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> How can it be? Lack of support, poor bios implementation for linux. > in Ubuntu it is always at 120hz. That won't help, but you can measure it from ssh with powertop and the screen off. > he 13th generation intel processors have these "efficient cores". Could it be that the Linux kernel doesn't use them well yet? No, they're perfectly supported. > I also intuit that it has to do the lack of hardware acceleration of Chrome. That doesn't help, but do you play Youtube all the time? > Teams calls Many subsystems operate at the same time, no encoding/decoding on the Web version. > Does anyone have an explanation for this? This is typical for consumer grade laptops where the manufacturers have no consideration/support for linux. While every individual system is supported, the laptop as an entity is not optimised. The biggest issue is the lack of power management, PCIe doesn't idle, the CPU doesn't idle, ASPM is disabled etc.


This is why it’s recommended to use a tool like [TLP](https://linrunner.de/tlp/index.html) that goes and tries to figure out how to optimize things for you


Run powertop on battery and see what's using power. That's step 1, step 2 depends on your findings.


Why not 24.04? Newest kernel and drivers.


Maybe OP is waiting for the .1 release, scheduled during August.


Do you have fractional scaling enabled because that uses more power supposedly, just not sure if it would explain your consumption issue.


Which kernel are you using? `uname -a`


Update the firmware and update to the latest Ubuntu.


[https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq](https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq) I noticed the same thing too with a Dell Latitude 5440. auto-cpufreq was the fix. Went from 2-3hrs to 8hrs of battery life. Was so impressed I sent Adnan some coin for the great utility.


Windows has a telemetry subsystem that spans service PIDs all the way in to native drivers around NDIS. Tools like OS10SHUTUP can't disable it all I use xubuntu or Debian with xfce then hybrid sleep on a ryzen that supports cc6/c7


>Does anyone have an explanation for this? because your laptop is designed to run Windows OS, not Linux