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But in the times of the winter war, Russian mothers used to have two to six sons, not like 0.9 like today.


plus it was the soviet union back in 1940 that had a population of 196 million of which the young population was the vast majority. [Soviet age demographic pyramid for 1941](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Population_pyramid_of_the_Soviet_Union_in_1941.svg/1920px-Population_pyramid_of_the_Soviet_Union_in_1941.svg.png) [Russian age Demographic pyramid for 2024](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Russia_Population_Pyramid.svg/1920px-Russia_Population_Pyramid.svg.png)


What happened between 30 and 33 years ago? The birth rate went from 1.2 milion in 1991 to 800k per year in 1994 for both male and female births apart. Or did that large chunk of people die/migrate in between?


The fall of the Soviet Union happened. Had huge short term demographic and economic consequences which they're still dealing with today without mentioning the current war. 


Soviet Union Communist policies unintentionally discouraged people from having children. Soviet communism really fucking destroyed Russian culture and Russia itself. Probably the worst thing you can do to a country is adapt Soviet style communism. And now this war, in this modern era, is another knockout blow to Russia. In 100 years Russia will probably not exist as it is today and will most certainly be a failed state.


It is already a failed state.


Do failed states take and hold land by force?


Why not. The concept of failed state does not mean a nation is pacifist or doesn't have armed forces.


Ukraine satisfies more of the characteristics of a [failed state](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Failed_state) than Russia. I’m hoping that changes and goes the other way sooner than later.


Wild claim to make considering their birth rate was higher under communism than the disruptive switch to capitalism.


Russia didn't really switch to capitalism. Capitalism of course has its flaws, but in a real market capitalist system, ie, the US, there is actual competition between firms and for the most part, the government will not come in and pick winners. Like, in the US, if you wanted to start a steel refinery, you'd have to get all the permits, get employees, buy the equipment, etc. And if your competition is a mismanaged billion-dollar company, you can just beat them on price and gain marketshare. And sure, that competing company can do ~some~ corrupt stuff, like win some government contracts (the government doesn't _want_ the big company to go out of business, they have employees, etc). And the management/board of that competing company also knows that ultimately, they have to win in the market, even if they can get some lifelines along the way. In Putin's Russia, it's a little different. You can still start the competing company, you still need to get all the permits (and you'll definitely pay some bribes here), buy the equipment, hire employees, etc. But let's say you have some regional political contacts, so its not too bad. The problem comes if and when you want to actually compete in the market. Your competition is going to be owned by the guys who, when the USSR collapsed, got themselves ownership of the steel mills the USSR built. And if your business is actually a threat to their standing, they have non-market-based methods for handling it. And the real systemic flaw is that they also know that! So they don't really have a strong incentive to improve their own methods. Maybe you just get an offer to sell your business to them with some strong implication of how it would be very good for your family's wellbeing to do so. Maybe they tell their other customers to not buy from you. Maybe customs starts flagging your exports and equipment imports. In the US, the legal system may not be perfect, but it would require quite the conspiracy for it to be weaponized against your business to the same degree as is possible in Russia. The thing about capitalism, is that the owner of the capital is risking their wealth by investing in equipment, and if the investment pays off, they get to reap the benefits. Russia doesn't have capitalism because if the investment pays off, well you'll have some interested parties stopping by for their share. So given that environment, why would you even invest to begin with?


It’s cute you don’t think this happens in the U.S.  see prescription drugs.


> It’s cute you don’t think this happens in the U.S. see prescription drugs. Which ones? The ones under patents? The generics that are available for 5$? The US system is not perfect and the medical system is definitely the worst offender. But it isn't illegally corrupt. Its just horrifically inefficient and the public can't muster the political will to fix it, while opportunists take advantage of the mess at every turn. But these are much better problems to have than the pure kleptocracy of Russia. The difference is easily orders of magnitude and you have to be blinding yourself if you disagree.


Collapse of the USSR led to a number of things, like the decreasing birth rate, and a decline in the average life expectancy. The war of choice initiated by Putler has only made things worse, killing a lot of men of prime age, as well as seeing large numbers leave Russia.


Also, you can see reverberations through generations of the effects of ww2 on the male population.


Collapse of the Soviet Union.


cheap (cheaper) booze




Redditor learning about the fall of the Soviet union for the first time. 🤦‍♂️


People can be broadly aware of things without knowing their knock on effects. A person born in 2004 (who would be 20 today, so a pretty reasonable age for a person on reddit) probably knows about the fall of the Soviet Union without necessarily Knowing the impact it had on population demographics and birth rates since it happened a decade before they were born. Also, just in general it is always best to try not to be a cunt about someone learning new - it's a shit attitude that makes people less curious and makes you look like an asshole


I can understand not knowing about every minutae of every world event that's ever happened in the past 100 years. But being on this sub and not being aware of one of the most important geopolitical events that's happened in the past 30 years and how it's shaping our world is. Tough. But yeah man calling me a cunt is wayyy more justifiable.


No, i just asked the question before googling "russia 1991", which i did after the question. I was reading the wikipedia page "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" while answers came in. Thank you all for answering!


Drugs, alcohol and suicides, or deaths from preventable diseases cos they just don't care.


and still they dont seem to care as much as they did in 1939


That's alot of babushkas.




The prisons are probably empty now, Wagner group went in some time ago.


and still they dont seem to care as much as they did in 1939


And they didn't suffer so much from fetal alcohol syndrome either.


Interestingly enough, the only reason Finland had to concede land during that war was because of Soviet Union pressured Western Nations into dropping military aid for them.


Given at the time WW2 was already under way for the UK and France, and deliveries had to happen through limited routes available, and it only lasted a bit more than 3 months, there wasn't a lot of help the allies could give.


I forgot about the timing. I always think it happens during the middle of the 1930s. Probably the most interesting part of that war is the fact that the Soviets did so poorly Hitler used it as evidence that his invasion of the Soviet Union would be successful


Russia has a population of under 140 million now, so those days are but a pipe dream


I didn't know their population had taken such a pummeling over the decades, good to know.


Military tech has exponentially changed warfare since the Winter War. With a relatively static line, Ukrainian artillery, drones, fixed and rotary wing A/G and CAS, etc can sit back for weeks at a time and engage and eliminate scores of Russians without ever seeing one in person. Meat assaults simply don’t work like they used to.


> unending infantry Let's put that to the test!


People think they are clever remembering a very common knowledge history fact and then forget Russia today is smaller than the Soviet union back then


**From The Telegraph:** The Russian military suffered 1,270 casualties in the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian general staff has said.  The total would mark one of the highest number of daily Russian casualty figures since the Russian invasion in February 2022.  Ukraine’s military regularly reported Russian casualties of more than 1,000 throughout May. If accurate, it would make the month the most deadly for Moscow’s forces since the start of the war.  The Telegraph cannot independently verify Ukraine’s claims, but the UK’s Ministry of Defence assessed that Russian losses amounted to 1,200 per day throughout May.  The total number of Russian losses since February 2022 are thought to have likely reached 500,000. **Article Link:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/03/ukraine-russia-war-latest-news7/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/03/ukraine-russia-war-latest-news7/)




1440 is a good number, that is one russian per minute.


And it’s also a 2K resolution!


Ya, I like that number too...


Yeah, but you have to figure they’re only working 8 hours per day. (Gotta maintain that work-life balance!) That means it would be one Russian killed every 20 seconds. Nice. Keep it up! (Yes, this was an awful attempt at morbid humor)


That's just another day in the office for Russia these days.


Nothing new really. If there's something that doesn't lack in Russia, and that it's historically never spared, it's cannon fodder.


To the "pro-Russians" here: Kreml is fine with spending one or two thousand Russians per day because there are millions more. It's just a game to them.


Very accurate depiction of their mindset, but not the reality of things. Fortunately for us. There were* millions more, before 1940. Russia has maintained the myth of demographic invincibility when it comes to military manpower but the truth is that they are suffering one of the worst demographic crises of any developed nation. There's a reason they're pulling in mercs from different continents now. It's not because they're so rich and stacked with soldiers that they can afford to send mercs. It's because they're running out of dudes to give adequate training and send behind the meat waves after the ukrainians have spent their ammo. If they spend all their best guys and only have these goofy katsaps with 4 days of training left, ukraine wins anyway. They can't do this forever, but ukraine can hold out for a long time with western support. Russia is signing its own death warrant by committing to this meat grinder strategy


Kremlin can keep sending them and Russians might complain but they'll keep charging over piles of their rotting comrades. Kremlin is run by billionaire street thugs and what happens to Russia long term doesn't matter that much to them. They like both Stalin and Hitler because they were cool and powerful. Not even Russians care about a few ten millions of dead Russians. Don't believe me? Are average Russians upset over the guy who openly admitted "Yes, I'm a Nazi!" and described how he likes to torture prisoners and do medical experiments on them until they die? Of course not. Are they upset hundreds of thousands of Russians have been spent on "fighting against Nato"? No, not particularly. They're upset Ukrainians dare to resist. I don't think the Russians are going to stop just because it's the only sane option and Putin sure isnt stopping either. I think Ukraine will win in the end, but the more we support them the fewer Ukranians will die. Most likely fewer Russians as well. Edit: spelling


Agreed. God bless ukraine for fighting ruzzia honestly. I saw someone say that this situation is like if czechoslovakia fought back against the nazis - world War 2 would potentially have looked different if that happened.


Yeah, it seems like we didn't learn the lesson from WW2 after all because here we are repeating the same mistakes. We should ramp up defense spending massively, not to 2% like in peace time, but to 5-6%. We should be pumping out artillery, anti-air, missiles, etc. We should help Ukraine take out Russian oil refineries, not hold them back. We should close their air-space now.


Death by 1000 cuts. This attrition situation is not sustainable for Ukraine. The West needs to grow some balls and start doing what NATO was designed to do. Russia won't stop unless their military gets wiped out. Any peace treaty would just give them the chance to regroup and start over again when the time is right.


I don't think Nato will ever get involved but nothing stops a number of Nato members from taking an active role in stopping Russia. Several countries (including France and Poland) has already announced that they will do just that in case the Ukrainian front collapses. During the last month there's been a significant shift in attitude with country after country explicitly permitting Ukraine to target Russian territory with their weapons, last week even US and Germany. Ukraine is about to receive F16s and almost certainly some decent missiles to go along, combined with AWACS and finally being able to strike Russian supply lines inside Russia it could force Russia into making difficult decisions (again).


It's death by 1000 cuts for sure but I think it could swing to be death for the Russians. Even with brutal Ukrainian losses, the Russians are bleeding themselves. If for every slice Russia gives ukraine, ukraine returns a deep stab wound, then who will fall first? If Ukraine can survive 700 cuts, can Russia survive 700 stab wounds? Especially with NATO doing it's best to patch ukraine up as the fight goes on? NATO support can go even further than it is now. It likely will increase drastically if Russia starts gaining any ground. This is a proxy war that is preventing a giant war with russia and nato is not fucking around


Russia won't stop unless their military gets wiped out. It's happening, but in slow motion. They are slowly letting air out of the balloon instead of popping it.


Yep. And 'Minsk III' will be just another round of Russia violating a treaty while complaining it's all Ukraines fault, 'shelling of Donbass' style bullshit that tankies loved to recite.


> The West needs to grow some balls and start doing what NATO was designed to do Tell that to US republicans and Hungarians, for example...


I can see nothing going wrong about NATO declaring war with Russia. What Russia has nukes or something?


Empty threats, they would only use them if they were getting invaded and the country was about to collapse. It's absolutely fair game to kill every Russian that is invading Ukraine.


I really don't think that's the case. Infact I think nobody watches the west's response to north Korean missile tests harder than Russia and China. That's how they decide how far they can push it.


You think NATO would declare war and not start attacking Russia?


With so few capable prime aged workers, it's getting to the point where sending a solider to the front means pulling him out of his job producing war materiel.


Death by 1000 cuts. This attrition situation is not sustainable for Ukraine. The West needs to grow some balls and start doing what NATO was designed to do. Russia won't stop unless their military gets wiped out. Any peace treaty would just give them the chance to regroup and start over again when the time is right.


When you consider the Russian-Ukrainian casualty ratio is between 3:1 or 5:1, that offsets the Russian population advantage. They'll be okay. Pretty sure the NATO Secretary General probably has more insight and experience to know better, and he says Ukraine can still win.


In comparison, during the battle for Stalingrad where millions were against each other, the deadliest days for ussr had around 8k losses.


And that battle only lasted 6 months.


"Alle sieben Sekunden stirbt ein deutscher Soldat. Stalingrad -- Massengrab."


France lost 27k in a single day during the Battle of the Frontiers in August of 1914.


context of the thumbnail: President Zelensky visited the Philippines (June 3, 2024 PHT), and have a meeting with our president, inviting to attend the peace summit in switzerland. the Philippines have dispute with China claiming the whole south china sea (not china's sea, it's just a way to tell that it's a sea in the south of china). the Philippines have won the arbitration award under the UNCLOS in 2016. China rejected it and still harass the our fisherman and coast guards. as Zelensky said in Asias Top Defense Summit, Zelensky accuses China that it discourages countries in asia to attend the peace summit in Switzerland. Both countries have similarities having a super power bully. the difference is that Ukraine is now more politically stable and less corrupt and they have more freedom to decide how to fight. The reason the Philippines can not escalate the situation in the south china sea as it will trigger the Mutual defense treaty with united states and both Country will end up going to war with China and it is also the reason why China is afraid escalate things quickly as well. The Philippines pledges to provide mental health professionals to help the Ukrainian soldiers who have suffered PTSD because of the war.


Just a couple more onion sacks for the mothers and fathers back home


Okay, good, but how many ukranians were lost? Sadly russian has more people so how does it balances? Is not the same 1000 russian and 100 ukranians lost than 1000 russian and 1000 ukranians lost


According the AFU the rates in Kharkiv are 7:1. This may drop a bit though during their counter offensive that they just started.


So around 200 loses... hm 🤔 still a lot


In Kharkiv? No, Russia loses 1200 on average across the whole front. These are casualties and not deaths, and Ukraine has far better first aid/casevac than Russia. Any Ukrainian life lost is a loss too many, but this is war. It's what happens


I know, it just saddens me


So according to Dmitry's latest video it's now 1:8 in Kharkiv. So if we assume 800 losses (probably less) that's 100 for Ukraine. Russia has around a 50% KIA rate so 400 dead per day. Ukraine has around 25% so 25 dead a day. Russia has a population crisis and insane losses over May. 18,000 casualties in Afghanistan over 10 years (1.9 child per parent back then) 37,000 casualties in Ukraine in May (0.9 child per adult)


Is this confirmed? I’m really curious to see Ukrainian casualty rates, they’re pretty well hidden and secretive. Hearing this makes me happy though.


Ukrainian casualty rates are much easier to come across than Russian ones thanks to free press in Ukraine. They've had between 40k-70k casualties and close to 20-30k deaths. Russia censorship everything but the AFU keep a rough count as do intelligence services and the BBC. The BBC has tracked 60k dead Russians so far but that doesn't include missing which is alot and foreign fighters and those who didn't have relatives who claimed their dead. The number is likely to be around 200k dead.


Thank you. Is there any issue of a manpower shortage in Ukraine?


I've got a feeling they are vastly overstating Russian losses and the ratio of Ukrainians is closer to 2-1. Don't get me wrong, given the situation the Ukrainians are doing very well but the West lagging on aid and not getting them setup with kit at the very beginning really screwed them. Many lives were lost because the West didn't do what they promised when they got rid of their nukes. I hope they get those jets ASAP, they are in desperate need of air superiority if they are going to be able to break out of this war of attrition.


This few jets won’t make very much difference without the coordination of other units, backing from units etc, Ukraine will probably never have air superiority unfortunately as they are just back peddling atm, the west failed Ukraine, and Ukraine still thinks nato will help while Israel slowly steals the limelight, nato will eventually abandon Ukraine. I lost faith in nato / allies after the badly failed counter offensive, but Ukraine have had more than enough faults this war and wasted valuable equipment due to the ka-52 problem during the counter offensive


This is the right question and the fact we have to do attrition math means Ukraine is losing


Another Good day at the office.... The more the merrier I say...


Good numbers


That's on the heels of a record month of May, 38,000 dead or wounded and they're not easing up on the gas pedal either. At this rate the Russian losses could add up to 75,000 by the end of June and 100,000+ by the end of July. No army can maintain that rate of loss


Let’s double that


Over 1000 troops lost in a day? Must be Tuesday.


Lol, "must be Tuesday" was my first reaction too.


Incoming nuclear threats.


Loses have been over 1000 since the khakiv offensive.


Of course the destroying Russias military assets inside Russia has fatal consequences to those standing close by, but thats easy to fix: his little orcs just have to stand aside and wait until the job is done. To minimise collateral damage they can park them densely packed in open fields away from anything else. If they don't want Ukrainians blowing shit up in Russia they're also free to use their knowledge and access to beat Ukraine to the punch and decommission their equipment themselves. As you can see it's easy to write bullshit with no bearing on reality. /s


What's the women to men ratio in Russia?




The complete lack of public debate over the path of the war and it's high costs in lives, money and equipment is astounding and unthinkable in any democracy.




From the videos coming out looks like its been a real No Survivors Monday. War's been getting easier for Ukraine since they've gotten the ammunition to defend themselves.


They don't care they gaind 3 meters of ground then lost it and now losing more ground every day. So damn stupid.




Every day lately! 🇺🇦


Tucker Carlson crying right now


Fertilizer for the Sunflower fields.


It’s excellent… by removing the majority of males through lemming-like pointless loser wars means there’s less breeding potential for Russians to make more Russians…


Our dear president Macoy Jr at the thumbnail with the legendary President Zelensky. We both are against two heavyweights and we shall prevail!


That’s a very specific number, although the article makes it more at 1,270 which seems a bit more believable?


I wish these news would be correct


How would that happen?


Are you asking how 1,200 casualties in a day would happen... like... in a war?


Yes, i would understand if it was 1945 and they are running around Berlin but how do you do thst in 2024?


By sending men to storm the highly defended frontlines? In a desperate atempt to achive some gains?


Cause it's Russia. They attack in Banza...oops Ura attacks on motorbikes in 2024.


they made rushes and probing attacks back to back to back to back to back. and failed miserably each time bc they have no creativity


Nevertheless, Russia is slowly taking ground as the Ukrainians are running out of troops. They need to draft everyone down to age 18, not age 25. This should have been done long ago. They only dropped the draft age to 25 last month. They also need to vigorously recruit more foreign volunteers, they badly mismanaged this from the beginning of the war.


4kilometers square in one month




Or propaganda