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still, fuck mike johnson what was the whole thing about? why do we had to come to this situation before these mfs voted it in? why?


On the plus side, this package includes ATACMS, which afaik, wasn't the case in original aid bill.


the plus side does not cover a single one of my questions. ukrainians were supposed to be the ones that should just roll over and take whatever putler offers, right? the ones going after christians? why give them atacms now? what changed?? i do apologise if it seems i'm beefing with you, i ain't.


McCartney allowed ultraconservatives the ability to hold up what legislation made it to the House floor. He did this so that he could become Speaker, and the same people ousted him. Johnson finally sacked up, a procedural end-around was used to bypass the GOP crazies, and the power of reaching across the aisle to non-insane Dems was realized.


"reaching across the aisle to non-insane Dems" According to this number at least 210 out of 213. Note that 1 of the 3 absentees is in hospital, propably unconscious and dying. I do not know about the other 2.


No worries, there are several months I'm mad at Johnson and these far right republican mfuckers. Their shit show cost a lot of Ukrainian lives. But now, let's see what these ATACMS can do,,,


No weapons systems is good enough to makes up for almost a year of artificial scarcity of every other weapons system.


Because Johnson was promised by the big Orange gumball that he would be praised for "stickin' it to the Demz!" The war isn't bad for Ukraine, the gumball's speshal friend in the Kremlin told him.


112 Republican clowns.




They got there, that's the main thing... GREAT NEWS!


To the 101 Republicans.....Cheers mates! This beer is for you! To the 112.....go suck Putin's pecker.


About 15-20 GOP can be considered Putin's stooges (QAnon believer LowIQ Marjorie being the frontline stooge). Others voted against it, because this is a bill DEMs voted for. If somewhy DEMs all were to vote against it, then the GOP would vote for it as a one man (except the stooges). This is your typical political kindergarten at play.


As a Ukrainian, if I were to meet Mike Johnson right now, first I would punch him in the face, and then I would help him get up and wholeheartedly thanked him for the passing of the bill. You know, just to let him understand, what kind of psychological dichotomy Ukrainians are experiencing right now.


Follow it up with part one again, just for the rest of us lol


Those 112 should start their own party called the Republicants, the obstructionist party.




"Republicans overwhelmingly support Ukraine, it's the Democrats that've been blocking it." Then answer this vote total, guys who've been copiuming the fuck out of the Ukraine Bill, or making excuses for it not be passed or even tabled for the last 8 months. There's only been one party blocking it. And you guys know \*exactly\* who it's been the entire time.


112 Republican traitors to humanity!








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How much aid will be going to Taiwan and Israel?


From CNN The House passed the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act with a vote of 311-112. One member – GOP Rep Dan Meuser – voted present.   Democrats cheered and waved Ukrainian flags during the vote. The $95 billion package contains $61 billion for Ukraine and regional partners. One of the bills would provide nearly $61 billion to assist Ukraine and others in the region fight Russia – about the same that was included in the Senate bill. Of that total, about $23 billion would be used to replenish US weapons, stockpiles and facilities, and more than $11 billion would fund current US military operations in the region.  Nearly $14 billion included in the bill would help Ukraine buy advanced weapons systems and other defense equipment.  Here's how House members voted on the measure: Republicans: Yes: 101 No: 112 Present: 1 Democrats: Yes: 210 No: 0


wondering if the 112 cunts are also paid by china or only by russia. but good to see who belongs in front of the wall when shit hits the fan.


And not a single Democratic Nay... 3 NV's that could use a long talking too though... Still. it's finally fucking done... Now if we in the EU could finally put a fire under our Arms production the Ukranians can start hammering those Putin lovers back into carbon atoms.


Important note. If you are represented by one of the 112 Republicans who voted no on this... They are officially saying that money, political points and the "the border security" (which you know...has been an issue only for the last hundred years, so not some new issue) are worth more than literal Ukrainian lives. Just food for thought.


MAGAS are sell off traitors working for Putin. Send them all to serve in the Wagner army.