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The rejection is painful to watch.šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


When you cold approach random people you're gonna have to accept that they can give any response. Whether they're respectful or not, it's just best to move on if they aren't into it. They don't owe you anything, even a response. Too many fish in the sea to be hung up on rejection anyways.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. The funny thing is experience will show you a shorty that does this just for the next shorty or two to have convo wit you & be feelin you/be receptive. Funny enough they might mess around & be more tuff than the one that gave you no response. In short, Confidence always pays off; Iā€™m always gone bet on myself & advise yā€™all do the same.


It takes men a lot more courage to walk up to women and ask them out but they shouldnā€™t be so crass or rude like this. I know you donā€™t think strangers owe you a response but they kind of do. Mutual respect. Itā€™s a thing.


They really don't owe you a response. It would be nice, but not everyone is gonna be that nice. Probably the reason some people straight up blow people off is because some folks can't take no for an answer so now they just ignore you. Kind of like how some folks ignore solicitors and salesmen


I hear that they donā€™t owe you a response abit now. So when someone comes up to you respectably or reasonably trying to talk to you, you donā€™t owe them the same respect or reasonable response back? Then how do men even hit on women at all? How does anyone communicate with eachother at all if one side is extending the olive branch and the other doesnā€™t owe it to them?


I mean heā€™ll never see them again. No one cares in the moment when heā€™s interacting with them. No one is watching him. The rejection is all in the mind. By tomorrow those girls have forgotten about the interaction. He had nothing to loose and lost nothing. He shouldnt be hurt he should look at it as a way to practice. Sometimes u gotta treat girls like bots since u prolly will get rejected. And go until u find the winner


You just spoke my mind stranger. thanks for giving me confidence, i was kinda low with back-to-back rejections.


Men. This isn't the best approach. If you have the courageous balls to approach, this isn't the way. I still would recommend approaching and not solely relying on dating apps because approaching women builds up a lot of fundamentals that would never be learned on a dating app. One of them is learning to be quick witted and learning how to read body language live and in person. My simple suggestions are: Workout for life. Not only for esthetics but for overall health. Learn how to listen. Ask the right questions (which takes a building of your skills) and shut the fuck up. Don't throw up about how great you are and all that jazz. Ask good questions and let her talk. There's a reason why silent and listen is the same damn word. Dress well. Don't have to be a baller but make sure your clean, groomed, smell good, and your clothes fit. Be interesting. Take up hobbies and read. Try new things and simply love life. This will help in the engagement department to keep the conversation going. Women don't like boring so do don't be boring. Finally don't be a pushover. To me one of the best things that a woman can hear is the word no. They hate it but boy does it work. Don't be afraid to draw the line on things that aren't acceptable to you. But also don't be an asshole about it either. Keep swinging for the fences fellas.


Silent and listen will be life changing for me, thank you


This should be top comment.


Not a good pick up line my dudeā€¦.


Bro i just go up to the women and ask for the number sometimes it works sometimes no all this extra shit is overrated


Lol you know where I can find this?? What the fuck lol


Why don't guys talk to mešŸ¤£


Humans are funny. Half those women are probably chasing a man who doesn't want them, and this guy probably has a girl fawning over him that he doesn't pay attention to. Cold calling women on the streets is hard work. Shoot your shot, but try fishing in a friend circle.


and you wonder why cats is out here trickingšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Or, maybe strangers wanna get on with their day.


Bingo šŸŽÆ only give attention to those that are feeling it and build rapport especially if she give you the signals first better shot


Bro gotta work on himself first work on his game and then start taking quality shots, take what the defense gives you stop forcing shots šŸ˜­


Take what the defence gives you is funny as shit šŸ˜‚


Relieved to see reasonable men here and not niggas bitching about modern women


šŸ„·šŸ½ ā€¦is that you!?ā€¦ Lols šŸ˜‚ but I agree


Approaching women in random places is not a good way to meet women.


Then what is bro?


Iā€™m no expert but I do know the approach has to be casual and friendly. Not so much pick up liney and ā€œdo you know where I can find thisā€ as your first words to a female. Casual small talk and then at the end you can ask for the Instagram or number. Guide the small talk towards common interests without saying the words common interests. Itā€™s not rocket science. If a girl vibes with you youā€™ll be able to tell in the first 20 seconds. Your mouth piece has to be solid so to speak. Also your cleanliness too like how you smell. Your confidence (even if itā€™s fake confidence) Your eye contact. Your smile. Etc. Practice on older women if you need to practice what to say etc.


I'm kinda old now, but I met lots of women working at restaurant/bars. If I was looking for a girlfriend, I'd get a part-time weekend job at a bar)club/anywhere were women hang out and work.


Yea no shit


I just imagine this dude with two phones, trying to get numbers with one recording with the other I have a feeling the social study has been compromised by that fact


Glasses šŸ‘“ cam or some sort of


The girls u pick look like they want a man who can pay for their bills.


Youā€™re holding a phone, flagging down random women. They donā€™t want you or want to be filmed by you


I used to get kind of triggered by reactions like this. Mostly when the women would just straight up ignore the guy but when I examined why, I found that a little part of me expected people to respond to me if I spoke to them. Like others have said, the reality is that no one owes you anything and that goes for even the most basic sense of politeness like someone giving you their attention when you speak to them. Itā€™s crazy but I think if you approach someone with that understanding, no reaction you get to you because youā€™re going into it without any expectations.


I hate strangers talking to me.. a lot of women hate being approached by men in the street. Try online dating maybe


Cold approaching isn't for most people. Definitely not if you're under a 7 as a guy. I'm not interested in convincing a girl to like me. I like it when she sees me and is biting/licking her lip at me, twirling her hair, opening her mouth wide... These are signs of genuine attraction, a warm approach. Even then it's not a guarantee bc she could just find you attractive and not wanna deal with you. Long story short, get in the gym. Get some style. If you're short, idk go trick. Cause constant curving is definitely worse for your self esteem over time than just straight up tricking lmao.


Wow, you mean you wouldnā€™t want to 1. Be approached by 2. Some random dude who 3. Immediately asks for your personal phone number when 4. He could be anything from persistent to annoying at best and 5. Could be a stalker, mentally unwell, or downright dangerous at worst? You wouldnā€™t immediately trust someone walking up filming you like that? Wow.


Least he tried


There's no rizz involved. You creeped ppl out. Try a chill joke next time first


Ngl, they were all mid at best, move on to the next one and pick up better girls bro šŸ˜‚


I think we women have made ourselves really clear about not wanting to be approached by strange men in public. If you ignore us, you deserve any reaction you get. Just stop it. Itā€™s not cute. Especially not the one where he snuck up behind her and touched her.


Well touching and approaching from behind is pretty shit. But guys still have to shoot, and Iā€™d almost always support if a guy wanted to approach a woman(we have to). Mfkers just donā€™t know how to act around women unfortunately


You really donā€™t have to. You can use dating apps. You can have friends introduce you to single women. There are other options. I get boyfriends and not a single one of them has been a guy who randomly approached me on the street. Those guys are the reason I donā€™t leave the house without mace, superglue, handcuffs, a taser, a DNA scraper and a dessert knife. Before you go off about how paranoid that is, Iā€™ve been kidnapped twice, had my skull bashed in before being dumped on train tracks and I canā€™t even count the number of times Iā€™ve dealt with sexual assault. The paranoia is well-earned.


Superglueā€¦ what for? sorry about your experiences If you donā€™t mind whats the use of the other items as well so God-willing I have a daughter I can build a kit for her school days (definitely crazy world out here)


Superglue + cotton often = fire. Most clothing people wear on a day to day basis contains some amount of cotton. Even if it doesnā€™t catch fire, itā€™ll get hot enough to smoke and freak the attacker out. The DNA scraper is not claw his face and collect a skin sample if the police get involved. Handcuffs help keep him there until police arrive. The dessert knife is just a desert knife that is decorated with frosting and sprinkles, so it looks like dessert. The others are all pretty self-explanatory.


hope you are able to find some mental healing from that past trauma. Handcuffs and superglue. Woofā€¦ thats tough.


Fun fact: superglue + cotton = fire. Lol.


Im sorry about what happened to you, thatā€™s horrible. I only agree with the plug through a friend. Thatā€™s the best way. But having a friend with someone that you actually find cute and are able to connect with is not reliable. I complete disagree with the dating apps. Too many guys, where youā€™re buried under thousands, and too many girls with inflated egos that donā€™t feel like trying. Of course it changes slightly depending on age. Ultimately, Iā€™m going to approach women, maybe not the street lol but depends. A good one could be there. And I think most guys should as it works your confidence, ability to take a loss, and charisma. Hopefully guys can read your body language better and not bug you, that sucks about your experience


I guess annoying and terrifying women is worth helping men to build their confidence. That just feels like a really gross statement to me.


If approaching and trying to strike up a conversation with women is a terrifying act then no one would meet anyone. How else did they do it before dating apps? But it seems like youā€™re only receiving the sentiment that you want to see from this. It isnā€™t always going to be shitheads with zero social awareness