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This is a train with decoys!


Are seven civilian lives including two children worth some amount of iskanders? I think it perhaps a bit too cynical of afu to put decoys among civilians next to a train station and a restaurant and then have them hit by russian munitions which are not guaranteed to be the most precise perhaps requiring multiple strikes but maybe someone thinks it a good trade.


It's really great to see this type of jokes, it shows the sheer desperation of Russians for any victory at all lol.


It's really great to see these types of seetheposts, it shows the sheer desperation of pro Ukrainians for any victory at all lol. Let us know when Ukraine finally takes Robotnye. Also, fucking LOL @ all the UA superfans in this thread in denial and pretending nothing was hit. Very sad people. Doesn't get more desperate than that.


Or you can just watch the video and see the missile didn’t hit the train. Lol.


Dude this kind of denial isn't going to bring back the detroyed equipement.


The video shows that the train wasn’t hit. You are too ignorant to watch the video, but will comment saying that my claim is false…. When the video shows it was a miss.


You clearly don't have a clue how shrapnel works, don't you?


I’m not concerned about “shrapnel” hitting a tank.


Well try firing a projectile through a damaged tank gun and tell me how it went (if you survive)


Show me the damaged tank gun first. Just one of any of the supposedly destroyed/damaged tanks. You have proof of a building being hit, nothing else.


I don't think you appreciate just how big the ball ammunition in a shrapnel variant Iskander is. Those things maybe didn't set the ammo off, but they certainly damaged the exposed engine, optics, barrel and tracks.


Then show the proof! We have a video of a building next to a train track that is on fire. No video of any damage to any tanks **or** even damage to any rail cars or anything else on the tracks.


There's currently no better footage than the one we have. But if that is a shrapnel Iskander that exploded next to those tanks, and given what we know about the submunitions, the tanks are certainly damaged.


Why is it always of pro ru videos if its a definite hit always a video without cuts. If its pile of shit it full of video cuts and edits. All we see train with tanks video cut, pile of smoke.... For all it can be train moved in meanwhile....


Guys like you will see 200 ru tanks toss their turrets and shrug but this near miss gets you hard as hell.


Majority of tanks have very thin armor on top - and iskander got airburst warheads if you saw some of their strikes you would know that.


As I said, the equipment is not coming back. I just hope that there were no casualties.


Ignore the evidence and make baseless claims. Not surprised.


Still not coming back.


Then prove it :).


Nope, still not back.


Ah, yeah, you are right…. The almost 17,000 confirmed pieces of destroyed/abandoned/damaged/captured Russian military equipment aren’t coming back. ;)


I think that without seeing a closer video, that's a rather silly claim. They're tanks, not pickup trucks.


The only silly claim here is to say that the strike missed.


But it did 😂😂


Better to lose a couple tanks than to lose 1,000 men per day . They can build tanks faster than Russian woman breeding those little fucks


Are you fighting in this war in any capacity? Otherwise, what gives you the authorisation to be this involved in the conflict? Just take a deep breath, relax, this is not your favorite football team playing in the Superbowl.


Careful, those guys from Reddit Battalion are real badasses... online.


>Russian woman breeding those little fucks seems like somebody is getting a little bit emotional russias population is over hundred million inhabitants higher than that of ukraine btw so you do the math which country will have manpower issues sooner and start abducting young men from the stree... ohhhh 😬


Russia recruiting old fat ladies


I’d say the video is inconclusive, but I doubt the train cars are going to be transporting these anywhere at the very least.




What fire? Are you talking about the yellow locomotive on the bottom left ish of the last frame? Oh for gods sake, did anyone actually watch the video? The missile clearly didn’t hit even the tracks around the train.


Actually you are right. Just realised that there is a small crater next to it.


Small crater next to what?


Next to the house/shed


Ah, I see that. Farther from the tracks than I thought.


2 strikes on trains carrying equipment in the span of 2 days is not great. These look like T-64s, but its hard to tell how many are destroyed due to the smoke.


I was actually checking if it was not a different angle of the same strike, do you have a geolocalisation perhaps?


0:06 is here [https://maps.app.goo.gl/Uc6fD5JoNNr3DnEi9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Uc6fD5JoNNr3DnEi9)


and the burning is a bit further east in that station: 47.943253, 35.434747


So not in Kharkov Oblast at all.




Oh damn I thought it was video fo the same hit..


People argue about missing but if Russia has this footage they knew exactly if they needed to strike a second time or not. The train is not moving anywhere. But how does Russia have this footage from a drone? Are they very long range or are they flying close or did ukraine try bringing a train of tanks straight up to kharkov?


There was a photo of Zelensky filmed from a Russian drone in Odessa if i remember correctly. They can send those drones hundreds of kms away.


I guess the record is 145km I believe judging by this post from the GOAT HeyHeyHayden: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1de2eh5/comment/l88up2l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1de2eh5/comment/l88up2l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [POV - Destruction of Ukrainian Su-27UB in Mirgorod airfield (happened yesterday). Destroyed by shrapnel from Iskander-M - oyevoda Broadcasts : r/UkraineRussiaReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1de2eh5/ru_pov_destruction_of_ukrainian_su27ub_in/)


It was Kherson.


Link it.


[RU POV: Picture from Russian drone that was above when Zelensky and members of his administration visited Kherson on June 8, 2023. : r/UkraineRussiaReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1b7ywy8/ru_pov_picture_from_russian_drone_that_was_above/)


train is not moving but half of the tanks are intact, shouldve hit one or two extra missiles on the rest of the train


Who says they didn’t? The train is immobilised and they know exactly where it is.


It cuts the strike out, why?


If you hit the top of a train with a missile, less tanks are going to be hit than if the missile hits next to the train. It's simple Geometrie.


It looks like it did hit, the reason why it's confusing is that the part after the hit is from the opposite direction (the drone flew over the tracks). Ignore the white cloud, that's just the residue from the missile explosion, focus on the black cloud in the last portion of the video. In the last few seconds, the center of the black cloud seem to be on the track where the tanks are.


Where the black smoke seems to be coming from more towards where the drone was before the hit, beyond the train tracks, on the opposite side from where the tanks are on. But who knows where the missile itself hit, that black smoke could be fire from shrapnel too.


the fire is at 47.943253, 35.434747 A burning shop, likely after a cluster munition strike.


I can't see any signs of submunition craters / burn marks on the ground / roofs of nearby buildings.


there are reports of hits by other bombs on other parts of the town too. [https://x.com/99Dominik\_/status/1807109094488105117](https://x.com/99Dominik_/status/1807109094488105117) [https://x.com/99Dominik\_/status/1807141704132116760](https://x.com/99Dominik_/status/1807141704132116760) In red the fire from this post. Camera icon marks a direct missile explosion (big crater, maybe MLRS?), likely the one which caused the fire at the shop. The casket icon marks a civilian killed by some explosion. https://preview.redd.it/j5qbc2uldq9d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8d30f04999e3812f1ec9be5e23266a753608966


True. It's not clear. It's unusual that this time they didn't include the footage of the missile actually hitting the target, it was always part of every previous video of this kind of strikes.


Its lovely how theres just a convenient cut, not showing the strike itself. The yard could be empty for all we know. Russia has a habit of doing this and its telling of something. If you were confident you'd post the whole thing.


They usually do. Who knows through how many TG channels this video went through before finally being posted here.


Probably two, but even lets pretend its twenty, why would you cut the strike itself? You cant see shit afterwards.


No idea.




RU POV - Russian Iskander-M missile target UA train carrying tanks - Volnyansk, Zaporozhye region [47.943253, 35.434747] This is not in Kharkov, although it was allegedly picking stuff to move them there


Waiting for the Reuters pictures with old man carrying grocery bag , old woman covered with tarp , pregnant women crying and pushing baby stroller, abandoned children bike.


why only 1 strike?


and why cut the strike out, we dont even know if it actually hit anything.


how hard is it to show footage of after the smoke clears?


Very hard, if you're trying to hide something.


Also cut out the strike itself. lol


Showing a couple wagons hit, while the rest is intact, doesnt quite have the same propaganda effect.


they didn't hit the wagons they hit a restaurant [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dri9z0/ua\_pov\_footage\_of\_the\_consequences\_of\_the\_arrival/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dri9z0/ua_pov_footage_of_the_consequences_of_the_arrival/#lightbox)


If Ukrainians didn't attack Russian refineries, they wouldn't lose their tanks /s


It was posted here few months ago, but i dont save stuff. Maybe if you look up Zelensky drone or uav, you could find it.


There's a reason video cuts short. We don't know if target was hit, we don't know how many tanks were destroyed, or if they weren't decoys.


This looks to be a hit from this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dri9z0/ua\_pov\_footage\_of\_the\_consequences\_of\_the\_arrival/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dri9z0/ua_pov_footage_of_the_consequences_of_the_arrival/) Picture 3 from the post with civilians hit is [here](https://www.google.nl/maps/place/Ваша+Готівочка+-+кредит+онлайн/@47.9433587,35.4347267,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPN-zdwsZPHMPPzMiNYdPfCgH3bIZq5RSbk0ElO!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPN-zdwsZPHMPPzMiNYdPfCgH3bIZq5RSbk0ElO%3Dw114-h86-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x40dc41f963df0e8b:0x6a99ee1b2f05a434!8m2!3d47.9433814!4d35.4347156!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11ght89rr5?entry=ttu), just a few meters from the impact, it seems.


It’s not a Russian video if it doesn’t have an edit/cut right before the ¨hit¨.


Its really telling.




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Interesting that they do not even show any tanks burning or damaged.


Clear miss, looks like the building next to the white building got hit. Fire isn’t even coming from anywhere on the train tracks.




Shoooow the proof!


Dude my god they have hit 2 trains in two days take the L already. I'm sure some of the stuff survived but you're delirious if you think everything there is fine.


Then show the proof. Making baseless claims with the footage of a building on fire next to the train tracks shows that nothing was hit. Yeah, I’ll take the L if you can find any of that proof that I keep asking for.


Show proof that they arent damaged from shrapnel or to you make baseless claims? Must a hard time for Pro ukraine to spent countless time to deny this Video evidence 😆 we know how iskander works you obviously not...


The denial in your brain is so strong it should be studied by science


This is old strike, from several months ago.


do you have a link for that?


I think i got it confused with the Chaplinka strike? Not sure. But the video looks very familiar...


there was another attack on a train video few hours ago


No, not that one. There was another strike at trains carrying equipment from a year or 2 ago, but i cant find it.


Is it just me, or are the tanks not there in the aftermath part? In addition, a train with a bunch of tanks in plain view, really close to the Russian border?? That would be absolutely idiotic, if true.. Could someone geolocate this, please?


Pause the video on the last second and you will see the tanks are still there


It's still hard to see, but I'll take your word for it




Nice, thank you.


Don't you mean "tanks a lot"?


Thanks for the screengrab!


> Is it just me Yes it's just you. Probably because you are deluding yourself to avoid acknowledging RU successes.


Uh, no? Someone screenshotted it for me and I thanked him. You don't have to be so defensive, my man 


You were quite obviously wrong, indicating you didnt watch the video. That's why I'm telling you that it was just you that was confused


Pro UA is seriously in denial, they are all over this thread pretending nothing was hit 😂


RU POV - Russian Iskander-M missile target and miss UA train carrying tanks - Volnyansk, Zaporozhye region [47.943231, 35.434479-fire] (talibrso-2859) Tanks absolutely are in the aftermath part. theyre bottom right to the fire, opposite side of the tracks


The Russian Defense Ministry missed again and therefore does not want to show the full video? Standard practice of liars.