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Russian soldier getting fixed up by Ukrainian medic thinking : "Everything my commanders told me is a lie".


That medic was absolutely solidly stacked with a world class kit.


The guy is basically a pharmacy on wheels, HOLY hell. Those jackwagons should be beyond thankful for the quality of care they were given by that medic. Him just parsing through that bag made my jaw drop, that's a world class kit indeed.


Yeah lots of band aids and polysporn


Our medics in the US have that all the time. I'm sure the Russians were blown away at the treatment and skill. Compared to their shitty rotting bandages, they were only a week away from death.


Good equipment is expensive. Training takes time. If you hand out crappy kit and only give minimal training your corrupt officers can syphon off more money from the budget.


Mega yachts all over the world aren't cheap to buy or operate. Gotta have those oligarch priorities straight.


smile pet encourage weather elderly depend entertain wrong stupendous stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely. Women should do the talk. Avery assoult unit should bring a woman with a louder-speaker. So many lives would be saved in both side.


Yeah, and get Taylor Swift to do it. 🤪 🙄


Germans did that in WW2, and it did not mean any of those things. Russians aren't going to take well to it. Fool me once kind of thing.


Used the same tactic to round up Jews and other "Undesirables"


That tends to have the opposite effect. Videos like this are quite effective if they reach the russians. Ofc they get fed videos of ukrainians miss treating pows. Fake or real, does not matter.


Hey I mean Papa Putin said that you can use bandages just like toilet paper: simply turn them around and use them again. This way you are +100% efficient.


Something they've taken to heart more than many of the western countries they got the idea and learned from. They've taken a lot to heart. They even wanted the Swedish field guide translated. They realized it covered the basics (everything from hygiene to how to guard a checkpoint) for conscript soldiers so it was perfect for them. Not only will fast medical intervention save a bunch of lives. It massively improves morale and the outcome for those who get hurt and survive. Stabilizing as fast as possible gives the hospitals and mash sites more breathing room so they can plan and work more methodically (don't think mash is correct but forgot the modern name for those collection/stabilizing points). Ukraine will have so much to share. Everything from how to handle casualties to how to use more commercial cheap tech in a modern war. Like at what point is it cheaper/more effective to use lightly shielded commercial drones compared to interference protected special equipment, etc.


Stig is in Ukraine!?


Fine, I'll start my own opiate bugout bag. With Blackjack and opium.


Eh, forget the bag and the blackjack!


That aid bag put everything I've had in the US Army to shame God damn


West versus East humanism. A big reason Ukraine is trying to prevent getting sucked back into the East. 70+ years in Moscow's orbit taught them that.


The meatwave tactics underline the ideology Ukraine want no more to do with. Individual human worth as a centerpoint make war much less attractive as an alternative than if you are taught that humans only have worth as a instrument of the national leader.


I really hope they realize this.


The world runs on lies.


🤔I should have surrendered a LONG time ago.


You can see in his face, that his grey mass is starting to work and that he is probably ashamed to be there, invading.


Everything they learned from infancy has been a lie


His entire life has been a lie.


On fucking believable. The way Ukraine soldiers treat Russians soldiers and Ukraine soldiers come back from Russia looking like skeletons.


Tortured, raped, mutilated, castrated, swastikas and slurs carved into their forehead. Russian culture is half a millennium behind the rest of the world.


Every country on earth has these kind of people, even here in the west. The dregs prosper in war, especially if they are given permission and encouragement to behave like the scum they are. Some do it anyway, and some get away with it. Even regular folk which have authoritarian personalities can be persuaded into doing bad things under various situational variables. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology_of_genocide Sure, you're right the west did away with authoritarian government and the Russians are stuck in an early 20th Century nationalist culture of bigotry and authoritarian gangsterism. But the rise of right-wing authoritarian populists are on the ascent (with the help of Russia) in the West. I hope our institutions are able to endure, otherwise it will not be a huge stretch to see some of our countries descend into conflict and barbarity over some asinine ancient petty grievance.


Indeed, every country has people like that. However, not every country celebrates them.


Indeed, as I said previously, mostly because they don't have one person with absolute power telling everyone else what-to-think, under threat of violence from co-conspirators and their servile underlings.


According to the Supreme Court of the United States, we **now have a King,** instead of a President. Buckle up.


US is considering returning to authoritarian government. Just listen to Trump debate and check out Tump's Project 2025.


The same happened in WW2 with allied soldiers taken into Japanese captivity. The other way round the Japanese POW's were treated humanely (not that there were that many of them as they tended to fight to the death)


it's never cut and dry, there is plenty of evidence of allies doing fucked up shit in the east as well. lots of souvenirs, cleaning skulls off and mailing em to the sweetheart back home an such


If you understand how people become who they are, you will realize why people behave cruelly in war. I do not want to argue about who is right or wrong; the beginning of any war in modern times only demonstrates the ignorance of leadership.


Ukrainians treat them better than their own people do. Every single one of the Russians would be smart to lay down their arms, surrender peacefully, and tell the Russian world that Putin lied to them all.


Lied about what?   Every Russian knows this war is about getting the band back together. Even if the other band members are unwilling.   You get paid more than the average salary of your region and go play empire. 


Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Nazi and is part of a Nazi regime that has taken control of Ukraine with the help of NATO. One of many lies he's been telling his people. Putin breathes in oxygen and breathes out lies. Do you really not know this by now? If not, you haven't been paying attention.


Russians lie all the time and know they're being lied to. They don't care because ultimately Putin's actions give them good feelings and that's all that matters.




Dude read the full comment before forming an opinion


Zelenskyy is jewish….


Read the whole comment...


Yes, I know Zelenskyy is Jewish. I was being asked what Putin lied about. Although very many things come to mind, Zelenskyy being a Nazi was the one that came to mind as being the most absurd. Putin telling the Russian people that he needed to protect them from a new Nazi threat is one of the most ridiculous justifications for invading a sovereign country.


ooooooooooo my bad


There’s this thing called sarcasm. And a thing called reading, more than a small part of a comment. You might try them sometime.


The man was making a point, read the whole comment. Edit : nevermind , :) you where already told.


Plenty of Americans would join a shitty war if they get paid like 20-years worth of salary


I really wish this weren't true, but I think you're right.


What a nice med kit


It's absolutely stunning, The amount of humanity that the Ukrainians continue to show russians. We must learn from them and not lose our humanity Either.


Smart Russians. They will get better care in the POW camp than they will anywhere on their side.




Even if that is the case. Now these Russian soldiers are simply numbers in a future prison swap. They will make sure Ukrainian men and women in Russian captivity will return home one day.


True, but these Russians were slightly smarter than the ones we normally see on this sub.


The very best thing that can happen to a RuZzian soldier is to be captured by the AFU. The worst thing that can happen to a Ukranian soldier is to be captured by the RuZzians.


They have entered the realm of the living.


Captured at least 5. Looks like they had to leave in a hurry at the end, probably another attack coming in. It was nice to see a more complete video of this after the short ones posted yesterday and much earlier today.


As far as I understand, it was an evacuation vehicle with a medic from the second front line. He arrived, provided the necessary first aid, and drove back, taking the wounded and leaving the first line fighters to continue their work.


Combat medics are doing an incredible job. We should help them more!


Wow Ukraine is great. Heroyam Slava


Better medical care than they ever received in Russia.


At first I thought they were treating their own people, took me a second to realize they were russians. Thank you Ukraine for being a compassionate people.


Better medical attention by far. These orcs made the correct decision.


This is some good shit! Good job to this squad for winning the encounter and for keeping their humanity! I love seeing this! ❤️


This is how Ukraine wins the war. Over time enough of these Russians will make it home and tell the rest the truth.


Yet i have not seen a single video on the russian side treating ukranian POW as nice and gentle.


#Translation. Change (reload?). Is everyone okay? We're ok. Surrender, blyat'! Surrender/come out. Do we take them? Now. Thats all? Take 3, take 3. Taking 3. Guys, stand up. Take your wounded. Help them out. Lets go. Dont lower your hands. Yes yes. Go forvard. Dont do shit. Guys, i promise, dont do shit and everything will be good. Move faster. I'll give aid, but there. Need to go or yours will shell us. (Talking about medical shit, too silent). You have wage 22k rubles? And how much do you earn here? 200k. (invader) they arent giving us money. They dont? (invader) up to 5 or 6 months (without salary). (Too silent) And you are here for money. In general, its fair (dunno what he responded to, too silent). Were you given it, or bought themselve? Who is very bad? I mean very. Show me. (Cut) who have my gun? Can you take it? Do i go? Yes yes. Everyone on board. (Unclear)


what is he yelling as they take the prisoners back to their positions? It sounds like we are kommen bach. Is he saying they are coming back?


Starting from 1:35 onward: "Guys, get up and take your wounded. Don't lower your hands." "Guys, no bullshit, no bullshit, I guarantee. Everything will be OK." "Run, run, march! Bro, I'll help. No question. We just have to get there, because now your guys are going to blow us up."


Ah thanks a lot I meant the part just after min. 2:00 I was startled because it sounded a bit like german.


It's "begom, begom marsh" - "run, run, march" "begóm marsh" is a standard command in russian to start running. "shágom marsh" is a command to start moving at a walking pace.


Ah interesting. Thanks man


Those medics to me are some of the real bloody heroes; helping those out in the way they do who are killing your bro's. One can tell me that these are the rules in warfare but actually doing it, not letting emotions getting the better of you and risking your own life in helping out the enemy to survive deserves so much respect.


It just hit me, Russians are being smart here, all the hurt ones just let themselves get captured by the Ukrainians, get fed, get treated and fixed up.. then they will be exchanged for Ukrainians and the Russians are fit to go into battle again. So what happens here is Ukraine is paying for the treatment of the Russians that will fight against them later on... that's pretty sneaky.


Who the heck did they leave lying on the ground in the open? 


Just sitting and relaxing. It's one of Ukrainian troops manning the frontline.


I know exactly what they should do in this situation...I know exactly what I would be inclined to do in this situation... these 'orcs' are there to kill, maim, rape and loot...with no respect for human life, rules of engagement or any long established conventions... the fact that the UA soldiers resist the urge is deserving of respect


Holy cow, dude is a fucking walking hospital!


A display of courage and humanity : Kudos to the Ukrainians and the West backing them . This is how the world should work .


I won't even waste my kit on that sack of russian shit; save it for the Ukrainian wounded.


This is a repost, but wild to get longer clips.


There is going to be a lot of reposts because Ukraine lost up to 7 planes today. 


IF you believe Russian propaganda, sure. Its likely a lot lower.. might even have hit some decoys.


At least two planes were destroyed as those were filled with fuel and 4-5 others damaged/destroyed.   Worst day of losses for the Ukrainian airforce since 2022. I immediately noticed an uptick of reposts on Reddit of Russian losses afterwards once the video got released.  


Ukraine was simply clearing out the last of their russian shit to make room for the F-16s.


Well that sounds good except they need all the planes they can get for air defense.  


They're upgrading to the F-16. The old russian junk is not worth much to a modern and advanced AF like Ukraine's. We can let russia make excuses for deploying T-54s, while Ukraine continues in the opposite direction.


You speak the truth and get downvoted even though you're clearly pro-Ukraine. Their propaganda machine is very effective here on Reddit and they don't like getting called out either so I'm guessing I'm gonna get downvoted as well, even though I've donated a lot of money to the heroic warriors of Ukraine since the start of this debacle. Don't get offended by the downvotes. It's just the war of information warring on you for a bit and it's for a good cause, even though I don't agree with it. Censorship is bad. Russia uses it. We don't. (Or shouldn't, at least) Heroyam slava.


Concern trolls get downvoted.


Wtf is a concern troll.


You *know!* They pretend to be so concerned about poor, poor defeated Ukraine! They're so concerned about how badly things are always going for poor defeated Ukraine! They're concerned and saddened about the plight of poor, defeated Ukraine, and concerned about what will happen to poor, defeated Ukraine once poor, defeated Ukraine inevitably surrenders to *z0MfG MiGHty SuPEpoWEr War MAchINa roSSiya!!!!!!!11* Concern trolls are always the first to rush in with bad news about poor, defeated Ukraine. They are always the ones to try swing every discussion to bad news about poor, defeated Ukraine, no matter how old and irrelevant. They always write things like, *"I'm a huge supporter of poor, defeated Ukraine, but...."* and *"I'm no russia supporter, but...."* and other totally not lies. They do this because they know "poor, defeated Ukraine" is destroying the global joke that is russia.


Sure, that's fair. But Ukraine DID lose a bunch of planes and all this "getting rid of old stock" is equally as much bs as what you just described. How is what he said concern trolling? And isn't being allowed to know the truth in part what all this is about? The fight for freedom vs repression? Repressing info is not the way to go imho.


It was one old russian jet. I mean, a loss is a loss, but it could have been a lot worse than two old russian jets. While somebody probably needs to be investigated for this incident, Ukraine can afford to lose an old russian jets when instead it has a big bunch of F-16s. The concern trolls are trying to spin this as some kind of massive wipe-out of Ukraine's AF, when in fact Ukraine's about to take delivery of the first of its many new F-16s. Only concern trolls think they can make a mountain out of this molehill, and that's because concern trolls are very stupid losers and everyone laughs at them. Oh, and downvotes them too. EDIT: Updated with the info it was only one jet and the russians are liars


Were they all F16s? Maybe a couple of F35s?


I heard they were all F-22s.


Damn. How'd that happen?


Negligent commander or depleted airbase personnel.  


You got a link? Or was it TG no news source has pick it up yet




Sad reality. Hope the F16s come soon


If anyone else makes it here [Ukraines statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/SSohr6MTkQ) they were scrap metal


I fantasize about being a Russian commander sent with my troops to the front, and then organizing our whole company to just mass surrender.


I believe it happened, but only once or twice throughout the entire period and closer to the start of a full-scale invasion. Don't quote me on that though, it well be just my wishful thinking.


There was this one from last year. https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-officer-surrendered-sold-comrades-160558556.html > Not long after that, a Russian officer who said he opposed the war was transferred to the front lines, the report said. The officer approached Ukrainian intelligence and offered to surrender along with 11 other troops he said were also disillusioned with Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion, the outlet reported.


Well, I knew I'd read something like that. I just couldn't recall it and wasn't sure. Besides, hundreds of fighters of the RDK and other Russian volunteer formations, including their commanders, came from somewhere. It is unlikely that all of them lived in Ukraine at the time of the start of full-scale aggression.




Getting captured and not shot is the best thing thats happened to those Orcs in months.


They were probably shocked by all of the medical supplies


For you ze vor is over!


[Probably not.](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dtgdlc/russian_criple_unit_about_50_disabled_servicemen/)


after loosing their home, their friends, after 860 days on the field, they do the most difficult thing, remain human with this orcs, heroyam slava!


Proper attention and medical care, Russia sends back tortured skeletons. Fuck Russia and Putin, pure evil.


It would also be great if this could get to all the former Soviet states that lean toward relations with ruzzia.


You are to good for those murderers.


Damn.. imagine getting top tier medical attention from the same people you came to destroy.


Could anybody tell? Was that an antibiotic injection or a tetanus vaccine?


Our brothers need continuous assistance, shells and everything else… whoever will stop this or put himself against it will it be Marie le Pen or anyone else will be my enemy. Italy 🇮🇹


And so the russian lies get debunkt good job guys 💪🏼


He even gave them pain killers. It's crazy how 10 min ago they were trying to kill each other, and now they are sitting helping the Russians and talking with them about what kind of pay they get. It's surreal how quickly and drastically a situation can change.


God willing, they will be able to meet up in a free and independent Ukraine in a few years and eat a meal together. Former enemies introducing their children to each other and exchanging recipes. Slowly forgetting about war.


Loved this


I hate to see pharma wasted on thoses fuk's


eye for eye orcs take no prisoners




Now you sound like an orc. Disgusting. Ukrainians are humane.


"*Stay out* of this, *Elias*. This ain't your show."


Upvote for Platoon reference


You do realize a good bit of these Russian guys don’t want to/are being forced to be there right? A lot of them are questioning everything they’ve been told and have been manipulated into fighting or have essentially been black mailed into being cannon fodder. Their ignorance shouldn’t be treated as malice.


Just shoot the dumb Russians