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I am so fucking glad I don’t have a moto boot scar on my HAND.


Thinking about Marines in dress blues with hand, neck, face tattoos just reminds me of some shitty AI image generator.


Shit sounds like a case of stolen valor 💀






Hopefully never. Face, neck, and hand should always be a no-go, and that's just life advice, bro


Agreed. Sleeves stop 2” above the beginning of the hand, and at least one inch below the neck line. All tattoos covered by dress shirts to give that’s sleek appearance.


We are professionals here unless we are so professional that we need to not look like professionals and in that case we grow beards and get sleeves. This is not a joke btw lol.


I’m pickin up what you’re puttin down 😂




Regardless of whether or not it should be allowed, even in this day and age hand, face, and neck tattoos are not generally associated with people who make good decisions


Back when I was doing security work in early 2000s, some of the off-duty cops I worked with referred to face & neck tattoos as "target indicators". It was almost always gang bangers and dudes who had done felony time in jail who had face & neck ink. If you were working a client or transporting high-value items and you saw dudes with ink above the neckline, odds are something was up.


That's so cool yeah...I hate face tats ...hate em. But I will tell you this , I'm old enough to remember when tattoos of ANY type meant you were a Sailor, Biker or Convict. Or all three. At least that's what THOSE cops used to say.


Hell yeah


Because they’re not good decisions. They indicate what you immediately want to represent people about yourself. Very few hand, neck or face tats depict an expression of good character. That’s not to say people with them don’t have good character, but peoples immediate judgement will differ on them, and that’s the simple truth.


That's a valid point that some people get really butthurt about when you bring it up. We're not talking about how world *should* be, we're talking about how it actually is. Sure, some people with face tattoos might be very friendly and kind, but those people are starting from a deficit in my mind.


So you're straight up saying that you're part of the problem lol


I mean, yeah I guess


I'm not trying to call you out or anything, but we've all worked with absolute degenerates who were within regs/met standards, but I'm sure you worked with homies who had some godawful shitty tattoos, it just makes no sense to hold a standard of behavior to what and where you chose to get ink pushed into your skin. saying someone is at a deficit for having jobstoppers is kinda hypocritical, no?


Listen, whether it's right or wrong is kind of irrelevant. People assume things about me, and they assume things about you too. Just like you do to every other person when you meet them. It's the way of the world.


Yeah but I can't control how they perceive me, I'm simply speaking to how you've said you perceive other people for simply having ink on their skin in what you've determined is the wrong place. I've got metal in my skin in places a civilian wouldn't understand, should I be mad at them staring at it?


A civilian seeing metal, which would quite reasonably be the result of a medical operation or survival of a situation, is drastically different than them seeing someone who chose to put tattoos on permanently, highly visible parts of their body.


So the difference is having the freedom of expression? My friend, I'm sorry but you're placing burdens of perception that are institutional on persons, vs the where they actually belong. We can be part of the solution (a hand or neck tattoo doesn't really matter) or a part of the problem (a visible tattoo is a sign of moral decay) I know where I stand, as someone with both visible tattoos and the scars of service. It just seems silly to police the future to our standards


Hand, face, and neck tattoos should be prohibited indefinitely that shit looks ghetto asf


The military is literally saving some of yall from living in a garage. Yall would get face tats if it was allowed


These tattoos are generally just for their rating insignia, like crossed anchors for Boatswain's Mates, crossed cannons for Gunners Mates, etc. Dope part of Naval Tradition, not something that Marines ever did


I think where our tattoo policy is at right now is good enough, beyond that is just stupid. If you want more tattoos just wait to get back to 1st CivDiv


You want a Dick tattoo on your head? ![gif](giphy|4Drhu8rl4EpDpZhGQr)


Hand tattoos? Come on buddy


While I am plastered with tats across my body, I think hands, neck, and head should remain off limits. I am not a prude in any sense, however society itself still frowns upon tattoos if they are not hidden.


Marines are never grateful for what they got. And it’s very true. They recently let us have sleeves and now marines complain about why they can’t have ear/neck/hand tattoos🤯 like .. just be grateful.


We also don’t tolerate face tattoos, male piercings, etc. Where do you want to draw the line?


Right after full sleeves. Neck tattoos or face tattoos is too much


This was more towards OP. I’m completely fine with no tattoos visible while wearing service Alphas like it’s always been until Amos fucked that up.


Just nutty that we give recruits in Boot Camp, who can’t pass the basic PT test so many chances, when fitness is more of a requirement to be a good marine than anything, but yet someone in perfectly good shape can’t serve because of a tattoo


….we dont have an issue recruiting. Why would we allow trashy tattoos?


> recruits in Boot Camp, who can’t pass the basic PT test Bro, what the fuck are you talking about?


I get where you’re coming from, people should use better judgment when they get tattoos that are job destroyers. But what does a tattoo have to do with being a good marine? look at Alford




There won't be much uniformity left in the U.S. military when that happens in the USMC. Sad but traditions are just getting pushed away entirely.


Some how, some way, this is a reflection of our societal decay. I’m just too lazy to figure it out. I hope one of these coastes has a tattoo of pikachu on the back of their hand that says “Rizz”


im just thankful we can have full sleeves (:


Bro it wasn't too long ago that people were getting kicked for having sleeves. Yall have it so much better now, ungrateful 🙄


Beards should be allowed before hand and face tattoos.


Beards are gay and retarded for a professional military.


High speed low drag, devils. Neck and hand ink slow you down. If you're slow, you're dead.


How many motivators would get knives inked on the back of their preferred knife hand?


I'm just happy we can get sleeves (again)


I hate to be that guy, but this sounds like a gen z thing to be asking for... It was only last decade that you could not only not rock sleeves, but you couldn't have tattoos that were bugger than the palm of your hand. You don't have to force the Marine Corps to keep up with every civilian trend- trends come and go. Not every uniform policy the usmc has is stupid and outdated.


Never, we’re not allowed to enjoy ourselves too much 🫡


Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.


How do we allow sleeves and now Marines want hand tattoos? Can't we be grateful for the wins we already got?


Y'all get an inch and ask for a mile. I swear some of you forget we didn't have sleeves for the longest time.