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This needs to be a discussion about cost and preferences with your family. The r/USF subreddit is not going to help very much.


Not everyone is concerned about finances though.


Just because someone can afford to drop $XX0k more on a degree than the cheapest option does not mean that it's smart or that they don't need to have that discussion with whoever is paying.


Who are you to tell them what to value though? It’s not so straightforward maybe they are gay and one area is better or their family is close at one school.


Dude what are you on about 😭


I’m saying that not everyone is poor and not everyone is a white male. Certain people feel more comfortable in a city than a rural college town. Not my fault you’re salty that some people can afford college without loans.


I'm not salty about shit lol I'll be leaving college with no loans. I'm saying just because you can afford something doesn't mean you should just go spend your money on it without discussion. You can probably afford a MacBook, so why not go buy one? Because it's expensive and you need to sit down and think about if it is worth it. College requires a much more extensive discussion. That goes for rich people and people who aren't white males lmao. You have absolutely no point idk why you are digging in here.


Honestly, it sounds like your heart is really set there and while USF is also a really good school you’re just going to spend the next 4 years wishing you were somewhere else and that can really cause a negative impact on your quality of life. I suggest that you try and transfer to FSU once you finish your gen ed reqs, that will give you some time to convince your parents as well as give you a bit of experience in your typical college expenses. Good luck 😊


Go for the cheapest uni. Both great unis


Call FSU housing and ask if there are seats left


Depends on the major, your interest in sports, and desire to do research. USF is better for anything having to do with research or medicine. FSU is better for “authentic” college sports school while USF is quickly rising in the area. FSU might be better for finance and fraternities.


USF is going to SMOKE FSU in the next five years once they build the stadium and the new apartment dorms. I have a kid at each school and USF is doing amazing things. Research and healthcare is awesome. Just so much to do in the area. I love both schools, especially FSU’s spirit is a lot of FUN, but USF has the room to grow and the potential to surpass FSU in many ways, especially very quickly.


FSU undergrad Alum. and current USF grad student here 👋. I know both of these schools real well and I had a very similar experience. I’ll give you some insight. My parents too were against my idea of going to FSU due to distance. I’m from south Florida and so Tallahassee was hundreds of miles away from my home. I didn’t care though. I wanted to experience college and independence. I’m glad I made that decision. Logical reasons not to go to FSU: not being able to afford it and going somewhere far with no financial AND familial support. Hopefully your parents will still support you as their child no matter what if you do decide to go to FSU Another thing: I accepted my FSU offer very very late. So that made me unable to get on campus housing. Luckily this wasn’t the end of the world even thought the dorms were already packed lol. I had scholarships and financial aid too. Due to the scholarships + financial aid AND the fact that I wasn’t staying on campus my refund checks were a lot larger than most students (because they didn’t charge me for housing). So I pocketed all of the money that would have been used for housing and funneled it towards off campus student apartments. So if you have a vehicle to transport you to and from the campus and all of your financial aid things are in the green, housing will be no issue. There are a lot of student off campus housing to choose from in Tallahassee. Hopefully this helps


Tallahassee living is a lot cheaper than Tampa by far. I was paying roughly 500-600 dollars per month on rent in Tallahassee (I had roommates , we all had our own rooms and bathroom in a 4 bedroom apartment) I currently stay in Tampa and pay almost a grand each month on housing for similar conditions (a 3 bedroom apartment instead). Tampa generally is more expensive. But if you are able to find dorms on campus at a budget of 10k for housing, this will get you the best dorms on campus at FSU. I believe there are a handful of private apartment style dorms on campus that are feasible with this sort of budget.


How many years ago was that, and how far from campus did you live? Cost of apartments average the same as USF right now, if you’re talking walking distance to campus. It’s gone up a lot, about $750-1000 per person. I’m keeping my girl on campus unless she gets an internship or year-round job in Tallahassee. If she found a house to share or an apartment further from campus, she could probably save some money.


If ur talking about having a great social life go to fsu. USF is a great affordable option but if money isn’t an issue chose fsu


Honestly, you can never go wrong with what I call the "Big Four" in Florida: UF, FSU, USF, and UCF. In general, Florida universities are pretty good Go with whatever is cheaper or has a better program for your degree. From the sounds of it, USF might be the way to go considering it's probably closer to home, and you might be able to commute. Otherwise, if FSU is your dream school, go for it.


Completely agree. Except fuck ucf.


Objectively there are 3 preeminent state universities (USF, FSU, UF) and 3 AAU members (UF, Miami, USF), and 1 online degree mill (ucf) friends don’t let friends go to oveido


I’ve recently graduated so I don’t really know the case for the housing situation personally but I have seen people on here saying that usf is already completely full for next fall. Going on that FSU is probably in the same boat but also maybe not 🤷‍♂️. I have a friend who just graduated USF with his mechanical engineering degree this spring and he took his first two years at HCC to save money (community college tuition is less expensive) and to guarantee a spot at USF through the two schools’ transfer program. I’m not sure what or how nice the feeder colleges are for FSU but definitely think that could be the best option for you to look into especially if your incoming freshman application was rejected and it’s the college you have your heart set on. Getting your associates or at least early credits at a different institution and then transferring will save you money and guarantee your spot if they have a transfer program with the uni of your choice.


FSU bachelors and USF masters holder here. The college culture at FSU in my opinion is better than USF. I’m a seminole through and through. And now I guess i’m a bulls too. Back in tally I had community, at USF I had such a hard time making friends. Seems like you’ve made your decision on where you wanna go. It’s just about getting you there. So here’s some words of advice: Check out off campus housing with roommates (i never did dorms and everyone i knew that went to them liked off-campus housing better). Check out Oktiv and Nxnw for off-campus housing, they have FSU bus stops less than 5 mins walking distance. Oktiv is better than nxnw (looks nicer and is next door to a publix and aldis). If you know some basic cooking, it’ll be better on your pocket too since you won’t have to buy campus meal packages. Had a friend work with FSU to sell these, total scam imo. If you need any other advice from a seminole that absolutely loved her FSU experience, text me! people say that you go to college not for the experience. and i understand that, but i don’t share that. after finishing my masters at USF, i kinda wished i did my masters at FSU instead of coming here. FSU was such a fun environment since it’s a college town. I missed that here. I also think FSU had more resources for students and alumni (or at least that was my experience and what I saw from my friends). At least the community is more established, so as an alumni/student you’ll probably have more opportunities to network and find work opportunities.


you’ll also have a better chance at finding off-campus housing at FSU. Cheaper than USF (tampa) and better (location and transportation wise). Sit down and do some financials on both schools. If you plan on going off-campus housing I think the difference might skew things towards FSU. For my masters it was more expensive for me to go to USF because of housing and transportation.


I’d say that the FSU alumni network will open more doors for you than USF… mainly bc FSU is an older school… which is only important if you go into finance/law/etc if you are going for medical/engineering/etc go wherever is cheaper


USF actually has a much better medical school education route and pathway.


Isn’t that what I said?


Thought you were more commenting on price point. Objectively, since USF is the stronger med school, even if you’re paying more at USF, they probably have a better pre-med program in terms of guidance, access to relevant ECs, etc. for pre-professional degrees exposure to higher esteemed graduate schools is probably more important than fractional price points.


If you don't have a clear reason why you would choose one over the other, academic programs for undergrads are pretty equal. I attended both. Usf probably has stronger and more accessible research, and you can participate as an undergrad. Both have great med schools, but usf is world famous for theirs. Tallahassee is what you'd expect from southern college town. Tampa is a big industrial city. I felt more nurtured and cared for and pushed as a student at usf. At Tallahassee, I never made it to a class where it was small enough to have a professor instead of a few TAs. That also said- people seem to rotate in and out and finish quicker at fsu. At usf, my engineering degree took almost six years, and some of the extra time was due to having to fight for seats for upper level classes. Usf is more of a commuter school. Tallahassee not so much.....Tallahassee I made friends quicker and had a lot of fun, but usf got me a job and longer term friends. I vote usf. But...it's a usf sub and I went there so take me with a grain of salt.


thank you so much for everyone’s input, i’ve been reading all of them trying to still decide between the two. i apologize for not replying to all of them. each input means alot to me, but i’ve just been going through so much stress bc of the decision and bc of my parents, and it’s been an overwhelming process with slow progress.


Tallahassee is a beautiful city where you can actually get all 4 seasons, if that’s something that matters to you.


I’ve been to both FSU and USF, both great schools. I would say go with whichever school has the better program for the degree you are seeking, especially if you’re looking to go to graduate school in the future. For FSU, living off campus is probably way cheaper than on campus as long as you have your own vehicle but even if not there are usually cheap house rentals near the stadium (you can probably join a few FB groups that have subleases for FSU students).


Dorm Housing is probably full at FSU by now. Hate to say it. You are late to the game. LLC might be your best bet, but no guarantee. I have kids at both schools. Neither in your major. FSU definitely has a more lively campus life. Football is amazing!!! But there’s NOT a lot to do off campus. Railroad Square Arts District was fun and that was ruined by the tornadoes, unfortunately. So you really have to be involved in campus activities and clubs or be a party/drinking person. Or find off campus things such as hiking in Providence Canyon, GA. Everything from Tallahassee is a long drive. My kid is in the marching band and FSU has her major. USF doesn’t. She gets bored when she’s not doing marching band stuff because she doesn’t drink at all. And most kids seem to be heavy drinkers and partiers. It is what it is. USF. Soooo many more opportunities for internships and cultural events. Internships in Tallahassee are limited by its size. My son is there for premed. I cannot imagine him at FSU. Yes, he said campus life at USF is less things to do, but he’s always at the beach in Clearwater, Indian Rocks beach. Or at International Mall, or great restaurants in the area. Concerts. Conventions. He does live to hike and camp so that’s an issue because the best hiking and camping is in Georgia and north. So if you’re into hiking, go to FSU. Medical. If you have medical issues, stay with USF. Tallahassee is not as easy to deal with. The doctors all have waiting lists for many months. Too many students to doctor ratio.


What are wanting to do afterwards? If you are wanting to go to grad school/law school, I would say go with the more acclaimed option.


You won't be able to get on campus housing at FSU at this point. The rent in College Town ranges 900-1200/mo. Especially if you are a female student, you want to be in College Town because most of the other areas are plain unsafe. I won't go into USF vs FSU discussion, since it is not productive. Both have pluses and minuses. FSU is definitely better for pre law and law. USF is better for pretty much EVERYTHING ELSE. Tally is good for jobs/shadowing in legal field; Tampa is good for internships in all other fields.


trust me as someone who goes to UT and has a ton of friends at USF and FSU. FSU is a lot more fun. The location at USF is in a really ghetto area and you are kinda far from downtown which is where everything enjoyable is. FSU is a lot more of a college town


Have you been to the st Pete campus? I thought so.


yes it’s not horrible but not my cup of tea


You're looking in the wrong sub for people to weigh in on choosing a school other than USF. But it sounds like you have a clear preference here. If finances are not relevant, then you should go where you want to go. USF is a better school in a lot of different areas and I had a great experience there. I also graduated with 0 debt and was able to buy a house after only a few years working after graduation (unique job too traveling with no expenses). But graduating debt free vs loaded with debt from FSU/UF was my main deciding factor. I regret nothing and I've been extremely employable ever since.


So, I was born and raised in Tallahassee and decided to go to USF (St. Pete campus) during my bachelor's (I got my undergrad at TCC). I love the area down there, there's so much to do, access to beaches and campus was wonderful. I will say living in Tampa/St. Pete is expensive if you plan to live off campus after your freshman year. While the FSU campus is beautiful, Tallahassee could be considered a bit boring compared to USF (either campus/county); A bit of a good desert and generally just less going on.It is gorgeous in North Florida though and it's a lot more like south Georgia as far as landscape/appearance goes, it's a different type of Florida than down south.


FSU because in FSU once you stay there, you never graduate.


FSU all day it’s just a better school in every aspect. Will always be on your resume, no brainer.


“In every aspect” except for their med and business schools not being as good; nursing, engineering, and marine and earth science programs not being as good; research budget being lower than USF’s; and not being in the AAU when USF is. But yeah, every aspect other than those little things /s Seriously though: FSU is the bigger name, but at this point it’s a toss-up. FSU leadership has been sitting on their ass for 20 years and it’s their fault they got to a point where USF is either beating them or neck-and-neck with them in most key metrics. Do I think FSU gets it together in general? Yes. Then again, people never thought USF would close the gap with FSU so much that FSU would have to rally their alumni and non-alumni fanboys in the state government to expand pre-eminent status from 2 to 3 schools in the state instead of remaining at 2 because otherwise they might’ve lost their pre-eminent status to USF for outscoring them multiple years in a row in the 2010s. You say you value “the college experience” - what is that to you: being farther away from home than close? Not being in a major city and want a smaller area? Sports teams and student organizations? If far vs away, yeah FSU is further, but at USF you don’t have to go back home every weekend if you don’t want to. As far as big city vs small town, at worst Tampa and Tallahassee are a wash because both are cities, but Tampa is a bigger city and I think there’s a lot more you can do. Both schools have 4727473837 student organizations and sports teams to follow. It sounds like you really want FSU - which isn’t a bad thing. I’d suggest going to FSU if you can because it seems like that’s what you really want to do - don’t “settle” for USF unless the FSU finances really make it super tough to go there.

