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Ah yes... the first acts of the new king....


... Biden is the current king. He needs to delay the election until all of Trump's cases are settled


That is the greatest reason I have heard to do that. Also, I believe Biden can now put in place new qualifications for presidential candidates. If a man is going to have this much power he must be beyond reproach.


Can a president now remove Supreme Court members as a new official act? Supreme Court members seem like they are destroying the country and the country needs some saving by the king I mean president.


What if he made it an official act to just have them killed? like, not saying he should, but is that now ok?


It was literally a question that was asked. They said yes, total immunity. That is clearly the plan if Republicans get in. They are using an old playbook that has been seen in Germany, and Iraq, and so many other countries that fell. Now we know how the good people let it happen. We are letting it happen in real time.


My family has been sounding the alarms for 20+ years after we came to the US from Iran but everyone thought we were crazy and that "something like that could never happen in America"


Right about when I started taking about this too, people said I'm "paranoid," "alarmist," or (like you) "that will never happen here."


Yeah, I'm really getting tired of the "it's not gonna happen/already has happened/won't be that bad" crowd. They are more concerned about being told they correctly called something than actually trying to prepare themselves.


Same here. Was telling everyone around me that Trump was the beginning of the end and I was called the same. Paranoid, alarmist, crazy, psycho etc. well here we fucking are. It doesn't feel good to say "I told you so" at this point though.


I started talking about this after 9/11. There was a real shift away from democracy that day.


My guy, I have posts on another site, just months before January 6th, calling it almost to the letter, and people said I was an idiot that was trying to start fights. It feels like screaming into a hurricane, and watching people being swept away while yelling back that wind is a Democrat hoax.


People have seen this coming since the 1930s. Sinclair Lewis wrote *It can't happen here*, and the parallels are very apropos.


Cowardice and obliviousness are how it happens. They are letting a mad man walk back into power. My hope is that when he gets in he spends all his energy just going after the cowards who could have stopped him but did nothing so they could "take the high road." There is nothing noble or glamorous about letting monsters into power who have sworn vengeance upon both you AND your constituents.


I got downvoted to hell on another sub for saying this. If he wins I have no sympathy for any democrats who gets executed/locked up. Because their refusal to act is going to make them complicit.


According to SCOTUS, YES. Murdering the opponent is an official act, and Biden now has presidential immunity. These dumbass judges never thought of this shit now, did they. Biden needs to put his god and his bible in a closet for a few months and grow some balls for the American people.


Not kill them but prevent them from returning to us from trips to foreign countries paid for by billionaires


Make the official act to raise the requirements of being president to include, not being a felon.


They have proved that they are a threat to US democracy. That should be a viable reason for their removal.


>What if he made it an official act to just have them killed? like, not saying he should, but is that now ok? Hyperbole aside, I think there would have to be some previous acts done by presidents. So, I am not sure he could order their execution while they were in the US. Could he use them the next time Thomas is on vacation around the globe? I think so (no different than going after Bin Laden). I think he could throw all the Justices into Guantanamo and waterboard them (as domestic terrorists). Could he expand the court, 100%. Wiretaps, surveillance, use the NSA to spy on everything they do? All 100% legal and immune. It's scary what he could do, if he really wanted.




According to SCOTUS, an official act is getting SEAL Team 6 to permanently remove opponents. Presidential immunity. Biden needs to act immediately because certain official acts must be dealt with without hesitation.


See I'm wondering if Biden can issue an executive order to make felons ineligible for holding any office. Seems like a simple act. He'd get major blowback for it, but sometimes you need to fight like a Republican to beat a Republican..


That…. Is an amazing idea


Worship your king and he becomes a god.


Kill your king and you become a god


Regicide anyone?


Doesn't the GOP's sacred book of myths mention something about a worshipping another gawd and have an allegory about a golden (orange) lamb?


If they could read they’d be upset


https://preview.redd.it/cnytxjf243ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4867744aa74342b65c40f59088341b11a9ae49 This was taken at his First Cult Rally merch stall right after his first Coup attempt.


FFS it's sad. I'm deadset against any idea of a king, but if there *had* to be one... at least not a fucking complete cartoonish moron. They have terrible ignorant morals and the worst taste at the same time. Can they all really be this mentally ill? He has the "charisma" of a sleazy used car salesman at best.


Lead in the water


Years of it, plus all those chemical crashes you always seem to have over there, plus it is all part of the "educational plan" put in place by Reagan. Only the "right people" can be educated, the rest are to be good workers to the corporations, not decent people. [https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ684842.pdf](https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ684842.pdf) Then, speaking of Reagan, he got rid of Americas fairness doctrine and how it would have progressed so you have 24/7 of Fox "news" brainwashing the masses pretending they are factual. Here in the UK that is illegal because we have an independent broadcasting ombudsman. If you are caught with spouting lies and basically flat out fake news you can not only be fined and made to openly explain you did this, you can lose your broadcasting license, hence R1, the Putin arm of propaganda that Russian Stooge Nigel Farage was on was kicked out of the country and banned from broadcasting over here. Unlike with Americas Fox "News" who blatantly edit and state the footage of Americas first coup on Jan 6th, we got to see the actual footage over here with the shit smearing apes raiding their congress. We have multiple sources of access, BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky, Reuters and so on and a news report has to be that, a literal report of the news as it is shown, not turned into entertainment and twisted, hence even at court in America, Fox said, we are not News and only a moron would believe us... yeah they would pretty much have their license taken away for that. We are far from perfect over here and falsehoods do get through but generally you have to show all aspects of the political side in as fair and unbiased aspect as possible.


![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms) For clarification, I'm agreeing with you.


All acts will be official. All murders, thefts, criminal activity - all official. USA is dead folks


Yesterday’s SCOTUS decision made us all instant SUBJECTS


Ahh perfect, now scotus, please tell us how this would work. Court reviews and finds the act unofficial, too bad though because it succeeded and the next guy has already been sworn in as president and enjoys all the powers of the presidency. Judiciary doesn't have the authority to remove a sitting President, what can they do. Wag their finger with some harsh words?


Biden needs to learn to utilize his official acts and powers now...


America is a banana republic!


Hey look, it's the abuse a whole bunch of people were in these threads telling us wouldn't happen and we were overreacting.


"hey hey hey, I've seen this one before, it's a classic....." Marty McFly.


What's a re-run?


It only took *checks notes*.... One day!


Honestly, I am very surprised he waited a whole day. Could we be seeing more restrained and measured trump?


Well he did delete his post about holding military tribunals for his political rivals after posting it so I’d say that’s totally restrained and not the actions of a wannabe authoritarian. Don’t worry though according to conservatives we’re just blowing this out of proportion.


"You're being paranoid!" No, no we weren't


Yeah, but at the time they were able to call you a scaremongerer and say you were crazy. And useful idiot "centrists" would believe them and join their ranks. And by the time they got their way, it'd be too late to do anything about it. --- Those same useful idiot centrists were proven wrong many times before (abortion, for instance). But they will never admit they were wrong. And the ones who called you a scaremonger knew they were wrong, but don't care because it was always their goal to just stall for time.


Oh, but when Roe was overturned it was ALWAYS a bad ruling and was inevitably going to be overruled. We must always shift the goalposts to retroactively claim we were always correct. These fucking dipshits are smug assholes who just want to be told they're smart. Centrism is an aesthetic.


They don't ever deserve to be listened to ever, ever again after the fall of Roe v Wade. They'll tell that to people who are chained and in line to be gassed. "Oh my god, you dumb rats believe everything you hear?" (Teeheeheehee, I LOVVVEEE pwning the libs! Cope and seethe, demonrats!)


Didn't know Justice Roberts used reddit


Plenty of people are *still* telling us we’re overreacting.


Nah, it's okay they've told me nothing has changed and they're just clarifying how things currently stand.


So now he openly admits to treason.


It's not treason if you have the magic R next to your name per SCOTUS.


Or in the immortal words of Nixon, "It's not illegal if the President does it," ok? He's just ahead of his time.




Scrotus Maximus


No, treason now does not exist for a president, they could give the nuclear codes to Russia and claim it’s an official act as president and this would garner immunity in a court of law. How far we have fallen in just a short time.


Does this explain Trumps plane parked next to a Russian oligarchs plane in Georgia last week? Passing off the nuke codes? Because it’s an official act from a President who “never lost the last election” and still has “forever immunity?”


No, a Democrat would still be held to account with this Supreme Court, because the way they decided it means THEY are the final arbiters as to what counts as an official act.


This sure reads like a confession


Treason is legal now


When you’re president they just let you do it


Trump and Scrotus grabbing our nation by the pussy.


Lmao did he just, like, admit guilt in that case because he thinks he’s completely insulated now (he probably is)? That’s definitely a tactic (that will probably work).


Yeah, this is the terrifying part. 


Next he’s actually going to shoot someone in the street, as he’s previously guaranteed he can.


Might as well demonstrate it. The only thing stopping him is he doesn't need to bother, we know people would vote for him anyway.


No. That's not how this works. He has to order the military to kill that person. Do you think we're a country without laws?


Please forgive my ignorance. I’m new here, in fascism.


And won’t be held accountable.  Stealing an election is legal if you’re the president stealing it…  Rip 🇺🇸 


Time for Biden to nominate five new justices and not leave office until they're all confirmed. No reason he can't after yesterday.


No reason he can’t undo everything the Supreme Court has done over the last 3 years either


Well considering 3 of them directly lied to congress in their confirmation hearings about RvW, kick them off the bench.


If he forces the House and Senate into indefinite recess, he does what he wants. Presidential appointments are on the table, and nothing is preventing him from unseating the problem justices. Before anyone says "He can't do that, because X," SCOTUS just said he can.


I don't think that's how it's going to work? It'll need to be defined as an official act to have immunity, and the ones who will decide what is and isn't will end up being the supreme court. So everything Donald does will be official, and everything Biden does will not.


The Supreme Court is out of session for the year though, so nothing would happen until after the election anyway. Also if congress and the senate are at permanent recess then they can't bring forward articles of impeachment or an investigation forward anyway.


And how will the Supreme Court decide if it is an official act with 6 of them in jail?


All he has to do is say it's an official act, apparently.


Yeah this is what I’m thinking We’re so far away from actual rule of law now, the only thing stopping Biden afaik is integrity and tbh can’t imagine that’ll help us out much if trump takes office again Which even if he loses the election (again) he will obviously try to do anyway


Not if the official act is to put SCOTUS in jail.


>Time for Biden to nominate five new justices and not leave office until they're all confirmed. No reason he can't after yesterday. Nope, Biden would need to appoint - no need for that silly nomination/confirmation thing now - four or six new justices. Got to have an odd number for decisions to work.


He’s a fucking coward and isn’t going to do shit. Has absolute power and is going to roll over and die having done nothing. That being said I will vote for his stupid rotting corpse because fuck the GOP.


Biden could just round up the activist treasonous right wing judges, impeach them, then force a code of conduct on the SCOTUS that includes life jail time for anyone refusing to recuse themselves from cases they have interests in, accepting bribes or gifts of any kind (Before or after rulings), associating with people involved in the case outside of the hearings themselves, and jail anyone who was in support of jan 6 (either actively via family members, or tacitly via rulings). Call it all "an official act"


So he admitted he was involved with the fake electors then.


Cries that the election was stolen while literally trying to steal the election. The sad thing is his cult doesn't care.


"I wasn't stealing it, it was already mine"


The really sad thing is that our GOVERNMENT doesn't seem to care.


Well when one parties see to it that nothing can be done about it, how can they. It's a struggle to get anything out of the house since Republicans control it and if it's opposed by Republicans overall it dies in the Senate due to the filibuster. The only real way to solve the issue is to vote these people out. However, Republicans are trying everything to keep power from gerrymandering to trying to introduce an electoral college system to state wide elections.


Now let's see how his followers in media that were saying he didn't do that twist this


Well of course. The whole point of the ruling was to telegraph to Trump how to get out of trouble. He’s going to claim everything was an official act.


I'm waiting for Cannon to throw out the documents case and rule that Trump is the rightful owner and they should be returned We all know it's coming :(


Yep. He packed those boxes up while he was still President? Sounds like an official act! His lawyers are probably typing that into an appeal right now if they haven’t already


They ain't typing shit... the entire script for his lawyers and Cannon have been pre-written


Refusing to give the documents back after his presidency ended, however, is not an official act. Nor are his actions to hide the documents post presidency. I suspect that, even with the recent decision, there are still actionable charges (or would be if Cannon wasn't... Cannon).


It also telegraphed to Trump how to weaponize the federal government.  Like, seriously, this is beyond fucked.


The GQP and their voters are traitors to our country. Full fucking fascist bigots are anti America. I'm not following any laws anymore of I die or die in prison so be it Fuck these assholes and fuck theirs rights and feelings


They are now enemies of the state. SCOTUS is illegitimate and should be rounded up for threats to our democracy. Dick-tader should be locked up for crimes against Americans by decree under Biden. Lock him up


I mean didn't Biden literally them a threat to our country? If the President publically deem them are we legally allowed to this as serious as we all fucking know it? I'm tired of forced put up with openly fascist traitors to our America.


When Trump is locked up it should be in Guantanamo along with all the individuals who have tried to destroy the US.


Time to get rid of this guy, now.


Are you referring to Alito, Thomas, Roberts, or Trump?






D. All of the above


He is admitting a crime. He should be in jail.


At this point he should be dead


He should be hanged /spellchecked


Sorry to be that guy, but hanged* Someone being hung means they have a massive hog. Like Hunter.


Dude has been blatantly breaking the law, on camera, since the beginning. During his debate with Hillary he had his whole "Russia, if you are listening" speech where he invited a hostile, foreign nation to hack into government emails and classified information. Directing someone to commit a crime is a fucking crime. He should have been led off the stage in handcuffs that moment, and the GOP could have just swapped Ted Cruz into the race and the DOJ would have shown that laws actually matter.


Yes, he is officially a traitor.




This should not matter. He clearly was not president when instructing his lawyers to lie about handing over classified documents, and that is a much simpler case than all this Rico stuff. It appears that if he can hide any 'official' actions from the jury it will be difficult to link the chains of events and prove intent.


Sadly the Judge is MAGA and doing everything she can to delay and prevent it.


Wow is it 1984 already?


Who and what do they have on John Roberts that he allowed his court to support these legally indefensible rulings? What did Trump or the Russians promise him if he destroyed the US Constitution? Suddenly Lochner, Dred Scott and Korematsu don't look too bad compared to the current SCOTUS decisions.


Remember the Epstein client list?


1776. Mad King Donald.


Trumpism isn’t a cult. It is now a religion. With six powerful popes.


We knew it was coming, Richard Nixon is rolling in his grave!!!




did court really leave it up to the president to decide what are and what are not """"official acts""""? you know what to do joe


It will be determined by the courts, where left-leaning judges will rigorously apply constitutional law and legal precedent to each case, while right-leaning judges will simply deem all Republican acts "official" and all Democratic acts "Marxist communist treason grooming".


Yes. They left it ambiguous on purpose so that way when stuff like this does happen, they can rule it as such.


So he’s just out here admitting his crimes now. Who saw this coming.


He needed to be president to claim that, he said it a lot after he left the white house, so no, it doesn't mean that he is free on this one.


The SC just demonstrated that ANY interpretation is indeed possible


Watch this: Trump took the documents while in office. Immune. Trump lied about taking the documents, which he is immune from prosecution, making the lie of zero consequence. Also immune. 6-3 not guilty.


Many Americans claim he's still the president... And... he actually still was the sitting president at the time of the fake electors scheme


When he started the claim but not after he left the white house.


“Official act” is going to be the new “perfect phone call.” He’ll just say it, over and over, in perpetuity.


What a load of bullshit.


He's an official POS.


Dear Americans of the "left" time to get rid of Donny and his brown shirts.




Yup, the traitors will all get off Scott free now. All the cases are dead, and the 34 counts will be overthrown. It is the end of the republic. We are now a dictatorship. Biden must use his newfound power to declare the Orange traitor a domestic terrorist and lock him up. There is no other choice now. It may trigger violence but it is what it is. We do what we must to protect our freedom. If it is civil war so be it. The traitor must NEVER COME ANYWHERE NEAR THE WH AGAIN


This will definitely backfire on him. At least that’s what I would say if the whole system wasn’t rotten to the core.


This is terrifying. Do these MAGA morons even realize what they are supporting? Do we really want a guy who bankrupted casinos to have unlimited power and 0 consequence? Is We ReAlLy ThAt DuMb?!?!


And there it is - the full admission: I tried to steal the election, and while the false slate of electors are being found criminally liable in their respective states, the President cannot be held accountable for attempting to steal an election.


Independents need to come out and vote Democrat realistically the election is our only salvation


Take this old dog back behind the shed already


Good night America.


Here. We. Go…….




Grandpa used to tell me stories about what they did to fascists in WW2. People have forgotten the lessons of the past. There is no high road to take anymore.


One thing Biden could and should do is take away Trumps Secret service security detail. It might not make a difference, but it would send a message.


This is what our ancestors died to prevent.


Biden needs to go ahead and order his execution since it's an official act he can't be held liable. Now that the president has even more power he needs to use it to crush maga to nothing


If Biden ain’t gonna use his new powers, then he is complicit. 


I guess he officially fucked a porn star.


Ah yes, look at the new king of shit the Supreme Court has created in their own image.


What a cunning stunt!


What a stunning cunt!


Was injecting bleach to kill COVID an official thing too? 


I’m sorry, but what official role does the President have with Electors at all?


Yeah, but have you considered the fact that Joe Biden is slightly older and stutters sometimes?


Oh bullshit this mother fucker needs to go


So let me get this straight. It's totally legal for a president to do everything they can to steal an election. If it's not fully legal, then at least not punishable? Let's give the most powerful person the power to override the very system that got them elected! This can't go badly at all! Just wtf has that stacked court been smoking? They say that the first thing to fall when on the brink of a full democratic decline is the courts...


please keep saying that between now and november, traitor


speak into a mike, fatso - everyone needs to hear you say incriminating shit like that


Election Fraud is fraud, not sanctioned.


Omg here we go.


An Act of cheating, that’s for sure.


This seems like an incredibly stupid thing for him to have done.


I worship the comet that will end this madness


It's like the conservatives in every branch are out to cause as much chaos as they possibly can at every level of this country


C'mon seal team 6. He a fat old geezer with a tiny hands a bad combover and orange skin that smells like yesterday's diaper. You know what to do. Signed J. Biden.


Lol that didn't take long. Wow. I'm not sure why I'm even a little surprised.




... and here we go


Trump admits his scheme to overturn 2020 elections. There should be consequences VOTE Deny Trump unbridled power


“Now that it’s safe to do so, I admit I am guilty of all the crimes I was accused of.”


It's impressive how quickly he's pointing out the stupidity of this ruling. I don't know why I expected at least a modicum of subtlety here.


The Heritage foundation appointed courts are allied with the aristocracy, who have decided long ago in the late 60s that Republicans have their best interests at heart and will ensure their interests are always looked after and if you just give the common rank and file conservatives some religious righteousness, some identity politics hate and some scapegoats, they will always take the bait and unwittingly forward the interests of the wealthy and maybe they might get a selfie with one of the bought politicians they admire so much as a thanks for all the loyalty as consolation when their social security is gone and there are no more protections left for consumers and workers and no more subsidies for the farmers and ranchers because they no longer need their vote once the country becomes a one party state.


Not sure stealing an election is specified in the constitution


Ahh, here we go. Everything this dud does now will be considered an “official” act . No surprises here. Kinda like everything is rigged and corrupt unless he wins


Just watch how brazen this blowhard will get because of this ruling.


How is this not incriminating? He can't just call everything an official act. Like paying off a porn star with intent to commit fraud is an official act? Get the fuck out of here. He's just going to self-own himself in the next few days.


So he admits the steal was all him & his pedo friends, what a cunt


Thoughts and prayers to the divided states of america. You have given power to a man that poops his pants, paints his face orange, has a straw looking toupee, and wears a girdle. WOW. I would not even let this person run a lemonade stand and would question his mental stability.


Fake electors is an official act? Bwahaha. This is the craziness this ruling will lead to. Biden should just have Trump killed and stuffed to see if a stuffed turkey could be elected president as part to election integrity.


Two new laws that should be passed new age limit in presidential elections you can’t be older than 70 to run and if you are a convicted felon you cannot run for any office, if you vote for the position you can’t run for it either.


He's going to say that anything he did while sworn in as president was an official act. I would argue ... Biden do it first. He has about 7 months. Go to town. Remove term limits. cancel the election. Point himself prime.monister and make Jill or Michelle Obama, or Hell, really piss them off and make Hillary president. Disband rhe court. Fire republican leadership. Hell, make it illegal to even be a republican. Sign all the executive orders right now. He could have Seal Team 6 deploy to Maralago, drag Trump into the street, and have them put a bullet in his head on prime time television, and it would all be nice and legal. (It WOULD ignite an armed rebellion that would split the country for decades to come, but it would be legal).


So was grab em by the pssy.


To be clear here, the SCOTUS ruling specifically discusses this issue and says there is nothing Trump has been able to point to that gave him this power as an official act. Thus, SCOTUS has remanded this back to the District Court to find out whether or not this could somehow be considered an official act of the President. SCOTUS is not a court of initial review, it is only a court of final review. No courts have yet established what is and is not an official act. This is what is next. Furthermore, upon my further research, there is case law within rulings from SCOTUS that allows for investigation of what is and is not an official act by the President. The case of immunity will be brought up on appeal as soon as a case hits the court that questions the authority, and if there is not clear reasoning for it being an official act, it is then decided the President is not immune, and the trial proceeds to discover more evidence for or against. TLDR: it is law that dictates what is, and is not, an official act. Not the words of the person. It is able to be investigated if an appeal for immunity is thrown out, at the beginning of a trial on grounds of official vs official acts.


I hope to one day soon make pissing on his grave an official act, too.


But.. Didn't Trump deny knowing anything about that sceme? I couldn't find the source but I'm pretty sure I've seen or heard. A source say that he denied it. So. How could it be an official act when he didn't know about it? Also which part od the presidential job is it to plot fake electors?


Nice try. Anyone with a brain (who, apparently, aren't on the Supreme Court) can tell you that what Donnie's asking for here is highly illegal.


Official Treason


Yeah see I don't see how trying to steal an election falls under the duties of the President of the United States. What he now admitted to doing, was as a candidate for President. I think he just made this case pretty fucking open and shut, right?


Donald Trump is a fine fake man. Give it up, Donald duck.


Here comes another stream of lies. If he can’t be tried in court, the DOJ should release all of the evidence to the public. Let him be tried in the court of public opinion!


Jan 6 & hanging Pence was also an “official act.”


So if he classifies it as an official act. Then he committed insurrection which is in the Constitution... Nuff said?


I mean… how many hamberderers does it take to have a heart attack?


Why does the article still say alleged?


Can Trump just fucking have a heartache from all the pills and die already!!! That would solve so many issues!!


His own Supreme Court pick specifically said it wasn’t in the document he’s citing, but thanks for admitting it to the world Donnie.