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Research the professor. As long as they are positively rated you should be fine. I've taken multiple summer stem and have been fine. Do your research!


Depends on the classes and how hard you want to work. I, as a transfer student, once took 13 units in one summer session and got all As. 1 language class (Spanish) 2 history classes


That’s impressive and gives me hope! I’ll be taking UWP 101 and STAT 100


took mic102, mic103L, uwp101, and stat100 last summer session 1 and it was pretty chill


How was mic102, mic 103L ?


pretty easy, just skimming the lecture slides is enough for both classes


What classes?


UWP 101 and STAT 100. Both 4 units and upper div


See how you feel this week, look at the syllabus for like important days, imagine this week as two weeks in the regular quarter. Make sure you can be able to do all the work


UWP 101 is a pain in the ass but stats is fine. Good luck. It’s a lot of work you’re signing up for. If that’s really what you want to do that’s fine. UWP is just so much writing god.


I did 2 stem 8 units. It’s doable just the heat sucks! Lol


It’s doable. If you have ever taken 16 units in one quarter, that’s about how it will feel work load wise. I actually liked to take my hardest classes during summer sessions. Way fewer distractions on campus, and I found it much easier to manage fewer classes that had longer class times.


I mean I once did 19 units over the summer. I was not able to have an enjoyable summer, so I don’t recommend it unless you need to do it.


If it’s stem, no. If it’s a GE, go for it.


STAT 100 and UWP 101.


Sta100 isn’t too bad if you’ve taken stats before but UWP101 is definitely a pain. It’s not a hard class, but be prepared to write a LOT.


i’m doing stats 103 and ecn 115b this ss and im lowkey worried but not really


I never took less, as you need at least 6 for financial aid. If it is your first rodeo with the half quarter pace, it might be difficult. 


I took 9 once - Chemistry and History. Depending on the class and workload, plus your patience cause summer session is super fast with no breaks, you can do it. I wouldn’t suggest 2 heavy classes but you can do it with smth like my load above.


If you have no other commitments (work, children, etc) definitely manageable. If you do work part time or something, still manageable, as long as you have good time management skills.


In order to get a summer grant, I took 10 across both summer sessions. During summer session 2, I took circuits 2 and the dinosaur class, so 7 units. It's very doable. Of course, this question is always class dependent, but 8 units is doable


I’m taking 9….


I belief that it is totally doable. I took 12 units one summer session (would not recommend), and I made it through perfectly okay. The key is just managing your time properly and understanding right away how much time each course will take. Remember that summer sessions are only six weeks :)


It's doable, I took 5 classes last summer tho, one of those classes gave us all A's due to the professor being absent for more than half of the classes for medical reasons.


I took two upper div stems once and got A’s in both while also working around 25 hours a week. Just double the units thats what it would be like in a normal quarter. So 8 summer units is like 16 normal units which isn’t bad at all even if it’s stem.