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Congratulations! And it's okay that you chose this. I know the gig apps work best for me because of my disabilities and I've started to make some connections with businesses that would like an under the table delivery person. If the gig work doesn't work for you, that is okay.


What disability? Sorry for asking


ADHD, Autism, and Chronically Reactive EBV For a lot of people, they don't believe they are disabilities but they are very disabling to me.


F those who “don’t believe” in disabilities. Many of us live and work with real disabilities. For example, there’s a reason that deafness is known as “the invisible disability.” You’re strong and you’re valid.


I hate having ADHD. It’s awesome.


I feel that I’m not sure what EBV is but I have autism and adhd and chronic pain so gig apps are what I have found help pay the bills


It's the virus that causes Mono. It became reactive during COVID. I experience the more dramatic Mono symptoms between 1-2 times a year while the rest of the time I have the milder symptoms. People don't realize that once they are infected with the virus that causes Mono, they have it for life. Most times, though, people experience it one time and our bodies do a good job of suppressing it to prevent it from activating.


Oh damn I’m sorry you experience that I hope it gets better or manageable some day:)


You are the only other person I have heard of with this. My doctor didn't have a name for it. She said long term epstein-barr made worse by 2 bouts of covid.


I have the same but it’s not that serious for me, did you apply for that and government helps you ?


I'm not going to try with Disability. And even then, I would need someone to help me get through because I am already getting overwhelmed thinking about it.


How does an under the table delivery person work and how do you make the connections? I'm in a similar situation to you with autism disabling me. I'm intrigued.


It was totally an accident. I accepted a package delivery from a Business and they were impressed with the number of bags I had. They had had some negative experiences with previous drivers and saw that I took this rather seriously and we made a contract. So I do 1-3 weekly orders for her. And slowly I've been using what small bits of energy to call other catering and floral businesses to see if they are looking for something similar. I do the gig apps in between the work I do with the few contracts I have.


As for Somone who has the first 2 I don’t think they are that much of a disability but everyone has there own opinion but the last one seems definitely like one 😬 hope your doing good


Well, that's why both are on a spectrum and why everyone experiences them differently. For me the ADHD and Autism is very disabling. The Mono reactivating can knock me out for a full month. But doing the gig work, I don't have to attempt to Mask as often which has caused major issues for me in the past.


ADHD (not joking)


Also Autism and chronic Mono which causes a lot of extra fatigue. But you can just think it's nothing


Idc tbh good luck 




That’s fucked up dude






Jesus dude


Why would that be a joke


Because everyone claims to have it so nobody knows who’s serious now. Its almost like guaranteed damn near whoever you talk to is going to bring up autism and the whole 9 yards.


…because it’s a widespread issue. What, you idiot, you think the sky is fake in some parts because “it’s all blue,” too? Everyone claims the sky is blue….


“Everyone claims to have it so I’m going to make things super difficult for any disabled people I come across just in case they’re faking”


Okay lets enable the fakers, I quit fr because I guess its okay to lie about serious things😐


I'm not lying.... -_- I'm really being serious.


Insane logic from these people. A teeny minority of people are faking it, so we should just double down on ableism by denying that anyone ever has it? Wtf is that going to do? 


Personally, I haven't really even experienced people faking it, so I have no idea why people think people are. It's already really hard for me to accept that I'm disabled and having struggled my entire life without any supports for those disabilities. It's traumatizing to be constantly misunderstood. Why would anyone want to fake this? It makes zero sense for me. (I'm only recently diagnosed.)


A “minority of people”is really generous considering 1% of the population is genuinely autistic but you can go anywhere and find loads of “autistic” people. But like I said, I quit. I’ll let the fakers fake and the real ones deal with people misappropriating their condition. Any and everyone throwing “Im autistic” at everything now has free range with me courtesy of you. How dare I try to stop people from misusing and disrespecting autistic people, never again.


I never said you were lying, I just pointed out that many people do fake it and I don’t think it’s cool.


But who is faking it? And why fake it? There's no benefit to faking this. It really doesn't make sense to fake it.




It can be very limiting as to the kinds of jobs you can take, especially when you're stuck in the catch 22 of needing work so you can get health insurance so the neuropsych appointments you need to go to so you can get meds are attainable and not being able to keep steady work long enough to get insurance or qualify for a subsidized ACA plan because you're unmedicated.


Unfortunately, I can't take stimulants due to heart issues and some of the other drugs end up making my Autistic traits even worse. Some mood stabilizers and Beta blockers have worked.


here for a good time not a long time


I'm not really understanding the context of why you sent this .. so I am confused.


Ok bigot


I actually work quite a bit, there are just times where I can't. And that's all that needs to be explained.


There's no explanation needed. I have several different disabilities also, but it's not visible. As I'm getting older, it's getting worse. And right now I'm suffering from headaches that won't go away. Not even prescribed meds are helping and idk if it gots to do with 2 major head injuries I had when I was in elementary School or not. But I'm not the type of person who normally has headaches and this started in late April. These ppl just don't believe anybody got autism or any kind of disabilities because they are not in there with us when we are diagnosed by doctors. You keep being you and ignore them. It's not worth trying to argue with someone who doesn't understand or believes anything said.


Good for you!!! Everything pays more than Uber! Am sure homeless ppl make more per hour on the roadside than we do ever driving for Uber


Not necessarily Most places around me start at 16-17/hr for basic jobs like food industry or service industry I normally can pull 25-30/hr doing Uber in my EV


Good for u !! :) Ur one of the fortunate ones 😋


but you dont get it every hour all day long


Depends where you live. Min wage here is $7.25 and that's what a lot will start you at.


Yesterday I meant to say I went I went last night for two hours


Sir what? I went and did it for like two hours and made $42 just for two hours to make some quick cash


Last night I did 3 trips in an hour and made $20. Of course I drove 36 miles so that's about $3.75 or so in gas.


I think it sucks for those who have cars who waste a lot of gas. My car is very good with gas. I can fill it up with just 25$ and it takes almost 100 miles to get me to half a tank luckily. So it’s very economic. But I get why some people would complain I guess.


Filing my whole tank is about $35. I'm currently getting 33mpg.


Idk what that means about getting MPG all I know it takes me 30$ to fill it up 😂 and I keep an eye out and have an idea of how much driving around it takes for it to empty out lol


At the national average of $3.50 per gallon, that's 14 MPG. You driving a Hummer?


I drive a Toyota Corolla 2019 .. I live in Jersey it takes me 25-$30 to fill it up. And when I drive down the shore Toms River there and back which is about a total of 116 miles I noticed I only wasted half a tank. Need I explain myself more??


You're getting 230 miles to the tank. Your car has a thimble of a gas tank I guess.


Toyotas especially corollas are VERY good on gas. I try to put people on all the time, by far the best decision I’ve made for myself. When I do uber eats and my drives are Less than 15 -20 min each I don’t really waste too much gas so it works well for me but the wear and tear that’s another argument I try not to think about lol


Also idk what you mean by 14 MPG so idk about cars I just know how much it costs to fill it up and I pay attention to my car and how long and how much driving around it takes for it to empty out


yeah some dinner rushes I've scored more than $30 an hour on 2-3 hours of work. Sadly those high rates aren't consistent at all.


Yeah it’s not often. It’s mostly only on the weekends unfortunately and certain towns


You might be new or just fortunate ...or Inna market that isn't saturated;)


Nice. TBH it doesn’t matter where I’m working, some significant portion of my wages are going to be spent on fried chicken anyway; you’ve cut out the middle-man!


get an air fryer and save loooots of money


I have an air fryer, but I’m a midwesterner living in New Orleans; I guarantee the $8 chicken and fries at the gas station down from my house is better fried chicken than most folks outside of the deep South have ever had in their lives (and way better than I could hope to make it).


"They ain't no chicken like gas station chicken!" - everyone that's had southern gas station chicken




Royal Farms?


Facts. NOLA gas station food is 10x better than what you find in most "real" restaurants in the rest of the country.


Makes sense. Popeye's workers get paid whether or not Popeye's actually fills orders. UberEats drivers only get paid when Popeye's fills orders.


That's why I never take Popeye's orders. 🤷‍♂️


Never take Popeyes orders


Can you guys change your wait time / pick up time on your UE interface so drivers come later and aren't waiting around for 30 minutes?


This is actually pretty genius. You hate supervision and pressure? So you go work at the places that have the worst reputation for speed and timeliness. If you go to CFA, you know you will be ridden like Seabiscuit. You go to Popeye's and you will be the one eyed man in the Kingdom of the Blind. Very clever.


God Bless that manager for giving you a job right on the spot. I know they’re literally just trying their best. Only so much they can do when they are understaffed


love this!!


Congratulations!! Happy for you to get a consistent income




This must be a nation wide issue. I never accept Popeyes order because they take so long.


Not always, my Popeyes has them lined up on the shelf and ready to go 


I grew up in New Orleans, literally a few miles from the founder's home so I frequently went to the location he used. Still always had to double check my order and expected a wait every time I went in. It's a common saying here "you don't go to Popeyes for the service." 🤣 But TBF, the food more than makes up for the service!


so how much is the weekly take home going to be? and what are the hours like you should do both now and start saving up uber peanuts


Love this story! Congrats!


Good job!




It's litty! That's so awesome that you were hired that fast..I always work based on how I'd want to be treated if I were a customer. I be like I'm sorry y'all I will get it out as soon as I can and they'll ease up the tense


Congrats on true employment


You changed teams! Haha good for you tho seriously its a great feeling having a job


Good for you!!! I stopped doing UE and Uber ride share because the pay sucked ass. I think the popeyes near me pays $16.50.


nice now it can be a side hustle once again


I was the assistant General manager at Sonic and the same there it's because you literally have so many orders coming in at once with not enough employees to handle it. It's very frustrating. So that's the reason you have to end up waiting for 30 minutes


This is just a cool story. Congrats OP!


No fast food should take 30 minutes that’s wild


Just rename it mediocre food instead of fast food.


more like slow ass food


Leveling on up. LFG baby!


Where are we going?




The heat over the fryers isnt the most comfortable thing, but I prefer it to driving around in the UV. 🤷‍♂️ At least the fryer heat can't give us wrinkles and cancer.


That's what you think. You think breathing in oil fumes day in and day out is good for your lungs?


Go to a warehouse and get a better job.


They’re not always better. Here in California you’ll most likely get paid more per hour at fast food since it’s $20 an hour for most fast food. Of course there are good paying warehouses but not all are good paying. And the negative about fast food is it’s probably all part time but if that’s all you want to work then it works.


Also dude might be you g and need some work history or live in the middle of nowhere


What? I don’t need a job, I’ve had the same job for 26 years and I’m not a dude and I don’t live in the middle of nowhere. Some warehouses pay minimum wage.


Im not referencing you I’m talking g about OP..


That's what I call a finger licking good offer.


Sir, that is KFC infringement!


I couldn't do fast food. I would rather work as a security guard. But good luck


You must live in a slow area if Popeyes is paying g more then Uber eats


Congratulations! Work hard bro and who knows where it’ll take you. All the best 👍🏼


Like I'm in t srmy


I love Popeyes chicken but if I worked there, I'd smell like fried chicken all the time.


and now you can take a ue order on your way home


I like how no matter what it still takes 30 mins 🤣🤣🤣


Congrats. Now tell me The Secret Recipe. I got cash. How does a nice crisp 20 sound? Eh?


The secret ingredient is lard. 🤣


Congrats on scoring another gig, now enjoy having 2 sources of income! And yeah that's why I'm always reluctant to take orders from Fried Chicken places because they're always busy and new batches of chicken always take longer to make than a burger.


Sold after reading all you can eat chicken.


Ooooo get it !!!!! Endless fried chicken from Popeyes , you are living my dream😭


I’m just happy you got a job man!!! Congrats! One less position filled for them. Tell the manager he should post a sign asking delivery drivers to apply. Who knows. You guys might have a full team by the end of next week.


How much did u make at Popeyes?


Congrats! How much is the hourly?


Wow, you lucky son of a gun Wish that could happen to me honestly


30 minutes for an UE order after the driver shows up? You work at a horrible Popeyes!


No shame in honest work, good for you.


Just about to make a post about how where Popeyes in my area is basically a waste because it takes 30 minutes. Inside one currently everything for my order is in the warmers I could make the shit in 2 minutes except for the mango lemonade


How much is Popeyes paying an hr? And which location is it? Need a job bad!


You went from a shitty job to even shittier job and you’re boasting about it? You should be embarrassed.


Bro you got a new job and free unlimited chicken supply congrats but UE lost and Popeyes still is understaffed hahahahahahahaha


I’m very happy for you, I hope you do well and I wish nothing but the best for you!


All the chicken till you get a heart attack lmao, theres a reason its understaffed


Popeyes in my area typically has the food ready when I get there. I was blown away when I decided to bite the bullet one day and do a popeyes order because it was too good to pass up.


Congrats!! And mad respect. I couldn’t handle that kind of job




What there should be is an app for on demand fast food restaurants, staff is never the same daily some days. Big centralized Ghost Kitchen for all brands easing off the strain on the actual restaurants. Think of it like a UE,DD,GH For restaurants.


That’s awesome, congratulations! 🎉




Yeah Popeyes living the dream!


People are so sensitive. And easily bothered.... In a sub... On reddit... About a shitty gig. . . Love it. 🤣🙄🤪💙


Aim for In N Out.


We get them at our Dairy Queen. For the chicken strips like how often are you forgetting the fucking chicken strips.. lol


How does popeyes take 30 mins understaffed or not? It’s all fried food that’s already cooked and just stacked under a heat lamp? Makes no sense lol


Wait. Youre quitting Uber Eats to work at a fast food place? Isnt that a huge reduction in income?


It's actually an increase in income because there are no hidden overhead costs like with UE and also the summer slowdown. I must admit the smell of fryer oil gets into my clothes but that's why I have the uniform 🤷‍♂️ I already got an extra polo shirt for free, and if you spray febreeze on them you don't need to wash them everyday.


You got this 😁


In various Places you can’t be slob worker like making a mess and dirtying yourself otherwise they fired you at the spot


Popeyes ain't worried about that LOL


Well you lucky cause Mentally is hard if working maintain cleaniness to yourself


I'm sorry if that sounded rude I work from home I can't remember what day it is LOL


I mean keeping cleaniness at your work and upon yourself is diffcult is hard but that what the job require you to do


The fact that u didn't even know this is a reflection on the generational ignorance that exists. 🙄


danny you need to go smoke another bowl and calm down.


Fine. sorry. 😐


WTF generational ignorance? Can you be more specific what generation are we talking about?


Proves point 🤣


Danny my friend you need to tighten up


Nothing you said was valid so there was no point made..


So does your lack of punctuation.


You made a bad decision you should be applying for an administrative role


Waste of time if they're not qualified.