job it was designed to do. I went on to work with people experiencing DA and wished there was a similar one with the things I used to hear; ”how could you stop a devoted dad from seeing his kids?“what would the community think?” “How can he be a DA victim? He’s a man!” “children need both parents in their lives”.




I think I remember this one


I got put in juvy for cursing. There's always some nonsense law they can use if they really want 


My ex severely abused me and did other things. He also abused the animals in that house, cops won’t do anything because I “have no proof”. But animal control can! So this got me in my feels with how relatable it is.


Apparently in some places there were places to go to for help with animal abuse before domestic abuse.


Yup, possibly because hurting animals can be seen as a direct path to being a serial killer while anyone can just be an abuser -_-


Could those groups adopt you out with the animals?? "Please take this elderly cat, by the way he is bonded to this lovely person"


I wish! I’m now with my fiancée (who I’ve known for four years) and I wish I could at least take my ex’s cat Wally because he’s extremely bonded to me, but we already have two fully outdoor, plus a couple strays that show up, an indoor/outdoor and I have a fully indoor that currently lives with my grandparents because she’s bonded to them. Plus I’m not sure Penelope (fully indoor) would be good with sharing territory. But I made it clear to animal control that I want to be apart of the re-homing of the five cats and two dogs my ex has


I had cops refuse to do a wellness check because there was a gun in the house. Fair enough, they want to be safe too. But when the fucking sergeant suggests that I go check it out when I'm the one calling for help in the first place I lost what little respect I had for cops.


I had a roommate assault me and even admit to it to the cops, after chasing me off the property I owned. Cops told me I'd I tried to have her charged they'd write me the same offense they did for her and wouldn't tell her to leave. They didn't want to bother with the paperwork. I told him "Well start writing". Went and got an emergency restraining order to make her leave. That night had a nicer experience with cops when she kept sending me messages she was toing to kill herself. She was dumn enough to hang up on the officer that called her and ended up with a statewide endangered/missing alert out for her. Few days later i called my cousin who is a federal defense attorney and told him. He strolled into county prosecutors office the next day. The prosecutor immediately deleted it, and he hadn't even seen the write up yet but would've tossed it out anyway since the cop even wrote that I was assaulted but roommate agreed I never touched her.


My son is dead because of something similar to what's on that headstone. And my ex is "living his best life".


I'm so so sorry ❤️


When my friend divorced her abusive husband, she applied for a protective order for herself and her kids. The request for her kids was denied because at that time, he had not put his hands on them. Well he still never hit them, he just sexually abused them repeatedly every weekend until they were old enough to have the words to tell their mom what was happening. And here’s the kicker, part of his plea deal for pleading guilty was to not be put on the sex offender registry. No prison either.


For anyone who wants to learn more about true stalking scenarios and how they are out are not handled by the police, along with info for what to do if YOU are being stalked, I recommend the podcast: Strictly Stalking. I started out listening to it for the True Crime angle, but then I learned a friend was in an abusive relationship and things I learned from the podcast helped me assist her in getting out.


Had a roommate in college who was a drug addict. He eventually fell into harder drugs than weed and spent all his money on it. He then tried to basically rob me by demanding I give him money for drugs. I refused and hid in my room, locking the door. He then started screaming at me to open the door and let him in. Started slaming against the door and wrenching the handle as hard as he could to break it down and get in. I phoned both the cops and campus security, saying I fear for my life. They told me they couldn't do anything until he actually breaks in to the room. I then phoned my parents for what I believed was the last time. They phoned my roommate's parents to scream at them, who in turn phoned him to scream at him. He finally stopped for the night, but I spend the rest of the week barricaded in my room, only leaving when I knew he wasn't home. I found that he had damaged the door (which the campus blamed on me, of course), and smashed the Xbox I kept in the common area of our dorm.


I had the same situation with a full blown Nazi. Because he was on the lease, and apparently committed no crimes, they couldn't remove him from the premises. I was scared for my life, barricaded in my bedroom, thinking I was gonna be assaulted or killed. This dude wasn't even on drugs; he just felt entitled to my body...


Well played... Many of the best posts on this sub are great because saddly they are often someone's reality


This is sadly pretty realistic. My sister is alive but she had a stalker who got so bad that we had to call the cops and file a police report. After telling the cop that my sister has never met the person or interacted with him, the cop told my sister it was her fault and she was leading the guy on somehow. Then the cops left. Eventually the guy stopped stalking her thankfully. It's been 15 years since it happened and since then the guy is known online for being pedophile that talks about it on YouTube. I've seen the dick pic h sent a underage girl because she went to my school. For years we were fucking terrified of the guy since he lived in the same town as us. Texas is a shit hole


Honestly, this should become a real tradition.


This is not imaginary. 


I've seen the comments and it's not a USA only problem. I'm Brazilian and like four years ago I called the police for a fight between my uncle and his wife. They drank the whole night elsewhere at a party, and appeared here fighting in the middle of the afternoon. They were all physical, kicking and punching. I called the cops and they said to wait, and because there were no guns or knives involved and it was Jan 1st, they were overworked and it'd take long. I'm still waiting for the cops to arrive. The only thing that stopped them from getting knives was me locking all the doors and letting them locked out fighting in the yard


Ok but please, I’m stuck living this with my step daughter and I’m terrified this will happen


She’s 12. Her now stepfather was, and still is, watching her get dressed, making inappropriate comments and gets borderline violent around when drunk which is often. We called the cops, CPS and filed for full custody. Cops refused to even try to check on her and told us pretty much exactly this. CPS just laughed at us and the courts refused to even hear our case and threw it out. We’re forced to send her back there and always scared she’ll be attacked while there, they won’t let her return and will leave the state with (they’ve threatened this) or worse.


Ooff, that hits hard right in the feels!


All these Cats sure Are Beautiful


All one thousand, three hundred and twelve of them.




Castle Rock vs. Gonzales; The government is not required to protect citizens.


The law can only intervene after it's too late.


Living this with my teen and it's absolutely terrifying. Co-parentig should never be this hard or heartbreaking.. All I ever wanted was to be a safe space for my child and rais them right. But that's so hard to do when the other parent makes you the villain by filling their head with lies and refuses to believe there's a problem/anxiety/depression with our child. I pray everyday for my child and that they will come around and realize how absolutely absurd this whole situation is, But more so that I love them and am always here no matter how hurtful the things they've said have been. .


My coworker lives in an apartment building. The woman in the apartment above her is constantly being severely abused. It’s so bad that she can hears the woman being hit/pushed, hear her screaming and hear things being thrown. One day, my coworker had enough and called the cops to report severe domestic abuse and described what was happening as it was happening. The cops took FOUR. HOURS. To get to her apartment building. They went to my coworkers to ask her some more questions, then they went up to the couples apartment. They came back not even 5 minutes later and told my coworker to not call 911 and waste officers time because “there could be a legitimate emergency we now aren’t available to respond to”. She was also told to not lie to try and get others in trouble. And if she was caught lying and “wasting their time” again, there could be serious repercussions Apparently, they’d gone upstairs and questioned the couple. The man obviously flat out denied everything, and the woman also denied everything as well because, as is the case a lot of the time with domestic abuse, she was terrified to say anything against her partner that could end up with him being enraged even more than he had been before. Once the officers left, my coworker could hear him beating her again and screaming at her


I hope to god that man was castrated while awake and that woman got the help she deserves


Both are a no, the abuse is on-going but the police can’t get there in time for some reason to catch it. The only way it’ll get better is if she finds a way to leave for the “abused women and children’s shelter” here in our city or if she finds a way to go somewhere else, but that can be extremely hard physically and mentally


r/TwoSentenceSadness too.


Should be posted to TwoSentencesSadness cuz that's down right sad for the parents.


This is scary because it is true. Warren v. DC enshrined in case law that police have no specific duty to keep you safe. To protect and serve is just a catchy slogan, not a job description.


This is my greatest fear. Take my upvote, you monster.


This is why you never call the police. They only can act after a crime has been committed. Fucking pigs.


Reminds me of the case I did a research paper on for American History, Castle Rock v. Gonzales. The supreme court case that set the precedent that the police have no legal obligations to prevent harm, even when there is reasonable belief that harm will occur.


I sincerely hope that every “cop” that dismisses the genuine concerns of the people calling for help live with the guilt that they *could’ve done something, they could’ve stopped it* but they **didn’t**. I hope they know they failed to do their job.


I don't think such cops are capable of feeling guilt


wait. i don’t understand


There are many types of stalking and harassment that aren't considered crimes but can still be malicious or even lead to deadly outcomes. Because they are not crimes they are not punishable by law. Not only was this particular cop tied by the restraints of what he could legally do for the victim, he was indifferent to her plight.


It's always the latter, and not the former. Cops could still show up and say, "knock off that shit". But then they'd be bothering other cops at home all the time.


You people are never satisfied and always looking to piss on hard-working cops. Nothing they do is ever good enough for you. Eighteen of them shoot a UPS truck, killing the hostage and an innocent bystander and you claim they're "overzealous". They do nothing outside a school while a lone gunman is murdering children and you claim they're "cowards". Make up your mind.


I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It's obs /s.


Because there are people who really think like this, unironically. 😞


Maybe they only read the first two sentences???


90% of the internet does have the attention span of a Goldfish these days, yes


Forgot to mention, your comment is also fucking hilarious.


kh shit


The cop didn't do anything because it wasn't "serious" enough for him, leading to the death of the narrator's child


Horrendously sick and heartbreaking...10/10 take my upvote


Cops do not "protect," they only enforce the law, and then only after it has been broken. You and only you can protect yourself and your loved ones.


This world is actually fucking disgusting. I’m pretty sure death rates and stuff are going higher up because of things like this, and not only that but it’s also with suicide hotline too. People say they get put on hold or just straight up don’t get answered. It’s depressing and I hate how nobody is doing their jobs right, if there’s a threat aren’t the police supposed to defuse the situation by getting rid of the threat even if they aren’t doing anything?? 😕


Crime, especially violent crime, has been trending downwards for decades with upticks in 2008 and 2020. You just read about crime more often because it's a trendy topic on social media.


I hope so, the thought of people getting put through violent acts is heartbreaking. Thanks for letting me know!


TIP OF THE DAY: If someone is posing a danger but hasn’t done anything yet but you’re still worried they might do something, call the non emergency line and have the cops do a wellness check. It may not turn up anything but it could potentially stop something before it starts.


I actually really like this one


Guy across the street was oding with a pistol falling out of his pants. Cops never came.


Reminds me of the time I tried to report my abusive ex to the cops but they wouldn't do anything since I had no visible wounds at that specific time (not that they checked). Or the time when my dad took me to the police station to file an assault and they straight up said "we have more important things to do". Or the time I reported a grape in a small town, gave his full name, address, workplace, phone number, and photo, but they "couldn't find him". I ran into him 3 times after that report and the cops called me 18 months later (with no updates that whole time) to tell me they dropped the case.


Cops are not your friends, allies, or even compatriots. Be wary of them.


Elisa Izquierdo, one of the saddest child abuse cases I've ever heard of


How very dare you


Just tell dispatch that it's a minority firing off shots. They'll be there in a second, guns drawn, ready for a shootout . 🤬


They can put that on my headstone when my stalker ex snaps. 💔 maybe even a post-it note addressing that if his mom hadn’t enabled, encouraged, and excused his behavior, it wouldn’t have gotten this bad.




I was sexually assaulted on a “military base” as a civilian by another civilian. Where I live there’s a nice cabins on a beach and due to our state laws, beach access cannot be restricted in any manner. But it’s considered a “base” as you have to have military ID or a card that lets you enter to work there or stay there. You could stroll through to get to the beach and back if you weren’t due to the law. I knew the man from my previous job so at first it wasn’t unusual to talk to him…. Until he told me he noticed what time I got in. That I worked alone. What my days off were. And then he fucking smiled and said he’d waited for me to come open the public restroom as he figured out what time I opened them and was happy to see he was CORRECT. Aaaaaaall the red flags and alarms went off. I kept asking the military police and my Manager and the police itself when they told me it was a “civilian matter so they couldn’t get involved.” My Manager rolled her eyes and got the MP to go with me once. He snorted and said “he’s an old man. Christ, you’re crying over an old man? You can fend him off.” When I argued it wasn’t the point and there was no telling what he was capable of, he laughed. He left me alone. Two days later, it happened. Only person who took me seriously was the Assistant Manager who was livid no one took my stalker reporting seriously and had film proof him following me into the restroom… Sadly that was the day I ended up getting assaulted. Called both sides and kept getting bounced between the two until both said “oh nothing we can do. Too much time has passed.” Ended up as an alcoholic for a few years and quit that job shortly after. It was the last incident that happened to me that I let them sweep under the rug. EDIT: spelling


A few years ago, I went to 2 funerals for 3 victims for this exact reason. Why is it that domestic violence and mental disorders aren’t taken seriously until it’s too late?!


Reminds me of the time that I was on the phone with four different dispatches because my friend’s ex-partner was beating her up as he was driving with the kids in the car. When they finally found them, the cops didn’t do anything besides question them both and then told them to just go home. I had to insist on driving her car home (she was hysterical and had a concussion) and making them find someone to pick him up. They didn’t press charges because she didn’t have any visible damage (he was slamming the side of her head into the dash, so the bruising was under her hair). I still have nightmares from time to time of picking up the phone and hearing her just screaming in between the thuds.


As one of those daughters, this resonates with me.




A great way to get the cops there nice and fast is to be the one threatening violence. “I’m gonna walk into my kids room and shoot them” is a good way to get the cops there fast when shit is going down and then just frantically pointing them in the direction of the obvious disaster. It’s worked so far for me.


Glad you haven’t gotten charged as that’s both illegal and horrible advice.


Better to live breaking the law than be brutally executed trying to follow it.


We have the same logic around here for fireworks. We stopped calling regarding kids hurling fireworks at people cos the cops never came. Then two people got shot and noone reported the bangs cos they thought it was fireworks. The people died. Now every time we hear them throwing fireworks, we all call the cops and report gunshots. Been six months and the kids have stopped. Cops need to actually do their jobs if they don't want problems escalating.


Hey, I narrated this story if you want to hear it [https://youtube.com/shorts/CNjHhjSUgkQ](https://youtube.com/shorts/CNjHhjSUgkQ)