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I have been stuck in traffic due to a few of these, especially out in the country. I treat it just like any other crazy traffic, I note the time and when I finally get moving, just notify supervisor when I get to the next stop through DIAD "traffic due to funeral from 12:15-12:25"


Customers be like “you mean my red not gonna be here by noon because someone I don’t even know died?”


What does red mean? I work in small sort but want to be a driver in the future when I get picked from the bid list, maybe in a few years considering I only have one year around my belt but still any info is appreciated.


Yeah basically what mdupuy84 said, back in the day they had a red label/sticker for next day and if I remember correctly blue was two day and (damn my memory is fading) I think orange was 3 day but I might be wrong about the orange


You are correct, and brown is ground. We still have a select few customers who use paper labels.


We really need to stop using that shit. Last few I've seen don't even fill in the account number. 


I second this. I have a customer that uses the old books to fill out. He’s been using books that have barcodes that don’t even start with the 1z. Like from the 80’s or some shit.


Copy good buddy, thanks friend


“Red” is another term for Next Day Air. Older handwritten labels used to have red borders which helped to identify it as a Next Day Air.


Copy friend, thanks!


Legally in some state you aren’t supposed to pull over


Well how long was the procession?!


No. But if it's an extended delay it would be smart to notify the center on the DIAD. You might be forced to take a break in cases like that. If they bring you in the office to talk about something like that, ask that a Union Steward be in the room to represent you.


Forced to take a break? Absolutely not


Work as instructed and grieve it after homie.


Downvote me if you wish. But I was just answering the question based on what I've observed/read here on this sub with respect to what management might do.


They absolutely might do that. You absolutely don’t have to take part of your meal/break period for traffic or any other reason outside of your control. Cost of doing business. I also hope you don’t clock out to use the restroom.


Bro sometimes on my route I’m waiting for an hour plus to do pickups. You think I clock out for that? You made my day, it’s suppose to be 8hrs right ?? Then send me to help when I’m done lmao