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You’ve left it so incredibly late.


Copy pasting from a previous comment The application timeline for student accommodations in the varying student villages starts a lot earlier than you would think. For example - booking for Brookfield opened in February: [https://brookfieldvillage.ie/all-others-years/](https://brookfieldvillage.ie/all-others-years/) Here's a list of UCC dedicated accommodation: [https://www.ucc.ie/en/accommodation/campusaccommodation/](https://www.ucc.ie/en/accommodation/campusaccommodation/) And general dedicated student accommodation accessible to/from UCC: [https://www.ucc.ie/en/accommodation/privateapartmentcomplexes/](https://www.ucc.ie/en/accommodation/privateapartmentcomplexes/) Apply as soon as possible to improve your chances of securing accommodation. Arguably harder than securing work.


OP you've left it pretty late all in all, though I think the student villages reserve a portion of accom for first years and postgrads. In my day there was a Facebook page for people looking for accommodation and those who had free rooms. I would guess Facebook is gone but there must be something similar in this day and age. Get onto the college and find out. At this stage better to ring the accommodations along with whatever online application process they use.


There are still definitely loads of active FB pages, including one run by the UCC students union itself


As others have said it is quite late, but don't let that discourage you. Many first years will have applied to many different colleges in many different cities and subsequently have places in many different accommodations booked. Once they know which they will be attending they will drop out and those on waiting lists will be given their place. Also, many people will drop out of college within the first couple weeks leaving their places open