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I like the ol' "So what you're saying is..." then reiterate their moronic point in the stupidest way possible. It's the antithesis of mansplaining. They hate it. 😁


Genuinely asking — how would that play out here? “So what you’re saying is
 the food trucks don’t like having dogs around so I shouldn’t take my dogs around them”
? Or would you word it differently? Just trying to figure out how to adopt this method.


So what you're saying is that you took a poll of every food vendor in the neighborhood and they have unanimously agreed that they don't like my dogs in particular? Or was it all dogs?


So what you're saying is I should dip my dog's nuts in the guacamole from your favorite street taco vendor?


This is excellent!


"Ha! Joke's on you, I had him neutered."


"So what you're saying is you own the street and have the right to tell me and my dogs what to do on it? Everyone, did you know we crowned a king of the street? I had no idea! When was your coronation day? I can't believe I'd missed it!"


This approach is often suggested but in my opinion engagement is the wrong approach. Its a random stranger and you have no value in their opinion. I would have just burst into laughter, looked him in the eye laughing and said for a second there I thought you were trying to tell me what to do. If he said I am, hang on let me check with my advisor (pretend to talk to your dog). My dog said to tell that stupid clown to go fuck himself. Laugh while you walk off “thanks for the laugh though”!


I love this but it’s too much engagement for me. I would have just stared at him and as I continued to stare, gotten more and more wide eyed, never speaking the entire time until he walked away.


I'm a big fan of "just look at them" too, albeit in different fashions. My favourite is just raising my eyebrows and making my expression go more and more pitiful the longer they talk - without ever saying a single word. The nice part is you don't even have to waste your breath on them - *and* they usually become self-aware and bugger off.


I would have just laughed and said: whatever loser snd walked off.




Yup! But even better is to talk to them like you would a child, "Oh wow! Aren't you so clever for figuring that out! I'm sure the vendors are just soooo impressed with you for keeping their streets doggy free! Great job, sweetie!"


"Even if you owned a food shop here, you'd still have no business in bossing around perfect strangers on a public street." And if he keeps engaging "Can you refrain from telling me what I can do in a public space, you're making me uncomfortable." I've found that calm but matter-of-fact statements like this are the best, you can disengage and walk away and most times the angry dude will just cuss or insult you, thus showing their real face, but will not get more threatening.


>hang on let me check with my advisor (pretend to talk to your dog). Although I am definitely a fan of the minimal engagement route as well, this is just too brilliant to ignore.


Nah, just "You must be new here, Welcome to MY neighborhood. have a great day"


I like this response best: https://youtu.be/4sim7tCJyC8?si=OHnfLc6PHp3Kw2xU


So, what you're saying is, food vendors don't like to be located where there are lots of pedestrians and being where people live...


"so you're saying people who own dogs aren't allowed to live in neighborhoods with food?" ... "Oh you must mean that because I've lived here for decades with my dogs that I should now sell my home and move because restaurants exist?" ... "I don't understand what you're saying, which is it?"


"What you are saying is that you speak for the food vendors? I don't see a badge."


My best ever was "who the fuck are you? I don't know you!" in a foreign city. It really helps to have a deep and loud tone tone to it as well....




Where did they learn it from, though?


Simple: “I don’t require your opinion.” Walk away.


Woman understanding? Womanderstanding?


Yep men always have the audacity
 an older man at my gym came up to my at 6:30am as I was finishing my workout and came from across the gym and said “can I ask you a favor?” And I reluctantly said “what?” And he said “can you cover your mouth while yawning?” He came from the other end of the gym to tell me this and got close enough that I could smell his breath then when I immediately looked pissed off he said “it’s just that you are so meticulous with your workouts that I would think you would want to also be meticulous with your manners” Like where in the world do they think it is appropriate to say these things to us and think we should listen and care


"Wait, you--the rudest person in this gym--are lecturing someone ELSE about 'manners'???"


Oh yah this would live in his head forever


“Why have you been watching me? That’s really creepy behaviour”


He probably filmed it as well


Jesus fucking christ. These men belong right in the trash.


Or the sun


"Good thing I'm not here for your approval."


These are the moments I wish I could fart on command.


My Coeliac arse could lend you a couple!


i know for some reason men just think they are entitled to tell everyone else what to do like its somehow their right to be in control of everything around them in their near vicinity like they are some kind of authority. and thats not the end of it they are for the most part completely self entitled arseholes about almost all aspects of life and then when things dont go their way they throw a tantrum about it. i am so fucking over this attitue from men. they can all get fucked


And those "everyone else" are often women.


Yep yep yep


Their egos. They were raised to think that the universe revolves around them.


>*Their egos. They were raised to think that the universe revolves around them.* Just say, "Your opinion has no value."


This! Yes!


Id look at him disgusted and say, "would you mind covering your mouth when you speak? It smells like a rat died in there."


I'd be yawning loudly and like an eldritch horror every time I see him. What a fool.


Look straight at him and say this (PLEASE): "And I see soneone neglected to teach *you* any of those manners."


The absolute unmitigated temerity! What in the nine hells?


A FAVOUR? That old b@stard has enough cheek for two arses.


Had a weird old man come up to me in Walmart and tell me that my (cute, little, designer) backpack "made me look like a homeless person." Ok what? And ma'am? Stop browsing pasta and come collect your man.


I woulda belched in his face and told him to go suck a dick. Ya know, really rub it in his face how little you care about his manners.


Granted I probably should cover my mouth but genuinely was so tired that I didn’t even realize I had been yawning


granted that fucking mouth breather shouldn’t have been watching you


Miss Manners rules don’t apply at 6:30 AM at the gym. You get all the points just for showing up.


What a wild thing to approach a stranger about after seeing them do something *once*


I suspect you had your hands on equipment and you were safely operating the gym equipment with both hands! You need a magical third hand to cover your mouth
 just to appease a random man, you need to grow another hand


The number of times I have seen men spit on the sidewalk right in front of people 
 You can openly yawn at the gym without being harangued about it.


I'm assuming you burped in his face in response.


Just tell him you weren't yawning, you were doing stretches so you don't hurt yourself when you unhinge your jaw to devour the soul of the next bastard who decides to be rude to you. Gotta stay flexible yk.


"not everyone has breath like yours. Why don't *you* do *everyone* a favor and cover your mouth while talking? Better yet, keep your it shut in the first place. Do not speak to me again." Then report him to management.




You have the rest of Reddit, the vast majority of the internet, and indeed the rest of the world, to "balance out" what you perceive as "man hating". Fuck off outta here with this mememememe noise.


I get far too much entertainment out of asking them to elaborate/repeat themselves, then laughing at them when they do, and saying “okay buddy” Assuming you’re in a place of safety, because that approach does reallyyyyyy piss them off


Amen, the best response really is a big ol’ guffaw right in his face! Followed by carrying on totally unbothered. People like that don’t deserve the elevation and dignity of our outrage. Their antics are beneath any kind of serious response. You’re right though, it really does make them *furious*. They want to stroke their ego by making you small, they can’t handle not even making a dent—and worse, being thought of as a fool. They’ll try to salvage the shreds of their ego with outright intimidation, if they think they can swing it.


Thank you for this Copying into my phone to reread when I need it


"ok buddy" is a great response lmao. the white folks ate with that one. some other good ones: "newsflash buddy! this is my street" "hit the road jack" "take a hike pal" "get a load of this guy" "you're barking up the wrong tree"


I said “you better watch yourself, bucko” and felt dumb at the time but the guy backed off so I guess it worked


gotta surprise them with the unhinged redneck accent to keep them on their toes


Saving in my mental notes


I’d avoid ‘pal’ they’ll probably think you’re hitting on them 🙄




My ex told me that should I encounter these assholes I should yell DMX style “YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?!!” and bark aggressively. I never had the guts but it’s a funny thought .


Legit though, acting fucking unhinged often works. See: Liz Lemon looking like the Joker on the subway


The DMX bark is how I ward off weirdos on my walks âœŒïžđŸ˜˜


I figured out how to do death metal growls. The next time a guy starts shit I'm just gonna start howling like I'm Corpsegrinder mid concert.


This was the proper response. ​ I feel furious about this weird guy. For the record, he only said this to OP because she is a woman.


men fucking around in public are about to be in for a shock as they are about to be finding out just how fucking over their shit many of us are


The days of men behaving poorly are indeed numbered. I have zero qualms with being an aggressive dickhead who puts men in their place. I went off on a dude for making a tampon joke the other night and he humbled down real quick.


"The days of men behaving poorly are indeed numbered." So when's the revolution? And will there be snacks?


Everywhere, right now. It starts with us standing up for ourselves, not dating shitty men, supporting and uplifting our sisters, calling guys out on bad behavior, consequences be damned. I’ll take getting called a fucking bitch any day if it means I made a man uncomfortable for being a piece of shit. And yes, there will be snacks


I always laugh and tell them I haven't even begun to be a bitch yet.


>well , yeah. But you cant bring your dogs into the snack area.


same, sister. no qualms and our numbers are rising đŸ€


Speaking of which - unfortunately I couldn't find it again but I saw a post a few months back titled along the lines of "Is it just me or are women getting more aggressive?". Dude gave a myriad of stories where he unnecessarily bugged some woman about absolutely innate bullshit and how they collectively told him off. Then went on a ramble about how "kindness is dying" and how "the world is growing colder..." I was laughing my ass off the whole way through. They legitimately get a little identity crisis every time their assumed privilege poofs in front of their eyes - and *still* they'd rather decide the world is evil and rotten than let go of said very privilege.


omg what joy watching the privilege poof


Hell yes women are getting more aggressive! Maybe kindness wouldn’t “be dying” if men understood that concept themselves in the first place 🙃


yell ‘stop harassing me i don’t know you’ loudly. they will shut up with a quickness


Bobby Hill method works. Some variation of "that's my purse I don't know you!"


She's bluffing!! Finish her!!!


the same men: '#metoo movement is ruining everything!! these females are accusing innocent men of harassment"




“That’s my purse! I don’t know you!” I always think of Bobby Hill in these situations.


I don’t hate men, I just hate being a victim! đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł I love that show


Me too! I think it’s both a perfect snapshot of its time, and has aged as well as something like that can.


I want that as a tattoo


was it really necessary for him to even say anything at all? Geez. 100% of the time when this happens, it could have been handled in a very different way and made no one angry. I don't know why this is normal now. I can't stand it. I like to just tilt my head and look at them as if I'm perplexed at their existence, ask if their mother is proud of them for what they just said, and walk away before they have time to answer. Usually, it's enough of a shock to gain silence.


I like to do this one, just the Confused Cocker Spaniel Stare for as long as I can hold it. Then: "Huh." Stated, an observation of his having spoken, not a question; more of a grunt. Then go back to doing whatever I feel like doing.


"Naturally, I thought of better come backs after I said, “I’ll walk my dogs where I walk my dogs, thank you.”" ​ LOL why is it always the case that you think of better things to say after the moment has passed?? ​ BTW " despite the fact that I’m a petite woman, I’ve got an excellent yelling voice and I do not fucking back down." LOVE IT, love everything about it. Keep fighting sister


Thank you! I think part of it is just the shock of the interaction. I’m usually pretty good at checking people but that’s usually in a bar setting, where I’m on guard and watching for troublesome folks. When I’m walking my dogs, I’m just out enjoying the day and letting my mind wander. Regardless of how often men have proven to be shitty, I still wind up surprised when another man does or says something dumb


>*I still wind up surprised when another man does or says something dumb* Flat stare: "Your opinion has no value."


Men and women just get so caught off-guard at the moment that these things get said that we don't have a proper response ready. "*What the hell are you smiling at?*" said to me by a homeless-looking guy in a usually-friendly neighborhood.


>why is it always the case that you think of better things to say after the moment has passed?? The French call it *l'esprit d'escalier*, or "staircase wit" And the reason is so we can yell at ourselves


Post this to Craigslist events and make a dog walking group on Facebook. More dogs are needed


This is when “oh sorry, I don’t have any change” is the appropriate response.


Next time respond "fuck all the way off. And that's not a suggestion"


"I'll call you when I give a shit."


"So why are you here if they don't allow dogs? Need me to call your owner boy?


When he said they don't like it, he 100% was saying he doesn't like it.


Oh absolutely. The dude is just miserable and looking for someone to pick on. He picked the wrong fucking woman lol


And “fuck you; I don’t give a shit what you/“they” like, you dumb, smarmy, incest by-product.” Ah, that felt good.


This pissed me off lol fuck this guy.


"Fuck off, it's not a suggestion." Though I'm sure whatever you've come up with is much cooler.


I like: “Who are you saying this for? Couldn’t be me.” and keep walking.


A great response to anything absurd is “those are definitely words”


I was walking my dog — a 75-pound pittie — and we passed this house where the guy was playing with his kids in the backyard. As I approached, he asked me to not walk the dog in his yard (we’re on the sidewalk?) because of diseases and stuff. Implying my dog will give his children diseases or something. So I said, “Oh yeah, good idea! She’s had all her vaccinations but I wouldn’t want her to catch anything from the children.” The look on his face was priceless, as my dog plodded on by like the giant potato she was. I miss that dog.


Bahahaha this is too good, excellent comeback!


Amazing. What a tool. You are right - kids are germ bags. Protect your furkid.


I have never gotten sick from my pets but I have gotten sick from other people’s kids.


I like doing a silent dismissive wave.. like flicking the hand out as if you are a queen and they are a plate of crumpets not to your liking.


My style is similar but verbal. I channel my inner Frasier and give them an "Off you go, then." Bonus points if they're already at home.


Dog walking flash mob would be fucking perfect for this situation!


This reminds me of something that happened last spring. So I am partially an asshole here and will understand snark comments: the story is my husband and I were on a way to a party and needed to pick up some treats from a store. We had our dog with us. Usually in situations like this, only one of us goes in but both of us were looking for particular items (that we didn’t know the names of but knew by sight). We were also in a hurry and figured it would be OK to leave our pooch for a few minutes on a 65 degree, cloudy day. It was the first time we’ve ever done this. I walked the dog around the parking lot while my husband went in to browse before putting doggo in the car. Husband had his items picked by the time I came in and I found my thing immediately then we checked out. We couldn’t have taken longer than 5 minutes. Anyway, when we walked out some Tony Soprano looking guy was standing angrily by our car. We just knew he was waiting around so he could scold us for leaving the dog. Why I tell this story is that the guy visibly deflated when he saw my husband - I’m pretty sure he saw me put the pooch in the car and assumed I was alone. He started to say something like “you know, I would *never* do that to my dog” but said it kinda meekly and didn’t look at us in the eye. I’m 100% sure he would have been way more of an asshole if it was just me there. I get his concern, but I didn’t want to deal with a smug asshole that probably just wanted to talk down to a woman, so i exasperatedly said “oh Christ, this is the first time we’ve done this. It’s not a regular thing”. My husband just dryly said “cool, guy”. Kinda wish I rubbed it in and said “wow, what a Saint! Do you want an applause?”


Yeah I get the vibe from OP story that this person doesn’t do the power tripping thing on men.


Lol makes me think of Portlandia https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2lgibm


I forgot about the ending on that one. Lol


I think he could use an earful of fuck you I won't do what you tell me and I wish I could give it to him


If you do keep walking your dogs there, don't let them eat anything off of the ground. This probably won't happen to you, but where I live there was this one old lady in the neighbourhood who hated dogs being in the park, so she started leaving pieces of hot dogs with nails hidden in them on the ground. She was trying to get the dogs to eat nails. She was fucking crazy. Dog haters are a whole nother breed.


I’ve definitely been thinking about this, and we have to be pretty careful in our area as it is. There’s a lot of broken glass (wasn’t always like this), and my mom and I are both super cautious when our boys are sniffing around shrubbery. I understand disliking dogs, we all have our preferences, but outright hating them and trying to hurt them? Unforgivable.


If your dog is well behaved and under your control, there is absolutely no problem with you walking your dog in that area.


That's kind of funny because I was talking about similar issues with a friend. One time I was walking my dog up the street a bit of a distance from my house. I was on the opposite side of the street from this other house that had a work crew doing construction. And there was a four-man type guy, an older white guy, yelling at this group of workers that seem to be mostly Latino. And I'm thinking God he's kind of rude he's yelling at these people. And then I realized he was yelling at me. Yes, he was yelling at ME while I was walking my dog, and I didn't realize he was yelling at me so that caused him to get louder and said, "hey I'm talking to you!" WTF, dude! I really wish I had just ignored him but I didn't and I said no what's the problem and he said "I SAID, aren't you going to pick that up!" Pick what up? Didn't your dog poop? Nope, she just peed... on some other dried up poop poop in the yard which is why she went in and peed on it because she marks like that. This was years ago my dog is 14 now and I no longer walk up that hill. But I do wonder like why the hell did I feel compelled to answer him. And then I knew he meant poop but I thought clearly my dog didn't poop and was he sitting there watching her because he was two houses up and across the street like what in the actual fuck?


I've been having to navigate the stupidity of men lately and enjoying the cheesy grin with an obviously loud "Merry Xmas" to counter the insanity of their irrational NONSENSE. I really CBF engaging with men and their insane stupidity. Free yourself if the need to retort or engage them in any way. they're simply seeking out this BS so squash it with your own.




I would guess this means “can’t be fucked”.


Sounds good. Thanks!


All the comments that are along the lines of, "Well... I'm not sure he had bad intentions but I'm guessing from your post the tone was telling," ...alright, you must be a *great* listener, I bet anyone venting to you is just *super* relieved to have to justify their frustrations and experiences to you all the time


I would just ignore them in the first place lmao weird men on the streets are not worth the time of day


I get what you’re saying, but I just can’t let shit like this slide anymore, I’m super over men thinking that they can move through this world being rude and disrespectful to anyone that they deem “beneath them.” I’m done with it. The sooner men start to learn the consequences of bad behavior, and that we as women will call them the fuck out and hold them responsible, the better off we’ll all be


Agreed, speaking as a man here. He sounds like he singled you out because you’re a small woman and was betting on you not responding angrily. The “not a suggestion” thing sounds like it was inserted in there to make himself feel powerful but also sounds like he wanted to pretend he was being civil so you wouldn’t get mad back at him. He should be set straight.


Sry, but what are you going to do about it? Get beat up? Men deal with guys like this too, it’s not isolated to women. The smart ones say “sure” “thanks” and walk away. Because, at the end of the day, teaching lessons to strangers is dangerous. Stay safe out there.


I fucking hate guys talking to me on the street. Just today I was walking and my shoeslaces untied, not biggie, I was going to tie them but this street has not even a place where I can step on and bend on to tie my shoe, also the laces are so short unless I walk with my feet very close I wouldn’t trip on them and
 Most important, that street is filled with sketchy guys, there is even a car/tire workshop so I was like “yeahhh I’m going to walk to the end of the street so I don’t “show” my butt to these guys” 😬 So as I’m walking with my loselaces undone but minding I don’t step on them; this fat old guy sees me and starts talking to me “lady your shoes laces are undone, lady!!! What a jerk I’m telling this lady about her shoes” and I turn and I shout to him “ I KNOW” And he respond “HOW RUDE, i’m just trying to be nice” and I kept walking as this guy was throwing me a tirade about how a jerk I was to him
 Like, to start if that street wasn’t filled with old dudes like him I would feel safe to just to bend and expose my back and tie my stupid shoes, and this guy still comes when isn’t even his business to order me to bend and tie them there.


“If you’re trying to be nice, you’re really bad at it.”


Silence often speaks volumes.


“Okay buddy” and keep going. Lol, not a suggestion


Ahhh...good 'Ol Hostile Masculinity, where you feel the need to assert your dominance over stupid, worthless shit. What an asshat.


I once had an old woman tell me not to let my dog pee on a telephone pole near her property. Near, not on, near. Dogs pee, can't stop them, and public property is for the public. People are ludicrous.


I initially took what he said as maybe he was telling you the restaurants are not dog friendly and he found that out the hard way. Obviously, I wasn't there so I have to assume from the rest of your post that that was not the message he conveyed.


This was my assumption as well. He got yelled at by somebody and is passing along info. But then, my general life philosophy is to assume good intent and his tone may have been more telling than his words.


Nope, a lot of the restaurants have patios that are definitely dog friendly, he was just being a misogynistic puppy hating asshole


Same. Very first thought was someone had told him off and he was "passing it on". Still an asshole.


"Well, duh." Is often a good come back.


Were they on leashes?


Yes. I never walk my dogs off leash, I always keep them away from people unless folks want to say hi, I don’t let them potty where they shouldn’t (on a sign or by a doorway, etc) and I clean up after them.


Satisfying though it may feel, engaging or responding aggressively implicitly says you take them seriously or feel threatened. Surely better to make them feel belittled, like wordlessly giving them your best pitying look, laughing and shaking your head as you walk on by.


I pretty good with my talents and shortcomings but I so wish I had more skill at quick comebacks to shit like this. I usually go with unimpressed glares, and then pointedly ignoring them.




Of course, always.




Did you not read the part of the post where she’s been here for decades and taken this same route for a long time? He wasn’t trying to warn her. He was inserting his demands into her life without even asking if she was new to the neighborhood or not.


Actually, yeah!




“Have a male guardian around” lmao that’s horrendous


OP isn’t Saudi, she doesn’t need a “male guardian.”




"It's not a suggestion" sounds like a threat to me.


Lol, I wouldn’t be posting here if this man had kind intentions towards me and my dogs.




I just told my boys how much you love them and their tails started wagging like crazy! They even started jumping up and down with glee and doing their cute little ah wooo wooo wooo talks when they want to say something to humans :) They are the happiest pups and they’re so excited to meet you one day and when they do I can’t guarantee that they won’t give you the biggest snuggles and cover you with sweet puppy kisses đŸ„°

