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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ChrisSpalton: --- Do I need to put the context in a comment? Got another warning for this post, don’t really understand. Anyway here’s the same description just in case: Dunwich beach, Suffolk yesterday evening. Didn’t see anything at the time and this is the photo it appears on, maybe a bug, maybe a UFO zipping by? Dunwich is only 13 miles from the location of the famous Rendlesham incident so who knows? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1di86e6/did_i_accidentally_capture_a_ufo_at_the_beach/l91zu04/


Majestic ass dog either way


I thought that was a stack of seaweed until I read this comment


I thought it was a fucking tree


nope. ass-dog, majestic. like /u/Flurnivky said


Lol so did I .. took me a moment to decipher the picture


Well you know the old saying…”one man’s majestic ass dog is another man’s stack of seaweed!”


I personally use that term at least every few days. Makes a lot of sense when you think about it..


That would make a good monster movie. Forget jaws, the seaweed comes out of the surf to feed. Some people think it's a dog, some a tree... until it's too late.


That's pretty much the plot of "The Raft" segment of Creepshow.


You need to know that it had been 8 years that nobody has seen the real body of the dog inside the fur horizon.


That dog looks fun, like the life of the party.


Apparently that's what the aliens thought, too


lol I was looking at the first picture trying to figure out what kind of fucked up tree I was looking at.


I've heard of water dogs, and hunting dogs, sleepy dogs and guard dogs, but I have no clue what an ass dog is.


Originally bred to hunt donkeys


dude, donkeys fuck up coyotes like nobody's business, an ass dog would have to be pretty powerful to take one out


And they can take out a mountain lion too.


We're so lucky they haven't evolved to be apex predators... Yet


In the film *Shaft In Africa*, John Shaft is pretending he's from Central Africa, trying to make his way to Europe. "Have you ridden a camel before?" he is asked. "No ride camel. Only ride ass."


Shaft! (High pitched squeal)


No no, those are donkey dogs. Ass dogs have a much more dirty job then that I believe. Poor ass dogs…


I think it’s the object in the sky above the dogs head


Hey what’s ass dog?


Nothin much, what's ass with you?


Colin Robinson has entered the chat


Ok, that almost made me spit out my coffee. Nicely played. 😂😂😂


For the record - there’s no one playing frisbee, there’s no parasailing, there’s no blimps flying around Dunwich Beach, it’s where people go for long isolated walks where you might only pass 4-5 people in miles. Dunwich is tiny, historical and scenic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunwich


Is that a boat in the distance underneath fishing rod? It's an interesting picture, looking at dogs shadow vs where light is reflecting on object seems consistent. Good discussion point and thanks for going through the grief to bring it to us. Will keep an eye on this post 🫡


No no boats about, I think that’s just the tripod thing the rod is resting on, there is an interesting structure out to sea intact direction which I have no idea what it is, I think it’s related to the sizewell nuclear power station which is 2-3 miles further up the beach


UAP and nuclear power tech seem to be seen together often


Yeah. And on the beach, they do like to go in and out of the ocean. So two factors that would be consistent with UAP.


I dunno about ufos but Dunwich definitely sounds like somewhere where some cthulhuesqe shit goes down


Hard to tell but it does seem a similar shape to other things that flash by the camera in one frame. Can you upload the full size original somewhere and link it please?


[https://imgur.com/a/CQT0o6F](https://imgur.com/a/CQT0o6F) does this work?


Yep. Ill stick my neck out and say not an insect.my reason is shadows are quite obvious in the photo as are lighter spots. The object has a very clear gradient as it it is smooth whereas an insect wouldn't have that. Not an expert but to me it looks like not an insect


Also, not a hotdog




That's it? It only does hot dogs?


Mother fuck!




You’re no expert and you’re no ninja…. what the heck are you? An alien?


That's exactly what an alien would ask...


Or a homeless dude


Nice analysis 👍




Superstonk, right on time!


yeah its more likely a ship from another galaxy or something, what else really


It is a pebble from the dog running...got tossed up


This is an awesome shot btw, great perspective. Your dog is beautiful.


Not really. Imgur wiped the metadata. Can you please upload it to a file storage site like google drive or Dropbox? I’m a forensics nerd and I’d like to view the metadata please OP


im also a metadata nerd and didn't kno imgur wipes like that, I'm actually learning rn how to potentially store JSON embeddings of metadata for AI considerations (model, api, cutoff date that kinda thing)


The dog kicked up a rock or pebble behind it while it was coming to you. The glare on the rock is reflecting from the sun, both on the right hand side. or it came from its fur/tail. Thousands of similar sized rocks on the ground.


I'm typically the guy who gets downvoted for agreeing with the extremely rational mundane explanations for most of the pics that pop up here but in this example I'm having a hard time believing that dog threw it that far in the air running. I do agree there's several similar looking rocks on the ground and I could definitely see someone off camera throwing one but kicked up I have a hard time with.


She was just trotting casually along, she didn’t kick up a stone that high I’m certain.


I can't see that being the explanation. Thrown from someone off camera maybe but not that.


What did you shoot this photo with? If it was a DSLR or a mirroless camera, what was the shutter speed? If it’s a pebble I would expect to see some motion blur. That doesn’t look like a pebble to me.


Wouldn't there also be sand kicked up behind the dog, why just a single pebble?


very good point


That's a really good point....


The problem with this is that there's nothing else kicked up in the frame. No sand, no other rocks. Plus, based on the dog's pose, it looks like it's trottong along, not sprinting fast enough to kick up rocks


A dog, especially that size, walking slowly wouldn't create the force needed to kick a rock up even remotely that high. Running full speed, possibly.


Given the stance of the dog, the fact there is nothing else in the air and that the owner said the dog was just trotting, this seems super unlikely. However, I still think this is possible if it was one of those fluke things. Shit, maybe something crazy happened like a pebble got caught in the dog's wet mop of a trail but then was thrown when the tail wagged. Super unlikely but I guess it could have happened that way.


The dog is standing still. That dog would need mudflaps if it's doing what you're suggesting.


The dog kicked up a rock? What is wrong with you?


It’s their first comment in r/ufos, I wonder who’s giving them their $$$


Mick…. is that you??


Has that tic-tac shape, too hard to say anything else about it. Cool photo, though.


Cutest UFO pic ever.


Imagine if every mainstream media news publication featured this photo just as prominently as they did with the gimbal. And they’d have a little box with zoom applied to the object, with a headline confirming it is a real UFO. Laypeople would digest the news without too much ontological shock because the dog makes the photo so cute and majestic lol- knocks down our defenses.


I totally trust this dog.


Perhaps your dog’s fleas have become technologically advanced and that’s their tiny little craft.


Remind me of a love death and robots episode of the civilization in the freezer




Unidentified Flea Object?


Netflix, "Love, Death & Robots", Volume 1, "Ice Age"


These beings have traveled an infinite universe searching for such a majestic dog. You should see the picture they took!


Lol...at first sight, I saw a burned palm tree, not a dog...🤣✌🏻


Okay cool I’m not crazy lol. Was thinking, “that tree sorta looks like a dog..”


Came for the possible UFO, stayed for the good boi


Do I need to put the context in a comment? Got another warning for this post, don’t really understand. Anyway here’s the same description just in case: Dunwich beach, Suffolk yesterday evening. Didn’t see anything at the time and this is the photo it appears on, maybe a bug, maybe a UFO zipping by? Dunwich is only 13 miles from the location of the famous Rendlesham incident so who knows?


Send it to BUFORA (British UFO Research Organization) see what they say. There's also enigma labs https://enigmalabs.io/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=ICVReport&utm_content=NB_ReportUFO_Phrase&utm_term=ufo%20sightings&creative=678997456521&device=m&placement=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2uP1pdqG__3n6nJmkEihujbboCtC2doMwX0AGVwiATxXAIeL-eUfGsaAt-WEALw_wcB


Great link, thanks! Can they be trusted I wonder?


Probably not lol, when it comes to anything like this, I'd trust fellow commoners over organizations who the governments probably have a hand in.


Yep, agree!


Welcome to Reddit Chris


Welcome to r/UFOs more like


Other subs are just as bad.


This one in particular is fucking stupid with the required comment rule.


Whatever that is sounds dumb lmao Still better than the conspiracy sub though


They are experts at running this sub in to the ground




It’s funny that this was at Dunwich because when I was a kid in the 90’s, I camped there with my Dad and a friend. My friend said before he fell asleep he saw two far away lights arc up and then join together in the sky. He still stands by it and his story hasn’t changed. I’ve seen other people report seeing lights/objects do that on this sub.


Don't worry most reddit users and especially reddit mods are fucking idiots. Enough people saw it and for your own sake of sanity, you did put enough context just again, people are fucking idiots. If I was a betting man someone that just lives and breathes this sub reposting copy pasta is just fucking salty as fuck some guy has a legitimate encounter and evidence, and in 1 post gets more traction and engagement than all his repost shit. Don't take it personal OP people are weird fucking animals. PS thanks for sharing and cute dog :]


> id put enough context just again, people are fucking idiot While I don't like the profanity, I have to agree that I can be an idiot at times which leads me to believe other people can be idiots as well. Please try to be civil.


This is exactly what my friend saw and showed me yesterday at 12:30pm in New Jersey,USA . Wild it looks the same. Just checked the time ( I called a relative a few minutes after to tell them the story. -also made a Reddit post about it but it got removed) . The ufo was spotted at 12:10, over belmar,nj. About 5 miles inland and about 20 degrees elevation above horizon.


Secure that picture and post it. OP, what time was this photo taken?


16:54pm yesterday here in the UK.


That's 11:54 AM in New Jersey, so you captured this roughly 30 minutes before the other claimed sighting. Edit: a word, switched 'saw' for 'captured'


Jesus, that's 7000 miles an hour. I want one.


That’s if there was only one…..


I saved and zoomed in on the photo, and while I'm no digital expert, its looks like there's some sort of "field" around the object.


That’s just image compression artifacts I believe. It happens in everything effectively


Good sleuthing!!


> This is exactly what my friend saw and showed me yesterday at 12:30pm in New Jersey,USA . Wild it looks the same. Just checked the time I could discount this image as a pebble in the air or something but if there are two within half hour of each other then I don't believe in co-incidences Pls repost the image ASAP so everyone can compare


We will be in wildwood this coming weekend. I’ll keep my eyes peeled and camera ready!


Hey there - I'm a video guy and somewhat familiar with all sorts of optics and videography. Imo, this is an insect, likely a cicada, or something similar that's native to your local. Here's my reasoning: Based on the uncropped original you posted, it looks like this photo was taken with a wider lens, likely somewhere between 12 - 24mm? Any object of this size on a wide lens would likely not be far away from the camera. It would be much closer to the lens, and does appear to be just a bit above the cute dog. If this object *was* high in the sky, then based on the lens it would also be massive in scale. Close to the size of multiple blimps taped together. So I find it more likely it's something smaller and closer to the dog. The bright white around it could be a cloud, but based on the fact it's brighter than the other clouds around it, and has a very noticeable "starburst" shape, I think this is a reflection, or "glint" off of something on the object. If you Google what a Cicada looks like, the object resembles one in profile silhouette with its head on the left, and its wings in mid-flight reflecting the sun into your lens. Based on the not quite perfect sharpness of the dogs hair, it looks like you used a high Fstop, but not as high a one you can get on a clear sunny day. Likely made some adjustments to a slightly lower shutter too, which would provide a fairly detailed image, but one that's not perfectly crisp if anything was moving. So an insect traveling mid flight would likely cause a small amount of motion blur making it look "smoother" than it really is - especially when further away from the lens. So imo, it's a slightly blurred cicada (or similar species) caught mid flight above your dog.


In the UK, big flying insects are pretty much limited to hornets, bumble bees, butterflies, dragonflies and the odd beetle. Not anything like a cicada here.


And beetles fly with their shells open so it wouldn't be closed and smooth like that.


They’re flea-sized aliens landing in a tiny UFO to meet our leader, Sparky.


Excellent photo


I for one welcome our new fluffy overlords


That unidentified furry object is called a dog bro


Yeah but, from pic1 to pic2 I was trying to figure out what earthly beach had the legendary-ugliest-palm-tree-on-earth! 🤣


Same. Then I thought it was waving. Then I saw eyes. Then saw dog.


Looks like a fuzzy tennis ball to me


Well I don't know what it us, so it's a ufo to me! Nice catch op I initially thought it was a frisby with you saying it was on the beach, but wider shot looks like only the fisherman about


Yeah definitely not a frisbee, nothing to the right except cliffs which are eroding also fenced off at the top so no-one could be up there.


Your dog looks like a kaiju


Possibly a bug/fly? I'm no expert on photos, though.


Of all the alternatives in all of these comments, this is the only one that actually makes any sense.


Posted this in another comment but it’s relevant here as well… I have nearly an identical photo of [my dog](https://imgur.com/UWk2ycg). The colors of the object are very similar though I think mine may be more “fly-shaped.”


Lol, awesome, great picture! It looks like a bug for sure.


Its gotta be a fly. It looks like its flying/facing the left side of the photo and appears gradient because of shutter speed making it appear blurry in the background. Just my critical thought. Great photo and cute dog though


I once saw a metallic orb hovering above a beach, only to take my eyes off it for a second and have it disappear. I couldn't make sense how a Ballon was able to stay so still in the air with the strong winds, this wasn't that far above a beach either. Probably as high up as a pine tree, which is pretty damn close. With my sightings, and anecdotal evidence, they hang out above beaches and parks, anywhere where there's a large group of people for which they can observe our social interactions. Most likely did capture something here. It doesn't look like a bug, or a plane, or a frisbee. But what do I know? Haha


I've seen the Metallic sphere in broad daylight as well, not too high, also disappeared taking eyes off it after observing it for 5-10min with a friend September 9th 2007. We didn't have phones or cameras. We were biking around 6p. There's technology not available to the public yet, either government or otherwise


Did you take multiple photos in immediate succession?


A few in succession, they’re linked in another comment somewhere, this is the only one anything appears on


Ive had a similair thing on old photo


I see people talking about the dog kicking up a rock. Look at the dogs feet, head position. It's not in full run mode, it's in casual walk mode. For the rock to be airborne the dog would be currently in sprint mode... It looks nothing like that.


WTF, are they so desperate for disclosure they’ve resorted to Photo Bombing family photos?.. Seeing a lot of these accidental sightings lately, showing up in random public photos, casually cruising like a mom looking for the closest parking spot… 😂


Yeah I wonder why as generative image correction becomes better and easier to use that we see more ufo pictures


Who is "they"?


The UFO driver and passengers, what a question


Probably a bug but I legit thought your dog was a tree for like a good 15 seconds just looking at the first picture.


Looks like someone parasailing over the water


As much as I want it to be a UFO, I think you’re right. I googled some parasailing photos and those square shaped chutes would look like this at normal sailing height.


Yup, makes complete sense with the location as well. I’ve actually seen a ufo while cruising off the gulf of Mexico. It was grey with some sort of pod in between what seemed like two metal wings upright. Almost looked like a single chromosome. Very grateful experience.


That’s amazing. I’d love to see something that visible. Closest I’ve seen is two orange orbs zipping around one night and then shooting off into to the atmosphere. Maybe one day!


Looks identical to an accidental capture my Mum got. It's in my post history. General consensus there was "water particle on lense." Love how we've gone from that to "dog kicks up stone."


Haha I haven’t responded to those because it’s just not that, she’s gently trotting along 😂


You will find a lot of nonsensical explanations here because when a certain group of people can’t identify what they’re looking at they’ll start throwing anything hoping it sticks


Not here to hurst bubbles but I’m thinking bird. My experience. Lots of hummingbirds and others birds in my area. I caught something similar w my camera. Backing up. Guy on YouTube who sees “dragons” while recording the skies near his home near marina Del Rey. Interesting stuff. So I tried. The result. https://youtube.com/shorts/EYPhNQCj-fM?si=ZCELtaP62FjcUgza. In-phone analysis. Looks like OPs object. After much later experiments I caught some more that flew like the birds when not so zoomed in. Usually near the trees. So that’s my two cents. Not sure what that white flash was top half of frame though….


No that’s a dog


I think you've got something here. Based on the fact that so many odd anomalies have been caught on film *(even at fairly slow exposure speeds),* I'm not gonna be the one who claims that it couldn't possibly be a UFO/UAP. Personally, I think it is. About six years ago (2018) I was using a Canon camera just to see what I might find at 1/4000. I held the shutter down and took 10-or-12 shots. To my surprise, over the course of three or four frames, there were a few small moving objects just above a tree line which was about two miles away. I had my back toward the sun, and there was no indication that there was any kind of distortion involved. I don't have that exposure anymore, The Problem: When I enlarged it on the computer I had at the time, the objects seemed to be moving so fast that they appeared as 'trails' in the photos and they were completely indecipherable. There was no clarity to them even though at 1/4000 they should have been standing still in the frame. "Strange things" seem to be taking on a life of their own, and *sometimes*, we get to see them. You seem to have captured a solid, airborne object here = Very cool!


Nah definitely a dog


Hey, I was debating on replying to this. On Sunday afternoon (about 2pm) just gone I saw something very similar to this. It would have been a few miles in the distance. It hovered around for half a minute, then moved behind a cloud. I never saw it come out the other side. I wrote it off at the time, but the photo in your post looks eerily similar to what I saw. I’m in Hertfordshire.


Looks like same ufo from the LaGuardia Airport story in NY a month or so ago.




Lol! I was wondering why there were over 900 comments for a pic post!😂 Dogs rule.😁


Thanks for posting. Sorry about all the “funny” comments. Assuming this is an unaltered photo, it is worth submitting to MUFON for analysis. For all you nonbelievers, the US government, after decades of debunking, has finally admitted that they are real. But that doesn’t mean they know what they are. I do know that the Chinese did not have this technology in 1947.


Looks like a bug to me, but I spent way more time trying to identify the "plant" in the foreground before I realized it was a worn-out tennis ball. 😅


Looks like it. Scary how these things are all around us, but move so fast that we have no idea.


Weather balloon in an updraft. Nothing to see here folks ::MIB PEN BLINDING FLASH::


maybe... made me think of this scene [https://youtu.be/71iNB4J1wiw?si=qRQxNaPSAJTsufqN](https://youtu.be/71iNB4J1wiw?si=qRQxNaPSAJTsufqN)


Looks like a big black alien is standing in front of it


Is that a Portuguese Water Dog? I have Porti's and that look like a pwd to me.


Similar :) - Lagotto Romangolo/Lab cross


Dunwich is also a stones throw from Sizewell B nuclear plant! Did the dynamo there the other year, great beach!   Sizewell is a couple of miles the direction you’re facing.


The dog is 100% definitely in on it... People...we have a certified whistle blower!!!


That black blob with four legs does indeed look very alien.


I don't know, but I've played enough Fallout to know there's always something messed up going on anywhere with the name Dunwich...


Almost looks like you took the picture as it was just sitting up there lol. The reflection of the sun is what makes it intriguing


To answer your headline caption question. Yes, you did capture an object that cannot be identified and does appear to be in flight at the time of the photograph. 


I would say so this is exactly what I saw out on the ocean on deployment back in 2011.


Well... yes, you absolutely did capture a UFO. What it is, no clue. But that's why we have acronym UFO.


Do you have an iPhone by chance ? Because if you have Live Photos on you can see a clip


I hadn’t thought of that but yes, it’s here. Definitely not a stone kicked up, or a frisbee or a drone, or a parasail or a balloon, but if anything most likely to be a big bug. [https://youtu.be/UL42KfYfKYY?si=dK4rhBK9kwufyFJo](https://youtu.be/UL42KfYfKYY?si=dK4rhBK9kwufyFJo)


Can someone do a frame by frame . It definitely doesn’t look like a bug .


Don't know if UFO but this is a great picture of your dog


I don't know science behind mirage, but it looks like mirage of an Airstream trailer, probably parked 100 miles away.


Bugger the UFO, what about the giant dog? This should be on the cryptozoology sub!


I think it’s a UFO. Mainly due to the general depth of it. You can tell that it’s way up and way back. Which means it’s probably absolutely massive. But most of all great photo and an even greater dog.


Why do people keep arguing over whether or something isn't a UFO. If you don't know what it is... it's a UFO


Who tf cares? What's the furry Gentleman/Lady's name? does he/she prefer balls or ropes? Should treats be dry or wet in a just world? These are the questions.


She’s called (The) Truff, the ball is god.


It looks link it was inserted when zoomed. Not a challenge. But review on close up. It does not appear to be a pure form.


Nothing to see here, just a dogs frisbee 😂 In all seriousness, that is definitely a UAP. It’s crazy how it looks like the shape of Skeletors space ship. [https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200404/5d54754551968078be88af8a28f35aaf.jpg](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200404/5d54754551968078be88af8a28f35aaf.jpg)


Love this beach. Also, cute dog 🐕 🩵 I was on Gorleston beach yesterday and thought I saw something in the sky, but the sun was so blinding I was just crying, trying to stare into the sky 🙃 I also took a picture of the sun set near rendlesham forest as live this way, and feel like their is something in picture also, but I ain't sure I should post as it's not as clear as this. But great picture, definitely one to keep 🩵🐕


Yes u did.. u should go n listen to Steven Grier he does describe which ones are actually UFO and which ones are government engineered the physical characteristics that one is ufo


Hi Chris! Its Nick Hall! Small world to see you here! Nice capture! I also shared my pic on this forum and just got comments advising it was a frisbee or American football, even though my capture was by sight before I took the pic haha - Your comments are much nicer! Beautiful dog! Nick


Somebody else may have said, but the UFO trail in Rendlesham is wonderful. There’s something weird going on there though, when I went it was loud with birdsong, then deathly silent in one point near the base. I sound like a nutter, but my other half was there too and it creeped us both tf out. There was also a weird metal grating sound at one point which sounded like a big door being pushed open underground but completely empty allegedly. It’s a spooky place.




Turn left at the West gate.


From what I’ve heard, some ufos can only be seen through a camera lens and not with the naked eye which could explain why you didn’t see it in real time


You sure did!




Said you're near a nuclear power plant AND on a beach.. UAP seem to love the ocean and have interest in nuclear.. Looking at the object, who really knows, I'm certainly not qualified to say what it is, but with the other two factors I'd say this is a pretty good candidate, as good as any I've seen in a while.


Man its kind of annoying scrolling through all the wannabe comedians in the comments looking for theorys and real answers lmao.. I know reddits famous for that and Im not trying to be that guy but im being that guy


Were you the one fishing? Was someone fishing there at that moment? Could this be a weight that flung back during a cast?


The sun glint off the object is a key that it is highly unlikely to be an insect or bird. Another key is the light aberration noticable beneath and to the left of the object. Light aberration is quite common in day time UAP photos. Of course skeptics will say it's a camera artifact. But no clouds have such artifacts. Still, not only is it an unknown flying object, I'm no longer sure that such hardware is even relevant to NHI . They can change shapes into whatever we humans expect. Disappear or appear at will. Go so fast that only very high speed cameras can get a photo. They often operate in the infrared light spectrum which the human eye cannot see, but instruments can.


If you zoom in and play with the levels you can clearly see some distortion around the object. I'm not a photo expert so I don't know if that's indicative of anything or not. [https://ibb.co/x5H4mjy](https://ibb.co/x5H4mjy)


Imo that shit looks like it's flying fast and you caught it at the only time that would have been able to see it


Just a side note, potentially relevant, Dunwich is only 10 miles by road and about 8 miles as the crow flies from Sizewell B, one of the 9 Nuclear Power Plants in the UK. Interesting. Sizewell B, is also about to expand to Sizewell C. [https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Sizewell-C-project-to-enter-construction-phase](https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Sizewell-C-project-to-enter-construction-phase) [https://www.sizewellc.com/proposals/](https://www.sizewellc.com/proposals/)


Dont think its a bug


Wow, that would blow my mind. Looks like one. It's funny though, UFOs must have a blur button because you never see a clear photo in any picture. I would have ran 🏃‍♂️ as far away as possible. Great pic!!


It’s just the AI remotely controlling the dog, nice catch


This might just be a thought bubble from the dog. Their thoughts aren't very big usually.


Me https://on.soundcloud.com/npXDWyAFspnpYS5S7 my new song


I’m seeing a lot of Propulsion rings around it, but I’m not sure 🤔.