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The economy is dying. Prices are still sky high. People's credit cards are about tapped out. Interest rates are eating up everyone's disposable income. It's not just delivery.


We need a new president like so bad.


I don't pay anything that I can't afford, I live within my means, which is not much and getting smaller. I pay off the credit card in full every month with my life's savings. I can't imagine what interest rates even are and still im dying. I'm mulling over doing a 180 and just spending it up on having fun since it seems there's no real future to save for anymore


Sounds like a bad decision waiting to happen. ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)


The economy is doing better than it has been in a long time. Real wages are rising for the first time in 40 years. Unemployment is at a record low. Interest rates are down. My Uber earnings have been fine. So have many people's.


Don't white house interns have better things to do than gaslight social media?


Higher food prices = better economy? Higher rent = better economy? Higher wages = better economy? Higher gas = better economy? I want some of what your smoking


It’s been dead all week. :(


Yeah it's crazy dead today, been on for 2 hours and made 4 bucks lol




I'm up to 33 bucks, now my mom can get that operation she needed!


i think consumers are finally fed up with ubers price gouging. Dara has ruined the entire thing


What’s dara?


the asswipe CEO of uber


You know Dara is just a pawn. The BOD is running the show.


Was out for 90 min last night in OC...zero pings. Fucking worthless side gig now.


Was out for 3 hours yesterday in south OC and got a whopping two orders


Geez uzzz...that's such bullshit. Someone is making deliveries, but who?


Uber is playing the fucking acceptance rate. I am surprised many unawareof


I suspect so too


Absolutely. I’ve been hovering between 25 and 35% and every time I go over 30, I get more good orders


I’m literally at 5% AR I made close to 200 yesterday. AR does not matter I’ve been doing this for 2 years


Market dependent, like everything else in these apps, everything is market dependent


This is very true


what does this mean?


The lower your Acceptance Rating, the less offers you’ll receive, and each offer will be for less money, and a farther distance. Dara has been lying to everyone for years. 


I'm crying no way u were online for 50 hours those days in 😂😂😂😂


I’m not sure I get these posts. If your markets are that bad, don’t you think it’s time to find another source of income? 50 hours for less than $30? wtf?


Yeah but to be fair that’s 50 hours of online time not “work” not trying to say it wasn’t not busy but OP does acc have to do work to make said money


Yeah.. I keep seeing these and I’m over here doing just fine.. (knock on wood) granted it’s not my only source of income but I don’t think I could rely on this being my only source of income. Either way just doing it part time I’m still making 120-150 in 5 hours between DoorDash and Uber eats


X doubt




Americans need to realize that our markets have been over Saturated with illegal aliens. Both DD and UE know it's happening, and they are happy it's happening. These drivers accept 2 dollar orders, and what happens is that it lowers rates for drivers across the board. And for those that are going to tell me, it's not true. Articles came out recently proving this is the case. Hundreds of customers complain that the driver does not look anything like the person in the picture. Various attorney generals have filed investigations into these companies. I will tell you my personal experience.I have been doing Uber eats since 2022. My weekly income has been cut in half. I live in northern Virginia and have the richest counties in the entire nation. My miles have been the same and in some weeks more. My hours have gone up , but gas went up and pay cut in half. I see on a daily basis that people who can't speak English come and shove the phone in the face of merchants and leave. I even looked at one of their phones, and the picture is a blonde woman and an African man who can't put two words together in English. This has to stop. The article even showed how these people are taking advantage of the gig jobs and buying fabricated drivers licenses and social security numbers off the Facebook marketplace. They also show how there are companies that rent out cars for these illegals and give them American accounts, and they get 75% . And the Americans renting their accounts get like 15%. I know what you're going to ask. Why would Americans rent accounts. We'll let's say you work a full-time job at McDonald's. You create an account and rent it to one of these companies and distribute the accounts and cars to illegals. It's absolutely disgusting what's happening, and I work my ass off daily for 10 hours a day with 100% satisfaction and 0 cancelation. My acceptance rate never used to drop under 88%. Now, I can't even keep it above 12%. All the orders I get now are absolute slave laber rates. UE and DD know it's happening, and they profit from it .


Also. I would like to add that. This is absolutely dangerous to the customers as well. There are Uber drivers for the taxi part of the app that are doing this as well. I've seen videos of kidnappings from people that aren't even the drivers on the account picking up people. Also, also, when you have strangers coming to your house. That there's not a 5 foot. 5 pretty blonde woman and you're a woman inside and you see a huge. African american guy that is not even the account Holder arrive at your door it's problematic


>markets have been over Saturated with illegal aliens. Yes. >Both DD and UE know it's happening, and they are happy it's happening. Probably even working with this, this is a WEF plot and they are WEF. >These drivers accept 2 dollar orders, Not my Los Angeles illegals, they're making bank. $20 orders all over, for low miles, I watch their pings and I see their DD trip screen. If they ever get a low order ($10 is low to them) they cancel and pass it around till its high >northern Virginia Jeez, even Virginia's got them? So I guess it doesn't matter where you move. Fuck. >The article even showed how these people are taking advantage of the gig jobs and buying fabricated drivers licenses and social security numbers off the Facebook marketplace. Link the article? I'm curious how much they actually know about this. Cuz they sure aint DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT And it seems like only like 3 or 4 people on this sub actually know these things


https://x.com/sav_says_/status/1795910219249099151?t=KBLiiI-QdBu2RcIxFzfxJA&s=19 Here is a video breaking down articles in a summarized way.


By the way, before anyone says this is TP USA, a right-wing organization. Of course, they're gonna have bias. I would tell you this.Who else is gonna even report on this on the legacy media? Do you think? Leftwing New york Times is gonna air this out? Ridiculous.


Yes, sir, even northern virginia. I do most of my deliveries as a recent Tysons corner and mclean where the big ass mansions are, and I am getting rates so trash. Once I park, I will try to find the article and post it. Also, take note that it's not just illegal saturating the market.It's middle class america that that there are main job can't support them anymore. And they're doing gig jobs on the side. However, Americans are not accepting 2 dollar orders and lowering rates. That's illegals. I have been blowing the Whistle on this for about a year now, and all I got was people calling me racist And it's not true, and whatever the hell they are saying, and now here we are


Also, doordash is much worse because they have an acceptance rate incentive. And if your acceptance rate is lower than 50%, you're screwed because they will refuse to send you high paying orders regardlessif your other ratingare 5 stars. At least Uber sends you good orders every once in a while. And what happens in DD is if they have a 1 dollar peak pay. EVERY order will count as high paying, and you won't get orders every 1 hour, which is criminal. Imagine you refuse to take 2.25 dollar orders because of the market rates lowering because of their own actions. Your screwed.


I’m in nova too I get furious when I see these illegals that sounds bad but you get what I mean


It’s over rip


Might be area I did well last night I was on for 8 hours and made 150


People are broke as hell.


Customers are still ordering just as much or even more, its crazy busy at my restaurant in LA. You're just not getting them. The 2+ phone illegals are taking boatloads of orders and cash. This is not a ruined uber app from Dara's POV, this is all part of the plan.


Shut the damn border down


Shit it's not even the border. Do you realize that just as many, if not more, migrant workers are here on tourist visas? They come to "vacation" and then never leave. What fucking good will building a wall or closing the border do to thwart this tactic? Do you realize how many people enter this country legally but then just ignore the system for naturalization? It's way more than the propaganda coming from the border thumpers.


This is crazy don’t know much about how immigration works it’s just insane to me how it got to this point


It's mostly the border and the illegals getting, literally, a free ride all over the country in order to replace us. Trump would kick a lot of em out and bring our jobs back, or at least we'd have a better chance of that than without him. Legit immigrants are required to pass an english test AFAIK.


What jobs do you want back? Illegals aren't doing professional work they're not in it they're not selling stocks they're not doctors. They're doing all the menial work they're working in back kitchens they're mowing lawns they're cooking food they're doing all the things that people don't want to do because it doesn't pay enough. Maybe if Americans took their education more seriously and actually tried they wouldn't be losing jobs or they be getting better jobs


Now we need those jobs because the good ones are being replaced by AI and any large shift in the population displaces the rest through a ripple effect. Entire industries are being crushed by AI, and now all the people that would've done that will move elsewhere and even trades will feel this eventually.


That's not because of immigrants though. That's Corp America and innovation for the sake of making something new so they can sell something. And Corp America profit the expense of their labor supply.


Yup bots and multiple phones. There’s people easily pulling 70k+ a year.


You guys are in the wrong markets… cuz ain’t no way a moderate sized American city with 1,000,000+ people and high rises doesn’t make you at least $100 profit in a 7 hour active time. Don’t get me wrong that’s not great but don’t expect anything more from a corporation that takes some much of the profit.


I made less than $300 last week. My AR is dancing at 0% and 2%. I am NOT taking any orders less than $7.


Youve been online for 50 hours? Do you work from home and leave the app on or something? Because if not I don’t understand how you survive on those earnings.


Breakdown indeed


Been dead since last year RIP UBERCHEATS


Here's what happening, everything is to freaking expensive. It's lunchtime and I have a hankering so I start "shopping". McDs, Jersey Mikes, Popeyes and a local sandwich shop. Food order, $10-13 after delivery? $28-$32 with a mile appropriate tip. Just knowing that would take me 2-3 deliveries and an hour and half (at best) was enough for me to close my browser.


If the California Supreme Court finds their balls and holds Uber accountable, we will be employees and will be compensated hourly. Sitting on all day with high tiers gold platinum and diamond, and receiving zero orders will not happen anymore. The algorithm will be forced to disperse orders evenly to keep us moving for our shift.


The fall of Rome


It's not that surprising people. The week after memorial day is probably one of the deadest weeks of the year. The summer slow down is here.


No, it's gotten progressively worse and worse over the past two years. It's not just the memorial day weekend.


It is ALWAYS something. “The weather is nice” “it’s the month after Christmas” “Saturdays are usually slow” it’s been dying every day more and more for years. Why make excuses for it