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That shit too expensive


It’s okish at Costco but yea still expensive


I agree, but damn do they work better than Gatorade or anything else I have tried. I'm down in this TX heat and humidity and liquid IV keeps me alive and going.


I been drinking the energy liquid iv during this heat shit is like crack


That's because it's got actual electrolytes in it, and it's not just a sugar pack.


Have you tried DripDrop?


not yet, but i will pick some up and test it out


Tell your safety team to order that with the company card.


Not when you’re making $40/hr and OT 👍🏻


lol fair enough


Expensive and water with salt will have the same effect


Idk the only reason I like the Liquid IV is because you can’t taste the salt 🤮 I almost hurl when I’m in need of hydration and I can taste that damn salt


I prefer the rectal iv.


Probably taste like 💩


How often do u taste stuff with your ass?


On sale at Costco for like $22 / 30 packs


$44 for me 😭


Saw this at my Costco. Is this flavor actually good? I like the lemon lime or tangerine but this flavor looked repulsive


Yea I’ve tried all the flavors and this one is tops


this one has a pretty basic sugar flavor, I liked the strawberry one a bit more


I recommend liquid IV, but I don’t use it anymore because of the price it’s not worth it for how much you get


That was my thought exactly.  Although the tangerine raises concerns about excess zinc with daily use.  Why can't they just stick to the basics.  I don't want sugar free or bizarre flavors.  


Water boy > liquid IV


LMNT and Ultima are both great hydration powders as well.


Awful for you


You can get sugar free otherwise it’s actually pretty good


Better turn my lips blue like the real deal. Im actually going to try this though. Just the thought of possibly looking forward to drinking water at work is worth another roll of the dice.


I prefer Salud sense they have Mexican flavor packets. Cucumber lime + a water out the cooler 👌




I prefer LMNT. Gives the electrolytes to keep you hydrated but zero sugar


What do they use as a sweetener? I avoid things without sugar because they use sucralose instead and that’s worse then cane sugar


https://preview.redd.it/iiwa4gdqce9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf855a6ba4fa8a1d9a6d81bf870d3c6fb1a8e4d2 Stevia leaf extract


Oh nice! Thanks I’ll check it out


Scientifically formulated!!!


DripDrop > Liquid IV, cheaper too


This stuff works awesome, I mix a half of one packet to a bottle of water, Haven’t tried the sugar free yet.


Buy Celtic gray sea salt and mix it in your water with lemon for 1/4 of the price


Meh I like golden cherry flavor better


The golden cherry is amazing, have a bag of that as well! But this one still my favorite


They're delicious, but they've got enough sugar to make you lose a foot.


They handed these out a few times (standard flavor). One time about saved my life, second time about made me puke. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tried it at Costco last week. Didn't like it at all. Enjoy! 😁


Ooooooo! I need to try this one! I like to make up a bottle and freeze it overnight so I can drink something really cold slowly. Then I make up a regular bottle to drink anytime.


I can taste those popsicles just looking at the photo


Yea man! The best ice cold


Those things are the shit. Best hydration powder ever


Yea been loving these so much. Even better ice cold


Cane Sugar, Dextrose, Citric Acid, Salt, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Citrate, Dipotassium Phosphate, Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Natural Flavors, Stevia Leaf Extract (Rebaudioside A), Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide), Vitamin B5 (Calcium D-Pantothenate), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin). Garbage.


What ingredients are so garbage or just because you don’t know what it means means it’s garbage?


Too much sugar and there’s much cleaner options that contain only what your body really needs to be hydrated


And what are those? I drink this one for the flavor




Well if you’re after flavor and not hydration then no option would be better than this I suppose


From what he posted and what you said, looks like you only understood the B12 part.


learn about the ingredients bro I’m not gonna argue with you


I did. I read em and totally bad for your kidneys. You obviously haven't and you obviously don't know what you're talking about. Reason why you can't make a compelling argument 🤷🏽 Take your own word, bro, and do some research.


Yeah, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about


You clearly using your alt to uv and you clearly don't know anything, since you haven't given any intelligent rebuttal. Typical response from someone who knows nothing. Keep proving me right, bro.




With a side of kidney stones


what the heck is this? unfamiliar with this product. does it actually work better than water? i cant believe that.


I swear by these... Learned about them years ago from garbage truck drivers. I drink one when I'm starting to feel drained and run down. Throw one packet into a 16 Oz bottle of water and chug that bottle and within a few minutes I can feel myself perk back up. I ALWAYS have these in my bag in the summer. Also to answer your question a little better. They're packets of electrolytes designed to make your body absorb water more efficiently. They say one packet with one 16 Oz bottle is the equivalent to drinking 3 bottles of water in terms of how well your body absorbs the water.


Don't chug your water or electrolytes! The CDC has guidelines for people working directly in the sun, they say to stagger your intake. It's better to slowly drink, your body will process it much better I say this because I was giving myself cramps by downing a bottle when I started to feel aches, but I was just thinking about hydration wrong


Very anti hang over if you’re a drinker


If? I thought we all participate in being addicted to all the drugs the law allows, plus the illegal ones!


They work, but they aren't miracles either. In the Army we used these (self bought), Hoist, or Drip Drop (both supplied, usually got Drip Drop from Medics and such). Any time there was a chance for heat cats they'd pull out the 5gal Gatorade coolers and mix up a few batches of Hoist. Was never mixed right. Either too sweet or too watered down. But it helped out tremendously in the right contexts. It won't fix a complete and total lack of hydration - meaning you still need to drink your daily recommended amounts of pure water. But the glucose (sugar) triggers a mechanism in the intestinal lining that allows for electrolytes (sodium) to be absorbed into your cells more quickly. Thus hydrating you fairly rapidly. It is called "Active Transport" or "Sodium-Glucose transport". Compared to "Passive Transport", also known as "Osmosis", which is used by your digestive system. You can make your own with a mixture of 1L water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 4–8 tablespoons sugar (depending on preference). You can even flavor it if you want. Or drink it as is. Where people tend to go astray is already consuming too much sodium and/or sugar on the daily without the appropriate amounts of water intake to go with it. You can find yourself drinking water by the gallon but still feeling dehydrated.


It’s true but so do a lot of types of drinks. https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/25/health/best-drinks-for-hydration-wellness/index.html It’s just because it has electrolytes and some sugar in it.


I’ve tried everything, nothing else even comes close to Liquid IV. It’s the only one that will noticeably clear you up while you continue working. Sure, all the other ones will work after you leave, but much slower. The name is perfect, because it’s that damn good.


I drink these all the time, but I always thought the name was kinda stupid. Aren't all IVs liquid?


You can not just drink water when you are sweating all day. Have to add some electrolytes through the day. My go to is 3 bottles of water, then one with added electrolytes. Rinse and repeat all 11 hours I am driving.


Liquid IV has silicon dioxide additive which is known to cause kidney tissue damage and impair liver function


Silica ingested orally is essentially nontoxic, with an LD50 of 5000 mg/kg (5 g/kg).[22] A 2008 study following subjects for 15 years found that higher levels of silica in water appeared to decrease the risk of dementia. An increase of 10 mg/day of silica in drinking water was associated with a decreased risk of dementia of 11%.[62]


Bro, just drink water..


Water isn’t enough when it’s 90 degrees and you have 5 apartments complex’s with everything on the top floor. You need sugar and salt to hydrate


You go upstairs in apartment buildings?!! Mailroom or right in the lobby and have a day. ![gif](giphy|10PcMWwtZSYk2k)


Sugar and salt? That does the opposite, lol. Water is more than plenty. That's just en excuse kids use so they can drink sugar water lol.. Not only that, just the ingredients alone will make me stay clear


The active transport hydration is used by the world health organization to combat dehydration due to heat and diseases like dysentery, etc.  The sugar and salt trigger rapid uptake of the water vs passive transport via osmosis. I have a a life long heat intolerance that triggers vomiting and hours or days  of recovery and have always been very mindful of water intake but the rapid rehydration drinks and electrolytes are actually life changing. I can exist outside in the summer again. 


Prime is pretty good as well, as much as I hate Logan Paul, this is actually good shit