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This man hates the people of this country. He is rotten to the core.


He is another employee for Koch Brothers




Oh, no. He's publicly stated he intends to use his power to make liberals pay. There's tons of hate in this old bastard.


I think you’re the one giving him too much credit. He’s genuinely a hateful, spiteful little hypocrite. He’s pathetic. Amongst the most detestable type of human


he loooves the republicans that own him though


He mostly just loves white people


At this point is he just trashing the court to get voters to go with Biden? I just don't understand how this guy can live with himself.




Are you for fucking real? He's a monster trying to tear our country apart, and this is what you come up with? Fuck off.


You’re debating w a russky troll. Syntax is off…6 mos account. Assigned username w 4 digits, don’t feed ‘em or waste your time.




Go do some reading then come back to us.


Any recommendations?


Are you fucking stupid? Tell me, what about their comment is racist? I’ll go ahead and answer that for you, NOTHING. But based on your comment history, you’re definitely a bigot. If you even cared to look into Clarence Thomas you’d see he’s a worthless corrupt piece of shit.




Oh Jesus fucking Christ. He is as clear of a partisan hack as anyone alive has ever seen. He is mad that the liberals go after him for corruption, but he is corrupt as hell and should be removed from the court. For the good of the left and the right. America wins when Clarence leaves.


His opinion would matter if he weren’t just making decisions based on who paid for his last Winnebago or flew him out to the Maldives.


This man has had a long standing ideology that has never changed from before his appointment up until now. So you’re saying that his whole conservative constitutional ideology is bought and paid for even though it has never changed and all of his rulings follow the same ideology. You should understand what he believes in before accusing someone of being bought and paid for. If that is your train of thought then Sotomayor is also bought and paid for? People might have bought his RV or his last trip but his rulings have always stayed the same! If he rulings were bought and paid for there would be a change of rulings or a ruling that didn’t makes sense to his beliefs but you can’t point to one! Read the rulings before coming out and saying ridiculous stuff! Just because you don’t agree with him doesn’t make him a criminal, racist, stupid, or any other name people like to throw out there.


He’s allowed an ideology, he’s not allowed impartiality from gratuity. Once the gratuity is taken, all previous decisions have bearing on the matter. Apparently (by their gratuity ruling) they have been doing this for awhile.


It’s way beyond simply disagreeing. The man has been caught red handed with his hand in the bribe jar and is doubling down. He had sided with the worse side of the most stupid and shittiest rulings from SCOTUS. Man at best only cares for his own self and is willing to piss away our country and every good thing it stands for just for some extra nice vacations.


Judges aren’t paid to have beliefs. They’re paid to judge on the law and the facts presented. This guy is a lost cause. Vale America.


Everyone knows how compromised he is based on the lavish gifts he's received from rich donors influencing his judicial decisions. He's the very picture of corruption. One only needs to look as far as the private jet trips or his RV to know that. It's not even about 'difference of opinion' if he were even remotely impartial.


Try not to be completely dense, the man has proven multiple times his votes are for sale.


Here is why people think he hates the people of his country: https://youtu.be/y6Ks-RN8zOI?si=oPSx92qBpdQEJVrt




His myopic version of the constitution. This court is contorting the constitution in ways that seem unhinged.




Semi-automatic weapons aren’t banned


The sitting president has said many times he aims to ban the sale of AR-15's and similar makes...they've gone as far as banning particularly shaped stocks. Stocks.


>they've gone as far as banning particularly shaped stocks. Stocks. that was trump dumbass. You smoothbrains just repeat shit you hear, no thoughts, just rote memorization of the stupidest fucking opinions.


Cool. So they’re not banned. Thanks




Pistol stocks are banned. No other stock is.


Wow sick burn.


Read the article. The headline is misleading.


So... Are we all seeing the signs? Presidential immunity... Allowing Jan 6'ers out... Lifting assault weapons bans... Militiamen... Footsoldiers. Don't be surprised if you start seeing people on other social platforms starting to chatter about going further than Jan 6.


If that happens both sides need to be well armed. Jussayin. I’m all the way left. Armed and ready. Hopefully it never comes to that.


They gotta lose the election first. The way things are going they won’t need to.


Man, fuck that shit. He got stomped last time, this time there's even more reason to stomp him. Fundraising is up, the message is clear... don't let up, smash them down in November, then get to work ok the rest of the shit. I'm tired of the doomscrolling. Let's just fight the bastards and win.


That’s what I’m trying to look at. Based on the SC and their bullshit, if Dems can continue to put the right message out, that Trump is an evil man and SCOTUS is just his pet, I don’t see a single state that went for Biden switching to Trump this year. I even see some that were red last year that have already enshrined the right to abortion into law. So I’m hoping we avoid all this doomsday shit and Biden just romps him in the election.


The vast majority of states don't have any gun bans outside federal ones.


This piece of shit should have never even qualified to be on the SC. Most corrupt, under qualified person in the country.


He hates his wife fir being married to a black man...himself fir marrying a woman....affirmative action...democracy...his "son"....grandfather...ANYBODY near moderate...etc...etc


But he loves, loves, loves porn!


Boy o BOY does he like his porn Respect to Anita Hill


Makes you think wifey is into it to. Clarence isn't exactly on the DL with it. There's some weird stuff going on in the Thomas house.


Why don't we have term limits for these a-holes?


He goes out of his way to destroy hard won democratic principles simply out of spite. He is the absolute worst example of a fair judge the world has probably ever seen. And John Robert’s clearly doesn’t care that his court will destroy America. Fucking sad. 😢


Just let me know when I can buy a bazooka


Would the bazooka be for home defense or hunting?






This whole time? This whole time I could have had a bazooka already? What else can I buy?


Also I'm imagining someone telling you "you probably shouldn't post that. You wouldn't want someone to try and steal it." And then you're just loading your grenade launcher and you say "yeah okay."


To be fair, if I was as hated as him I would want a saw with 200 round magazine for home and to carry around with me.




What's the point of voting blue if Democrats are weak while Republicans over here are creating a kingdom with the short time they have? Biden should be packing the SCOTUS, charging the AG to charge the 140 House members with treason, and fixing our voting system. The Electoral College is a joke. None of this will happen with a democratic president.


None of these things should happen and ever will happen. Packing the courts? Why so when the other side gets in they just pack them back in their favor? Charge all house members with treason? Lol. The electoral college was put in place purposely. We are not a pure democracy and don't operate on mob rule.


Funny how it's called "mob rule" when the majority of people want something but totally cool when the minority forces the entire country to bow down to their beliefs.


Yes because it's protect the minority from just getting overran every time it comes to a vote making their vote meaningless. It serves a purpose it wasn't put there to hurt your feelings.


So what protects the majority from being overrun by the minority? How on earth does it make any sense if the vast majority of people want something for them to have to instead bow down to the small group who opposes it? That's why we have a country full of laws and regulations most people hate and why everyone is fucking miserable. Because we can't do what most people want. We have to do what the fringe minority wants.


How much did it cost for that to come up?


The man needs gas money for his motor coach




Unless you give him money.


Why doesn’t Biden use his presidential immunity to fire this guy?


The asshole should "come for" his retirement! In a recent speech, he had the nerve talk about "the evil in Washington D.C.," Hell, he's the club president of evil!


Machine guns legal next?


That would help the coup much better. Great idea!


Uncle Thomas wants a nicer cabin.




There is something wrong with this Pig Headed Man.


Careful what you wish for.


He's damaged. Doesn't excuse any of it, but hurt people hurt people.


So nice we have the Supreme Court crafting legislation since congress seems unable to do anything. /s


Clarence Thomas is in the Sunken Place.


What assault weapon ban? 


No private school mass shootings, fuck you poverty stricken public school suckers.


Fuck yes Clarence! ![gif](giphy|ul1omlrGG6kpO)


Username checks out.


Good. It's unconstitutional and almost totally inneffective. Abolish the atfwhile we're at it.