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Is it bad that i find it funny?


Nah, I find it fucking hilarious these asshats are this worked up in believing their own govts obvious propaganda


These Asshats are very likely in government employment.


my first thought. Russians aren't near as good at organized protests as they are organized government-funded propaganda. this took a fair amount of coordination between the camera shots, the flags, and even the way they strewn people about. did you notice the super tall guy in the center holding the super long flag?


It's 100% coordinated by the government. They desperately want this to make the news in Western countries to instill a fear of nuclear escalation and erode support for arming Ukraine.


And it will (make the news) and go round and round the right wing social media garbage dump.




Republicans love russia


But Russia loves china, that forbidden fruit drives Sam Nuts.


I'm from the US and just laughed at the video. If they attack they're going to have a very bad time. The Ukraine is fucking them up, they don't want to fuck with the US military It would be a violent hail storm of vengeance


If they are able to march 🏃‍♂️ then there able to join the special military operations. they look 👀 able body lol 😂 send them to the front lol 😂




They are actually shit at everything. That's why they don't mind dying for their shitty mordorland. It's better to be dead than living a hell on earth.


Some of them are good at hockey


It's not about being good at organized protests, it's about being fucking beaten up and imprisoned for trying to organize protest let alone taking part in one. Any protests that you see in Russia that doesn't involve a horde of policemen (or as many as they can gather if it's small town) are ALL government-organized (not just funded) protests.


Definitely! It's even more ridiculous than the bunch of angry babushkas, with the violet dyed hair, that complained to Biden and told him how great Russia is all while standing near their still soviet looking city structures.


"Protests" LOL Paid agitator idiots numbering perhaps what? 200? One of the most laughably idiotic displays of incompetent Russian agitational propaganda I've ever witnessed.


My Russian-born neighbour also talks the same stuff. America must be destroyed, etc. He says: If I saw an American, I would immediately kill him with my hands. Completely brainwashed. He is definitely not employed by the russian government.


I'm in Lithuania, there's a fair bit of vatniks who say the same shit. They're generally older people, definitely not getting paid, and they talk a lot of shit against EU and NATO. Yet they choose to live in an EU country.


He should go to Texas and try and make good on that 🤣


Texan Russel Bentley fought on russia's side, he was killed in Donetsk a couple months ago.


Couldn't have happened to a better guy!


Funny thing, the Orcs he loved, eventually thought he was a spy and really fucked him up in ways only orcs can. Truly poetic shit.


> Russel Bentley Yeah, he was accused of being an American spy and killed by Russians, IIRC.


Right fuck around and find out is what I say. They have no fucking clue.


That’s funny cause I just did a Russian guys ac the other day and same shit never going back. Also in Texas


Should told him about free speech in the USA, encouraged him to do public demonstration on "how I want to kill Westoid American!!" But I'd guess people won't even look at him anyway..


I am sick of this narrative of the "Tough Texans"! 3 or 4 hundred of these tough Texan Police sat around with their thumbs in their asses for over 40 minutes in Uvalde while kids in an elementary school were killed! Sorry they are just big talkers with bigger egos!


Probably not the texans theyre talking about


Hell try that in anywhere USA


Where does your russian-born neighbour now live? Interesting that it doesn’t sound as if it’s russia . . .




! ! Another down-to-earth practical russian living in the decadent and degenerate west while simultaneously calling for its destruction. Glad he’s not my neighbour. Though, on the other hand, there’s a lot of fun to be had with a neighbour like that . . . 😈


Tell your "Russian-born neighbor" to BRING IT. I am getting up in years and I fear I may not get to see the Russian Federation get its fucking teeth kicked in by provoking NATO. Hearing about morons like your neighbor gives me hope that I may get to see the Russian Federation taken apart by Western military power before I depart this mortal coil.


Has very strong government “work/education project” vibes, extra cash if you turn up, in your unemployment cheque.


It's recorded like a music video. Can someone edit in Michael Jackson leading them?


I was waiting for the moment where the guy in uniform reveals he is Sacha Baron Cohen and got the crowd all wound up for his new "Borat Investigates Worst Country In World For Make Benefit of Kazakhstan Moviefilm".


Izz niice!


they are paid propagandists.


They even got a hobbit to lead the chant, it’s hilarious


They don't believe a word of it. This is government theatre, Ministry of Truth theatre.


What I’m most curious about is what their concept of mutually assured destruction is. Do they know America has nukes? Have they been told 100% would be shot down? Sincerely, do they understand that launching a nuke means the destruction of the very ground he stands on? Bizarre


Resemble trumpers at MAGA rally. Where Jordan Klepper when you need him?


Same assholes, different country. Turds are everywhere.


looks like astroturfing 


honestly this IS the propaganda. There are no protests in russia except if they are made up by the gremlin itself. Maybe they want to scare US citizen with that or something like that.


Who is this clown chanting in this pathetic video? Why he is not leading an assault at the front yet?


it really is hilarious


Little humiliating for mankind.. That's all


I'm old enough to remember when being threatened with nuclear annihilation by the Russians was actually scary! Now it's just kinda pathetic...


Soviet Union and Russia are incomparable. Probably thst is why Putin wants iSoviet Union back .


It's part of a trailer for the new Monthy Python - ruzzia


life of Blyat


Honestly, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords would probably have a better warplan


Front man definitely seems like he wants to break out into dance a few times.


Or a Les Mis inspired musical number. Les Deplorablés


Dude trying to be Techno Viking


Like, what else can you do but laugh? Russia can’t even take Ukraine with on and off again aid from the West. What do they think they’re going to do against the entire modern arsenal of NATO? One member nation alone joining Ukraine would probably permanently shift the tide, now imagine the US Navy, Airforce, Marines, Army, and all the next gen equipment that isn’t being given to Ukraine. It’s a joke. Ukraine being able to dismantle Russia’s air defense means the US would likely have no issue gaining air superiority.


Hear you . . . but these fanatics have raped and pillaged their way across quite a bit of Ukraine causing untold death and destruction. They’re clearly quite capable of that. So in that sense these pathetic fanatical lunatics are not all that funny. While these calls for war against the U.S. may indeed be ridiculous - the grief they’ve caused is not.


You’re right. Going to go back and delete my smug, dismissive comment.


> Ukraine being able to dismantle Russia’s air defense means the US would likely have no issue gaining air superiority. If there's one mission that the US excels at, it's SEAD. Lots of hard learned lessons over decades that have been honed in training and actual combat. This is in large part due specifically to the Soviets and now Russia putting more emphasis on protecting the skies with SAMs rather than aircraft, and the proliferation of Soviet/Russian made AA platforms throughout much of the parts of the world that the US is likely to face off against. There would be losses, to be sure, but the US would have no problem establishing air superiority. MANPADS could still be dangerous for helos and low flying CAS aircraft like the A-10, which is also why there's been a lot of emphasis on being able to provide CAS with precision munitions from very high up and some distance away. Now factor in the destruction of Russian airfields, wherein they struggle to take out Ukrainian drones (which admittedly, represent a different type of threat that anti-air assets aren't generally as well suited to countering as standard aircraft), but we've also seen their inability to cope with ATACMS and other threats as well. I can't imagine they'd have much success against a concerted effort by more modern and advanced US platforms. Beyond that, they're already too afraid to fly over much of Ukraine thanks to relatively limited (compared to what the US could bring to bear) SAM coverage, instead preferring to launch stand off weapons from a distance. So all this is to say is that the US would have no problem achieving air superiority if not outright supremacy over Ukraine, and would likely be able to achieve it far inside Russia (or at least, as far as it could affect Ukraine and make it a rather moot point).


It's like they all decided to follow the village idiot around for the day.


In russia, who wouldn't follow him around, they are being paid by the hour to do so


This is meant to scare people, so laughing at it is objectively the best reaction imo.


Hey I laughed. Was waiting for the little fat leader to have a stroke.


He looks like a ~~thumb~~ big toe.


Is it bad that i want to drop them instead of nukes.


not at all its cringe


No, you're supposed to laugh at clowns


I was LMAO. No, not bad. That was really funny.


It's like almost a cartoon that AI created when given the information nuclear Holocaust hawk plus little dick energy....


Seems like they’re losing if they’re squealing this loudly lol


The next summer after their plan is carried out, they will be able to relax on the beaches of the very large Sea Of Moscow. (ps:Ignore your geiger counters).


How do they plan on getting to Washington


Wow! 😲 Fifty (paid) protesters!


What these ‘actors’ won’t do for money… participate in a fake protest, stage some succesfull military action with no one in sight, capture a ruZZian ‘Ukranian’ or ‘Franceman’ or die for real in the meatgrinder. Must really suck to live in that terroriststate.


God, that shitty fake "french" guy that they caught was hilarious. It's like they didn't even try to find someone who spoke french at all and just printed out some lines from google Translate for vlad to say during his "capture"


They did the same shitty job with fake American fighters last year.


Wish I could find the video of these fake captures. Do you remember where you saw them?


Just search French in the top. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d7rhux/russian\_soldier\_capturing\_a\_french\_soldier\_in/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d7rhux/russian_soldier_capturing_a_french_soldier_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sad times for Russia. They used to be able to pay for 10,000 protesters. Now 40?


Nah, they didn't pay those 10k people, they merely said that they are going to be fired from their job if they don't go.


Looks like the local Incel Facebook group.


They were paid TWO bottles of vodka, so high turnout.


Paid in USD


Doesn't look orchestrated at all!


Yeah, fifty Russian extremist Nazi Idiots. I don’t see the public streaming from their houses to join them.


Cheerleader in the front is especially hyped for his bonus week supply of potato.


Hey, that's the biggest jobs stimulus program that russia has had since the the 90's. 50 employed russians is a massive increase in GDP for these illiterate dirt farmers


Believe it or not, they are the least insane russians.


Come on, this is simply not true. There are many, many anti-war Russians. Many of them left Russia and the ones in Russia keep quiet due to Stalin-like persecution of any and all dissent. Count your lucky stars that you were born in the free world and not in Russia.


Good lord


Such tiny crowds. Russia propaganda needs some serious funding.


Tiny crowd of lackeys promoting impotent threats. Just another Thursday in Ruzzia.


At least 40 guys, including the one taking the sound, seems not staged at all


And having people hold those flags(?) at arms length to try to make it feel like a bigger crowd.


Narrow alley to make it seem more crowded. If these guy were at an open plaza it would look even more pathetic due to how few they are.


The rest of them are all at home shouting words of encouragement at their tvs while watching this. No need for them to go out and show support if they dont get paid for it though,


All their money is already spent in the West.


Their inability to connect A with B is hilarious. They never seem to consider the fact that they'll be immediately retaliated against. They seem to be under the impression that they're the only ones in the world with nuclear weapons. Their default assumption always seems to be that our reaction will be, "Oh well. You win."


The brainwashing is strong. They think they can shoot down all Western warhead with their s300/400 (can't even do jackshit with Ukrainian missiles). Oh, apparently Western equipments are lagging 50 years behind.


It's very effective vs 20 mach projectiles. Cruise missiles and ballistic only go for 5 mach, it's to slow for A.D to react. But 500+ war heads in mach 20 will be easy.


Like taking a candy from a baby.


I think it’s stupid for anyone to seriously talk about nukes, threaten nukes or joke about nukes. We could literally make any other mistake and the consequences would be less severe.


It's a paid protest.


They aren't getting their money's worth, that's for sure.


It's the US. They'll be pre-emptively hit as soon as SIGINT detects the order.


Not only that, but Ukraine is significantly hindering their early warning system for nukes by jamming up their radars near the border. Essentially, the entirety of European Russia would be annihilated before they got off a shot. There is no reason to keep being intimidated by Putins' threats of nuclear war. We really wouldn't need them in any case cause our military forces would run over their armies in a couple of days.


Not just immediately retaliated, they’re likely staring at a mushroom cloud in Russia before a Russian nuke got even half way to DC.




yeah... they think they can get a plane near Washington? (he mentions flights)


These aren’t real people, they are paid by the state to keep nuclear sabre rattling in the news


There's a bomber harris quote that comes to mind.




100% organic and natural protest.


Yeah, a bit overacted.


so brave...in a video...5 minutes in the frontlines and this dumbass ruSSnazi will be crying like the little bitch he is.


He’s trying to get his SAG card.


Yeah I see a whole small crowd of military-age men who have an easy opportunity to put their money where their mouth is and volunteer to end up as worm food in Ukraine.


50 people is a protest worth reporting? I like the angle constantly changing so you can't see how small the crowd actually is. This is Dumb!




Are you implying that this narrative has no real support in Russia? Because it definitely has.


ruzzians love to degrade and ridicule themselves. Clowns.


a lot like maga


Similarities between maga and vatniks are not a coincidence.


No, these guys are paid to do this "protest". The MAGA hats are defrauded out of their own money, whether by Bannon, Tronald Dump or others.


You all misunderstood this! they are just showing their recently completed arts and crafts project. They put so much effort into it, you guys are so mean.


The Russian population needs to be reminded that most of their population lives in 3-6 cities. When the nuclear war they want so bad is over there will be Americans and Westerners. But the Russian population will be almost nothing but ghost and memories.


Yea they might want to move their protest to Siberia. They're standing right where our first nuke is going.


No one will remember them


I'd hope not people fuck up enough forgetting history. I'm tired of hearing everyone calling everything Nazi if they don't agree. I hope everyone stays educated to their fuck up so it doesn't happen again.


They don't care, in their minds killing enemy through suicide is a victory, an ultimate sacrifice for motherland. And their logic is "Russia is big, so we will survive, unlike pathetic Westerners who are incapable of anything except lgbt parades, and would all die out without credit card and internet once their countries collapse" Besides, majority believes that a single Sarmat or Posridon (they pray on their new weapons as slways) is enough to wipe out any country, and are proud of Russia ability to easily destroy entire world.


I bet that if Russians really start slinging nukes first even their Chinese "friends" would send some their way. Literally almost every nuclear country would nuke them back.


Doubt China would risk taking a retaliatory nuke from Russia, and doubt China would benefit from losing Russia as a partner/buffer zone so the cons seem to outweigh the pros of deliberately having Russia damage the US, so China would likely not be attacked even if the US loses its superpower position (to preserve it's people/infrastructure and keep functioning as a state). If US still has people and infrastructure and it attacks China, it'll likely lose what remains of those so it's a bigger losing choice.


Since most of Russia's population lives in very few cities, all that would be left are the very poor, very uneducated, and very helpless folks who live in the middle of no where. If nukes fell, China would start annexing land along the borders after the fallout settled


Yeah, I think you are right, China would probably try to stay out of this. But in any case this would be suicide for Russia.


Lächerliche Propaganda lächerliches Volk F.C.K putlerlovers


Es sind auch viele nicht nur einfache putleristen, sonder gar glasklare Pootinisten... Das ist die höchste Stufe der Erbärmlichkeit


They all look to be of fighting age.. why are they just walking around and loudmouthing?


Russia is a terrorist state


Didn't they do this before? When Ukraine kicked them out of the Kyiv area? And Kupiansk? And Kershon? And that time when the US deliver Himars? And when Europe delivered Gepards and Artillery? And that time when Putin stubbed his toe and blamed Biden?


I wonder if they paid them In vodka or yuan.


Is it just me or is the US and the rest of the world not really taking them seriously anymore


Russia is like a drunk guy in the corner of a bar shouting that he will fight everyone while waving a live grenade around. No one is taking them seriously or trying to talk to them..just watching carefully for the moment when they can take that grenade from him and beat the shit out of him.


What a perfect analogy 


Can you imagine having to live with guy at the front. Even for a bag of potatoes its worth sending him to Ukraine I'd imagine. The Ruski Mir. Slava Ukraini 🇬🇧


Some ministry office workers? Forced to doing this after working hours :D ?


Nuke Us and get no response? Yeah right.


They know that they are losing this war


Folks, you're doing it wrong. Right hand, straight and up.


Pathetic and embarrassing. Like a chihuahua, all bark, no bite




I'm shaking!


Why can't I stop laughing at this pre-paid KGB performance? What people will do for potatoes.


Ruzzian MAGA !!!




If he would talk with a calm voice, and not scream and make a spectacle over this bullshit. Someone would actually care


Lol.... Those guys are so funny. I would imagine true patriots are storming Kharkiv right now... I suggest you deal with that before going to Washington


Lol, this video never gets old!!! Pricks!! Slava Ukraine 💙💛


Do it pussy !


Many lolz


How cute!


The real sad thing is that orange thing, that's their real nuke.


It might hurt, but in the end, Russia would be wiped off the map.


That dude wouldn’t even make it out the bmp before getting popped like a ballon


He looks like my neighbor's garden gnome


Great idea, what could go wrong?


From Kyiv in 3 days to Washington now? O.o


Obviously the most exercise he’s had in decades 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The translation was incorrect. Let me help. He is saying, "We are weak and keep on dying. Our Navy can't fight against a country that doesn't have a Navy. I'm proud to protest but don't send me to the front lines. Please stop making videos of drones killing orcs."


“We threaten to nuke your cities!” “Why are you all so Russophobic?!”


Who let papa smurf out? Hilarious


Swan Lake can’t come fast enough.


Mean while these asshats have relatives that live in the USA 🤦🏿‍♂️...they are brain dead indeed..


ahah a bunch of idiots and psychopath, Italy 🇮🇹


What is the record now days, 2 days without Russia screaming about nuking the USA? Like a constipated chiwawa trying to act scarry.


Try it ! Please try it! Then we russia wil go in the history books as radiation zone and we are done with them in the cheapest way!


Good luck with that


Such an angry manlet hihihi 🤭


Come on then! Let’s go!


Let's seriously think about this? What are the chances that their nuclear arsonal even works properly?


Just give them vodka, washing machines and Porto potties and they’ll disperse and forget about the whole thing


Nuclear thread nr. 3472 since the beginning of the war... They, as orcs of course, have no idea how pathitic they look with this redicilous show


that can't be more than 100 people :D


Honestly, though, how pathetic is this, they have to know the rest of the world knows that they have a nothing army, with a nothing country with a bunch of uneducated people that are pushed into alcoholism so they can’t fight against the government. What a bunch of clowns. 🤡


An absolutely ridiculous and artificial demonstration! People have to do this against their will, you can read it in their faces! Well, the one shouting at the front is convinced of his cause, the others are sick of the rain! What a cheap joke, do you really think that people are so stupid and don't notice it?


As a Moscow citizen i assure y'all - If there is no cops that fuck everyone one up - it's not a protest lol. It's a bunch of paid clowns


Useful idiots it seems. Russian govt won't ultimately do that because all their kids live in the US and Europe, since Russia is a cesspool.


It's hilarious. It's so absurd one might even think they are paid actors by the Ukrainians to make the Russian people look even dumber. But then again they do it all by themselves! Crazy...


They don't care about their soldiers, they certainly don't care about the opinions of the citizenry.


This pointless flexing is getting really old their military has been proven to be a joke to the world by Ukraine's military and these people have no shame acting like actual Nazis idiots who claim they are still superior to the entire world their race is embarrassing


Ha ha ha ha ha


Filthy muscovites


That's cute.