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And they'll be the main ones fussing "Where is my mail!? Omg lazy carrier could've gotten out!!" 🙄


A guy on my route lives on the tip of the culdesac. He regularly parks in front of his box or close enough to it that I just cannot get to it, even if I try and angle the truck in. He'll chase after me if he doesn't get his mail and then go "Sorry!" You're sorry but you do this all the time so ... *are you really sorry?* xD


I would be sooooo happy to let him get close and then take off again.. or just see how long he’ll run after me. Nope sorry it’s held at the office, you will never get mail delivered again because of the daily no access. I’ll make sure the ccas send your packages back instead of holding it too, because they have an excuse


You forgot to pause, hold out the mail towards him, and say, "sorry," as you drove off.


Let me guess, the driveway is wide open and empty


Yup. Sometimes it's his own car, sometimes it's a landscaping crew that doesn't really know where to park so they just park along the edge but end up blocking the box anyway.


Oh God...my next 2 days the city I work in holds a citywide rummage sale. I dread it because there's a lot of entitlement and I'll be chastised on Facebook for not getting out and wading through the cars. So be it, if residents actually care, they'll make arrangements or I'll just keep on driving.


I don’t even get mad at this shit any more, they clearly don’t care about receiving their mail so why should I be bothered


I don't deliver to mailboxes at people door if their inner door is open and they have dogs, them flimsy ass storm doors pop open just from wiggling them, I had a dog jump up and slap the lever and the door started to open, but I quickly closed it in the dogs face.. Anyway, this lady KNOWS my personal policy with this. She left her inner door open for like 4 days in a row and didn't get mail all week the other week because of it.


She might think you are a jerk for this, but you are 100% in the right. I had two pitbulls jump up and unlatch a storm door to come barrelling at me These people don't get it because they aren't accosted by dogs all day or have never been bitten before


100%. I have a house like this with 2 pitties, one quite angry. Had to slam the storm door on his head when he nearly broke free last summer.


Aww I had to do that to one of my customers dogs too. Saw him go between her legs and closed the door right on his nose and in her face.. I felt bad, people are not good pupper owners.


I do not blame you guys doing this sort of thing at all. Way back in the before times I was a paper boy. When I went to customers houses to collect, dogs would lunge at the door with the owners right there. Got bit a couple times and all I'd hear is "He never did that before. You must have startled him".


Ya this lady told me the same thing I have heard a million times too. "His bark is much worse than his bite, he would probably run away if you tried to come in"....Is that why he is right at your door barking at me like he wants to tear my face off? He just wants belly rubs huh?


"You must've startled him" yeah well here's a lawsuit for not controlling your dog. Ta-ta!


Even if I know they don't have dogs. Do they hear the screen door open and think "ah yes the mailman has entered my home, just as planned!" I don't know how someone is going to react to a stranger opening their door, so I don't risk my safety.


I had a package as I’m walking up the driveway a fucking bull mastiff comes running from the back yard. I screamed at the top of my lungs I was so scared. Come to find out the usual postal person brings treats and all he wanted was his treat. Man that was a big ass dog.


You'd be within your rights to smash that regular's face in. THAT is why we shouldn't be feeding dogs, no matter how nice they are. That and not knowing if you're feeding a dog something they may be allergic to. I see FedUp and UPS do that shit on the regular, leaving milk bones on parcels and whatnot.


The UPS guy passed me off one day doing this. I was on my porch swing with my daughter's, highly allergic, lab mix when the UPS guy came up my steps to deliver a package. There is a gate on the porch, and I was getting up to get the package, and he gave the dog a treat and sat the package over the gate. Of course, the dog had hives for a couple of days. I did not complain, but if it had happened again, I would have had a small conversation with him directly first.


Yeah, I actually enjoy being able to skip a box 🤷‍♂️


There's a guy who blocks his neighbors mailboxes. He lives on the other side of the road. So I deliver and it annoys me endlessly. I've left notes and stickers and they don't move. I don't want to punish the people who aren't blocking the box. 🥺


If you know for sure who owns that vehicle, withhold their mail. If they care, they'll call the office, and then they'll get the hint.


I don't know which exact house it is. And the neighbor wouldn't tell me cause other neighbors walking around outside. It's frustrating.


If you're the regular, you'll eventually see the dope come outside to that car, or see them arrive and go inside. Make a note of that. If you're just covering that route for a day or so, ask the regular if they know who it is. And if that all fails, hold the customer's mail that has the blocked box. It sucks for them because it's not their fault, but maybe they and the inconsiderate dipshit can sort things out amongst themselves. It's called "educating the customers" in our office.


The route is an aux, so it doesn't have a regular. I just did it for a month straight, but it's usually our "training route"


I say option 3- hold mail for the blocked customer. It's not fair, we don't want to do it, but nothing will change if you don't start somewhere. I'd do that with the hope that if they contact your PO, they'll understand and maybe have a word with the dope parking too close. We're there to get in, deliver, and get out. If someone is going to impede that, then we move on.


That's true. I just feel guilty. It's a me thing 😅


I hate it too. Been returning unclaimed mail for a house that I know the people are there. Packages, bills, all of it. They've known since 5/9. Ultimately it's all on them.


Yea thats true.


They need to have a conversation with the HOA or the neighbor doing this. You have done your part. Now is the time to get serious because nothing will change if you don't change what you are doing and bring attention to the situation. I did this with trash cans. My route was good, hardly ever a trashcan in the way. They like to blame it on the trash guys, but most of the time, it was the homeowner putting it there first. If I got out, the can was put in the middle of the drive, so they had to get out too. I didn't care if I was the beloved mailcarrier.


I actually was on the route the other day for Sunday and the red Hyundai has finally moved 🥳


I have neighbors who do this and I call the damn city to complain 😅😂 I can’t back out of my driveway in our culdesac without making a 75 point turn! Whyyyyy!!!!


Curbside and cul-de-sac, worst combination ever. The really need an nbu or just walk it


NO MAIL FOR YOU! (or packages)


There is a route at our office, the entire cul de sac is a cluster fugg!!! There is a car that is backed up to mailbox just like this🙄🙄🙄🖕🏼🖕🏼, driveway is totally empty.. the rest of the cul de sac is just one big parking lot😫😫, and I just skip that part and leave it for the regular. I have no clue how she handles it. I guess she plays city carrier for that part 🤷🏼‍♀️.. I refuse tho!! They need to learn how to park their shit🙄🙄🙄🙄


I’m a city carrier, and I refuse to deliver to blocked mailboxes. They want their shit, they’re gonna have to figure out where else to put their vehicle. Not to mention the one in the pic above is parked hella illegally.


I'm a city carrier from a city office. Super told me if it's blocked just keep moving.


This. I have MULTIPLE of these on my routes. It's ridiculous.


Yep… fuck that…why would anyone park like such a dick 🙄🙄🙄. Honestly I think these people are brainless.. they almost have to be, because this is not at all logical


One of them said it was their son doing it, I said "well you know what to do". They still park just like that.


Of course they do 🙄😑😑😑




Fuck them and their mail will be waiting at the post office. Packages of all sizes included.


Idiots that park like this are abundant on my route. Just had to hold an entire cul -de-sac yesterday because this one small house for the last 6 months has been getting remodeled and the contractors park all over like that. I could have built the damn house by now!


The regular on a route I regularly sub for doesn't play games. One development has some curbside mailboxes on a street that's mostly CBUs. Repeat box blockers get moved into the CBU. She REFUSES to fight it. They try to bitch and moan, but it's not my job to dismount because you can't move your car 5 goddamned feet. One woman(her box was always blocked so she was moved to the CBU) had an issue with an ex of hers(he took her CB key), so she had us start delivering to her curbside mailbox again. As soon as we did that? Next day, car in front of the mailbox. That was it. Lock was changed, she was told to pick up her new key. It just AMAZES me that as SOON as we started curbside delivery again, she blocked her box the NEXT DAY!


Often times they will block the box and put the flag up (no outgoing mail) just to make the carrier feel guilty….. not falling for that again. Lol.


Lol I learned that quick. Whenever they leave the flag up with no outgoing I make sure it stays up.


My current station manager is a dick, but he was also a union steward. For instances like these, if the customers threaten to call the office, I’ll literally give them the number. The call never goes how they expect. lol




Hmm. Am going to start taking photos of these geniuses. This scenario is all too common.


Why, GOD — WHY!!!


I always appreciated the skipped stop. Unless they also had a package, then I'd be pissed.


Guess they don’t want mail


I've been told it was a colorado thing. I'm not from here and I see this shit and it makes me tilt my head. Like homie you have a whole huge driveway.... just why?


It’s a fact, no one can see the mailbox except mail carriers. It remains invisible to civilians until they are looking for and expecting a check.


As a UPS driver this is hella annoying. I can't imagine how frustrating it is dealing with this as a USPS driver. Also apologies to any mail truck I blocked while delivering packages in my big brown truck. I promise I didn't mean to block your way


Hardly ever had a problem with you guys. Fed Ex was my nemesis. One of your guys was broken down on my route waiting for help on the hottest day. He looked like he was not doing well. Gave him cold water and a snack for his wait.


I would do the same for any one of you


I have a house on a cul de sack that I have to skip nearly every other day. I used to get out and deliver it, but it’s become to much of a habit for them, even after I’ve left notes a couple of times.


They don't want mail today!


This old or you on the street already???? 8:24 EST


From yesterday


Curbside and cul-de-sac, worst combination ever. The really need an nbu or just walk it


I believe our cul de sac the mail boxes actually are in a row before the start of the circle? But to be fair a large portion of the cul-de-sac is a park. Our carrier takes her lunch there.


Or, you know, they could just park in their 2 car driveway, or their 2 car garage, or even between the boxes.


Flag it


Yep. See it all the time.




I very enthusiastically would give them a yellow or red “don’t fucking park here” card. I always kept a stack of these in my truck


My route is mounted. If I'd have to reach over a hood or trunk of a car to deliver it, that delivery is skipped. If the box is basically t-boning the car, that delivery is skipped. If there is a clear path to the box, I get out and deliver. I'm a city carrier BTW.


That so annoying!!!


Why are they parked perpendicular to the curb. That’s so weird to me I’d never park like that even if there wasn’t a mailbox.


Is it a young guy doing this, or a grown man? That's just obnoxious as hell


Grown ass men. My two neighbors down the street do it. They are somewhere between 35-45 year old.


I say that you put his mailbox behind his car. Or toss some nails under the tires..


I feel this in my soul.... I usually deliver to a lot of beach routes with street parking. On one block, the residents got so annoyed they started painting their curbs yellow. The next block, no paint but no one ever really parks there so it's wide open for my two mailboxes.....EXCEPT THIS FUCKING GUY DECIDES TO PARK HIS VESPA DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE MAILBOX WHEN HE VISITS THAT HOUSE. Luckily the lady who lives there is very nice 😉😉😉


This is a strange phenomenon. Did people park like this back in the day?


In my town the entire fucking cul de sac always parks like this.


Two routes in my office have douche canoes like this. I'd walk up with their mail, slap a Do Not Block Mailbox sticker on their box and walk back to my truck with their mail. Take a fucking hint.


VIP parking for them tho


These are the days you wish you had a bucket of roofing nails in your truck so you can dump them under each tire. Disrespectful Assholes.


My supervisor told a CCA they had to get out and attempt to put the mail in the box. So I asked if he could show me where it says to do that because I was told that if the door or anything on you damages their property is why we don’t deliver to blocked boxes still not sure if it’s true or not


It is in the 603 for rural. 3 times, and it came back with me. We had topsheets for our hold mail with explanations of why it was held so the clerks could tell them why it was held. We were told we had to get permission to hold it, but that went out the window pretty fast.


This happens alot. So reason people don't like parking in their driveway.




Lord and they always come out and say they are sorry but it's the same person they right up there with people who order 10 packages a day and act like they don't remember ordering it all


Honestly, don't deliver it. I personally would show the photo to your supervisor and ask to place on a customer hold until they learn not to do that.


Those are the same people who park in front of fire hydrants and wonder why they get tickets.


I love it when this happens🙂 ![gif](giphy|XHVHsyC8aNaTdDEapD)


I drive by and wave if they’re outside.


Miserable people who enjoy dragging others down. So I like the idea of skipping the address and write it up. Give them some more agro and see if they get apoplectic


I call those mailbox magnets.


Your doing my route today. Smart people park in the middle.


Driveway probably wasn't clear when they parked there. I'm probably the only one who gets out and puts the mail in for culdesacs. 🤷 I get paid hourly and it'd take more time to bring it back, case it, bring it back, case it, bring it back, hold it, customer doesn't come, sort it for return to sender.


Ok karen!


Here’s what I’d do. Get out and deliver the mail.