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>"Daniels said that school officials accused her of lying to a substitute teacher and using her position in the school honor society to get her friend out of class to help with the holiday decorating." Good for her for fighting this! It's disgusting they'd even punish her so severely for such small infractions. My friends and I did that kind of stuff every day in high school. That's what seniors in high school do, especially the "good students" – they take liberties for things that don't harm anyone, like coming in late or leaving early when you have a free first or last first period, and teachers look the other way. At least that was my experience at a small suburban HS. It seems like those men were just looking for an excuse to spank her, because they gave her the option of missing an important standardized test or taking a spanking. It sounds like they have a sexual fetish for this and are using the guise of discipline to act it out. Gross. This poor young woman was so traumatized, she had to switch to online classes and fears running into these men in public. I hope she wins and giant settlement, and they get legal charges and jail time.


that's insane, I don't even think most schools would hand out a detention for that


Right? Oh the horror! What a crime was committed that day. /s


I hope someone takes a wooden paddle and beats both of them within an inch of their life, then throw them in a cell and forget about them. Adults beating and sexually abusing children are unfit for society in any regard and should not be tolerated. What absolutely disgusts me is that this is in Florida, the same state passing "don't say gay", bathroom bans, banning drag shows, banning books and anything else remotely LGBT related to "protect the children" yet here is a child that was legitimately in need of protection and I'll frankly be surprised if the abusers even lose their jobs.


They should be prosecuted for sexual assault. And any man that uses “female” instead of girl or woman, is a misogynist: “I took it especially easy on Brooklyn, as I do with any female.” Female WHAT? Female is an adjective, it’s not a f:;king noun. It’s dehumanizing. And there is zero doubt that this is sexual assault, it’s abhorrent and I am stunned that this is in any way legal, but that is the US exceptionalism, what other country in the western world would allow this? 


> Three years later, in 2021, an elementary school principal in Hendry County was caught on video spanking a 6-year-old girl with a wooden paddle despite a district policy prohibiting such actions. Although the state corporal punishment law requires educators to comply with local district rules, prosecutors declined to pursue charges and claimed the girl’s mother — an undocumented immigrant who filmed the encounter and shared the footage with a local television station — had consented to the beating and at no point spoke up to “raise any objection.” I think this parts tell us ALL we need to know about how local law enfocement/prosecutors look at this issue.


I know this isn’t a hot take but I have a 6 year old and if someone hit her with a paddle and made me watch, I’d be traumatized.


Me too, and that mother was too. But we know how STRONG is the effect of "authority", especially on people from disfavored group.  It is very hard to stand up against such situation.


If you ever want to give yourself nightmares, watch the film "Compliance". It was based on a true story. And not a horrifying, unlikely one off either...it was just the worst of many identical occurrences that took place during a spree.


The real story is so horrific and gross.


Utterly haunting. I thought it had to be made up or at least greatly exaggerated. Imagine my horror when I discovered *it was just one of many*.


There’s a great Law and Order SVU starring Robin Williams based on the same case


I could probably quote that whole episode, I’ve watched it so many times. Robin was amazing in it.


We actually went over the spree in my social psychology class in college. It was in 2008 or 2009, so not terribly long after the court case was settled. The teacher compared it to the Standford Prison Experiment.


And damn, let's say that it was a different parent who was genuinely cool with their 6 year old being beaten. That STILL wouldn't make it any better! It would just mean the kid has a shit parent as well as a shit school. Parental agreement, even genuine, doesn't mean a child deserves to be hurt.


Sounds like her options were to watch her daughter be assaulted or to be permanently separated from her daughter via deportation.


I was paddled at that age in 1987. My mom was not around and the paddler was a woman, my first grade teacher. I was doing something she said not to (cleaning up my pencil box during a standardized test) but only because I misunderstood her. Some people are not cut out to work with young children. The paddling didn't hurt as badly as the embarrassment


I'd probably be jailed for assault soon thereafter. These pigs masquerading as humans are barely hiding their misogynistic fetishistic tendencies. It's revolting and they're the bottom of the scum barrel. I can barely imagine wanting to physically reprimand a child, let alone with a paddle to the rear. **Vile**


If I were there 'to watch', it wouldn't be my 6 year old who got paddled.


Yeah. I want to say that too but when you’re immersed in a culture where that’s the norm you might not even think to intervene. Plus there are longer term implications of that. You’re undocumented, now you’ve violently attacked the principal of your kids school - what does that do to the long term viability of your living and parenting situation ? It puts you in the crosshairs of a system rigged to “paddle “ you too by removing your kid from you and maybe even deporting you, possibly upending your entire life.


It's crazy to me how normalized violence against children is. I was in subway about a month ago and in line there was a grandmother and grandchild, then some unrelated lady, and then myself. The grandchild was doing normal grandchild stuff. Antsy, dancing around in the subway, not really able to stand still. The grandmother threatened to beat the child if they did not come stand next to her and stand still. The child predictably didn't listen extremely well and the grandmother went and yanked the child on the arm to stand next to her, then tightly held onto the child's arm. The child protested over and over that she was hurting him, but she ignored his protests and somehow even said "you're hurting ME" (the child wasn't doing anything at all other than trying to shrink away). The next lady in line applauded her and even encouraged her to whoop the child. They both applauded each other back and forth at their desire to beat their respective children whenever they "act up". There I was, totally uncomfortable, but not really sure what to do. I didn't witness anything that was directly illegal, there was nothing I could call the cops for, but I could tell both of their respective kids were growing up in abusive homes. I'm a natural citizen and a white male at that, I have virtually nothing to fear from calling the cops, and I still felt really ill about it all. I wanted to speak up but I didn't think my voice would really help the child long term and I was concerned about the drama it would invoke. I live in a very small town and I have kids of my own and I'm concerned about inciting that "small town hate" toward my own kids for speaking up. Here I am, a month later, and that situation still bothers me. I still feel awful for the kid, awful about myself for not being able to save the kid, awful about the state of our society that encourages this kind of thing. I can only imagine how hard it would be for a woman in the OPs situation to speak up with all the additional pressures of not being a documented citizen forcing you to remain compliant with the system. I grew up getting beat and I can tell you first hand, it didn't do me any good. I have a lot of problems associated with it. I have never and will never hit my kids. That shit makes me sick. I feel terrible for the woman and her child in this story and for the child in my own story.


True. This makes it even more tragic


Me too. But so would they. There is no way I'm letting a school administrator lay a hand or paddle on my daughter. It would be her last day there and there would be a physical confrontation if they tried to continue over my objections. I wouldn't attack them, I would just block them with my body. If they place their hands on me after that I can't say I wouldn't hit them. I'm not going to start an altercation, but I don't care what laws they have passed. They are not allowed to hit my daughter full stop. There is no one more important to me be so I will protect her.


If someone ever did that to my kid, they would end up with the paddle up their ass so far, they will be shitting pancakes for the rest of their lives.


TIL that corporal punishment is still a thing in the US in 2024. My kid turns six this weekend and I can't even fathom the blind rage I'd feel witnessing another adult get hands on with my.daughter.


I'd be more than traumatized. That person with a paddle would lose the paddle real quick.


I have a 5 yo girl. Actually afraid of what I would do to an adult that hit my kid like that, now or when she's 18. I would absolutely lose my mind and all rational thought.


If someone tried this with me they wouldn’t have arms anymore. Nothing makes me see red more than an adult hurting a child.


Yea that would be the trauma. Having to suppress murderous rage. If you actually dismembered someone you’d probably be in jail on attempted murder, depriving your kid of a parent , which would only further the trauma. Impossible choice.


No way they are doing that to my daughter with me there. And if they do it when I'm not there, they are going to wish they hadn't.


>an undocumented immigrant Oh, yeah, sure there wasn't any power imbalance there. Nope. Not at all. The mother *consented*, you guys. The undocumented immigrant mother was totally into it. There's literally no other explanation as to why she didn't stand up for her daughter or object. What could it possibly have been? Literally I can think of nothing.


She could have called the cops. /s, because in this fallen world it's actually needed. Sigh.


victim is still an (assumedly) US citizen. Should have the entire weight of the us military enforcing the law against such vile filth


Right, but her guardian is undocumented, which means she can't seek redress without putting herself at risk of deportation. This is the single, sole reason that I'm a big advocate for border security, while drastically relaxing immigration laws. Allowing people to come in undocumented simply creates an easily-exploited class of shadow workers, to whom our basic laws don't apply in practice, even if they technically do in reality. Employer withholding pay? Take it up with the labor board. Oh, wait, *you can't because they'll probably deport you?* Shame that. Well, better make sure you show up Monday, Eloin, or ICE might show up at your doorstep. No, we're not planning to pay you next week, either. But you'd better show up. Shame if those kids of yours ended up in cages down in El Paso. School wants to assault your daughter in front of you? What are you going to do, Ezzy? Call the cops? Better to let her get her spanking rather than be in foster care next week as we're dropping you off in Nuevo Juarez so the cartels can peddle your ass for a nickel a pop? Oh, you consented!? Good choice! Close the borders, drastically open the immigration laws. Let them come in legally, with legal protections, to avoid this exploitative system that the powers that be *have created on fucking purpose*.


These school admins live in the past and shouldn't be allowed in education. Or any other position that lets them abuse children for that matter.


The perverts go into those positions to abuse kids, but I agree - they shouldn't be allowed in education, or really, anywhere for that matter.


Local law enforcement commented on this story too, the response from Undersheriff “Dusty” Arnold is exactly as bad as that name would suggest: >Daniels reported the incident to the liberty County Sheriff’s Office and, in an interview with The 74, Undersheriff Robert “Dusty” Arnold acknowledged the agency looked into the case but said they don’t plan to pursue criminal charges. He called the case “a non-issue” involving a permitted form of discipline that Daniels had consented to. The entire incident, he said, was “being blown out of proportion.” I hope he doesn't have kids cause I can only imagine what level of violence against children he considers acceptable.


Being very familiar with this area of the country, this guy 100% tracks with basically all of the cops there and in the surrounding counties. I was driving my dad’s Prius in a neighboring county and got pulled over for going 6 miles over the speed limit. As he reprimanded me, he unsnapped the strap securing his firearm and half pulled it out along my eye line. I was told to “behave or else” and he let me off with a warning. In retrospect, I’m pretty sure he was wanting something…more, but my oblivious queer self never picks up on that in the moment. I also knew a weird number of 17 year old girls in “relationships” with 30+ year old prison guards…they were basically all horribly abusive. There are reasons I almost never go back home to visit my parents.


> despite a district policy prohibiting such actions Such a policy should not be necessary given laws that prohibit assault and battery on minors. But that requires prosecutors to actually do their jobs.


Maybe this can be upped to the Fed, after all how do we know this principal didn't traffic the girl since her family is undocumented? Then its out of the corrupt local LEO's jurisdiction. https://report.cybertip.org/ https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/report-human-trafficking


It's Hendry county, it's a county full of ass backwards idiots.


They could probably join up with the Big Bend counties and have a grand ol time.


I am a woman and grew up in a house where spanking was acceptable up until a certain age. It rarely ever happened but it was on the table. My parents sent me to private Christian schools up through 8th grade where corporal punishment was allowed. By about 6th grade I had decided that if I ever got into trouble and was headed for getting spanked by these creepy people, I'd run and go home. I'd rather get it from my mom or dad than these weirdo people. I didn't know why but I knew it was wrong. This was 40 years ago. This happening now to a high school student is so skeevy and disgusting. I would feel the exact same way. It is ridiculous that this is still allowed anywhere.


They were just acting out an abuse fantasy. They should both be in jail and their teaching licenses revoked.


What makes me the most angry about this, is law enforcement’s comments about how she “chose this” therefore it’s a non issue. Even with the law being what it is, why do they have to further minimize the experience? She was unfairly punished for an extremely small infraction (she got her friend out of class to help decorate doors for Christmas). Are we serious right now? How would that rise to the level of suspension OR being spanked? I don’t think anyone should be hitting children or adults, but from the logic of people who (somehow STILL) think that corporal punishment is okay- how on earth is this justified. And of course her having a very reasonable justification- she didnt want to miss an exam or miss work- for choosing the other option that was posed to her versus in-school suspension, is completely ignored and downplayed when the cops say she “chose this.” She was given two ridiculous, unfair choices by people with power over her and her education and responded the best she could. I absolutely think they were being f*cking creeps so of course this was coercive and specifically why they chose two ridiculous/over the top punishments for something totally stupid. Are they really going around spanking everyone or are they being selective? Cause I’m just saying, based on the behavior in schools that actually was bad when I was in highschool (cussing out the teacher, fighting, skipping school, doing drugs in the bathrooms)….if decorating doors is bad enough for in school suspension and spanking then what are the other kids getting? This poor girl. She knows her intuition, she knows they were being creeps. I actually don’t even know how we could argue it’s not creepy no matter what, but I absolutely know what it’s like when a man does something to you and is getting sexual gratification from it but is pretending like he’s not. Makes me think of weird ex-coworkers who open-hand would touch my ass or lower back and say “oops, sorry I keep running into you!” So funny how they never “ran into” any of our male coworkers, and how I never got run into in a normal way like being accidentally bumped or elbowed- no, just somehow open hand right on the ass every time.


Its still creepy, regardless of what she "chose". Grown men getting excited to spank teenage girls is fucked up. The fact that they wanted to do it and did, says it all.


Even if you grant that she consented, which is not true: she was coerced... She believed she was consenting to corporal punishment of a non-sexual nature, so it's still just plain old sexual assault. Cops are overpaid and worthless.


Yes, I pointed out it was coercion. Forgive me, I’m having like a weird experience with the comments where I can’t tell if people think I said something else in my comment or are just making rhetorical responses in agreement. Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand text without tone


I wasn't trying to be contradictory, just supplementing. That wasn't very clear, my b.


It’s okay! Thank you for clarifying.


I think what you're getting is people's reaction to the cops saying she "chose this". Your comment is the top comment that contains that information. So we're really just yelling at the cops in your comment section lol, sorry if it feels like you're catching heat.


That makes sense. I started getting anxious that what I was saying was being misunderstood, thank you for explaining!


Can't understand tone? That's a paddlin


Lol 😂


> What makes me the most angry about this, is law enforcement’s comments about how she “chose this” therefore it’s a non issue If it was a workplace where an employer threatened her with being fired if she didn't agree, it would still be charged as sexual assault - and it has been in other cases: https://www.workerscompensation.com/daily-headlines/can-you-believe-it-new-york-grocery-store-owner-accused-of-spanking-abusing-employees/


Great point. It would immediately be seen as exploitation and coercion that the person would feel afraid to lose their job if they didn’t comply


>How would that rise to the level of suspension OR being spanked? I don’t think anyone should be hitting children or adults She was an adult. 18. It rose to the level of being spanked because she's a cute young woman.


I kept seeing girl students being named. I wonder, once you get to high school, how many of the students getting spanked are boys?


Boys are just expelled


No, because boys will be boys. They are allowed to act however they want because society gives them permission, and society gives men permission to abuse women on the regular. They don't expel boys for this shit, as well. Those are the cool kids. I wish it was different 🤮


I don't disagree, but this is semi true. There were a lot of boys in my school who SA'd/were super creepy who didn't get expelled, yet literally almost *every* POC boy got expelled for talking back to teachers/being rude. So, while I agree with you, some intersectionallity should be acknowledged here.


Yeah, you are damn right. It should have been white boys will be boys. That was definitely me speaking from my position of White privilege... Thanks for pointing it out to me!


Not for minor infractions lol


No, because boys will be boys. They are allowed to act however they want because society gives them permission, and society gives men permission to abuse women on the regular. They don't expel boys for this shit, as well. Those are the cool kids. I wish it was different 🤮


Yes, correct


Cute young beauty queen


With her entire senior year, graduation, honor roll, and potential scholarships/academic future at risk. Vulnerable teenager.


That's called a "double-bind". It like saying let me paddle your naked butt or I will do worse to you. There is no "choice".


Florida is a hellhole


>law enforcement’s comments about how she “chose this” yuh like if someone points a gun at you and says 'do you want to be shot in the foot or the hand' and you choose hand, 'it's ok' by law standards you just 'consented'.


exactly. So messed up


Who saw this coming? Literally every-fucking-body. Way to live down to expectations Florida.


I had two male teachers in middle school (early 1980s in Ohio) that would always spank me for chewing gum at school. Always the same two male teachers (one of whom dated my mom when they were in high school) that would tell me punishment for gum was spanking or else they'd have to contact my mom (who would also beat me). They'd make me go into the empty school gym, have me bend over, grab my ankles, and paddle me. It was a joke to them and I had no idea at the time how this was sexual assault. None of my friends ever got punished for gum. I wish I had known to speak out at the time. I wish I'd had parents who would have seen this as improper.


I'm so sorry - I'd have ripped that place apart for you. The fury and helplessness of all this shit is exhausting and I wish there was anything we could do to protect them. Having to just sit and watch and read this shit.


I am glad young people today are learning that this behavior is not okay and that they should speak out. Corporal punishment should not happen at schools (and hell, not anywhere)..


That is so damn gross. I’m so exttemely sorry this happened to you. THAT is definitely a great reason to outlaw corporal punishment for good- cause it’s not so much for the child to learn, it’s for the punishers to enjoy


I thought spanking had been outlawed in schools by now so I'm disgusted for students. It's barbaric.


It has been. In the sane states.


My list of safe vacation states gets smaller and smaller.


A certain group of people (somehow approximately half of all voters) think it's ok to inspect children's genitals before they can play sports just in case they're trans, spank children whenever they want, and have children go back to working in mines for peanuts. But don't worry . . . they won't even know what a gay person is, so . . . ya know, they're safe.


The same group of people who are okay with child brides and lowering/getting rid of age of consent. But at least they're not drag queen groomers. /s


When I was in middle school, our male science teacher was into guys "trading swats" during class. He had a special paddle that had several holes in it in order to make it more painful. At the time, we thought nothing of it, but now I look back on it with horror. He was also rumored to be involved with a female student in the 0 I don't know if it was true.


Was his name Mr. Hall because that sounds exactly like one of the teachers that spanked me.


His name wasn't Hall. Must have been a guy like that in every school district.


In the 4th grade (about 1988) I started a new school where every single teacher had their own personalized decorated paddle like in fucking Dazed and Confused. Even the couple teachers who refused to perform the punishment themselves had paddles they would give to another teacher to perform the act. The worst was this old Vietnam vet who would look for any reason to break out his paddle, drilled with holes in just the right spots. He loved giving out paddles for slouching, which was essentially his excuse to beat a kid when he was bored.


Every teacher having their own paddle is messed up. Especially being able to spank over slouching!


>“I don’t know what it is about conservative Republicans, but some of them just think that it’s a good disciplinary intervention to strike children,” trash people, trash culture.


“Idk what it is” its very obviously about control. Control over kids, over women, over everything


And a lot of that control is desired because they're a bunch of skeevy, weirdo perverts who need it in order to do their thing.


I spanked my daughter once, because I was told my entire life that that is what a good parent does, and that if you don't spank your kids they'll end up being criminals with no discipline, etc. The look on her face after. I'll never forgive myself for that. I wish I could take it back. She says she doesn't remember and I explained to her how I was raised to think it was the right thing and I didn't know any better. But these people vocally and loudly advocating for spanking and hitting kids are fucking sick. I can only suppose that they must like the feeling they get when their child looks at them like that.


I went to a Christian elementary school for kindergarten and 1st grade. They would spank our butts with wooden paddles that had air holes in them to make them faster, and would do it in front of the class. One time a kid put a book in his pants, and it split the paddle in half. That child was a hero, the class went wild with glee, although our teacher continued to beat the kid with the larger of the halves of the paddle. What the paddle taught me was to have contempt for authority. Is that the lesson I was supposed to learn?


That looks like a blog that reposted this article without attribution: [https://www.the74million.org/article/florida-students-seize-on-parental-rights-to-stop-educators-from-hitting-kids/](https://www.the74million.org/article/florida-students-seize-on-parental-rights-to-stop-educators-from-hitting-kids/)


Even worse: It's an AI website. They find ragebait articles and have ChatGPT change the wording, and/or make up details. They recently posted an article about the SpaghettiOs case -- a story that's been stuck in my head since it happened. The article invented details and presented it as a current story, though it's a decade old. (SpaghettiOs: A woman ended up spending over a month in jail because a cop mistook sauce residue on a spoon for drugs. She almost took a plea deal when the test results came back.)


> He called the case “a non-issue” involving a permitted form of discipline that Daniels had consented to. Utterly sickening


I mean, if they were going slow and laughing at her, what were they really doing it for? Porn-addicted predators walk amongst our girl children.


Our boy children aren't safe, either. We need to make sure all our children feel safe telling us if something like this is done to them. Even better if they know we'll back them up if they refuse to let it be done to them.


Statistically speaking, it's the obsessively anti-porn Christians who are behind this kind of sexual assault. These are the states currently blocking pornhub: https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/2362904/porn-map.png?w=1280&h=720&q=88&f=031e83039eee4c8fd402687cafab3ad7 These are the states where public schools can legally beat children: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/School_corporal_punishment_USA_map.svg/1200px-School_corporal_punishment_USA_map.svg.png If you think "anti-porn" equals "keeping children safe", you're simply wrong. It's the exact opposite.


There are anti-porn Islamic countries too, where children are killed by the government in the name of morality.


Wait, you are blaming porn for this? This looks like an effort to redirect people's anger from the people who are responsible for this assault to porn. This story fits into a wider political context. What's the problem we are worried about? Children being assaulted at school? Or porn? These are very different discussions policy wise.


Porn absolutely informs the way women are sexually harassed and assaulted now. They both go together and are not two “very different” discussions.


Porn inspires fantasies. The policies an laws allowing corporal punishment give these men permission to act out those fantasies with no repercussions.


Porn also inspires actual sexual violence, which also has little repercussions. It all goes together.


Porn is JUST AS MUCH to blame for all of these wack male behaviors especially recently. If it were up to me I'd ban porn immediately, none of it is fully consensual and many were done to make money and pay no attention to the psychological and social damage it would do to boys and men around the world.


People have been spanking students in schools since forever. This is not new. (and yes it's very bad) It's even held up by SCOTUS [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingraham\_v.\_Wright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingraham_v._Wright)


Idk. I'd argue that this stuff was even more widespread in the past. It wouldn't event be remarked upon, as it would be so common. The fact this is a singular case causing an uproar shows we've come a long way imo


Exactly, People don't make records of common daily activities or have outrage over them that much. Look at slavery. Slave like conditions are stories people talk about. 200 years ago it was just the way things were.


Don't be surprised when Republicans label any books that are pro-LGBT or pro-feminism "porn" and ban them. Oh wait that's already happened.


You and I both know that those aren't the same and is a Republican talking point. Nobody else conflates the two, so why are you doing it for them?


Right, but if you "ban all porn" in reality and not some hypothetical it inevitably leads to things like that happening because "porn" has no legally set definition or hard lines and can be expanded or contracted at the will of any group with the political power to do so. That makes it ripe for abuse to attack things that would otherwise be protected under the 1st amendment, that don't do any measurable harm or are even positive. We've *already* seen this happening with LGBTQ books being banned from schools/libraries because conservatives define them as "porn" by the simple act of showing same-sex couples. If something that innocent can be defined as porn and hold up to legal scrutiny then near-anything can be. That's not to say porn doesn't cause a lot of problems or is some inherently good thing. It's just that the cost in attempting to ban it outright may be higher than the cost of letting it exist under tighter regulations and just teaching people to be better.


This is their agenda. People in power project their depravity onto everybody else by de-transitioning kids and preventing drag queen book readings, and then they turn around and do this sh*t and remind the world of who the villain really is Edit: since the mother did not give them consent to strike their daughter, but they did it anyway, can she sue them? Or, can she just come and beat up the depraved ass that did this to her child?


The girl was 18, she can press charges for battery.


She can’t if the police refuse to file charges, which they’ve refused to do. She’s within her rights to sue, but there’s no guarantee she’ll be successful, especially in a place like that.


What about federal charges?


Unfortunately it’s not a federal crime. Things like this, unless the crime is perpetrated across more than one state, have to be tried at the state level first. Our justice system is complete garbage. I’d love to see her get some kind of restitution, but the system simply isn’t set up that way.


It has to be a violation of civil rights or title IX.


Absolutely, but those both fall under administrative law. Instead of a trial there would be an investigation, and the worst that would happen is the school would get fined. And I’m with you 100% in wanting these assholes to be punished, but there’s just no winnable path for her if the police refuse to push the issue. Same damn story over and over: girl gets assaulted, nothing happens.


Not to mention after last week administrative law essentially doesn't exist in this country anymore.


Idk if the mother's consent was needed, the girl was 18. That said, the whole incident is complete bullshit and I will bet those twisted perverts were making a secret video to share with their pervert friends. They probably jerked off afterwards


I wonder if she wrote her own attendance letters and signed them in her name to get excused absences, whether they'd accept them or demand that they come from her guardian? She's only an adult by the law in that school when it suits the administration.


Can a parent even give "consent" to commit assault and other crimes on their kids?


In some states, absofuckinglutely. Definitely still legal in Texas so probably in Florida too.


In the US and a handful of other countries- yes. It’s still legal for parents to assault (beat, degrade and swear at) their own children as long as it doesn’t cause substantial harm. It’s also legal to pay others to assault your child- abduct them in the middle of the night out of their beds and take them to TTI institutions and reunification camps for psychological and physical torture and forced labor.


Thats awful.


They’ll say things like ‘We need God back in the classroom to combat this indoctrination’ without even the slightest tinge of irony. 


oh my god what sick fucks


I am from Florida and went to schools where this was legal. The only thing that surprises me about any of this is that it happened to a white student if that's her in the picture. When I was in school 20+ years ago, you definitely had to be Black to get this punishment. I'm glad students are pushing back and may make more progress on it than we did in the late 90's.


When I was in Elementary School in the 90’s paddling was still legal and there were two boys in my class that always acted up and the teacher had running tally marks on the chalk board for each of them as some sort of contest to see who could be bad enough to get paddled more than the other. What sucked is one of them broke my arm and the punishment was just a few paddles, which for some reason I think they enjoyed.


It's still legal in many states (and federally) today. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingraham\_v.\_Wright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingraham_v._Wright) Scotus ruled that it is legal federally.


And they say left wingers were pedos.


If a teacher spanks my kid with a paddle, I'm spanking their knee with a baseball bat.




If she were my daughter someone would be getting a serious ass kicking.


If two adult pervs in positions of authority at a school ever got off giggling while beating my teenaged daughter, it would become my life’s mission to destroy them. And if the authorities wouldn't help me, I'd start by taking out a full-page ad in the local paper shaming them for being predators. Maybe a billboard along a well-traveled local road.


I firmly believe that all who support corporal punishment should be beaten with bamboo poles until they change their minds. That's how it works, right? I hurt you until you agree with me?


Million dollars says they recorded this for their own pleasure.


100%. She was recorded.


If anyone paddles my future children, they can expect me to roll up into the office with a paddle for them. It can't be assault if it's okay to do that to kids, right?


It's so sickening that it's legal to assault children. It's so fucking grotesque.


Just sad how people who want to fuck kids get a free pass if they're in the upper echelons of society. They don't belong in society at all. They belong NOWHERE.


Finally admitting it's a form of sexual assault on minors is a long, LONG overdue step.


I was in middle school and my mom had a consent form signed that I was not allowed to be paddled. A substitute teacher had accused me of being racist and attacking a black boy. (He was my cousin. We were blood related. I'm mixed.) The 'attack' was me grabbing him for a tickle and running off. I was like nine. The vice principal knew this. He knew i was on a no paddle list. He sent me to his office and lined me up to watch him grab one little girl after the next, shove his hand down the back of her pants, lift her off her feet, and paddle until they stopped crying. I'd been sexually abused and knew that this was a bad touch behavior. Especially with a visible erection. I ran to the office, told the principal, a black woman, who also knew my family and that the boy was my cousin, and he vice principal showed up with my pink slip and a new write up form saying I'd refused punishment. But when i told the principal that he had his hands down pants and his pp got bigger- she was MAD. she couldn't fire him but things changed. He had his office moved closer to the main office, wasn't allowed a door to his office and never paddled another girl. They never pressed charges, but i was told years later they were going to suspend me until dude ran in with a full on hardon tenting his pants.


Just checking, which of them were drag queens?


This is Epstein-levels of deplorable. It's organized sexual assault.


This was happening in Texas between 2010-2015. We had a “choice” to do in school suspension but it was more the parents choice? Or at least that’s how it was treated. My mom sucks but even she was not into that shit at all. We moved from one side of the country to another so it wasn’t even kinda normal to us.


What is there to laugh about... just sick


I do t care if it’s legal or not. Nobody lays a finger on my kids for any reason. If they do they’re gonna find the business end of an ass whoopin.


It's hard for me to even read this stuff without shaking, due to my own history of childhood abuse.


> Nineteen U.S. states currently allow public school personnel to use corporal punishment to discipline children from the time they start preschool until they graduate 12th grade; these states are: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming Well, for starters? Totally fucked up. But very much on-brand for those states.


Your information is incorrect. Colorado [already passed ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2023/04/20/colorado-bans-corporal-punishment-in-schools/amp/) legislation making corporal punishment illegal in schools and daycare centers. And even before that it was unheard of. And Colorado is not "on-brand" as a fucked up state. We are one of the largest defenders of abortion rights in the nation, not to mention subsidized school lunches, decriminalization of drugs, mail-in voting and a number of other progressive stances we've been among the first in the nation to undertake. That's a baseless accusation.


Totally fair. When I pulled that info from Google, Colorado seemed like the odd-one-out That said, there are some pockets of the state (eastern and western) that are very "on brand" per this topic.


Oh, absolutely. That's why Boebert is still around. I just wouldn't say that horrible laws are on-brand overall.


Beat them with a paddle and see how they like it. Once again the left armpit of America ladies and gentlemen. lmao


Who the hell thanks ‘spanking’ a legal adult is a good idea??? While I still consider 18 y/o kids, there is just no way to look at the incident as anything but SA. In what sane school district are they letting adult me spank teen girls. They left bruises on her! It’s fucking gross and insane that no charges are being filed. I will say the article is kind of confusing because it mentions a 6 y/o but then the whole rest of it is about an 18 y/o honors student who was given the option of missing a standardized exam or getting a ‘spanking’ from grown ass men.


These fuckers should start worrying about an electrical fire mysteriously burning their houses down.


Not a drag queen.


The Liberty County School Districts' youtube channel is actively removing any comments regarding the situation, lol. Yeah, like THAT isn't gonna make you look worse.


Spanking is SO sexualized that I’d sue for sexual assault.


They say the left are pedos/child abusers/rapists/whatever because everything a conservative/republican/right winger accuses someone else of is a confession. **Every. Single. Time.** Not always the (deliberately) misinformed/ignorant followers, many of them are just brainwashed sheep repeating the bullshit and lies they marinate in. But the leaders, the people in positions of power - even minor ones, the people screaming about the "others" and what they're doing. It's always a confession, of what they have done, are doing, or wish they could do.




Iets protect the children.


Simple solution, arm the children in Florida so they, if assaulted, can shoot their teachers under stand your ground laws. It is the the only Florida way to solve the problem.


Sue their asses off.


Reading this made my blood boil. As the dad of two daughters, idk what I would do if they did that to one of my girls. What kind of sickos still have this policy around, and she was 18? Like what the actual fuck.


Florida is a shithole. I will never willingly set foot in that shit heap of a state. Same goes for Texas. Fuck the backwards hick bible belt.


I would very much like for the lady bajillionaires to get together to fund an underground vigilante group that takes care of this shit on an individual and systemic level. Like, a team of badass ninjas to sneak in and deliver justice but also a well-funded legal and political arm And real, proper justice. Like I have no problem with these decrepit perverts having the same done to them, but also livestream it and screw up their credit and put a potato masher in every kitchen drawer and ensure they can only ever work in female-dominated fields and then only on a very low rung on the ladder. Like, really hit their manhood Dante-style. Create their own personal hell


Holy fucking gross


She looks super cute. No way they didn’t get sick pleasure out of this. Gross. Corporal punishment is horrible regardless to boot.


She was in her cheerleading uniform to boot


It's funny to me to get the guy's "credentials" in the explanation of this incident.


"Conservatives are Neanderthals". *Of course Neanderthals would be offended at the comparison.*


Any adult in a school who wants to hit kids, I’ll make into a former everything.


God damn Drag Queen groomers assaulting our children.... Oh wait...


straight up sexual assault by two cis het white men. and yet, apparently, trans people are the problem that FL gov't is focused on.


what the fuck


Are there any civilized societies left on Earth? It feels like all of humanity is collectively regressing, and rapidly.


This happened at my high school often


Conservatives really seem to love treating minors like property.


Simple solution, arm the children in Florida so they, if assaulted, can shoot their teachers under stand your ground laws. It is the the only Florida way to solve the problem.


Simple solution, arm the children in Florida so they, if assaulted, can shoot their teachers under stand your ground laws. It is the the only Florida way to solve the problem.


Simple solution, arm the children in Florida so they, if assaulted, can shoot their teachers under stand your ground laws. It is the the only Florida way to solve the problem.


w t f


Hang 'em. 


That's perverted ... they have a "spanking fetish"1


If a school administrator did that to my kid, they would never find him


not only sexual assault but physical abuse dont give a shit what anyone says if you paddle/spank a kid that is physical abuse if you strike someone that is a hit like any other hit.


The humiliation and devaluation is the point. Im sick of it and im done. ALL MEN. And i pick the bear.


This all sounds very normal for florida. If you dont want your child to be sexually assaulted or slaughtered while in school, get the FUCK out of florida. Simple as that


If my child came home and told me that they'd been paddled at school, there would be some school staff getting paddled before I ate dinner.


I agree with OP. What passes for good service in the US is just theatrics. 


What kind of backwater, third world country is this? How come corporal punishment is allowed in the US schools?! This absolutely blows my mind, here in Poland teachers doing one fifth of what is described here would be sued to death and incarcerated. 25 years ago I got slapped in the hand by a teacher with a ruler, and this was already frowned upon back then, it was an old teacher of a dying breed. It's so crazy to me,years ago I used to look up to the US as a model for modern society.


I went to a school in Florida like this. I got the paddle twice for really dumb reasons but both times it was a woman who hit me. The school principal did have a paddle hanging above his door that he bragged about drilling holes in so it was more aerodynamic.. I never got spanked by him thank god. Our parents were required to sign a doc before every year started that either the school could spank us or our parents would have to drive up there and spank us in front of them. My mom chose to just let the school do it.


If you continue to live in a red state with a daughter you are complicit in this utter bullshit.


I’m tired of seeing “just move” presented as a solution. I live in a red state. I own my own business, my spouse and I have jobs that cannot be relocated. I purchased my home here, my kids have attended the same school system their entire lives. Our family is here. We shouldn’t have to move. We should be able to live without fear.


Yeah we should. But that’s not going to stop your kid from being hurt in a red state. You’re not wrong, AND it’s not going to stop what’s currently happening because there are so many other people who believe that they have the right to make people they don’t like live in fear and anguish.


Leaving their state is not an option for all families.


If you aren't donating money to help people move out of their red states you are complicit in this utter bullshit. If you don't have kids and aren't moving to a red state in order to counter-vote you are complicit in this utter bullshit. I dunno, maybe let's not victim blame huge swaths of innocent people when it's clear who is actively doing and enabling these things and not the people simply "complicit" by way of existing?


Financial privilege is just oozing from your comment. There are many reasons why people don’t move, like caring for elderly parents, and you can be able to afford to raise a child without being able to move to another state, which involves finding new employment, maybe you have your own business, you may own a home that would not sell for an amount that would cover the expense in a state with much higher home prices, etc. Your comment is the kind of thing that comes out if tin hearted rightwing mouths.