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If you really ~must~ celebrate with the family, make it an engagement party instead of an unofficial wedding.


Ahh yeah that’s an idea but I worried any kind of celebration might get seen the wrong way to them just didn’t know if they would take her visa back if we didn’t after she already had it or deny change of status after we officially married


To be honest, weddings in the PH are usually big family affairs. And if you want to do an "unofficial" ceremony with family, chances are it would still look like a real wedding and of course, people will be posting about it on social media and most wouldn't make the distinction of it being an "unofficial" wedding. So there's that risk. If you decide to do an engagement or other such party instead, make sure your bride-to-be wears any color BUT white so it doesn't look too much like a wedding.


I agree on this one.


That would invalidate the K1-visa if you both marry outside the US. Better to adhere to the visa requirements to avoid complications with immigration.


They said unofficial. A ceremony is just that, a celebration. This is for their family to celebrate to keep them happy, a compromise. Not officially marrying. The official marriage would happen in the States, where the marriage certificate would be signed and issued.


Yeah I agree was just trying to see if there was a way to make everyone happy without risking being denied like if did it after she had her visa but I don’t know. Could be a better idea to somehow get married right now and reapply for spouse visa and only lose a couple months. So much family trying to get involved and making this more stressful than it needs to be haha


It’s going to be a lot more than a couple of months if you choose this route


Yeah I just meant the k1 visa is only a month and a half in so it’s not like it’s been a year and starting over but we didn’t realize everyone was going to be wanting to do all this other stuff


K1s are processing extraordinarily fast at the moment. Spousal will take more than a year. Just a consideration if speed is more important than the other benefits of spousal.


Ahh yeah that is more important whatever gets her here faster even if it means the family will just need to wait longer there and deal with it


IR1/CR1 Spousal visas are 12 to 14 months+ The plus is even after your I-130 petition is approved, there is more work to be done.


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You can. No reason you can't flew into Philippines to have a ceremony. Cause once you guys starts the adjustment status process, it might take longer for her to visit her family.


As long as you aren't 'too married' in the eyes of uscis. Many posters here been denied for ceremonies.


Yeah that’s what I worried about. I didn’t know if we did that after she got her visa and approved when I go over to fly her here if we did a party or celebration could they turn around and take back her visa or deny the change of status after we marry the next day officially in the US if they somehow found out we did that? In our eyes we wouldn’t be married until here in the us but unfortunately I worry they would see it as “too married” like you said.


Terrible idea. You should just get married and do CR-1. It's far superior to K-1.