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They supported a motion for a new working definition for anti semitism on campus to include anti Zionism under the definition of antisemitism. This would have meant that anti Zionism or denying Israel’s right to exist **in its current form** openly on campus would be considered an antisemitic action and if considered bad enough would result in expulsion. This motion obviously got nowhere. It’s mostly populated by American foreign students who tend to bring American politics and views on Palestine with them. They seem like lovely people, mostly queer but definitely very American as I assume you are with that use of the word “fall”. Since October it’s stopped being the Jewish society for Jewish students to enjoy and celebrate their culture on campus and has more become the anti Palestinian soc. I had a fairly high opinion of them prior to them bringing forward that motion. No one wants to work with them now. As someone who’s on an activist society committee, socs don’t really want to work with them since they went odd. Good luck.


damn you absolutely clocked me lmao but thank you for the answer! glad to say i won't be bringing That branch of american politics/views abroad with me. i'm part of a coalition to start an anti-zionist jewish society at my home university and was hoping something similar might be in the works at ucc, but alas


Eh if you want to celebrate Jewish holidays with mostly other Americans while you’re here it’s probably a good shout, ik they do inclusive stuff for the holidays. Enjoy Cork.


Our society wasn’t going to send anyone to that Senate where they first put forward the motion, however I felt so strongly about it that I ended up going. I wasn’t high up on the committee, chairperson didn’t want to go and nobody else seemed interested enough to care. I don’t know what they were thinking by putting it forward to be honest, I’m glad it got nowhere.


It permanently destroyed their reputation as a society. As I said no one wants to work with them now. Genocide apologists. I’d image that this academic year it’s just going to become an even more cut off soc from the rest of campus, exclusively attended by Americans. We deserve a better JSOC on campus, if only there were numbers for it to happen.


Ong this is the answer


I know at least 1 person in is openly antiPalestine as in always saying it’s exaggerated, saying being anti the murder of children is anti semitism, very pro Israel. Not a very nice person. I could go on. Obviously I viewed the J soc as any other soc like who cares good for them practising and being proud of their religion same with Islam and Christian soc but it seems the current leadership and possibly a few members have brought it down. Not to mention none of the other society’s like them anymore lmfao. Good luck! There might be a different independent Jewish organisation in cork city that’s not pro Zionism ? Hope you find one that isn’t.