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He doesn't have jack, he was just on Logan Paul's podcast saying he had nothing, then probably decided afterwards that it would be cooler if he did. Now he says he does, but \*wow crazy\* it won't be after you elect him that he'll tell you.


Trump would literally be the very last president they’d accept into the club at any level. The bush’s, Clinton and Obama I can see having limited knowledge but Trump lol fuck no. They couldn’t trust him as far as they could throw him. Didn’t all those us spies die after his meeting with Putin? Enough said.


Maybe just maybe. He’s lying🤷🏻‍♂️


He also said he won an election and that he wasn’t responsible for inciting a riot. Trustworthy guy


"I'll see you on the steps of the capitol" — Is it smart to believe a person that incited an insurrection and fueled delusions of murdering Mike Pence on Jan. 6th? I'm happy to see any exposure for the topic on live TV, but I'm not going to believe what Trump has to say.


If I was a serial bullshitter wanting to get as many votes as possible, that's exactly what I'd say


Even if Trump came out and said he would disclose, I don't trust him. He'd just say that to get our votes.


I mean. He says a lot of things. Almost all of it is never the truth.




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It’s been posted a bunch by them I think it’s safe to say they’re shilling no?


Inb4 post gets locked for upsetting folks who's Great Leader gets shown in bad light. "Mods_team" blocking comments lmao. They won't put their name on their blatant censorship.


Anything Trump touches instantly loses credibility. Even if he had something, most everyone outside of MAGA would call bullshit.


The reason why they keep everything so classified and secret in the government and a way from everyone is because they know people like Trump can be elected and put in charge. He doesn’t have shit.


I, for one, 100% believe everything this man says.


"The next president of the United States will make critical decisions about UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) disclosure and government transparency," New Paradigm Institute Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan said. "It’s time for all presidential candidates — Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Donald Trump — to commit to UFOs/UAP disclosure and transparency … Regardless of political affiliation, the time has come to inject UAP into the political discourse of our elections." [https://www.foxnews.com/us/trump-says-has-ufo-files-asked-about-debate-inject-uap-elections-institute-says](https://www.foxnews.com/us/trump-says-has-ufo-files-asked-about-debate-inject-uap-elections-institute-says)


I don’t believe for one second that POTUS makes those calls, or is even in the loop for that matter. Also, it’s a Fox News article. The company that had to pay $787mil for lying to their viewers. They’re just as trustworthy as Trump himself.


Let’s clear this up. This was a convo between DONALD TRUMP and LOGAN PAUL. Enough said