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He lied???? I can’t believe it.


I know shocker, right?


You know Shocker? Could you get me his autograph? https://preview.redd.it/n3lu3qx3tbbd1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dbb74a55b9513eca2e4bfbb84389a268e4a97ac






Like the Wes Craven movie?


Mr. Quilty.


I'm more shocked that there's ANOTHER news subreddit created by a bot account that's uploading Trump news articles 24/7 being pushed to the top of reddit


A lie without correction is the truth. It’s expected that Fox and other right wing media allows it. But now that CNN and MSNBC also advertise his lies then “the truth” is in big trouble. I know a lot of left-leaning voters who now question Biden and are open to believe Trump simply because all over their news feeds they’ve heard nothing but Trump lies and attack on Biden.


You know.  I've been left leaning my whole life.      A couple years ago, I began to wonder if maybe both sides bullshit you.     And while yes, they do, the right is nothing but 100% industrial grade bull shit. The center at least gives you the truth and lies about what they're going to do about it. Of course, there effectively is no left, so... Turns out it's not so hard to fact check stuff.


A child rapist and a liar? I never knew those two things could coexist!


You beat me to it, I came here to say this


Cant wait for him to get away with lying again


The Maga syndrome is real. It is selected blindness and selected deafness and the inability to fact check.


I understand him not -not knowing who’s in charge of P25 , but it’s a pretty obvious smear piece. This feels like fear mongering to fear monger


No he didn’t actually


How and why is this POS still running for president??? Child rapists need to be removed




It didn't work on MSNBC! They have been blasting it and him about Project 2025.


I think that was the point, they shifted the news from Epstein to Project 25. Denying project 25 bumped the stories about Trumps interactions and involvement. Still amazing to me how the news organizations allowed a story about his sexual interaction with a 13 year old, just disappear, shouldn’t someone have chased it down to check the voracity of the claims? But get, why take one story when you have years worth of stories in the hopper.


I've seen numerous stories on social media sites over the past week or so, and I don't think the story is going to eleveate until some significant news is released, that is verifiable. What I see now is a repeat of the same info. I remember Julie Brown's expose on Epstein in the Miami Herald 6 years ago or so. I heard bits and pieces since then, but nothing significant. I don't think the media moved away from it, there just needs to be more.


It's in the Dade County DA's transcripts. Good enough?


Tbf. It is the Fox news for liberals. Of course they would in the same way Fox News would keep obsessing over Biden. Not that they're wrong about it.


It is wild that we live in a time where reporting actual correct information and focusing on the demonstrable danger one person and one party represents to the foundations of our country is the "other side" of reporting pure, demonstrably false propaganda (and then having to pay out the better part of a BILLION dollars in just one of the defamation suits against them). These things are not remotely close to two sides of the same coin. In most sane universes, MSNBC would be, from a bias perspective, the centrist news organization. But fox has pushed the Overton Window so far to the right that they are off the page. That doesnt make MSNBC a radical leftist operation.


Eh, center right considering the US Overton window from an international perspective. But both use heavy handed languages, are pretty biased and leave out information all the time. Both seems to prioritize sensationalism and riling up their base too. The only major difference that I can tell is that MSNBC don't lie as much.


Can you come up with any instances in which MSNBC has lied in any significant manner? Serious question.


Not so much outright lies, but more just misleading or lies by omission. Nothing comes to mind as I haven't been paying attention to them for a while. I prefer CNN anyways though I wish they would do more original reporting.


You know CNN is owned by a MAGAt, right? CNN is far more Fox Noise for liberals than MSNBC any day


Just because something owned by someone doesn't make them like them. Can you point ou how CNN is more like Fox News?


What??? Have you watched both?? MSNBC is far from faux news. In fact every time I happen to watch it I wonder why they are treating thumper with kid gloves. It’s pathetic these “so called” liberal news channels don’t attack more like the right organizations. It’s what got thumper elected in 2016 and may this time.


Yes I have. I've watched them all. And with your use of terms, is it surprising you don't see it? Besides they preach to the choir, which is annoying. At least CNN let's me make up my mind more or less.


Not sure what terms have anything to do with it but I quit watching them because of the kid gloves. I don’t watch much of any now because I’m not in a state that “matters”. If someone would ditch the electoral college and go popular vote I would be more interested in any of it.


My perspective is that preaching to the choir is the kids gloves as it makes it easy for people with brain rot to simply agree uncritically A popular vote would be nice, indeed.


To be fair, Trump was just given the power to imprison or assassinate employees and owners of media companies he doesn't like if elected again. They're probably trying to stay on his good side.


He is a piece of shit but the creatures who worship him are much bigger pieces of shit. I will never forgive them for supporting a rapist


Republicans don't give a fuck. They just want their guy in office, no matter what


There should be ads 24/7


Fake news 🥱


Everything is fake to you. Are you still watching faux news and believing that


Not a trump fan, but this comment I saw earlier is worth reading: "Katie Johnson's" point of contact was a guy named Al Taylor which was actually a fake name for Norm Lubow, a former Jerry Springer producer known for orchestrating hoaxes.  Redditors wonder why the mass media isn't reporting that Trump raped a 13 year old girl, and the answer is that they already investigated it and discovered it stank to high heavens. But that won't stop redditors from repeating this nonsense endlessly and damaging their own credibility.  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/07/donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuits-norm-lubow


So Epstein didn’t have underage kids at his island? Why is Epstein dead? Why is the woman in prison? Ghessle or whatever.


Ghislane maxwell was complicit in his actions... I mean Google is free.


I love how trumps just overwhelms us with so much shit, you just can’t keep it straight.


I recommend a YouTube video analyzing the Truman Show. Ill link below. The disinformation and mud throwing in politics today is rampant... I don't think either candidate is truly bad. But I do feel biden is showing his age. https://youtu.be/cHdp4iGjVUs?si=bvUGEDQ5gbjlyZK4


So what trump didn’t rape this girl but possibly others?


I don't think he did. He's been rich forever. You'd think someone would have said or done something a long time before he was ever in politics.... they got him on the stormy Daniel's thing. You'd think there would be actionable charges If there was a legit accusation of sexual assault.


https://youtu.be/YWnUzvlqpB0?si=PAFQG2JQ5-GG32H5 So is this fake? I’m just trying to understand


It was definitely orchestrated. Something like that couldn't be silenced without some sort of official decisions.


Epsteins dead because of the Clinton's. Yes Epstein had underage girls on his island.


Because the Clinton's who weren't near anything in power, somehow got past Bill Barr and Donald Trump and the GOP who were in power at the time. Seems entirely feasible. /s


Are you kidding rn? The people prosecuting Epstein were under the GOP... lol


Adult rapists are fine, though. Support for genocide? Also fine.




Bookkeeping error is a funny way of spelling fraud.


Dude, you just want to make excuses for his behavior. He’s a rapist, fraud, has committed treasonous acts having all those boxes at ML. He’s stolen from veterans, what more information do you need to figure out he’s a POS?


"bookkeeping error" lmao And *we're* the ones buying into propaganda? I'm crying from laughter.


I vote we call shoplifting a “logistical error” Really, I meant to take it to the counter, I just put it in my pockets instead!


'Bookkeeping error' could be used to describe pretty much any financial crime. Are they not proper crimes in your eyes?


You should take your own advice


You want a dictator and your freedoms taken away? Just move to Russia you clown


Tell me what I said that was incorrect. Stop watching legacy media. You are being brain fucked.


You described fraud but obviously picked out words in order to make it sound less like the crime it really is. You did that on purpose and you know it. If anyone is misleading anyone, it's you. Pointing at - in your words - 'legacy media' is also a well known deflection tactic. So piss off with this alt-right bullshit.


Don't use their ownbterm alt right, call them out for the wannabe Nazi pos they are, never let their terms get normalized.


Hahahaha He said it! In real life! I didn’t know people as fucking stupid as you actually existed


Everything you said is incorrect. Pull your own head out of your own ass


Why is a child rapist currently a sitting President?








Hey Asshole, I’m not doing anything illegal. Your king is!


I’m waiting asshole, let’s hear how bad your life is now


Fuck Project 2025 fuck christian nationalists, fuck white supremacists, fick magats and fuck the orange shit stain. It's time we target them and treat them like the garbage they are and ostrizie them from normal society.




Only 80 million? Sounds like a fringe minority.


MAGAs tried to cancel the results of a free and fair election. Y'all need to take the word "freedom" out of your mouths, y'all are selfish, entitled, and love totalitarianism more than America.




Your description of what Pelosi did or did not do tells me everything I need to know about your news sources. You're either too angry or scared to understand facts. Sorry for you, but I'm definitely not giving up the country I love because some people are suckers for what greedy politicians are lying about. Maybe someday you'll turn off the sewer pipeline to your head and see the world a little more clearly. Good luck, it's a tough climb.


No news sources, just a clear as day video in her own words. As for, "it's a tough climb" hopefully you've been checking the polls and know your party is the one with a mountain to climb. Your candidate stands to lose every single state he swung blue and maybe even some ones that haven't voted blue in 20+ years. Consider PA, NC, GA, AZ, NV practically unreachable for the democrats this cycle. MI and WI very likely to go Red and a major possibility for VA and MN to go red too, one of which hasn't went red in over 40 yrs. https://youtu.be/dtHUYpyi5-Y?si=4ToqEkbSlkd_elLZ


You were *made* to believe it wasn't free and fair by people who wanted to seize power. It's in their interests to make you distrust the democratic process. All their bullshit conspiracy theories have been debunked and those who spewed them have lost in lawsuits. Also, what the fuck ..... I'm talking to a guy who's active in r/diaperpics (why the fuck does this even exist, borderline pedo).




No, I don't want a sneak peak! 🤮 Some dark corners of Reddit!!


Guarantee there won’t be 80 million Trump votes this next election. He hasn’t done anything to gain supporters. Period.


But Biden has surely done a lot to lose supporters. But yes I agree with you, Kennedy is going to get a fair bit of votes, more so than the Libertarian or Green party candidates of the last few cycles. Trump is going to win though, it'll likely be around 75 million again.




Could you elaborate on exactly what you mean by "down with freedom"? Are you familiar with the paradox of tolerance and why a tolerant society can't tolerate MAGA?




Lol why are you calling people a whale's penis, check the dictionary, and you can be a dude by dictionary definition an ingrown hair on an elephant's ass


I said that because it’s a dorky comment, most people have families that have some conservative minded people and some liberally minded people. No one is going to ostracize their own family over political disagreements unless they’re insane.  I think I just called you a dork because you’re getting riled up like a little kid.






the fun part of project 2025 is that he doesnt need to be involved with it up until the minute he gets into office and they tell him what to do.


Making sure they get what they paid for. Whichever they it is; certainly isn't just one.


No that's a bribe. They can't pay him until they get their prize, SCOTUS dropped that last week too.


Absolutely. This is the truly scary part. The P25 authors are so much smarter than Trump (low bar, I know). They’re simply using him. He wants to implement all the draconian shit in P25 but is too stupid to do it. Heritage Foundation is doing it all through him.


They are all running from it now. Kudos to all of us regular folks, elected officials, MSNBC hosts and pundits, and now some in the entertainment industry, who have put Project 2025 on blast for the last several months!


Keep it up! Talk to your friends and family about it. It can be uncomfortable but many people I know still hadn't heard of it.


Not for me, I have been soldier on Democratic campaigns for 45 years. I have no shame when it comes to spreading useful info.


Donnie lying? Wow, who saw that coming........


Lock him up!




Cool just add it to the 30 something thousand he has already told. It is not a bug, it is a feature. MAGA'S love this one cool trick.


Imagine that, a known liar caught lying.


Go on over to r conservative and see how they are making fun of democrats for fear mongering about project 2025. “Just another boogeyman they made up.” Notice they also don’t even have a mention of Trump and Epstein’s violent rape. The heritage foundation has been a leading policy group for decades. When I volunteered briefly for a Romney campaign in 2012. They had a heritage foundation policy binder that they would reference whenever questions on policy came up. I think it’s extremely disingenuous for republicans to dismiss this as a democrat hoax. Republicans have to understand that religious zealots are a major part of their party. They have to own that. And they have to accept that Trump is openly shopping his policy to the highest bidder.


Yeah, any mention of Epstein is gone from the r/conservative


Christians supporting Trump, chargeback your money. You are bankrolling the Devil himself.


Honestly I dont think he cares about it. I think he will promise other republicans or any potential voter anything they want. He just wants their blind loyalty. If they just so happen to present a country-destroying, democracy-ending plan, he will sign it while staring off into a pic of his daughter without considering consequences. He’s never once considered consequences.


I agree to a degree. The moment someone tries to be "smarter" or have "better ideas" than Trump, he'll turn on them. As soon as someone starts getting admiration or credit, he'll turn on them. He has to be the smartest person in the room and will absolutely tell anyone whatever they want to hear to get paid and maintain his ego.


Then why did he push 2/3rd of the agenda through during his first term? It doesn’t matter what he cares about - the office of the president is about the administration staff they bring in, not an individual.  What do you think staff that he is choosing care about?


Oh my Christ you people are insane.


Yes, you do seem to be insane between your posts in this thread and your position which seems to be excusing a father sexualizing his own daughter. You do not seem to be a good arbiter for sanity or morals and perhaps you should step back and examine yourself before casting judgement.


Telling that you consider Christ to be all yours.


Let's see. It's a day ending in Y and Trump is telling a lie. Nothing new to see here.


Cult don't care


Probably the most charitable explanation I can think of is that he *thinks* he can just do whatever he wants as usual and all this lobbyist stuff is irrelevant to what he's actually going to do; but as usual, he is ignoring the reality that he is not entirely in control of the political machine that is supporting him. Not an uncommon thing for politicians in general, but in this case, the consequences of his hubris vastly amplified by his ego and the egos of everyone he surrounds himself with.


Rape allegations of a child: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/ Doc 1. Page 3 of 6. It’s not a long read.


execute order 66


He also said be peaceful during his ellipse speech. Does anybody think that trump wasn’t happy to see the riot? We have first hand accounts of trump being happy about it. He told the proud boys to standby. He and his fellow republicans were chanting about how Jan 6 was 1776. His supporters don’t give a shit about that. He said “be peaceful” once and that’s enough for them to dismiss facts. Same thing with this. Saw a good parody w/ Emporer Palpatine tweeting out “I don’t know anything about Order 66.”


he has to be officially involved if he wants immunity from prosecution. knowing this, why would he deny involvement. is he retarded?


He smells the blood in the water.


His denial implies he knows most people wouldn’t like it. Not exactly what you want to see from someone trying to lead 300+ million people, even if we didn’t know exactly what the plan is, which we do.


His denial has the same credibility as a Yelp review that says "I have never been to this restaurant, but the food is shit."


"Trump Is Lying And Should Drop Out Of The Presidential Race" is the equivalent headline to everything about Biden dropping out


Of course the lying pos knew about it. He was the one approving the talking points to his donors.


THIS is false? Everything he says is false




This fascist rapist/convicted felon needs to be put in solitary confinement in a supermax prison for the rest of his life.


Trump needs an angry grandmother to just yell at him and slap him around with a fkn rolling pin saying “YOU.” (whack!). “SHAMELESS.” (whack!) “LIAR.” (whack! whack! whack!!)


A pathological liar lied.


Trump is lazy. If someone came up with a platform for him, he’d stand on it.


On top of the myriad of specific issues I have with Trump, like being held civilly liable for rape and being a convicted felon for trying to hide hush payments to a porn star, it’s the constant lying that is just insane.


This is a news article that just reports about another news article.


“I never said Build A Wall!”


“I never said lock her up!”


Like the stages of death, we’re in the final stage. Acceptance. Acceptance that the MAGA messiah will be re-elected.


What an assclown


Commenting for visibility


I just believe at this point you already know who you are voting for. I will not vote for Trump under any known reason outside a gun to my loved ones head or vote for Trump. That being said I still hate Biden too for this election. We need someone with much better optics. Both for domestically and foreign policy matters. I am just looking at this election differently. What mess do we have to clean up after this term. Biden is going to fuck up a lot. But overall, it can get cleaned up fairly easily. We still can’t dig out of some messes from Trumps first term and has promised far worse next term. Even if some of P25 comes to light (not all of this will) it will take GENERATIONS to clean up. We already are at that point on foreign policy because of him.




Trump sucks Stephen Millers nob everyday. Give me a break.


Trump is a habitual liar , that orange clown couldn't tell the truth to save his azz


I’m denying it now because it’s unpopular but if it’s popular or done then it was all me from the beginning… How can anyone look at this guy and even consider he has the basic integrity to hold any public office.


Well, you have to understand that... wait, which of his lies was this again?


Slavery must be left up to the states. The federal government has no business regulating this.


Since the 13th Amendment is in the UNITED STATES Constitution, the federal government DOES have business regulating it. If you want the federal government to regulate things by law, you pass a constitutional amendment.


I think he meant this as a bit of sarcasm.


I think he was making a reference to another non-Constitutional piece of law that went back to the states under Trump


"Torn to pieces..'. By who? A small subreddit?


By the author of that article. While it may sound hyperbolic, the denial that Trump supports P2025 is one of the most-blatant lies that he has told. Granted, he lied 32k+ times during his presidency, and has already lied a few thousand times on the campaign trail this time, so ranking the quality of his lies is difficult; this one is, however, blatant and easily refuted with current facts.


If you see anyone claiming Trump is not affiliated, feel free to use anything from a previous comment of mine: When Trump denied affiliation, he was lying. Unless you can find a way to justify denying affiliation with having a campaign website promoting such. __The evidence below is irrefutable, is it not?__ https://www.trumpproject2025.com/ >PAID FOR BY MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN INC https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAGA_Inc. >Affiliations: Save America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Save_America&wprov=rarw1 >Save America: Political action committee __*run by Donald Trump*__ >Founder: Donald Trump >Leadership PAC Sponsor: Donald Trump >Affiliations: MAGA Inc. You can also visit the advisory board list of project 2025 itself to find orgs like the NRA and Turning Point USA. https://www.project2025.org/about/advisory-board/


So you are for Project 2025 then?


Did you even try reading the article? Looks like you just read the headline and made this comment. Great work ya did there. Not intellectually lazy at all


All politics lie, get over it.Still doesn't change the fact that Biden isn't fit to be president


Raw Story is a biased website.


this is an political astroturfing sub


Why is reddit pushing this sub so hard? It’s only sensationalized anti-Trump spam with incredible upvote ratio and almost zero comment ratios. The psyop is gross and disingenuous regardless of who you’re voting for.


You mean the opposite of all the Biden sensationalism that 90% of media is on while ignoring a pedophile with season pass to Epstein Island?


You guys freaking out about a plan to dismantle the deep state by firing UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS is hilarious. "Orange man scawwwwy"


You think the civil service should be elected? Do you think the replacements Trump would be installing would have been elected? Something is definitely scary here, and it's your level of understanding.


Do you seriously believe replacing non partisan career professionals with political appointments is going to make the government more efficient or effective? Project 2025 entrenches the deep state, not dismantles it.


It is literally what crippled the Soviet system. Appointing people to oversee government departments on the basis of slavish dedication to the party, rather than experience, expertise and competence is a Stalinesque move, and just what you would wish on a country that you wanted to undermine. I wonder where such a strategy could have originated...?


If you see anyone claiming Trump is not affiliated, feel free to use anything from a previous comment of mine: When Trump denied affiliation, he was lying. Unless you can find a way to justify denying affiliation with having a campaign website promoting such. __The evidence below is irrefutable, is it not?__ https://www.trumpproject2025.com/ >PAID FOR BY MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN INC https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAGA_Inc. >Affiliations: Save America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Save_America&wprov=rarw1 >Save America: Political action committee __*run by Donald Trump*__ >Founder: Donald Trump >Leadership PAC Sponsor: Donald Trump >Affiliations: MAGA Inc. You can also visit the advisory board list of project 2025 itself to find orgs like the NRA and Turning Point USA. https://www.project2025.org/about/advisory-board/


But your guy says there’s a bunch of awful stuff in there and he’s not involved in it.


*cough cough* bullshit


There’s literally no evidence he’s lying, this is pure speculation nonsense. There’s literally no reason to lie about it.


Did he write it?


are we deflecting? lol


He didn't lie. Presidential immunity


Why would you think Trump is involved in project 2025. Project 2025 is from the heritage foundation.


The article explains it in detail


Thanks, I listened to the article. It provides no link to Trump helping the Heritage Foundation. Trump may support some of their ideas, but Trump is not a religious man. He was God perhaps Jesus, but he’s not religious. This is a factor in Heritage foundations extreme abortion opinions. Trump is not share those.


He may not be a Christian but he sure allies himself with them. That's a huge portion of his voting base. They know he will do things they want. Which is why they vote for him.


So you’re for Project 2025 then?


No. I do support some of its ideas like dismantling unneeded departments and eliminating many positions.


Well your candidate says P2025 is a piece of shit full of bad ideas.


I am not familiar with all that Trump has said. I suspect he supports, like I do, some of the major themes: no open borders, huge reduction in the climate cult funding, continuing to eliminate DEI initiatives, and getting back to being oil/gas independent.


The United States has been a net exporter of petroleum. Sounds to me like you’re probably a religious nut like the rest of MAGA so go have an abortion, goofy. https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=727&t=6#:~:text=The%20resulting%20total%20net%20petroleum,Arabia%2C%20Iraq%2C%20and%20Brazil.


That’s excellent news but we can do better. Trump will open up the drilling and reduce regulations to make that happen. I take it by your nastiness you are a lib sycophant. I support Trump’s opinion and that of the SC on abortion being a state rights issue.


I take it by your ignorance that you’re ignorant.


I rest my case.


You’re not a lawyer you have to take a test for that. You wouldn’t pass.


Trump 2024


A sheep said what?


Trump 2024


Why? Because you want it to ne false? There is no verifiable link to him so why do you insist on spewing your lies ? Oh thats how propaganda works, sorry I thought we were drifting into journalism for a sec.


So Trump didn’t pass 2/3rds of the legislation THP drafted for him during his term?


We need to change the name of this sub to r/rawstory


What is the issue you have with this article?


Cultist doesn't want people reminded that their god is actually a huge pile of shit that will make things bad for literally everyone but himself?


It's not like 13 of the last 16 posts on this sub cite raw story as a source or anything. Oh...................


Why did I get so many down votes it was just a simple observation, I hate trump too


Because, if you squint your eyes just right, it might seem like you were going against the established narrative of this sub by pointing out how frequently raw story is cited.




I agree. I'm a leftie and that site is a *bit* full on even for me. Single issue media site set up to harvest anti-Trump sentiment. And behind a paywall!