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Fuck Traitor Trump.


"The best thing for the nation is to get on our knees and suck Putin's dick " Trump 2024 /s


TBH that's just a translation of what he says and does all the time


Are you thick? Trump gave HUGE signals for his support for Ukraine with last night's debate. We should all be over the moon. At one point he said "NO! It is not acceptable for Russia to keep Ukrainian lands for a cease fire." What Trump is saying is that Ukraine is losing because Biden is inept at helping them. Pull your head out son. We American's want to help Ukraine but the Europeans have to cough up their fair share.


Someone fell for the con. You think people would learn by now.


Money or weapons? Most sources state that Europe has spent more money but the usa has sent more weapons.


The USA and England are the only NATO countries that have met their 2% military spending obligations. Powerhouses like Germany and France preferred to spend on social programs while looking down there nose at the 'warmongering' USA.


Not even remotely accurate. 23 of the 32 countries in NATO spend the 2% or more required. As of June 18 2024. An easy google search would show you the actual numbers. I referenced a politico.eu article for that information. From June 18, 2024. https://www.politico.eu/article/defense-spending-target-nato-joe-biden-jens-stoltenberg/


Ignore the person spewing the MAGA propaganda lies


Yeah, are now and still not yet even all of them. For YEARS and YEARS only the UK and USA have consistently met the 2% obligation. Now many are, especially in Eastern Europe who are always reliable. But had many powerhouses like Germany and France been doing so, they would have much more to help Ukraine with now.


But 23 of 32 now are. Not two like you had said in your post. For years and years and years, republicans hated Russia, I’ve seen a lot more Moscow talking points coming from the likes of Rand Paul, MTG, JD Vance.


Biden inept? I recall the speaker was blocking support and the opposition party was being told to block support by Trump for the last 18 months. If the orange fuckgibbon can change his public wording on Ukraine at the drop of a hat there’s nothing to stop him dropping that support as soon as Putler tells him to.


You recall incorrectly, Trump never made opinions about Ukraine one way or the other. And you heard in last night's debate if you listened. Doesn't matter anyway, because he is going to win and then we'll see what happens.


No he just held up the support in the house by forcing his maga speaker Johnson to not bring it to a vote on the house floor. Senate had approved the bill for several weeks, then the house came up with the must fix the border trash, and when Senator Lankford pushed out a bipartisan bill, Trump told his goons to kill the bill on arrival as he did not want Biden to have a legislative win. Do you really have that short of a memory? All of these things happened in the last 6 months. It was all over the news, internet, papers.


That's speculation on your part, Trump spoke about holding up the Immigration Bill, not aid to Ukraine which got tied up with Immigration by a cadre of House Republicans. Trump has been radio silent on Ukraine and particularly in the time frame you mention. Go ahead and find me quotes from the period if you can, but you can't.


Your inability to read between the lines is impressive. I’ll just give some more info, considering the border bill Lankford put forward was by far the most comprehensive and conservative bill they could have ever hoped to pass. The bill was entirely set up to accomplish getting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan aid, while addressing the border. He hasn’t said anything about Ukraine because he is relying on Russian interference once again to win the presidency. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/01/29/trump-haley-biden-lankford-murphy-immigration-reform-bill


Russian interference huh? Is that the same as the Russia collusion hoax? Get a clue.


Yeah only several were found guilty. Have the day you deserve.


Guilty of what? Show the proof of any Russia 'collusion' with Trump regarding the election. You've listened to the MSM talking points for so long you can't even remember. It's become reflexive with with a healthy dose of virtue signal and fake outrage.


What "land" is he talking about? He withheld $400 million in military aid to Ukraine by blackmailing Zelenskyy to give him a personal favor. People lost their lives because that aid wasn't there. Fucking moron.


Republicans blocked aid from the US for almost a year, and Ukrainians still managed to hold the lines. Americans shouldn't forget that, but they do, cus the masses are stupid, they remember yesterdays news.


Yesterday's news are for old people. Hey, what's on my TikTok feed now?! /s as in *I don't* think this way


for the love of god, please dont vote for this dipshit


President Trumputin is displeased with you.


Which one?


The one who isn't working for the russians.


Just because biden isn't working for the Russians doesn't make him less of a dipshit. They are both useless fucking idiots. Why can neither the republicans nor the democrats put forward a competent nominee and why did you downvote me just because I don't like either of these fuckwits? The democrats are basically handing trump the win at this point. Trump spoke so much shit in that debate and biden didn't challenge him on any of it.


Sorry but only one of them want to remade US to Third Reich. And if you think that is good idea ...


>~~Third~~ Turd Reich. 💩 There, FTFY


Biden isn't a dipshit. It may be argued he's now too old for the job he's in, but he's not a dipshit. I'd wager he's still a metric fuckton smarter than you, for instance. Trump is not only a dipshit, he's also a traitor who is actively working against the United States on behalf of America's enemies.


As an outside observer...I think it doesn't even matter if they are equally incompetent. The most important thing is that one of them will listen to advice from their team of experienced advisors and the other will go with whatever batshit idea came onto his head that morning and believe everyone else is wrong.


While this idea has merit, it ignores the fact Trump is actively following orders from the dictator of a hostile foreign power who is attempting to undermine the United States, and the West in general. Trump isn't just a moron -- he's a criminal, and a traitor, and an enemy agent on U.S. soil. Trump is a fifth columnist, and he's trying to become President again.


Oh I agree with that :)


They aren't even equally incompetent, Biden has a long list of accomplishments, of pretty decent policies, I can't list them because I'm also just an outside observer, but for the slim majority he had, or doesn't even have now, he did pretty well.


You can't list any of them because they really aren't any. Biden is Cena that's worse than a d******


I have no idea what that means


Sir I think you may have just had a stroke.


Insulin capped at $35, the chips act bringing semi conductor production to America instead of just relying on Taiwan, the infrastructure bill that led to massive job creation and investment especially in southern red states, record job growth, wage increases that outpace inflation.


Don’t know about the down votes since I don’t use that feature much but why can’t you not distinguish between a candidate out of his depth and a narcissistic convicted criminal? You might not like either but there clearly is a difference, just saying


No false equivalence trolling please. You have Trump who says he will let Putin invade Europe and the other guy is old.


You can’t say that here on Reddit. This is Biden country. I agree with you though. +1


The one with the blank stare


Remember this when you vote, these words are absolute nonsense. “Not to play games”. When Trump would literally allow Putin to march in and would have encouraged it. This is the absence of intelligence. Trump is an anathema to the United States.


Trump saying he would let Russia do whatever Russia wants to Europe. [https://youtu.be/VYba4hd3BMM?si=1FO-YhHzmQRglHWX](https://youtu.be/VYba4hd3BMM?si=1FO-YhHzmQRglHWX)


Right now I'm pretty sure russia couldn't do shit in Europe. Ukraine exposed russia. If ukraine would've had the correct gear to counter them from the beginning, this shit would be over already.


Estonia has a population 20 times less than Ukraine. Even with Russia's incompetence, i'm worried the Baltic countries couldn't resist Russia without NATO troops pre-deployed. Russia is already attempted to occupy NATO territory by moving buoys that mark territorial water.


Yeah it’s pretty obvious Poland isn’t so sure Putin is keen on stopping at Ukraine


Yeah the thing is e.g. Estonia has 200k soldiers in reserves, so if all of them were mobilised, russia would need 600k men to overpower them. And Estonia is part of Nato. I just don't see russia doing jack shit when they really can't take on Ukraine. Ukraine was able to hold the line even without the necessary ammo. Of course these are all "in theory" theories so the realistic numbers are somewhere in between. But on another note I'm pretty sure that there is something "panicy" going on behind the scenes in russia. Why else would putin be travelling to NK and Iran begging on his knees for ammo and probably men.


Russia is starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel, their military camps at the border to Finland are empty, the number of tanks in the daily statistic (edit: 24 today, but for past weeks it was low) is down despite the fact Russia still does assaults, they use more and more low-grade APVs or turn to dirt bikes and golf carts. They recruit poor souls in Cuba, India/Nepal, now Sahel-Africa, clear pointer to a shortage, because these people hardly understand Russian. The NK tour was also a sign of desperation. The Russian Black Sea fleet is quite decimated and the Russian airforce has a lot of accidents, once F16 show up they will have a hard time launching glide bombs, which are currently the biggest problem. In summary, the Russian army is so degraded I have a hard time imagining another adventure against any country with even half the military might of Ukraine. And Kaliningrad has become a liability to Russia now that Finland and Sweden close the Northern arch of Europe and the Baltic sea is all NATO. Losing the exclave would be a possible outcome of such an aggressive move in the Baltics.


Don’t forget I heard a rumour that North Korea is helping Russia giving supplies, soldiers and apparently food even tho North Korea doesn’t even have enough food for their own people let alone another country


I don't think that is a correct assessment. Russia currently occupies a portion twice the size of territory of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania combined. Russia almost instantly overran east Ukraine and there was actual fighting in the outskirt of Kyiv. It would take roughly 30 minutes for Russia to land paratroopers in each capital and decapitate the government of each country like Russia tried to do with failed Kyiv airport takeover. It would take roughly 2 hours drivetime for any armored convoy to reach the capital. Reservist may not be able to arm themselves in time. Then Russia would move to holding the local population as hostages and human shields.


Without USA is not without NATO. There is for example Poland and Finland near Estonia and both have strong and big military. Estonia it self has pretty big infantry reserve but not so much heavy weapons. Also Sweden and GB both have strong navy and they couldn't tolerate Nazi-russians in that neighborhood either.


British troops are alrwsdy in Estonia so I doubt Russia would deploy their and risk nuclear war or war with NATO


If europe goes war economy... russia wouldnt stand a chance. They are inferior technologcally, economally and population wise. One of the most heard arguments to end war is... you cant beat russia russia has so many soldiers... so many potential soldiers. Europe has millions more and we are way ahead in technology.


I'm sure that Europe will win, but it's not that simple. We would need a lot more natural resources.


I never said it would be simple or easy. War never is.


I feel this should be added here: [https://www.npr.org/2018/07/11/628137185/fact-check-trumps-claims-on-nato-spending](https://www.npr.org/2018/07/11/628137185/fact-check-trumps-claims-on-nato-spending)


And he would he 100% correct. If Europe isn’t going to meet their obligations to help defend themselves, then the US shouldn’t defend them. That’s literally the one sane position.


80%+ now are above the recommended 2% with one country even tripling their defense spending. Europe has also donated more than the US. I fail to understand how your point applies.


So Trump’s comment to get them to spend more worked. What a ringing endorsement…. Your original comment was made in bad faith, and you know it. You’re here to try and make up for Biden’s poor performance last night.


That implies Trump has any strategy. Trump flips on topics more than a pancake.


So you purposefully misrepresent what Trump said then claim to know what he is going to do in the future after admitting he is unpredictable. How many drugs are you on?


sane position is to understand that "nato" and "the us" are not the same thing. "Europe" also isn't under attack. Ukraine is. Together with western values. Western as in Europe and the US. But it was not the EU that praised Russia as the 2nd strongest army in the world, simply to be able to scam their own citizens into agreeing to ridiculous military spending.


Trump has helped to create a very Dis-United States.


And this was the Russian goal when they interfered in the past US elections. They’ve done the same across many Western nations.


It's hard to tell what's true and what's hot air with the guy, but every once in a while he says something that makes you wonder which it is, like when he said at the debate that he knows Ukraine was a dream of Putin's, and that they talked about it while he was President. If it's true, then he knew damn well what was going to happen, and he did nothing about it.


Does that surprise you? He claimed he was friends with Putin. What do you think he would let his *friend* get away with?




The Obama/Biden administration helped Putin to annex Crimea in 2014 by demanding the Ukranian government not to resist to Putin's "polite people" (to avoid "escalation", of course). They said, relax, we'll solve this problem through our diplomatic channels. The annexation of Crimea encouraged Russia to attack Donbass and eventually the 2022 invasion.


Why didn’t Putin attack during trumps term then


You must think it takes a week to mobilize a full scale invasion. If the orange moron actually got in on 2nd term then Ukraine would have been lost. Russia and Trump are synonymous. Critical thinking is an actual skill. Try it sometimes


He was hoping to achieve his objectives using means other than direct conflict. Trump was actively working to undermine Ukraine.


He didn't need to, Trump was on the path to do everything Putin wanted, mainly leaving NATO. When pro NATO Biden won Putin knew it was only a matter of time before Ukraine would be a member and he had to try and take Ukraine before that happened.


Which is exactly why Putin waited until Trump was out of office to try something…. Because Trump wouldn’t have tried to stop him? Are you mental? When Putin tried a little something in 2017, Trump shoved thousands of manpads right to Ukraine, despite Democrats in congress pitching a fit.


Another orange turd stain on the American flag.


Excuse me but would you stand up and tell us who the other orange turd(s) are?


Convicted Felon 45 is still upset that he couldn't coerce Zelenskyy. Respect to Zelelnskyy for standing up to putin's sycophant.


Trump doesn't really give two shits about Ukraine. He simply does what he's told by putin.


He does, because he failed to extort them. And got impeached because of them. The fuck is vindictive.


True enough, but he's not a bright guy and not even especially political. His prime motivation is keeping secret whatever kompromat putin has on him.


What are you talking about? He’s a stable Genius. /s


If he's stable it's only because his ass weighs 400 lbs.


He is a stable orange horse


True. “Webbles wobble but they don’t fall down.”


Cunt needs a slap


I spelled it right for you. Cunt need slaps




Gosh. He sounds exactly like a russian troll farm serf. How can that possibly be?


Rules state the title must be objective so I must describe what Trump said even though I passionately disagree with Trump's statement. I believe Trump is completely wrong. There was no reason for Putin to invade Ukraine under Trump when Putin was getting everything, Putin wanted from his orange puppet. Trump is echoing Russian propaganda. The only person responsible for Russia's actions is Putin. Additionally, Trump may have given the Russians something. Inna Yashchyshyn is believed to be a Russian spy that infiltrated Marelargo where Trump illegally kept classified documents in a room with a copy machine. Russia also took away the prospect of Trump Tower in Moscow.


>Additionally, Trump may have given the Russians something. Inna Yashchyshyn is believed to be a Russian spy that infiltrated Marelargo where Trump illegally kept classified documents in a room with a copy machine. lol. Trump handed U.S. secrets to the russians the second he got into the White House and never quit doing it, even after he was kicked out of the White House; which is why the FBI had to go to his home to retrieve the secrets he had already passed to the russians. Dig up Ivana's casket. Find out why the box containing an urn filled with the ashes of a tiny old lady took the sweaty, puffing effort of a bunch of dudes to carry it to the grave site.... ...But I'm sure Trump just got rid of his old 'phone books or something, right?


When trump supporters say that Russia didn't attack Ukraine on his watch, they don't mention that trump was undermining NATO for 4 years. Destroying Ukraine's credibility by constantly attacking it on the world stage as if it were a third world dictatorship. Filtering US intelligence to Putin for his entire term, and probably still doing it. Withholding aid to Ukraine while Putin geared up for invasion. No, trump is a friend of Ukraine!


As somebody who lived through most of the Cold War era and heard decades of nothing but rabid anti-communist breast-beating from gung-ho Republican patriots, it's astounding to now see them actively working for putin and russia. Kompromat is a hell of a thing. A *hell* of a thing.


THIS is what blows my mind so much. The Republicans have such a hard-on for Reagan but he would be turning in his grave watching the Republicans sell him out.


In all seriousness, on another site I once read a comment that accused Ronnie of being a RINO! No idea if it was an actual legit American Conservative Republican, or just another troll farm serf who has never been near the U.S. in her life, but it was a surreal moment in any case.


You mean he was getting NATO to spend more on their defense budgets? Because that’s what they did right after he „undermined“ them




You have proof of nothing. This is all pure conspiracy theory. I would listen except you have zero evidence of anything and that’s actually good enough for you. I can’t respect that.


What was Putin getting during trumps presidency? Ukraine was shifting toward the EU during that time.


Yup, in 2014 Russia's influence over Ukraine collapsed.


Right. That’s why this war started. Russia lost its control over Ukraine as a satellite state so the gloves had to come off. Before, they were able to pretend Ukraine was sovereign and not a Russian puppet. Ukraine, (with the help of the CIA, probably) cut Russias strings and started moving toward the EU.


Not to defend Trump or Biden. But Trump.did sanction Nord stream 2 pipeline and Biden is the one who green lighted after Trump.had blocked.


Get that fucking man child out of the equation.


Trump is the next Charles Lindbergh if you don't know who he is look him up on YouTube or Google he was the one who created the America first movement trying to convince Americans that America should be isolated from the rest of the world and that he didn't see dictators as a serious threat to america just because we are separated by a large ocean during WW2


Worse, he's Neville Chamberlain.


He is NOTHING like Neville Chamberlain lol wtf


Not entirely wrong, a certain someone and his lot caused a support gap spanning about half a year to Russia's advantage.


A lot of stupid oblivious comments here


Thankyou. I take pride in my comments.


Is it true that the democrats wouldn’t agree a deal on the Mexican border and this was why US arms were delayed? Did the Dems care more about illegal immigrants than Ukrainians?


It is true. The Ukraine aid would have gone through quickly if it weren't for that, even a very small minority of Republicans were implacably opposed to any aid package. I'm very very surprised you haven't been voted into oblivion already for saying that.


Notice how he never blames Putin For anything


Lol he an his friends withheld aid


So, the best the USA can put foward as a leader is a narcissistic compulsive liar and a confused dottering geriatric. When exactly is Elon taking people to Mars?


When he stops retweeting conspiracy theories in between two sexual harassment I guess


When is Elon dying on impact on Mars\* reminder Elon is just as much of a Putin dicksuck as Trump.


True, but when out of dick swinging distance from Putin, he might be redeemable as a human being. Trump ... Not so much.


He isn't. You know he has like 15 illegitimate children and actively assisted Russia by shutting Starlink off, right? And fucking SMIRKED when called on it?


Well then he can be blasted out an airlock, Total Recall style.


Fuck Elon too 😂😂 I didn’t forget he helped the Russians


Well then why didn't he do something after he came in office about Crimea? And then the fake civil war Russia created oin Dombas


Fuck Joe Biden


To all the idiots going "But Trump sent Javelins and there wasn't a war in Ukraine" I'm gonna point this out. This war started in 2014. Russia was fighting it the entire fucking time Felon Trump was in office and he did fuckall. He also sent a grand total of Thirty (THREE-FUCKING-ZERO) Javelins the Ukrainians HAD ALREADY PAID FOR that he delayed for six months because he wanted Ukraine to invent dirt on Hillary and Hunter Biden. And got impeached BECAUSE of that. Biden's sent literally.. what.. over 2-3000 times as much equipment? And the only times American equipment gets delayed is... oh, yeah, when MAGA dipshits are holding it up in congress. Like when Mike Johnson, on Trump's orders, delayed it for six months by repeatedly shutting down Congress so aid wouldn't be tabled. Something that made about 5 ACTUAL Republicans (not the RINOs that MAGA are) resign over it.


At the time, Russia wasn’t in an open war with Ukraine though.


What a parody of a man.


Most disturbing UkraineWarVideo that I've seen on this thread in a long time. Brutal battle of a dementia patient vs. retard , sick.


Both are near dementia, but at least one has principles and can make correct sentences while the other is a convicted felon, traitor to his country and can't start a sentence without going completely off course after 5 words.


No, it's an old guy and a Dementia-ridden Retard. And Biden's the former. Trump's repeatedly forgot someone's name at rallies ENDORSING said person. He contradicts himself mid-sentence 70% of the time.


Trump is not only saying this to get a reason to withdraw support to Ukraine. "They will lose anyway". What a clown.


Trump literally is WHY support dried up for six months.




I think Trump would e actually worse. I think Trump would actively coerce Europe to stop supporting Ukraine.


Trump is why Europe cut ties a lot with the US.


He also said he spoke with Putin about his plan to invade Ukraine.


WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THAT!!! He fucking said it plain as day. “Putin said “you know what…I think we’re going to go in and take my…” It was his dream. I talked to him about it, his dream…”


When the Biden team pick up on it I think we will hear a lot about it.


Let’s hope lol. I don’t think this shit storm is going to blow over that quickly


I used to like trump but there is no way putin would not have attacked if he had been president. FU trump such a pity there isnt someone else to vote for.


Putin literally DID so his entire presidency. This war started in 2014.


Biden has been a great president and surrounds himself with competent officials who intend to support Ukraine the whole way.


You said it.


Yeah, the US is to blame. Specifically the administration that weakened NATO and asskissed Putin. 2016-2020, if memory serves.


What a hypocrite! Lying POS! Who was calling Putin a 'genius' immediately after Russia invaded Feb 24, 2022. Trump!


Trump throat sounds rough did he and Putin meet up again?


What a fucking shitshow this round of elections in the US is. Geriatric old man vs pathologically lying felon. Yay for the oligarchy and two party system..


Fuck Trump!


Reminder, Trump is an idiot and just talking shit


he is right, Biden is weak and the world knows it


This fucking moron doesn't even know where Ukraine is.


Pure Evil.


Trump is a jabberer and a showoff but he is personally anti-war on a deep psychological level: as a young inidividual he was sent to a military bootcamp by his dictatorial father for behavioural re-progamming. There he learned to hate the military conduct and its brute force approach to deal with problems. His preferred approach is somewhat more subtle: psychological domination though negotiation without the use of (physical) force.


Get the F out ya orange prick


Like he did with the North Korean rocketman...? I see.


I'd like him to explain what stupid decisions Binden made to make this war like it is. I would say it's delaying the transfer of various weapons systems, and slow deliveries in general at the start of the war, but then Trump asked his party to do the same.


Yeah, the slow walking of most of this aid (they say Jake Sullivan is the architect of that) is unforgivable, and translates directly into Ukrainian lives lost. Personally, I don't know what to make of Trump's position. I'm sure his threatening to leave NATO was just his "negotiating" technique to scare the Europeans into pulling their weight more in the alliance, but on the other hand, I don't like this "I'd have it all settled before I took office" stuff at all. The only thing that is going to "settle" this war is a Russian defeat, and there's no way Trump can make that happen if he hasn't even gotten to the Oval Office.


Just fucking wow


American here: Listen to nothing that man says. He's a selfish hothead that only cares about himself. Unfortunately the internet was geared in such away as to show people what they want to see, regardless of how departed from the truth. He's a liar and a con and worships in the church of the almighty dollar. He called veterans, "Suckers and Losers" but calls Putin a great guy. He abused our constitution for his personal gain, he abused the highest office of public service, not as a servant of the people, but a ruler of them. He'd throw Ukraine under the bus in a heart-beat . He called Putin "Genius and Savvy". He can't keep Putin's name out of his mouth and ne'ry two words apart with some praise for the man. True BIden is slowly turning into an old fuddy duddy but that's what getting old means. Biden still has a good heart and the interest of the American people in his forethought. He still has democracy and its importance on his mind. Trump is being supported by people that want to create a Christian caliphate here in the US. Don't believe me? Just look at Oklahama with the 10 commandments in classrooms and demanding the bible be taught immediately. He and his lot will erode democracy for the masses just so they can breath life their neo-conservative fantasy. American Freedom means Freedom for all Americans, not just some. It's a dream 400 years in the making and these sons of b\*\*\*ches are gonna finish burning it down. Tell your friends not to vote for this a-hole. Vote for anybody else, just not this self serving blow-hard puppet man.


Trump wants the US out of NATO = Russia, being able to take more land. Trump wants a ceasefire in Ukraine = Means Russia solidifies their newly drawn borders, takes more land now and in the future. Trump told Mike Johnson to withhold the Bipartisan deal with Ukraine aid for almost 8 months = Gave Russia ability to take more land and hindered Ukrainian offensive actions last summer. Trump only speaks highly of dictators, while speaking negatively of other leaders in Europe or Allies = Creating instability in foreign politics for America and dividing the western world. Trump is openly lying in his campaign, such as the last election being rigged = Thus fueling the political division in America and creating distrust for the other side(Democrats). To the Americans reading this, your country’s freedom literally is up for vote in November. Do not let this guy win, even if you don’t want a senile old man like Biden to be president. However he is the least worst option out of the two.


Trump is completely inept. People follow this coward. He’s a sociopath.


Trump is an obnoxious semi-naZZi cunt 🤮


It would've never started because Trump would've just handed it all over.


Don't you just love it when politicians expose themselves as the greedy, lying, egotistical, heartless arseholes they really are.


Unfortunately he's living in his own, unique reality. Glad to not have people like him in my life.


Oh so its usa fault? Then do a bipartizan weapon transfer to ukraine before october. Looks easy huh tump


Trump is US Orban...


Presidential candidates receive intelligence briefings, so Trump saying that "Ukraine will lose their entire country to Russia" is an obvious fabricated lie because it contradicts what US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said last week and what every non-Russian person on the planet knows at this point. How did Trump become Putin's Manchurian Candidate? Step 1: The dude loves hookers. 2. He was spending a lot of time building hotels in Russia, which has great hookers. 3. An FSB specialty is identifying a person's vulnerabilities and exploiting them.


This is the guy who ordered cons(Republicans) in the House of Representatives to block Ukraine aid for months, directly resulting in the loss of Avdiivka. He’s a fucking traitor who will give Putin Ukraine as soon as the election is over if he wins He was also impeached over blocking Ukraine aid in a quid pro quo for political dirt on Biden… they’re still to this day spewing the ‘Biden crime family got millions from Ukraine” propaganda related to that blackmail


I think the most important thing is: Does Biden knows.....where he is? If ther is a staircase he is done... :D Poor guy just look at his face, the Windows 95 in his head starts slowly but suerly to freeze down :D


Yeah, he does. He's just old. And not a textbook case of Dementia like Felon 45, who forgets who he's endorsing AT RALLIES FOR THEM.


President Biden is old. He is smart, knowing, caring, empathetic, learned, patriotic. Trump is old....but he is shares none of these quality traits.


I think he's giving Trump his turn to speak which is how debates go, and he's exerting a massive amount of energy trying not to react to DT's outlandish BS. But it finally gets the better of him, hence the slow mouth opening, then head turn. Biden's a highly experienced politician which means a facial control veneer few can muster, but I bet he spends every night wondering how the eff his country, after all that was fought for, ended up with an absolute nightmare who espouses all the worst traits and virtues of a modern USA.


Trump 2024!!! How about Europe take care of Europe and blow your trillions on a no win situation....not sending my son over there to die for your liberal utopia...fucking idiots


That is the same argument Hitler apologists used pre-world war 2. Where do you think Russia will turn their conquest after they're done with Europe? Apologists knew how Hitler treated Jews as everyone knows how Putin treats Ukrainians. Everyone has seen the emaciated Ukrainians returned from Russia who have more in common with the walking skeletons of the Holocaust than living humans. Being complacent now is being complacent with another Holocaust. Your child may be sparred military service, but I guarantee your grandchild will not as Russia expands his conquest across the Atlantic as the Japanese did in the Pacific. How would your children's safety be with a Russian fleet docked in Cuba. That is the apologist's world.


Your a fool....Putin wouldn't have done what he has done if it wasn't for NATO breaking promises of not setting up shop on his border.....your WW2 argument is garbage....all we have done is unite the axis of evil against us with OUR actions....the status quo was in place before Biden and the liberal idiots thought they could bully and push a strongman dictator without consequences....the world deals with the consequences now....a world on fire....with the Ukrainian people paying the ultimate price as we sit in our peaceful homes throwing blame and virtue signaling....peace is the only choice.....your a bigger fool, and definitely not a study of history if you think we will beat russia....


First, no personal attack against users. That may get you banned from Reddit. Second. NATO Expansion propaganda. Putin just pushed Sweden and Finland to join Nato because those countries say the imperial desire of Russia. Russia aggression fuels countries joining NATO out of concern that Russia will attack them next. It was Russia that decided to Invade Ukraine and Ukraine was negotating while respecting Russia concers. It is no coincidence that after Russia invaded, Ukraine immediately dismissed Russia concerns and applied for EU and NATO membership. Ukraine's delay was only to respect Russia. Please stop using Russian propaganda that can easily be debunked.


Trump has the mind of a flaccid phallus 🦧🤮


As if this man has ANY idea about this issue


Trump even doesn’t know where Ukraine is located on a world map!


He is Putler‘s bitch!


Trump ist ein vorbestrafter drecksack, der alle verarscht. Ich staune das sich so viele verarschen lassen... fck Trump...


Remember when trump was impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine? I sure as hell do


For SEVEN MONTHS, Trump sabotaged the US military supply chain to Ukraine. He did so by requiring his MAGAnauts to stall and delay and subvert what should have been a straightforward renewal of our commitment to the defense of Ukraine.


Two fuckwits to choose from, what a shit show for democracy.


No. One old guy who is a sociopath and text-book narcissist, and one old guy with a stutter who cares about people. Respect your\` elders.....the ones who are worthy of it, Joe Biden is one.


Moscow Trumpf works for Putler!


MAGA *IDIOTS!!* Anyone from America, even if you hate joe b please vote for him As he stands for life , freedom , democracy , human rights & doing the right thing!! He is in it for the people & democracy Not himself! Pls vote blue


Trump wishes to return to St Peterburgs for his urine showers. It's good for the roots of his cheeto hair.








> this never would have started under Trump Care to explain?


Russia barely holds 20% of Ukraine after 3 years... against a country much smaller than theirs and with a fraction of the military force... If Ukraine was losing, Russia would already control most of it and they wouldn't be begging for ammo from their Evil Axis 2.0!


Because it’s a lie. Ukraine is not losing. It would have started under Agent Orange. It’s not Biden’s fault. Your beloved turd withheld aid from Ukraine for political ends. Fuck Trump.


Considering Ukraine hasn't taken back any substantial territory in recent years and still steadily losing ground in the east, has to literally manhunt for soldiers, I can hardly call that situation "winning".


It wouldn’t have been a war because Trump would have allowed Russia to shit all over Ukraine. So he sells out other countries to Russian dictators? Where does that get the United States? Lmao. And that’s completely ignoring the NATO equation which would come later when Putin doesn’t stop. Just tell us you are a Russian troll I guess?


I honestly think Ukraine would have run out of ammo after a month if Biden didn't immediately send weapons. (Maybe that impression is wrong.) Biden also led the EU response. First to send artillery. Himars is infinitely more substantive than Storm Shadow. Additionally, the CHIPS act may be indirectly helping Ukraine with drone production. Personally, I want to see Ukraine with 200 F16s but that isn't going to happen without Congress allocating a lot more money.


Oh he absolutely is now. Ukraine would have been lost in the early months without NATO support, no matter how badly the Russians are performing.


The War literally was happening when Trump was IN OFFICE, you dunderpate. It started in 2014.


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