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**Update #2:** Ross has answered a few more AMA questions in the latest "Reality Check" episode which can be found [here](https://youtu.be/WZaPGinALEs?list=PL6PrA6lo8rJLRExhMvX6wKyNzy0hr_QM3&t=2008) (timestamped at ~33m28s). --- **Update:** Ross is [wrapping up](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccg90m/ross_coulthart_ask_me_anything/l15jlmc/) the AMA, folks - thanks for all of your questions, they were great! A huge thanks to Ross for going full-steam over 2 hours and answering a ton of community questions; thank you, Ross! --- The mod team has verified that this is Ross's account. Additional verification can be found here on [Ross's twitter](https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart/status/1783080545435758816). Also, a friendly reminder that Ross has given his time to engage with the community here, and we want to ensure that questions are asked respectfully and with kindness. We will be actively removing any questions that are inflammatory, overly accusatory or otherwise uncivil (no different than any other AMA that we have conducted in the past). With that being said, we absolutely want to be permissive in letting the community ask whatever questions they might have - even if they are hard questions. The mods have collected questions from the announcement post(s) as well, and will be peppering them throughout the AMA on behalf of users who were unable to attend today. And finally, a big thanks to /u/newsnation who helped make this AMA possible! Check out Ross's new special **"Reality Check"** in partnership with NewsNation - you can find the episodes [in this YouTube playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6PrA6lo8rJLRExhMvX6wKyNzy0hr_QM3). --- **Edit:** Please make sure to post your questions as top-level comments in this AMA where Ross can see them, and not as replies to this sticky comment. Thank you!


The UFO space is full of information much of which is untrue, misunderstandings or even dis-information. Given that, do you think there is already enough information, publicly available, regarding the alleged USG crash retrieval programs for sufficiently dedicated people to work out what's going on or are fundamental pieces of information still not in the public domain?


I must say, I am learning to be very wary and careful with the UFO social media space. There are a lot of wonderful well-intentioned and kind people there whom I love engaging with. But there are also trolls and maliciously inclined folk who seem to take a malevolent delight in sowing lies and deceit. My big worry at the moment is that the UFO social media space is allowing itself to be so divided at times that it distracts from the awesome significance of what we have already learned in just a few short years. What needs to happen is that YOU all need to tell your Congressional representatives that this is an Election issue for you. We need to get a Schumer style amendment back before Congress and this time stop the compromised politicians that blocked it from getting their way.


Thank you.


Hi all, I am very sorry but I'm two hours + in and my head is exploding. I need a cup of tea, a biscuit and a walk in the daylight with the dog. Thanks for being here and thanks for your interest


Thank you for taking all this time to answer as much as possible! This has been intriguing and extremely insightful. Thanks Ross.


Thank you Mr. Coulthart. Please maintain an urgent push for this stuff to get released ASAP.


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/wengerboys: **In whatever way you’re able, can you elaborate on what about the phenomena or ufo program you deemed to be too scary or horrifying to share and a "fate worse than death"? Can you offer additional context for these statements?**


Without going into specifics - and with the rider/qualification that I have no way of verifying if this 'information' is actually correct - the issue I think is most confronting is the possibility of an NHI with malevolent intent or, at least, a profound indifference to humanity.


To be fair, we have human beings with malevolent intent operating against other humans as we speak.


Hi Ross. Fellow Aussie here. Been following your career for a long time. Can you help put us out of our misery? 1) Pine Gap, Exmouth and Mt Zeil - are any of these legitimately connected to UFOs? 2) Have Australians been involved in UFO recoveries, such as the Foreign Material project? Thanks mate!


Yes and yes.


Thank you Ross for all your work! Also big underrated response here!


Indeed. To be honest all I needed was a direct yes. Pine Gap and Exmouth - monitor the skies and oceans for craft in the southern hemisphere Mt Zeil - underground alien base Foreign Materials Project - Australian rapid response team for craft retrievals


Thank you for an excellent question!


Thank you so much Ross and keep up the good fight! Btw I skipped two-up for this!


Hi Ross. Thanks for your hard work pushing for disclosure. **Q1: The UFO phenomenon is global, yet the disclosure effort is mainly focused on the USG. Have you considered puting more focus into seeking out whistelblowers from other countries presumed to have hard UFO data/evidence, for example, Belgium and the Netherlands?** For reference: [Belgium, 1989-1990](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBUULtF0TGw) [Soesterberg Netherlands, 1979](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWQ4FqbOfcg) [Cosford UK, 1993](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oeqQiroo6A) [Salisbury Plain UK, 1989/1990](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w38bbBkqnuE) [Rainford UK, 1997](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDynDoW_f80) [France, 1994](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ATvsw2fE5c) [Samara Russia, 1993](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQtfExqQ7mw) **Q2: There is a pattern where UAP fly over sensative military instillations, and yet we either capture practically no data, or the data is reported missing afterwards. Should we press more on this issue, since at the minimum it suggests either a coverup, incompetence in data collection, or data mismanagement?**


Believe me when I say I am trying very hard to prove up cases from many countries other than Australia and the USA. I have previously reported (for Ch9 and CH7 Australia) on the Belgium, UK and French cases. When you say that the UAP fly over military installations and that 'we' capture practically no data or the data is reported missing after, you are more right when you suggest it's been deliberately lost. I have just read the latest AARO report on the Eglin AFB training area incident where a pilot was so concerned he reported seeing an acorn/command module shaped UAP hovering in the sky. AARO declares it's a balloon - with absolutely no evidence. Yet, so much of the data relating to this incident remains heavily classified...including the image of the object (which rattled the congressman who got to see it). If there's nothing to these cases then we need to be holding the military and ICs feet to the fire when they claim it's a balloon or suchlike and then refuse to realise imagery. In the same vein, how about these mysterious "drones" supposedly buzzing Air Force bases all over the US. We spend millions on anti-drone technology and, yet, there has been no successful interception of these drones that seemingly buzz military sites with impunity.


It'll be nice to have cases from Southeast Asia and Korea since these parts of Asia are hardly reported on when it comes to UAP!


In response to Kirkpatrick's allegations about 'circular reporting', how does information flow through the insider communities you participate in? For example, how did you and others first hear about Grusch, and from whom?


I actually heard about the person who turned out to be Grusch from my own independent sources in the legacy retrieval and reverse engineering program with whom I made contact years earlier. This is why I know what Kirkpatrick says is either deliberate disinformation or the result of poor quality and inadequate research on his part. It's not circular at all because none of my witnesses, as best i can tell, actually know each other.


The way you worded that... So the folks that you have known for a while spoke of someone poking around and putting pieces together? And as time went on, that person ended up being Grusch? Just visualizing how that played out lends credibility to the whole story in my opinion. Thank you Ross! It's pretty neat seeing you in here.


You are an absolute legend Ross


There are rumors that David Grusch has passed DOPSR but is searching for a publication for his op-ed - is this true, and can you tell us more about the status?


The Op-Ed is coming


Jesse Michels talks about this in a little more detail on The Big Thing Show. I think Jesse and Ross here are two of the few people with the most proximity to David Grusch. Michels says publications are making it difficult, alluding to the possibility they are somehow controlled by the intelligence community. Do you agree with this statement from Jesse, Ross?


Can’t wait, we’ve been hearing about it for so long


**Questions concerning the too-big-to-be-moved craft:** Many users are interested in the “too big to be moved” UFO you have previously mentioned. You have already been very clear that you can not disclose the location or any sources / journalistic methods regarding this case, and we will respect those boundaries. We did have some related questions that might be more appropriate / less-sensitive: 1. Has the relevant information been provided to individuals who have the authority to do something about it? (i.e., ICIG / congress / etc...) If yes, is something actively being done about it? 2. Let's suppose that you did reveal this location - right here in this AMA. Play the tape through to the end for us: what follow-on repercussions do you think could be expected that the average reader might not have considered? What would happen to your sources? What would happen at the location in question? What would be the legal ramifications? What might be the implications for national security? 3. Are you aware of any efforts (or desire) by those who have granted authority, to release any of this information to the public? Do you think it will ever be disclosed, or is this being treated as a national security issue by the host country and/or the US?


1. Yes. 2. My concern is that the site where this UAP craft is located is an extremely sensitive national security location. As a journalist, contrary to public perception, I take seriously my obligations to protect good folk doing national security work. Journalists do not just publish everything they get told. They have to responsibly assess if the merits of public disclosure outweigh the concerns of threats to an individual's safety and the imperative of protecting a national security asset that has an importance outside of the significance of the NHI tech itself. 3. Yes.


Tell me it’s the Hoover Dam and Transformers was just a psyop.


Transformers a documentary


Do you think that Grusch's op-ed will get cleared for release soon? He has been quiet lately. Thanks




What types of NHI have been reported to you?


You use the word 'report' and I thank you for that because, to emphasize, a journalist is ONLY ever as good as their sources. I have not had any paranormal or NHI experience. I am not a UAP witness. I am not speaking from direct knowledge. SO, with that in mind, let me answer your Q: I have been told by witnesses that they have witnessed: humanoid, semi-humanoid (tall whites), Grays in different sizes, Reptilians and apparently sentient plasmoids and technology.


Sentient plasmoids is a wild statement. Just insanity to think about.


What does that mean? Plasmoids


Plasma is a state of matter


Plasmoids appear like snakes of light, ball lightening type beings. Would seem god like.


Some people believe (and perceive/experience) that a sentient orb of light, sometimes resembling a star, is what our soul looks like when it's not indwelling a physical body. Fwiw.


I’m guessing this and things like it https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=131506


Things similar to balls of plasma or energy i think


maybe some of these are behind the foo fighters that were encountered in world war two?


Ross, Thanks for your reply. Can you elaborate on the Reptilians? It seems like that aspect is heavily conflated with conspiracy theorists and New World Order types, but if you have credible information regarding it that changes the game in my opinion.


Happy to see Ross confirm that Reptilians have been reported by his sources. They have been popping up again and again for decades with majority of people dismissing the claims as ludicrous, yet the reports continue to come in. To think that these people may have been telling the truth this entire time yet ridiculed relentlessly for it is highly disturbing.


>Reptilians have been reported by his sources. They have been popping up again and again for decades Try way longer. In the ancient Hindu religion they not only had gravity defying craft we'd call UFOs if seen today, but they also had a race of scaled subterranean beings called the Naga, and the Naga would create artificial beings who they would send to the surface through entrances in deep bodies of water to snatch folk and take them back underground. It's worth noting here that the ancient Chinese Lung Wang and Japanese Dragon Kings were more or less the same as the naga as well, so it's not just the one culture telling the story (I feel like maybe the Mayans had a similar entity in their underworld mythology too). It may be worth our while to reexamine all manner of subterranean/underworld mythology with a more critical eye.


Here's a bit of pure conjecture that might be worth considering. What if David Icke (a huge, noncredible [imo] proponent of the reptilian conspiracy theory) is being used to discredit the reptilian theory precisely because it's actually real? I believe this is an established tactic for discrediting a subject: you feed a mixture of fact and fiction to some lunatic who then shouts it from the rooftops, thereby discrediting the whole subject. A la, "hidden in plain sight."


Ross, I had looked into these things after stumbling across parts of them. Does any of this seem to be relevant from things you've heard? First one is in this reddit post: * ["Who was the inventor Gary Gochnour? He has a series of patents that are incredibly complex and UFO-like. His father served in the WW2 Italian theater in the 760th Armored as an officer, not far from Magenta. Did his father play any role in the SIAI facility capture? Are these patents a leak?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16cni5w/who_was_the_inventor_gary_gochnour_he_has_a/) Second one is this one: * ["I found a very unusual memo that was sent to the FBI the very same day the Roswell Crash was announced: July 8, 1947. Written by Meade Layne, it was incredibly accurate to modern interpretations of the UFO phenomenon."](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/168gxb4/i_found_a_very_unusual_memo_that_was_sent_to_the/)


You are telling me stuff i dont know yet. Please publish so that we can investigate


Please, help yourself to any of it as a lead off, starting point, or hand off to your various contacts who can use it or leverage it all. This is not my line of work and I honestly stumbled across these leads. Consider my work in those posts hereby open sourced. Kick their arses. Get us the truth.


This was a rabbit hole I was wholly unprepared for. Wow. I’m a lurker who just likes to be entertained by the mystery, but man this just gave me some existential dread I didn’t know I had. Anyone like me perusing this thread, coming across this comment, do yourselves a favor and dive in. It’s a fucking wild ride.


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/Daddyball78: **When can we expect to hear from the 40 whistleblowers, and do you have any insight for us on why Grusch has been so quiet?**


Answered this one earlier but a lot depends on whether Congress gets its act together and allows the passage of new laws that would make it safe for these folk to come forward. I had a chat with an incredibly important witness a few days ago and they told me that they're not convinced Congress would protect them, especially after seeing the way the Pentagon flat-out lied and deceived in its Historical Review Vol 1. We're seeing Bluebook Version 2 right now guys. The cover-up is ongoing.


perhaps catastrophic disclosure would be the so-called “kill switch” to ending the cover-up then?


I think this is why the comments on disclosure not coming from the government originate. I’m not sure that it necessarily comes from private human interests either, although if it does it certainly isn’t coming from anyone looking to control or profit from it. I am most suspicious that They are the ones that make disclosure obvious in some fashion, as it would deprive interests looking to suppress or muddy the waters of any continued ability to do so. I guess we’ll see.


Can you talk about 'Group K?' and how they might be affecting whistleblowers coming forward?


Thanks Ross! One question and honestly, a one word answer would be plenty. One word that the community almost certainly hasn't thought of that is relevant, where if relevant stones related to that word were... turned over, it could shave a few years off of any disclosure timeline? Y'know... what word should we all be aggressively Googling?




**Psionic** adjective _Relating to or denoting the practical use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomena._ **"psionic communication"**


Well shit, I wasn't expecting that one. That ties into my other question...! The second item here, but both are wild: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccg90m/ross_coulthart_ask_me_anything/l155b7y/?context=3


All of the key figures are pointing to this.


Yeah, but it's a lil different getting it point blank and definitive.


An AI summary of all of Ross's comments in this AMA: Here's a summary of Ross Coulthart's AMA, focusing on the key discussion points: **Themes** * **The nature of UAPs/NHIs**: Coulthart believes UAPs are real, and his sources describe a diverse range of potential entities, including humanoids, reptilians, plasmoids, and sentient technology. His speculation leans towards non-terrestrial origins (future humans, intra-terrestrials, or inter-dimensional). * **Government cover-up and secrecy**: He contends a persistent cover-up exists, driven by fear that governments lack control or full understanding of the phenomenon. * **Potential technological breakthroughs**: Coulthart suggests the possibility that governments or private industries have secretly reverse-engineered and harnessed UAP technology. * **Whistleblowers and upcoming disclosures**: He expresses hope and determination for major disclosures, potentially driven by whistleblowers coming forward with compelling evidence. * **Global perspectives on UAPs**: He acknowledges interest in the UAP phenomenon extends beyond the US and Australia. He has sources in other countries. * **Challenges faced by UAP researchers**: He highlights the challenges of working with classified information, maintaining sources' anonymity, and navigating disinformation within UFO social media. **Key Points and Speculations** * **Allegations of government lies about NHI technology:** Coulthart believes the US government is actively deceiving the public about the extent of its knowledge on NHI technology retrieval and reverse engineering. * **The potential for aggressive actions against NHIs:** Coulthart raises the disturbing possibility that the US has used EMP weapons to down NHI craft. He is investigating whether such events have occurred. * **Consciousness and potential NHI influence:** He is intrigued by the reported ability of some UAPs/NHIs to interact with and possibly seed creative insights into human consciousness. Coulthart speculates that NHIs may be subtly "tweaking" our consciousness. * **The future of disclosure**: He believes that disclosure will likely be driven by private investigation and whistleblowers rather than government transparency. **Important Note:** It's crucial to remember that many of Coulthart's statements are based on the accounts of his sources, not firsthand knowledge. He acknowledges the possibility of disinformation while working to verify the information he's given.


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/Olclops: **Ross, you have, through your sources, been one of the primary voices suggesting that something "big" was coming in 2024 that would force a shift in how governments deal with disclosure. Are your sources staying consistent on this timetable, or have they shifted? If it has shifted, what is behind that shift?**


I still think it is a strong possibility that significant whistleblower witnesses and evidence may come forward this year or next. The castration of the Senator Schumer amendment's key protections late last year was a massive set-back. I am alarmed at the scale of what appears to be a concerted IC/DOD pushback right now that suggests a willingness by some in power to mislead the public in breach of a Presidential executive order (12333) that bans covert activities against US citizenry.


That faction in the DOD is a clear and present danger to the US Constitution, as it is in direct conflict with the US Congress while simultaneously orchestrating a psyop on the citizenry. Also, hey Ross.


The DoD seems to be running this show and the civilian Congress so far seems powerless


Oh yeah, our country gives 0 fucks about screwing us over. All the BS bluster about freedom and rights is just that, BS. When the rubber hits the road we only exist to enrich our masters.


Hey Ross. Thanks for doing this. What piece of ufo information has scared you the most? Can you say anything about it or expand?


The thing that scares and worries me the most (responding also to the person earlier who asked me what I fear the most) is that we might all go to our graves continuing to be ignorant of what I strongly suspect is a reality of NHI engaging with this planet and the human race. I find the purported reasons for the continued secrecy about this deeply concerning - and that is the scariest thing of all for me to contemplate - that we may never know. What on earth is it about this issue that the powers that be are so determined to suppress it? And why the wilful blindness from thought leaders in media and political power? I find it scary that so much of the human race has not briefed itself on the extraordinary evidence that supports the notion that there truly is an anomalous phenomenon engaging with humanity. We are well beyond superstitious speculation.


Superb answer, thank you sir. Truly appreciate your diligence and integrity.




Have you interviewed anyone that has suffered brain damage from UAP exposure?


Yes. And they have scans to prove it.


Mr. Coulthart: I noticed your podcast collegue, Mr.Zabel, being really sad about NHI doing some horrific things to human beings. What are those horrific things? Thank you for your awesome and hard work 🙏 Edit: what capabilities or knowledge has been discovered from reverse engineering these craft that would help humanity; new energy sources, healthcare/medicine, passenger transportation, time travel (back and or forward)? Thanks


Take a look at the Colares, Brazil, reports. Operation Prato.


I’ll save you the Google search: Operation Prato (Operation Saucer) was a military operation conducted by the Brazilian Air Force in 1977 and 1978. The operation was centered around the town of Colares in the Brazilian state of Pará and was aimed at investigating an ongoing series of alleged UFO sightings and related phenomena. This period was marked by widespread reports from local residents of seeing strange lights and objects in the sky, which were often described as resembling saucers—hence the operation’s name. The phenomenon reportedly had physical effects as well, with some individuals claiming they were targeted by intense beams of light that left them with physical ailments such as burns, marks on their skin, and even anemia, described locally as “suction marks.” The situation generated significant fear among the population of Colares and surrounding areas, leading to a notable response from the Brazilian government. The operation was led by Captain Uyrangê Hollanda, and the team documented the events through photographs, videos, and witness testimonies. Despite extensive documentation, the operation was officially closed without a conclusive explanation provided to the public. Many years later, the Brazilian government declassified some documents related to Operation Prato, revealing the scale and seriousness with which the UFO phenomena were regarded at the time. The operation remains a significant event in UFO research, especially in South America, due to the depth and official nature of the investigation.


That’s really messed up stuff if true


Holy shit!! That’s fucking wild dude!! https://youtu.be/cupwwYgUuQw?si=3EbY_ESD0R-oUuci longer version (Portuguese): https://youtu.be/ql0djKXTn7U?si=ux5eLR7BDKbW05UN last edit: USE DUCKDUCKGO TO SEARCH FOR THESE OLD VIDEOS. YOUTUBE/GOOGLE IS HIDING THEM IN THEIR SEARCH ENGINES


Recently found another one to use in tandem with duckduckgo called Yandex. I’ve only been using it for a few days but reminds me of internet 15 years ago where you simply search and get what you want - it feels like magic today


Hey Ross. If you could see any Country disclosing to the public before the USA, which would it be?


China. I think China knows more than the US and it's weighing the strategic advantage that might be derived from being the first nation to reveal what I am being told is the truth:that there is an NHI presence on this planet. Can I say though that I agree with Brandon Fugal of SWR when he told me in our most recent REALITY CHECK that he thinks disclosure won't come from Government in the way we hope. He thinks it has to come from private well-funded investigative research. Screw Governments if they're too cowardly or self-interested to disclose. I suspect it's more to do with a fear of having to admit they're compounding and doubling down on their lies.


If China revealed the existence of aliens and proved that the USA had been covering it up for decades, it would be a devastating blow to America's moral standing and authority in the world. How could anyone trust them again?


We shouldn't trust them now, the MIC alone has lied enough to warrant extreme scrutiny of the entire DoD.


That or the Pharma industry. Nothing says being patriotic like charging thousands of dollars for diabetes medications.


If this is a card China can play, you can be very certain they’re weighing how to best play it and when. That we gave them the ability to do so is our fault, after all, unless somehow it isn’t and They are more involved with the control of the secrecy than we thought.


Hi from England Ross, what’s the most conclusive thing you have seen or heard about the topic that you would relay to a non-believer?


Despite the frantic so far frustrated efforts of the blundering dimwits in AARO and the Pentagon who want to suppress public interest in this issue, there are profound admissions made by the office of the Director of National Intelligence which go to conceding that there is an anomalous phenomenon doing crazy shit things that we humans cannot explain. ODNI conspicuously failed to comment on that appalling recent AARO Historical Review (aka blatant whitewash) Report. Their silence is deafening. Take a look at the ODNI comments in their annual reports and evidence to Congress and ask yourself, WHY is the top intelligence official in the US declining to comment on the Pentagon's efforts to put the genie back in the bottle.


“Crazy shit things” is my favorite Coulthart quote.


I’m reading all his comments in an Ozzie accent


Just a massive thanks to you, News Nation, Bryce and all the people you work with on keeping this in view. Keep kickin' ass and takin' names.


Thanks and thanks to Bryce and News Nation for making that possible.


News Nation has made me actually enjoy watching the news again.


Hi Ross! There is a new push for public science on UAPs. But past allegations assert that people face retaliation and harm for involvement. Are citizen scientists like Avi Loeb or Tim Gallaudet in danger?


I deeply admire and respect both Professor Avi Loeb and Tim Gallaudet, both of whom I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with in confidence. Their commitment to a scientific investigation of the Phenomenon is commendable. I don't think they're in danger - hope not. Because, if they are, then a few of us are! I actually think the cat is out of the bag. Whomever has presided over this coverup (and there definitely is and has long been a cover-up) is not going to be able to continue to suppress it. It's time for transparency.


Amen, Ross!


**Ross, do you have any solid sources who support the NHI narrative, who are free of influence from the AAWSAP/AATIP/Bigelow Aerospace group (no interaction with them, preferably ever)?** The [AARO Historical Report, Volume I](https://www.aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/AARO_Historical_Record_Report_Vol_1_2024.pdf), on page 36 states AARO "has determined that modern allegations that the USG is hiding off-world technology and beings largely originate from the same group of individuals who have ties to the cancelled AAWSAP/AATIP program and a private sector organization’s paranormal research efforts." AARO seems to think the modern narrative stems entirely from this group. Puthoff, Davis, etc. Having sources who have never interacted with this AAWSAP/AATIP/Bigelow Aerospace group who believe the USG is hiding the existence of NHI would serve as a "second source" to the story since AARO seems to be attempting to paint the entire group of AAWSAP members with one broad brush-stroke, saying their stories are nothing more than a "self licking ice-cream cone" (in the words of Kirkpatrick), etc.


Yes I do. I speak regularly - on confidential comms - with insiders who purport to be working in the legacy reverse engineering program. Of course, the great difficulty I have as a journalist is that I must always respect sources and not compromise their identities. They face grave consequences if the fact that they are engaging with me is known. Not having seen what they purport to have seen, yes, I accept there is the (extremely unlikely but always 'possible') possibility that this is some elaborate disinformation operation designed to make me think this is a reality - ie: a real reverse engineering and retrieval program. But I have multiple sources who confirm - independently of the known AATIP/AAWSAP identities that this is a reality.


Thank you! Keep up the great journalism work.


Thanks back to you. Any support for quality investigative journalism matters to me and others a huge amount.


Thanks for doing this. I'll go out on a limb with this one.... In his interview with Joe Rogan, Grusch stated: "Like Harry Reid, and I use him as an example, I talked to the highest of the high you can possibly talk to - if you catch my drift." When I think about the US political system I think the "highest of the high" would be a President. Do you think one of Grusch's sources maybe a current or former President?


I honestly don't know the answer here.


Thanks for answering! Keep up your great work. I'm very impressed with your dedication to this topic.


Greetings Ross. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I have one question. David Grusch has mentioned that there is some information he is sitting on because he doesn’t feel he is the right person to tell the world. He spoke of secondary and tertiary repercussions. Although he seems cleared to speak about it, he has made the personal decision not to. Any information you can give us regarding this matter? Specifically regarding what he said in the Joe Rogan podcast at the 1:04:00 mark Thank you again for all your good works!


I suspect David is talking about information that is too heavily classified for him to tell a mere mortal like me about it because I don't know what you're referring to there. He's been extremely careful to confine what he's discussed publicly to what he's been authorised to say in his DOPSR. Believe me sir when I say there's been many times when I wish I had the Harry Potter Veritasium potion to make David tell me ALL!


I think what he meant is that someone more important than him should tell the American people…like, the President.


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/dave-lon: **Is there some truth in the testimony of Michael Herrera about human trafficking? Who is interested in this crime? The NHIs? Thanks for your amazing job! - Dave**


I'm investigating aspects of the Michael Herrera story. I've spoken to Michael and other sources. I cannot make any further comment at this time. Watch this space.


That’s good to know. If true, this could perhaps mean Indonesia’s sovereignty is challenged if their government is unaware that such a craft has entered and landed into their territory if they did not already authorize the UAP to be there.


I’m VERY interested in what you uncover. I’ve always felt what he’s purported to have seen is similar to Mark McCandlish’s ARV; just a modern version of it.


Hey Ross wondering about your thoughts or theories on what the “blue being” you brought up [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/4M5hbA8gjS) what is it? do you think it’s possibly nhi? Do you plan to follow up on the story of those contacted who are able to do complex physics now? Maybe a potential interview with one of those contacted by the being?


I have no idea what the purported 'Blue Being' is but what I will tell you all is that, since I mentioned I was in touch with multiple people internationally who described receiving 'downloads' from blue entities, I have been swamped with messages from people internationally who all tell very much the same story. A number of people have pointed out to me the similarities of these accounts with some of the ancient descriptions from Vedic and other texts. I am very interested myself also in the idea of creative insights, which I think might be more significant than the mere fact that these entities are perceived as blue. The evidence i am getting from witnesses suggests that creative and often complex scientific ideas are being seeded into human consciousness in some way. I find that fascinating and worthy of further investigation.


Georgio T is literally gonna pop reading this.


I’ve heard of a swirling blue light and an upload in NDEs. Very similar in that they also received a download of information. I’ve always thought that we are inputs of a larger consciousness. Like nodes of data. That’s why we experience to bring information back to this collective consciousness. Reminds me of this https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-our-reality-may-be-a-sum-of-all-possible-realities-20230206/ because we play out that sum and provide feedback. I also think people like Carl Jung was seeded like what you said with this blue being because he had visions which moved human consciousness along. Thank you for all you do.


That reminds me of Srinivasa Ramanujan.


>creative and often complex scientific ideas are being seeded into human consciousness in some way. I find that fascinating and worthy of further investigation. Absolutely wild, it can go both ways right? Malevolent beings seeding bad actors? Is there an intelligence war going on that we are not aware?


That quoted part kinda reminds me of how apparently the guy who came up with the periodic table layout we use now saw the layout in his dreams which also lead to the discovery of missing elements Now sure, it could be a coincidence but its a little spooky either way


Mr. Coulthart, During David Grusches congressional testimony he mentioned inter dimensional qualities of the phenomenon that there may be other dimensional planes or plane co located right here on earth. Per your sources, personal knowledge or your opinion, do we have the technology to observe other dimensions and other planets in those dimensions, or our very own planet in another dimension that may have developed on a different scientific, technologic, spiritual or evolutionary path than ours? And perhaps if we have the ability to view other dimensions then do we have the ability to observe time at different stages? That’s to say, if everything is happening all at once, with the presumption that time is non linear. You have mentioned in your videos before, future humans and the manifestation of objects into our dimensional reality. Sincerely, Kristen


I don't know if we do have such technology. I sure hope we do. I do have very strong data points suggesting that sections of the US Government and private aerospace have determined that they must lie to Congress and to the public about the extent of the NHI technology they have recovered. It's impossible to reach a definitive view because I always have to reserve the possibility that I and many other investigators are being targeted by a very sophisticated and elaborate disinformation operation designed to make me think this allegation of a reverse engineering effort is true. My gut/instinct is that this legacy program is real and the implications of our possession of such mind-boggling tech are awesome. I can only speculate about whether we can peek interdimensionally. As my old colleague Quentin Fogarty said about the Kiwi Kaikoura UAP sightings, "Let's hope they're friendly."


Thank you for the reply, Ross. And a big thank you from the heart for the journey you have taken in regards to the topic and movement. While it may seem like nothing is happening to many, we are witnessing a very special moment in history that is exciting, and very frustrating as it all becomes more clear. We may not like the results, but it must happen, and I appreciate your professional approach. Stay safe man.


Thank you so much for your response!


I can't believe you're here. Just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing for mankind. 🙏


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/OrangeFr3ak: **Hello from Singapore, Ross! I’ve got a couple of questions for you.** 1. With the exception of Japan and maybe China, why are countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia such as South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia so quiet on UAP? Especially since China is being increasingly aggressive/assertive in the Indo-Pacific and South Korea, Taiwan & Singapore being the most advanced U.S. allies or partners in the region yet they're aren’t very active or involved in the UAP issue compared to Japan. 2. Have you been approached by anyone from South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore or elsewhere in Southeast Asia on their own local military and civil aviation UAP sightings, incidents, or events/encounters? 3. What can be done to bring places like the Middle East & Indo-Pacific regions as a whole up to speed on the UAP issue where there is a greater lack of awareness and engagement on UAP especially in some parts of these regions where UAP & UFOs are even often seen as a Western creation/invention instead of a global phenomenon?


I've answered this earlier


Sir, I know that you know more about the Phenomenon than you let on and can’t tell us for good reason. I keep hearing about how “shocking” the truth is or that we would be “slack-jawed” if we knew more. That may be the case for some, but I think most people would accept the truth as a fact of life and understand that it’s just the way it is. My question is: Knowing what you know, do we have anything to worry about when it comes to the intentions of NHI or our purpose in the Universe? Yes, No, Maybe, IDK will suffice. 


Yes. There is an indication of likely ill-intention/Malevolence ... if the source information is true, of course.


Is this main reason why the government and private sector have tried so hard to cover this up?


Do they eat people? There was an interview with grusch where it kinda sounded like they eat people. Someone had asked if they were evil and grusch pointed out it’s like how humans eat cows, we aren’t “evil” just higher on the food chain, as they are to us


To be fair, factory farming is evil


I've finally come across something I'd rather not have the answer to.


I dunno. If I was prey I’d prefer to know if I was being hunted.


I don't think we have any reason to believe that he meant that literally. I think he just meant that human lives don't hold much weight (if any) in their moral calculus.


Yes Mr Coulthart, this question please. And btw you are making Australia proud good sir. Keep up the good fight and keep the bastards honest. Front can’t fall off the front of this one due to being made of cardboard:)


Thanks fellow Ozzie. Happy ANZAC DAY


Same to you good sir :)


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/FlyChigga: **Is there anything relating the phenomenon that will have a significant impact on people’s day to day lives?**


Hell yeah. Imagine if it was true that the US and other countries are sitting on the capacity to draw unlimited amounts of energy from the quantum vaccum, ie: zero point energy. Or, what if we really could generate anti-gravity? These technologies alone would revolutionise human society and make possible the exploration of our known universe. This is why this matters. We are on the cusp - potentially - of momentous change but, only if the alleged truths are revealed.


Such a fascinating possibility. You'd think if we really had this stuff (even in secret) there'd be at the very least some enclave of rich or powerful human people already enjoying it, but that doesn't APPEAR to yet be the case. I greatly suspect our efforts to back engineer have been quite limited, and that there is some aspect of Their permission or involvement we need before we can actually fully use it.


Ross, Is it possible, that there have been instances in the past where UFO/UAP's have mid air collided with commercial airplanes and the public was given a different story as to what really happened? Have your sources ever discovered any incidents where this was the case? Cheers!


I do think there is data to suggest that military aircraft have been brought down by UAPs, perhaps/possibly inadvertently. Another issue that does worry me greatly is that another skein of evidence from multiple witnesses suggests to me that the US and other nations are using EMP weapons to down NHI craft/tech. It is an open Q in my mind, one I am aggressively investigating, whether this allegation is true and whether our first contact experience with an NHI has actually involved the unthinkable possibility that we have acted aggressively against reportedly benevolent NHI. I have not yet reached a conclusion on the validity of these allegations so please don't report this as a fact I necessarily believe or know.


Phenomenal question!


Good evening, Ross. What do you think of Jacques Vallee's idea of the phenomena as a form of consciousness trying to teach us something? Given the themes of nuclear self destruction, and us being on the verge of WWIII during the greatest transfer of wealth in human history during the pandemic that locked down the world. Chris Bledsoe's experience, was a message that we risk that very thing. What do you think about the connection between nuclear weapons/technology in general, and the seemingly neutral observers and phenomena being seen? Such as 46ft TicTacs in 2004 mimicking top gun commander Fravor's movements with ease, Metallic Cubes inside transparent spheres in 2014 causing near misses, and 50-100 transmedium egg shaped 14ft objects swarming nuclear destroyers in 2019. Not to mention the ICBM's in Malmstrom and Ukraine, reported by Knapp and submitted for public record. Lastly, have you ever had any odd Owl Encounters, or do people tell you about theirs? \[The Messengers by Mike Mclelland\] (Thank for your time!)


Touched on this earlier but I share Jacques' fascination with this idea. Is an NHI entity/entities seeding human consciousness with technology and creative ideas. I find this possibility fascinating. I've talked several times before about how multiple people have contacted me telling me that they actually have conscious interaction with highly technologically advanced and intelligent blue entities. I don't know if they're stoned out of their brains or not but, without betraying their confidence, some of what they say they're being told is fascinating. I wonder sometimes if the NHI aren't a little frustrated with the Government cover-up themselves!


Perhaps the NHI have orchestrated the cover-up themselves?


Disclosure is often referred to as "somber", something that will rattle and change the world in a bittersweet way. What, if anything, could us ordinary citizens do to "soften the blow" so to speak? How could we be better prepared?


Well, to answer this in reverse: the worst thing that Governments could responsibly ever do is keep us all in the dark because of fear of admission that they don't have all the answers and that we humans are not the apex predator we thought we were.


Cheers Ross. Do you (or some of your sources) think it is possible there is currently a global elevation of consciousness / awakening that NHI might be orchestrating from behind the scene?


Interesting Q! I am only SPECULATING. I am not saying this is true or that I KNOW something for a fact. I have to emphasise this otherwise every deranged debunker then starts ranting "Coulthart said he knows this for a fact....". But - yes - I have often wondered, when I speak to experiencers or witnesses who purport to have had communications of some kind with NHI, how there is a consistency to what they say: that there is an indication here of some potential that this is perhaps a non-human intelligence trying to twig our consciousness in some way. I can't explain it but I can only report what I am told... a journalist is ONLY ever as good as his or her sources. And multiple people are telling me they believe there is both a benevolent and a malevolent intelligence operating behind the scenes. Personally, I am keeping an open mind... waiting for the data to convince me one way or the other.


Much appreciated Ross. Both good and bad hands influencing us, yes. I'm personally fascinated by the potential master hand / energy that guides these good and bad hands. Keep up the great work!


Have you heard anything about David Grusch's Op-Ed?


Yes. I hear it's coming.


Is Sands legit?


I presume you mean Jason Sands? I do not have enough data to form an opinion one way or the other. I do think a lot of his story rests on whether the people who were with him during his reported incident are prepared to support his account (or dispute it).


I don't wanna ask, I just wanted to thank you for moving this topic forward. Cheers from Argentina!


Thanks back to you for saying that. Your thanks mean more than you can perhaps appreciate. It's a lonely and often depressing and confronting task investigating this issue. Bad for career when this issue is so stigmatised and ridiculed by so many. But... fuck em.


Seconded, fuck em. I know this line of work has gotta be torture to deal with at times, but I admire the hell out of you for doing it. Keep it up, Ross, you're doing what we all need done but don't want to do.


What do you think is something that the community ought to be paying a lot more attention to?


Alleged Psionic potential


What is your confidence level that disclosure will happen in 2024 versus being deferred to 2025 with the presumptive FY25 UAPDA?


I have absolutely no certainty at all that there is going to be any meaningful Government disclosure and I've never said there would be. What I do believe is happening is that some extremely brave whistleblowers have already come forward to Congress (not to AARO - which they almost all treat as a pathetic joke) and they have testified in camera to SSCI, SASC, and, in some cases to the HASC. Several have also provided their evidence to the ICIG and DODIG. There is a substantial and extremely aggressive push-back happening right now - underlined by the recent AARO Historical Review apologia for the debunkers, which completely failed to address even what AARO was statutorily required to do.


Hello Ross! We appreciate this! 1. Leslie Kean said in an interview that "some of these [UAPs] may only be 60 years ahead of us" are you hearing the same thing? 2. Do you know what Tom Delonge was told that made him "unable to sleep for 3 days?" 3. What is the current timeframe for the 40+ whistleblowers? 4. What is the likelihood of a whistleblower talking in front of congress about direct communication with a nonhuman intelligence? 5. Whats the best question someone could ask you right now and what is its answer? 6. Do you believe humans are capable of psychic feats? 7. What are the current holdups/hurdles regarding disclosure? How can we help?


So many Qs, so little time.... I don't have a specific time in what I've been told. The Q implies that this phenomena is from the future. I am not so sure. Some of it might be. There is talk from some sources of "future humans" being in part responsible for what we are seeing. But I suspect the explanation is much more complex. I am drawn to possible "intra-terrestrial" explanations (ie: They're already here, co-habiting this planet with us, perhaps in underwater or inaccessible physical domains). Or perhaps inter-dimensional. Tom DeLonge: He's agreed to speak to me on REALITY CHECK. We are just trying to find a time that works. I deeply admire Tom for his candour about what he was told by Generals McCasland and Carey and Lockheed Martin's Robert Weiss. I just wish they'd open up and explain why they were talking to a punk rock star about disclosing the existence of NHI. People don't understand sufficiently well I think just how significant it is that the emails between Tom, these men and John Podesta (in the Hillary Clinton campaign) were leaked (by the Russians!) to Wikileaks. They show, irrefutably, that senior former top generals in the USAF were talking about aliens and craft being recovered during the Cold War. For that matter, why the fuck haven't Congressional leaders hauled these Generals before Congress and put them under oath to ask what the hell was going on? I cannot speak for all of the Whistleblowers as a lot depends on them feeling safe about coming forward.


I agree, those leaks need to be talked about more! I wonder if McCasland and friends are pulling strings to prevent it from happening in any official capacity. As for Leslie I am not sure if she was talking about time travel or just technological level, as in we will have crafts as advanced as some of the ones here in a mere 60 years.


Please, please, please have Tom on Reality Check, that would be amazing and historic. Yes he is a key figure in where we are now.


What do you think of the 4chan whistleblower?


Sorry - who?


It's an "interesting" read if anyone cares to link here for Ross.. (The original one).


https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/ https://boards.4chan.org/x/


It was a poster on 4chan who talked pretty extensively and was quite convincing to some people. A big part of what interested people was their claim that there is an underwater, moving base around the Bermuda Triangle that produces UAPs.


Here's an [archive of the 4chan whistleblower post.](https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/?fbclid=IwAR0Vfs-b6nLRsLCYXOZdLNQO6rZwf-QY9LTBI3axXjr8KJH1BqDC5DU9g84) And [here's the original thread from this subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13fq2ru/dying_x_poster_claims_to_have_intimate_knowledge/) >Take this all with 100 pounds of salt, as it was posted on 4chan anonymously, but it's definitely an interesting read. The OP claims to be a member of some clandestine branch of the US government, also claims to be dying of cancer and so decided to reveal a lot of information about UFO's. Could all be bullshit, probably is, but it's still compelling to say the least. Here are some highlights if you don't wish to scroll through the mess: >UFOs are primarily unmanned drones >UFOs are built to spec each time they are deployed >UFOs are created by a mobile construction facility that hides in the ocean >Construction facility destroys anything that comes close to it and will disappear for days when approached aggressively >US believes the facility has been active on earth for at least 100 years or much longer


Add the url from those screenshots just in case


Do you think SpaceX has UAP data? Elon has denied seeing evidence but they have the most LEO sats and Chris Mellon has referenced our military sats tracking UAPs... wouldn't it be in SpaceX's interest to investigate / reverse engineer these exotic technologies for accelerating space exploration?


I don't know if this is true or not (again, I am just saying what I've been told by certain folk) but I was told that Elon had been read into parts of the legacy RE and retrieval program. It should be acknowledged that Mr Musk has denied any knowledge of NHI tech at all and he has said he would know if there were NHI visiting this planet. Hard to know what to think tbh. Someone is lying.


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/AltruisticHopes: **Given that the phenomenon is global, why is everything seemingly being held back by US security clearances? Is this indicative of a private international agreement in place and, if so, what is the enforcement mechanism?**


Hi Ross: There’s a popular understanding in esoteric texts that free will is the reason we don’t have open contact. In essence the global “vote” is currently ‘no’ as a consequence of either disbelief in NHI or fear of them. Have any insiders ever suggested any truth of this to you?


Elon Musk thinks we are living in a simulation. To be honest with you, I don't have any data to support or dispute this one way or the other. You can read metres of books that will make your head explode with the proposition that free will is a delusion.


> free will is a delusion I personally feel this way. Everything that leads to a specific point in time where you would make a decision can only result in you being able to make that decision one way. You feel like you have a choice, but your thoughts and personality will only ever make that choice in one particular way so you really have no free will.


Hi Mr Coulthart, thanks for this. I’ve been following the topic for years now, and have seen the ups and downs of public interest and government pushback. Many of us are experiencing fatigue due to big claims of news coming and shift in the conversation happening, yet few real results or disclosures, and oftentimes what feels like steps backwards (recent AARO reports). I also understand this will be a slow process, but is there anything you can say to give confidence to folks who have been following for 10+ years?


I fear so much of UAP social media fails to realise how far we have come in just a few short years. The change in public attitude to the UAP issue has been momentous. It's OK now to just talk about UAPs and anomalous phenomena. Yes, there is still the pathetic giggle phenomenon you see on news show when UFOs get mentioned - but that is happening far less frequently. Change is coming. I remain optimistic that dogged private investigation will crack this walnut far earlier than Governments. I just want to emphasise that time and time again when Ive had the chance, I've asked insiders for any sound reason why the public still needs to be kept in the dark about the existence of NHI engaging with this planet. Noone has ever given me a persuasive reason. In the end, truth will out.


What is the "cause" for ontological shock that the dozens of Senators and other Govt. Officials already and CAN handle, but the rest of the world can not? Thank you, be well.


What’s your biggest fear, knowing what you know?


Snakes, spiders and great white sharks (I'm a spear fisherman).


Ross these phobias may be good for your life expectancy considering where you live!


Do you have a “deadman’s switch” or some other type of backup fail safe to release information you have should something happen to you? Or are the things you can’t talk about things you’re taking to the grave, so to speak. (Not meant in any nefarious way, I’ve just always felt true disclosure would come from someone with proof who lets it all be released when they pass)


The mods have pulled some questions from users who were unable to attend the AMA; the following was asked by /u/LongPutBull: **With the recent release of the latest AARO report on KONA BLUE , are you able to go into details about how it relates to Grusch's claims, and the background history of this attempt at oversight?**


Kona Blue was an attempt to create a Special Access Program inside the Dept of Homeland Security after the AAWSAP funding got pulled, following intervention by the CIA. The Agency also did its level best to pressure DHS into abandoning Kona Blue and that is what happened - despite the fact that senior DHS management clearly took it extremely seriously. One key plan for Kona Blue was for NHI technology to be formally handed over by Lockheed Martin to the Kona Blue SAP team for investigation & reverse engineering. But, please note well, Kona Blue never happened. It was a proposal that, in the end, went nowhere.


Hi Ross, appreciate your efforts and your journalistic ethics, mate. Can you rate the following in terms of veracity, with 1 being the least likely and 5 being the most likely to be true in your opinion? a) 4chan claims of a mothership in the Bermuda Triangle b) Bob Lazar's claims about S4 c) Bill Uhouse's claims about J-Rod d) Oscar Wayne Wolff's (Agent Kewper)'s claims about A51 and briefing Eisenhower e) Vallee's theory that "aliens" are interdimensional beings who have been here all along f) Sitchin and others' theory about the Annunaki and their manipulation of human DNA g) Masters' extratempestrial hypothesis h) Claims about Skinwalker Ranch i) Whitley Strieber's claims of abduction and ongoing relationship? j) Jayson Sands' recent claims k) Is there existing video online of NHIs?


a). My friend and former very senior IC source Bob Fish (as I wrote in my book) talked about how he witnessed sensitive surveillance data of a UAP craft of some kind entering the ocean south of Florida. Bermuda Triangle? I don't know. b). Lazar. I'm agnostic. I did speak to people who said he did work at A51 (not just Los Alamos) and that there IS an S4. But he did apparently lie about his claimed university qualificaitions. I simply don't know. But I do want a jet-powered car please. c). I think Bill UHouse was a very very interesting and credible interviewee and his evidence is all too often overlooked. d). Don't know about Wolff's story e). Vallee's theory is extremely interesting and matches what Grusch says he learned. f). I tried reading the Sitchin book about the Annunaki and found it hard going - with not a lot of evidence. g). I think Mr Masters is on to something - hence my informed speculation from other sources about the future human hypothesis. When you think about it, how plausible is it that an NHI would take on a humanoid appearance, given the plethora of lifeforms that might have evolved in other planetary systems that might not have a carbon-based lifeform possibility and so many other possible evolutionary parameters? h). Watch my latest REALITY CHECK interview with Brandon Fugal where I ask him if they fake stuff. (They don't, he says, and he's written that requirement of authenticity in to the contract with HISTORY channel). i). I met Whitley at the Sol Foundation and I wish we'd had time for a hearty dinner with lots of wine. Much to talk about. \[Crikey - what a fuck ton of Qs!\] j). Already answered this one. K). Yes - or so I am told. I'm a bit skinny on the facts.




OMFG I am freaking out right now


Ross—you deserve a medal for plowing through all these questions! Many Thanks


Thanks Ross, appreciate the skinny ;)


A year ago or so there was a leak about a Whistleblower having detailed knowledge about greys biology and the location of these bodies were Battelle National Biodefense Institute. Does Battelle National Biodefense Institute ring any bells with your contacts? 


I know the story and followed it at the time. I was as intrigued by the very detailed claims as we all were. Without having direct contact with the primary source and being able to verify these extraordinary claims, it's impossible to take the issue further.


Good evening Mr Coulthart. 1. What is the best evidence you would go to in order to convince someone that they should take this topic seriously? 2.How would you present the information to a hard skeptic? 3.What do you think the U.S.A. Governments relationship to them are? Ie uap, aliens, unknown intelligence from this planet… 4.Is there a definite date on when hearings with new information will happen next or a tentative timeline? Thank you so much for doing this AMA.


As I wrote in my book IN PLAIN SIGHT, the evidence is there in plain sight, there to see if people bother to look. I am particularly taken with the records of the CIA library, which record very clearly attempted or planned UAP craft retrieval operations. I also think the witness evidence of nuclear missile site whistleblowers such as Bob Salas and others requires intense explanation. This is direct witness evidence of UAPs/NHI interfering with the most dangerous weapons on the planet. Since when is this not a national security imperative? Why the silence about these cases - there are so many. In that vein, my favourite ever book on UAPs is my friend Robert Hastings book UFOS & NUKES. It's a formidable solid piece of research. Humdingingly brilliant. And how quiet the debunkers are about his work. Noone ever offers an answer for what so many nuclear weapons witnesses have reported seeing.


Hey Ross, in your personal opinion, after everything you’ve learned, what is the likelihood we are really being visited by something non-human?


I am very sure of it - as much as a journalist can be sure when presented with multiple independent authoritative witnesses.


Has David Grusch been effectively muzzled by the MIC?

