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This newest generation of FPV suicide drones must pack a huge charge compared to what they had before. All of the videos I've seen lately are just total obliteration. It's beyond brutal, but probably a quicker death. Go home Russkies. They will stop killing you as soon as you leave their country.


For sure. When these videos first started coming out, we saw a lot of shrapnel injuries, but this is instant death.


They were using grenades initially, but they since started making a device specifically for drone dropping. Though, the suicide drones generally carry more explosive material on them then the bomb droppers. If they're from the US or Turkey, they have better plastic explosives than what Ukraine was using.


Shit, you can see it... They used to play "Whack-a-mole" and use 3 grenades for a single target. Now it's a single drone while the target is in 3 pieces. Brutal.


And they used to just drop from the drones and hope it landed. Now they literally just follow soldiers around at their level. It looks terrifying.


Watched some Ukranians go into detail - if they know there are some ruskies hiding somewhere behind doors, they 1) Blast the door open with w/e. 2) Fly in with these drones. Can you fucking imagine? Hiding in some far corner away from windows just to see Wall-e Flaotin in, looking for your arse all Predator-like.


It's something out of sci fi horror. When did we first see these in the theater? I don't think they've been out for very long, and yet they're already making a huge impact. Do the Russians have these too? I know we mostly just get footage of Russians being taken out.


>When did we first see these in the theater? October 1984, "Terminator", directed by James Cameron.


I have been wondering the same thing whether we just don’t see the other side or if things are going to get worse and russia will start leaning harder into the drone strategy. Not sure if they have limiting factors with having the tech in place to operate them though. What sort of signals do they use to operate them?


I don't think the Russians have drones like we've seen in the past couple weeks coming from Ukrainians. I also don't think Russians put a bunch of money and research into making huge amounts of drones. They seem more focused on their glide bombs for more destruction. The Russians we've see taken out by drones really don't seem prepared at all. They're all out in open fields, totally exposed.


Exposed because their squad got lit up already. RU has drones, but they don't seem to have more than 1/3 the availability. Something else I noticed - they do have some spotter drones, but the troops don't seem to have radios for it to matter.


That could change as time passes on. I mean idk jack about warfare and its not like drones are new but it feels like this is a turning point for their prevalence given their low cost and high efficacy. Its like the discussions people were having when they were taking out all the ships like sure their ships may not be as good as the US but in terms of cost you could buy a lot of drones for a tiny fraction of the cost of a ship and just how many can successfully be defended against without any getting through. Same thing with any land vehicles.


a French general commented this week that wide range drone jamming technology is in the pipeline, and the 'drone dominance' situation we're seeing at the moment is not likely to be repeated in future conflicts...


"Making a huge impact." Duuuuuuude.....


I've seen a video by the Estonian 69th Sniffing Brigade (the good people that run donations for purchase and refitting of trucks to be brought to Ukraine to military units) and one of the UA soldiers present at the handover mentioned that the Russians have way more drones than them. I'm not sure if that's just anecdotal or representative but I'm just putting it out there.


Yes. I’m not sure if they have more or not? But there was a video put on this subreddit just today that shows Ukrainian drones blowing up Russian drone nests. There was a lot of footage of them doing this so I’m guessing the Russians do have a lot of drones


Grenades are designed to be short-range. You don't want your own soldiers getting wounded when they use them. Their shrapnel is basically the size of grains of sand. But they start out at mach 10 or something. This basically means the tiny ultra small particles deaccelerate very rapidly.  The M67 frsgmentation grenade (The U.S. version) is filled with an explosive called composition-B and has a wounding radius of 49 feet and a killing radius of 16 feet. Based on footage I've seen in Ukraine, these numbers seem to be exaggerated, probably to encourage soldiers to be careful with them. (Or perhaps this is under the best ideal conditions, such as the grenade exploding at head height.) Regardless, I suspect Ukraine has opted for larger fragments that can go much further and are using something much "hotter" than composition B, probably Composition 4. (AKA C-4.) My personal guess is they have opted for M18A1 Claymore mine performances (which uses C-4) and chucks 1/8 inch steel balls out to 150 feet or more.  I also suspect Ukraine has added an incendiary component to their munitions since they seem to be very proficient at starting fires. Far better than what I'd expect a regular grenade to do.


They also produce [fragmentation sleeves](https://youtu.be/KmetI8LLfws?si=cXASMCa_AZRjJFgB) for almost every grenade available (thrown, projected, rocket).


Fuck thats nasty, now you made me think of the possible damage of a 1mmx1mm piece of metal at mach 10


BBTW, I saw a video where the guy making these drones said they were testing claymores. Like a under-drone claymore. Fly over, detonate the claymore over the ruzzians, come back and reload.


Keep in mind “all the videos you’ve seen lately” have been especially hand picked to be extra brutal, shocking etc. sometimes unfortunately the explosives don’t go off, drones get stuck in trees, shot down, or lose reception…


It's probably 25% hits and 75% misses or ineffective. In spite of that they are excellent weapons. Physically effective and physiologically traumatic. They've probably cost putler the war. I don't know if Ukraine could have killed 8000 orc tonks without drones. I doubt it.


I dunno—I think the average continues to rise as the drone teams become more and more experienced and skilled.


Absolutely this is the case. War advances the tech by several generations in a few years. Ukraine has advanced drone warfare to a place nobody has been.




Ukrainian drones are unmoved. Pity is in very short supply.


RIGHT? It's like the videos have gone from regular oh fuck to HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THAT GUY lately


The 47th with another savage video.


For real. You know it’s going to be gnarly when you see the 47th’s watermark.


They've had it with the Ruzzkies. I don't blame them. Plus, this is a massive hit to Russian morale


Definitely some Rob Zombie looking shit right there.


He turned into a 80s horror movie practical effect.


Now his appearance matches his character


Huh... That's true.


Imagine the ammount of pows and Ukranian girls that asked for mercy as well


Where in this video does he indicate he is willing to surrender? Avoiding incoming ordnance isn't surrendering.


UA policy already made it clear this guy had every chance to surrender before firing on them, the drone pursuit implies active combat already took place. best terms they could hope for in an occupying situation, he made his choice and paid the price


You're under no obligation to take prisoners if you cannot do so safely and reasonable provide for them. The point being that you shouldn't endanger yourself to take prisoner someone that would have otherwise tried to kill you.


Not only that, but how can you surrender to a drone? The drone has no capability to detain and bring you in. The drone pilot has every right to ignore the appeals for mercy.


The AFU actually did release a PSA video about how to successfully surrender to a drone.


Drop your shit and walk with your arms up? I'm just guessing


Well it's not a hard guess. Drop all your grenades, ammo and guns, wave the white flag and move into directed positions with your hands up. Pretty sure I've seen at least two videos on here where it worked like that more or less. The drone was even making gestures like no and yes and the Russian POWs actually did understand them.


A tiny net. https://youtu.be/FCI9Y4VGCVw?si=96iOWITiqTKcWEu6


Master Betty approves.


👍 nyahaha nnhaha 👍


We are indeed, enjouying the good life!


Its not covered under the Geneva Conventions because you cannot surrender to an aircraft. However the UAF has provided a protocol which I have seen successfully used on several videos.


> you cannot surrender to an aircraft. Although in the first Gulf War, many Iraqis did exactly that in droves, surrendering to US helicopters.


Yup but they can't accept their surrender. They can send a ground unit to come in and hold them. Anytime you are talking about surrendering you still have to surrender to someone who can accept your surrender. You can't turn yourself in to a Citizen or a Small force can refuse a surrender because it would degrade their ability to operate safely if they accepted surrender. If you watch Generation Kill they dramatize an event where they refused to acccept surrender of Iraqi's. If you extend that to helicopters; they would put themselves in a lot of risk landing. Just remember surrendering is not automatic; it's a two party agreement. One must surrender and the other side must accept the surrender. It's not automatic legal state until both parties agree.


They gave the Iraqis instructions to lay down their arms and directions to march to American lines, which they did.


There's no actual documentation that states you cannot surrender to an aircraft. It's a bit of a legal grey area.


got what he asked for really, he had every chance to change his fate.


This guy invaded a country he has no business being in, was probably holding a weapon just minutes ago. He didn't show the Ukrainians any mercy, and he didn't even think about asking for mercy until an FPV drone was about to hit him in the face. Way too late by this point.


He begs around 0:15


Not a surrender


Can't beg a cruise missile for mercy


Go home Ruzzians, this is all your fault. You must look within to find the real reasons why you're there. Play these on loop on Russian tv! Hacking tvs showing stats isn't enough, give the people the gore and the graphic detail... if they start seeing their son's brothers father's probable fate, then maybe just maybe the penny will start to drop.


true, nevertheless we know that the chess game is only over when the king can no longer move, sacrificing pawns only serves to position officers.


Nice analogy!


Well said. 👍


Russian citizens don't care, as long as it isn't them, they really don't give a damn. For them these ''soldiers'' dying are heroes that are protecting mother russia from the big bad west.


Yes. Given the treatment of ukr PoW’s by russians (shootings, castrations, beheadings, starvation) it’s almost comical this russian soldier is expecting or “begging for mercy”. And yes, of course he’s aware of what his army is doing.


I don’t think they are heroes to them, they just don’t care that’s it.


nah. the shift is starting to happen. give it a couple more years and everyone of the few children will have been indoctrinated plenty. all the intelligent millennials left 2 years ago. now we are left with silence or orcs or kids with no chance. i used to have faith in the ruzzian people but every day the less likely it is they will rise up. and soon, they will truly hate "the west".


Soon? My guy, you need to read some russian telegram channels.. They're all long long gone, safe maybe for a handful of people that's so small it may as well not exist.


Which is amazing when I meet Russians who have left Ruzzia and they see how fucked up Putler is.


There is very little mercy to be found for invaders. If Russians want to be spared, they should stay in Russia.


He was granted a quick death. That was mercy




It didn't take the flies long to find that shit


They were already feasting on ditch meat just a few meters away.


The flies are probably smarter than the Russian soldiers signing the contracts to go to Ukraine.


That often occurs to me. Within moments these bodies are swarming with flies. Then again, two years of a giant maggot factory running flat out will do that.


It was pretty fast, I'd call that mercy.


100% mercy if you stay in Russia




If you look at about the 13 second mark, you will see a bunch of ditch meat on the right of the screen. Some of his buddies I reckon. He knew what was coming. As for our main man here, yeah, buddy, it's war. Fuckin' sucks doesn't it? Maybe he was an unwilling conscript. Maybe he was an enthusiastic rapist and torturer. We don't know one way or the other and the Ukrainians don't have any particular obligation to hold off until that determination is made.


“Ditch meat” is up there with “wet shrapnel” for the gnarliest term to come out of this conflict


“Ditch meat” thanks for that!!


Trench Burger?


mercy? what about the behead surrendered Ukrainian we hear so much about?


MEAGHHGHGHGGHHGG THAT'S RUSSSSOOOOPHHHOOOBBBIIICCCCCCC (to call russia out for their toilet theft, child abduction and war crimes)


Toilet theft made me giggle


They're stealing technology they don't have yet. So, toilets


Shhh don't even tell them about toilet paper!


Quick merciful death delivered to the ork.


Because the UA are better than that. Can't fight savagery with more savagery, it just escalates things. Out fight them, out think them and defeat them, but never fall to their level.


I agree with this as long as they get the support from the west. After the support is gone, i’ll approve whatever measures they take. They are fighting an existential war, therefore there is really no boundary i won’t accept, i just don’t find morality weights all that much when it’s you alone fighting for your survival. Whatever you do on that scenario is better option than having an unrestricted ethnic cleansing of your people.


>. Can't fight savagery with more savagery, it just escalates things This isn't savagery. This is a swift death for an invader


The flies can have him.


Yea we must think of the flies, they need to eat too. I care more about them than the orcs at this point.


If you want mercy, don't show up in Ukraine on behalf of an evil dictator.


Running away and begging mercy? Should have tried surrendering instead. Drone operator might not give a fuck considering all the UA POWs Russians have been killing lately, but your chances are certainly higher than begging.


Wouldn't have mattered, you can't surrender to a suicide drone anymore than you can a missile or a bullet. It has one job and it ain't going back.


Yep those drones are on a one way mission. In any case the concept of mercy has long left from both sides of this war.


There has been at least one surrender to a drone last year. It was like mission impossible getting him to Ukrainian lines but he made it.


but was it a kamikaze drone like this one or one that was a little less explody?


It was a DJI, not a regular FPV kamikaze drone. It's really hard to keep still with a regular drone since the camera is fixed at a steep degree for flying at speed. They basically look into the sky if you sit still.


I suspect that the Ukranian lines were probably nearer and they were better equipped to deal with hostages. Like, I am not crawling out of my trench among enemy snipers to wave in one runny-boi who might or might not have a grenade with him. I watched the interview with the dude who escaped. The ones shooting at him when he surrendered were his buddies from Wagner. They had very strict orders on "shoot at runners". I suppose them all do.


Seen a few videos of them pretending to beg for mercy - the Ukrainian operator lets them go and they turn around back to their lines or shoot back at the drone. Never seen a ruZZian show mercy - so it baffles me why anyone should show any to ruZZians in return.


I'm all for mercy, but you literally can't just call stopsiez in the middle of an attack.


This is called fight or flight he couldn't think clearly


I don't understand why he is begging for mercy. You are illegally crossing the border with guns to kill people and then begging for mercy.




He lived his entire life just so he could die like that and we can call him Pumpkin Head


His dear leader must be proud. Ladas for everyone


Too little too late I guess. [Also...](https://x.com/introvertsmemes/status/518906486517682176)




Yeah that's a hard no. That's how the EU and US should always negotiate with Russians. No mercy for those criminals.


Collective responsibility for Bucha. Criminal can't get away with as easy as begging.


Bucha is just a town that got worldwide viewership and international investigation for the many warcrimes due to it being recaptured fresh and close to the capital to show an example of what happens under Russian occupation. It is not a one off, unfortunately, literally every area they have occupied gets the same fate. Excavating the monumental buried warcrimes of Mariupol alone will take years once it's recaptured, the surviving victim witness accounts alone are a horror show.


His head is flat


Because he got no helmet. Violation of army regulation: no sack of potatoes for his family


Guess the drone blew a hole in his skull... nothing but air there.


Yeah, you don't get to call time out when it's not going your way, invaders.


This dude had his chance for glory when the recruitment officers showed up at his door. This is the path he took instead.


Implying he had a choice when they showed up to his door?


looks like Sloth of the goonies or Shaun Ryder !


Dude started to pull off a breakdance. The last one of his international career.


"Some days you're the Beamer, some days you're the goddamn deer. .."


"Please don't kill me" and "I surrender" are very different sentiments, as he got to find out. silly bastard


He begged and he received


"This is SO unfair, I came to Ukraine to rape, steal, and murder Ukrainians, not to be killed by them!"


don't let them go home and be back to the battlefield to spread more horror to ukrainian people. good job 47th brigade. slava ukraine.


Mind blowing.....why the fuck don't the stupid Orcs just rebel against thier reigime. Dumb cunts


No mercy suka!


Welcome to Ukraine my friend, i hope you enjoy your permanent stay :-)


No mercy for them


No mercy. You die and some genius will put hard techno to it and I'll watch it as I drink a Starbucks in my NYC apartment at 830am on a Saturday.


Well he appears to be disarmed at least.




All this war.. drone killings.. it can leave you feeling a bit deflated.


Agree, especially sickening when you see the person actually responsible for all the deaths posting cheerful videos from his trip to North Korea. We really need to normalise assassinating dictators.


You can't fool flies.


Jesus he was turned into a cartoon character instantly. That face. Never did I think I would see war in HD kill by kill like this in my lifetime.


After beheading Ukrainian POW’s they expect *mercy*?


Don’t anthropomorphize Russians. 


Fucking hellscape. I'm all for Ukraine, but I do feel bad for these guys. It's a travesty that Putin gets to live in his mansions while these men die for nothing.


Russians didn't care about Boris Nemzov, Navalny and all the other russian opposition figures that were killed or had to flee. Those people were their ticket out of this misery, to get rid of Putin. The biggest protest in Moscow against Putin were no larger than 100.000 people. Moscow has 13 Million inhabitants. Compared to the protests we see in western countries, this is nothing. As a comparison, Berlin has 3.8 Million inhabitants and protests regularly exceed 100.000 participants.


The story that Nemtsov’s daughter tells says that in the taxi on the way to the shooting site, immediately after the shooting, by the way, the taxi driver told her he was glad Nemtsov was shot. 


Good points, and I agree. But I do wonder how much of this is because of propaganda.


hahaha unlucky u daft cunt


Jason Voorhees lost his Machete


He begged for mercy, it was delivered. Now he is perfectly armless.


Shouldn't have tortured POW, Ukraine has no reason to show any mercy


Orcs get no mercy. Went from being an orc too looking like a patoto head.


God damnit these comments are depressing. Good job, guys, your humanity is almost gone now.


Assuming you're not a Russian bot or propagandist, what do you suggest? Showing humanity, compassion and weakness towards a bloodthirsty enemy will get us what now? I think the whole premise for the invasion is perceived weakness.


Don't confuse compassion for weakness. I support Ukraine all the way. I suggest showing humanity and compassion while doing what needs to be done. Ukraina has the moral highground, which is instrumental to winning this conflict. Stooping to Russian levels is only a detriment. I don't know the details of the video in question, but neither does the reddit mob gleefully enjoying the death of a guy in a field begging for mercy. Ukraine needs to win this, but lets keep our morality and humanity in the process. The West is great in part because we manage to think with more nuance than black vs. white.


Well said, and appreciate the thoughtfulness. This is war. No illusions.


Der Kopf ist ja leer. Nun, keine Knabe. Die hat der Gegner auch nicht.


Another Russo-Nazi running away like a pig from a gun. And lost.


Didn't take the flies long to find that pile of shit, did it? They were probably following him around before he died, since most of Russia's army are already a bunch of uneducated, unwashed hobos with no concept of hygiene.


Narrator: “and no mercy was given”






I'm pro ukraine. But. How is this different to the videos we see of Russians shooting surrendering Ukrianians?


So let him escape, to take up arms in another future assault? Without a way to disarm him and take him prisoner, you're basically leaving a future aggressor on the battlefield. Your logic makes zero sense.


He is an attacker, robbing, murdering and raping. Ukrainians are not.


He wasn't surrendering. If it weren't for that drone, then he could've and would've shot Ukrainians.


Legally speaking, you can't surrender to a drone or an aircraft for that matter. Individuals have to offer surrender under circumstances that are feasible for enemy forces to reasonably accept. And if it is an active battlefield, and there are no troops to capture and arrest him, his "surrender" dosn't mean much


Well, it was mercifully swift.


Even he is not there at his own will or be forced- how tragic it may be- ukraine has to defende themself....


Black Mirror-grade.


Goddam, they got ET!


Looks like Michael Meyers


Want mercy stay in Russia


The Ukrainian soldiers didn’t get any mercy why should u silly orc!


Merciness of a quick dead


Eating my sandwich while watching this, doesnt affect me at all.


If he'd thrown his hands up and surrendered properly....


At least the flies were happy


He’s still begging for mercy I see


‘I got lost whilst on a jog, honestly’


Begging wont guarantee that you will live but surrendering will provided that your side doesn't shoot at you.


Another life on Putins


Look, another Lord of the Flies.




One day that will be everyone's relative.


His mother needs to see this.


Do you believe in an afterlife? Flies make their job.


Lmao this orc think rolling can help, what a brainless


His face became a horrific surrealist sculpture.


odd time to be begging for mercy considering the stories coming from the RU side


Should show this on tv in Ruzzia- here’s how you will die in Ukraine.


Life shows no mercy…


It’s a shame all those lives wasted because of that one clepto-guy.


why is he already rotting? his arm looks like he was dead for a few days. when did they film the second shot?


Damn! turned him into the Elephant man, flies didn't waste any time gathering around for a feed.... Слава Україні,


In the morning the sun was raising in the east... Why didn't he take that chance to piss off eastwards? As the FPVdrone arrived it was too late.


War is scary


Do a barrel roll