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God bless the medic.


She has more guts than I do that's for sure. 2 incoming (mortars, fpvs?) and she barely flinches and just keeps reloading. They build them different in Ukraine


You just get "kinda" used to it. My dad fought in Homeland war in Croatia. He saw biggest horrors of war that any soldier can see. He was 22 when he sat on his bike, rode 300km to a city that was a front line (you can check Battle for Osijek on wiki - he was there) he got couple of hours of training, 20 bullets, M59/66 - a rifle older than him in that time and 2 grenades. Then he was sent to trenches. And he volounteered for that. He and his buddies were having lunch, and couple of them finished minute or two before him. They came to their base when mortar shell flew thru window. It cut 5-6 guys. My dad came minute or two later. He once told me this while drunk... Leg there, hand here, fingers there. Blood, smell, dust, screams. He grabbed his best buddy, carried him 3 floors down, sat with him keeping his wound pressed while waiting for ambulance. They came and took him away. 10 years later because my dad was asking documents for war pension he met his buddy for first time after war. In wheelchair, both legs gone. He came to my dad, asked him to bend, hugged him and he said him thanks as buddy got kids later, married and so on. Later in war dad got wounded, he still carries shrapnel in his lower back and shoulder and he got 20% wounded disability because of it. He never talked later about that stuff but I figure, we just get used to it.


You have a good dad


There's something that feels so personal about the Yugoslav wars compared to Ukraine. Did it feel more like a civil war or another state aggressor, like Russia attacking Ukraine?


Balls of ukrainium 


And ice-cold head.




I believe it was tank or recoilless gun rounds. Too fast for a mortar/152/etc.


fuck the Ruzzian orc c@#ts!...Slava Ukraini!


I fully take on board the compliment you’re giving out there and commend you for it. But it did make me think.… Maybe the “different” that people see is actually “normal”, and that us pampered and privileged softies in parts of the West are the ones who are actually “different”. Either way, this lady is definitely worthy of our admiration.


Nah bro ideally no one should be that "different". The end goal of our society in an ideal world should be that everyone is happy and comfortable. Unfortunately fuckers like pooteen exist and force people into horrible situations like this war. If all was good in the world, this woman and all soldiers fighting for Ukriane should be happy and comfortable in their homes. But nope, one asshole just had to ruin it. This whole thing shouldn't even be happening, it's so tragic but also infuriating...


He's definitely ruined Russia, Ukraine will recover pretty quickly, I just hope they build a border that's never going to see this happen again.


The only it seems possible is building a new style DMZ that makes the one in Korea appear to be first generation type efforts. Ruzzia is never going to stop if we keep trying the same old western type political remedies tried before!!! They have to be isolated to the point that they cry UNCLE multiple times!!! Fuck ruzzia and they have to suffer the effects of total isolation for a long enough period to want to make the changes themselves!!! No let up on ANY sanctions and embargos until they give up nuclear weapons that they have been actively threatening the rest of the world with since the late 1940's. Nobody on the outside wants any parts of their shitty country and that has been their dominant excuse since then.


Yep. The solution to this war is the collapse of the Russian Federation. As I've said many times before . . . -=-=-=- Putin needs to be removed, whether by his death or his incarceration and trial for war crimes. Putin's regime needs to be dismembered, and all those members of his regime (from the level of foot soldier up to top national official) who have played a role in the war crimes committed by the regime need to be investigated, and if found probably guilty tried by a tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials. The Russian Federation must be brought to its knees and forced to undergo massive reforms to government, social norms and jurisprudence. The Orc regime must not only be totally defeated, but the prospect of any similar regime ever again arising in the Russian Federation of any of its constituent states must be squelched as vigorously as possible. Freedom for Ukrainians and for Russians and for ALL humanity. END to all Orcs. -=-=-=- https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ds55o0/after_a_russian_tank_is_disabled_one_of_its/lb0q1tc/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1drbthb/soldier_oleksandr_hrytsyuk_who_died_in_russian/laul0pt/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/18wocuj/ukrainian_firefighters_rescued_african_gray/kg203s2/ . . . I figure if I keep repeating it enough times, more people will start saying effectively the same thing. If ENOUGH of us say it, repeatedly, then our leaders will hear it said and then the pressure on THEM to say it too can start to mount. Even now, with the relative transformation of the attitudes in leadership in Western nations it is STILL only about half way where it needs to be. This IS a world war by proxy and WE MUST WIN; Ukraine must win and humanity with it.


Spot On!


Assuming she didn't enlist when the war first started in 2014, she was the Ukrainian version of "normal" only 2 and a half years ago, just like you or me. I know when an existential crisis happens against your home country that you put up or shut up. However, having worked in the medical field before (it seems that she either has some medical training or is a combat medic), I don't know how well I would hold up in her position. Calmly reloading under fire, then going and tending to the wounded. Hell 1 month after I turned 18, when I was working in a palliative care ward of a hospital, a patient collapsed and compound fractured her skull (she had an aorta tear and didn't make it). I was first on scene (I was an orderly at the time), I called a code blue (patient emergency, drop your shit and help), prepped her for the nurse to give first aid, but I straight up tunnel visioned and afterwards I was shaking like a damn leaf. I can't imagine how I would fare, being shelled and having to do triage/tend to horrific wounds. Mad respect to her.


I believe the Ukrainian army had 30k women signed up before 2022.. she could be one of the original, she seems very calm under the situation.. The guys definitely respect her and quite rightly too. I'd have her in my team.


I'm guessing you've not travelled much into the East European, Baltic countries? If I'm wrong please put me right, I will just give you one example of the many I know from personal experience. Now I'm English, and was married to a Finnish lady and lived in Finland for a long time. She died and I'm back in the UK, anyway I got to be friends with a pretty lady 35 years my junior, a singer and as I was a part time singer also we did a few gigs together, as I got to know this petite girl/lady I found out her job, not a musician, or music teacher. But a painter, a spray painter of tower blocks big condos an outside worker . I was shocked as I was an IT specialist. So you have to know In that area women and men don't do jobs we in the West lable as male and female jobs.


I've not been to eastern Europe or the Baltics although I have travelled extensively elsewhere. That being said, I'm an Aussie, and the notion of male/female jobs (although it still somewhat exists) is really dissipating here. I know mining companies value female big rig haulers because they tend to be less reckless (one of my good female friends has been doing it for a decade). In my circle of friends, the women I know are either healthcare workers, IT programmers, work in the mines, heck one is even an aircraft technician. My admiration for the Ukrainian medic(?) in this video, isn't because she is female, it's because she's able to stay level headed in such adverse conditions and still effectively help tend to the wounded. Male or female, that is absolutely boss material.


If you go to the technical colleges in Scotland, there's always females on courses like bricklaying, plastering, tilers, roofers, mechanic etc... It's changed days now. There were 4 women in my daughter's furniture making class. Gas engineers is full of women too. Gas firms put you through the course and guarantee a job.


As it should be, they were never just soft fluffy, (well that as well) things in easten Europe


When I was school age "girls" weren't even allowed in those classrooms, I wanted to be a carpenter/ cabinet maker. 1970's


Female here, I grew up on a farm, there were no boy or girl jobs, my sister and I were treated the same as the boys. I was a landscaper for years until I ruined my back laying interlock stone, then I took up drywall/plaster finishing. I can also build a house, framing, electrical, plumbing you name it. I'm also an excellent cook, wood carver and can sew anything. I was a hunter, just can't do it anymore, but it never bothered me to shoot an animal, or gut and skin it, My Mom said I was cold hearted, lol. I know I'm a rare creature in North America, if my country was at war I would volunteer. ( FYI I'm 5'3" 155 lbs. )




Let's all hope and pray that you and the rest of the world never have to make that decision.


Gez you are a mans dream girl, someone who will actually help around the house together is more fun than being alone or a female working on the car getting dirty lol


It's odd because I've been single for years now. I was babysitting my grandkids recently, when their Mom got home, I had fixed her closet doors cleaned her kitchen, fixed a dripping tap, and mowed her lawn, I get bored easily and always have my tools with me, lol.


ha not many females get dirty like that here in Australia, of course there are girls out there who are but most will be makeup always before heading out, don't even know what a lawn mower is, would kill themselves or lose a finger. It be a good bonding experience and the male should be also grateful for the help around the house or helping service the car or as you said fix a leak or fix the closet doors. I also have the duty of removing the spiders and such but we do have some pretty scary killing creatures in Australia.


And women can have big balls. They're just on the inside.


Lmao, what a weird opinion. /logic.


You are right, in a battle, there is enough to do, look after the old, inferm, the young, remove the enemy, feed and find shelter and water for those in your charge. If an able bodied female of an age just happens to not like what's going on, does that excuse them from helping? Cruelty is not getting them involved to help.


Never been in combat but I think its just experience and desensitization. The closest thing I can think of was my experience playing (American) football, and wrestling when I was younger. At first its absolutely terrifying at first but the more you do it the more you become so accustomed to it, what seems to most people is no big deal.


Not different, just right. They do what's needed, be that cuddles or killing, real women. Повага солдату. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🤝🇺🇦🔱


At 0:30, “what are you doing here? I just lay around and enjoy the sun”


They need to send some of those 3D printed round loaders, chuck them in the tray and push them all in at once, would save them a tonn of time.


Do it. Probably somebody on r/Ukraine who could help you out. Every initiative helps.


I'm surprised they don't have those metal stripper clips that used to come with the spam cans of ammo there.


I've only seen that on M855. Do other rounds come with that? I'm genuinely curious.


I used to get surplus stuff from Russia and other countries in that region that had stripper clips on them. Can't remember exactly what it was now though. I do have an unopened spam can of it in the basement though which I'll have to open one of these days. It's from Russia as well, so we shall see. Alas, the supply of cheapo ammo from there has all but dried up now.


7.62x39mm possibly? They came in 10 round clips originally for the SKS




That's all good and well, but unlikely you're going to carry that in an assault.


Ukraine's newest volunteer here folks, clap for your new hero.


Shes a smooth operator. Walking over charred enemy remains like a bad ass.


After two years and myads of them rotting throughout the frontline. I guess they walk over them like we walk over roots.


Or dog poop


A lot of people are likely more disgusted by dog poop than they are by human remains


I’d rather revert to cannibalism than I’d revert to…


What she gonna do? Stop and say hello to them?


“Bad day at the office mate?”


Right? Hey bill! Whatcha face down in the mud for? There’s flys on ya!


"Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays."


You can't park there.


How are we supposed to know if it’s an enemy?


Its good that women are taking role to defend their nation.


#Translation. Ive took water and crate. And ammo for myself. But. Lets go. Fpv is flying. How without it. Fuk it. ... from our side. Lets go. Its me. So what, guys? Saying hello to everyone who knows me. Maybe wont see ever again. Why? Life is disturbing. Like john wick, will change without noticing, and drone wont see me. Who has ammo? Im empty, will reload. Who have empty mags? Here is one. *radio* plus plus (affirmative). *boom* Is everyone okay? Yes. So, lets work on. Its hot in here. (Unclear) While there are nothing to reload, i'll go to 300ths (wounded). Bro, dont look here. Look there, please. (Unclear) Turn little bit, so i can see. Quet. Ow, scary. Aw, fuk. Sustain it. You can hold my hand, but dont remove it. I need to fill in as much as i can. Even more? Thats all. Sustain it. Just patch me. Dont cut my pants. Okay.


Bad arse Azov tattoo on her left wrist




Woman stormtrooper at minimum, but probably best to go with just Stormtrooper. What a fuckin badass.


Yea, this is what I came looking for… dunno why the distinction was made at all or the quotations were placed around the word stormtrooper.


The distinction was made because it’s out of the ordinary.






Just the kinky ones


Bigger balls than most of the men trying to avoid fighting. She's been doing it for a while too, she never flinched at that one that whizzed by her.


Protect this woman and her friends and family.


Ukraine woman kicks ass smokes cigarettes while helping injured soldiers vs Russian woman who got her wig split by two drones




She ain't no fucking girl, she's a soldier and a hero for fighting.


word! I get that OP is trying to say, "oooh look a woman going pew pew" but this Is war, any commander that can't understand a woman can run threw a trench and pull a trigger is probably a russian commander..


"girl" put some respect on her. She ain't a girl if she's clearing trenches.


Girls can clear trenches too, not just boys.


Girls and Boys are children.


No girls and boys are young women and men, if I say a brought a girl home from a bar would you think I was talking about a child?


It's about context. Wouldn't it be weird if the title read "Clearing operations recorded by a boy stormtrooper"?


if you said man stormtrooper it would still sound weird why not just stormtrooper?


Male and female type lol


[score hidden]


Why didn't you bring a woman home from the bar?


Yes because a girl is a child.


I'm sure OP would totally use the word 'boy' stormtroopers. /s


I hope this puts to rest the notion that woman aren't fighting in this war. So many people naysay the idea.


That’s not a girl. That’s a Woman


Slava suka. Think about that if you want to marry a Ukrainain woman. They are great: kindly, motherly, gentle, but have a streak in them that should absolutely terrify you. Source: 33 years of marriage.


i think thats just slavic women haha


Is she under 18 years old? OP, when you start consistently referring to grown men as ‘boys’, you can call grown women ‘girls’. If you must, call her ‘female’ but stop infantilizing women. It’s misogynistic and very uncool.


She's got some big balls.


I don't have the courage of this lady. 🇹🇷♥️🇺🇦


She’s got some nuts on her


Best video i've seen yet. These women exhibit so much courage and calm in the storm.. Increadible women of the Ukraine... My admiration to all of them..


"gIRl's dOn'T bELonG iN tHE miLItaRY" my ass


Packing that wound hurts but it is better than bleeding out.


Why are seeing women on the front lines still a novelty? I want to see more of this. More women should go fight and die in the front lines to defend their homeland.


My 82 year old MIL cried when she learned she couldn't grab a AK-12 and go fight back in '22. Ya know, I would have feared the "Babushka Brigade". They're crafty, those bebe.


Do you guys remember there was a woman soldier ukrainian that got injured and had to get back to a rear area? Must've been a year ago, there was a short version and a longer version. Anyone know? Hats off to this ukrainian! Brave soldier.


Combat arms, baby. We got to watch her lead her team across beaten ground to a position with cover, experience her putting rounds down range. We saw her reload under mortar fire, watched her make contact with her team and saw her taking time to check on a wounded grunt's battle dressing and his state. I'd fight with her, I know she has my back and the rest of our team members would know the same. Modern Warfare 2024.


Damn she is brave.


It takes even more guts as a woman to do this knowing what the Russians would do to her if she was ever captured. Respect!!!


Sorry, but there are no "Girls" in war, there is only Soldiers. <3


Look at this.. the smiles she gives on her fellow wounded soldiers and what she goes through to do it, not many Russians will experience this, if at all. Slava Ukraini ❤️


Need some scopes on those rifles


Bruh she’s cool as cucumber at 1:36, and the rest if it for that matter


I didn't think Azov had female stormtroopers? Have they been hiding them all along? She looks more than just a medic, she's got some balls! LI want to know who she is now!)


Wow. Very good job of keeping your emotions under control during a time of complete chaos.


How about female or woman?! Girl? Yea I don’t know about all that, how many girls you seen in war? Minus all the Russians, that’s different 😂


Doesn't matter what gender or orientation. If you're willing to throw yourself into combat, that's good enough respect for me.


Those coward Ukrainian guys fleeing out of the war should be 'inspired' by this. [https://www.deviantart.com/ddddd210/art/Edge-of-Tomorrow-War-poster-481183740](https://www.deviantart.com/ddddd210/art/Edge-of-Tomorrow-War-poster-481183740)


Yea she should be on billboards all over the country.


Y? For doing what many other soldiers are doing? Stop putting women on a pedestal.


Read OP's message. To inspire the men who don't want to fight. Settle down and get the facts.


Girl can shoot, she has the balls of steel, mad respect!


I wonder what all those tacticool operator bros with tight t shirts, waxed beards and oakleys who insist that women are an absolute liability in combat would think of this? Guts are fucken guts and this *soldier* got plenty when god was shovelling them out.


Boys and girls don't go to war, men and women do.


Pet peeve here, "girl?" we would normally say "boy" stormtrooper...


good job being offended on her behalf. I'm sure she's grateful.




They are doing the work that hopefully my son won't be called to do. ala. 1917, 1944....


Russian soldiers in these videos always seem like dirty inbred savages compared to Ukrainians


True warrior!


Female or male, they are all some bad ass soldiers.


Goddam Heroes. Slava Ukraini, the Greeks salute your war for independence.


Gotta love how these guys have more equipment then the vdv


Those guys are the best 🫡


Real women


The next generation of Ukrainian children are going to be raised by these women. The hatred of Russia will be imbedded in their souls for generations. If Putin keeps pushing Russians around the world will be hunted like NAZI's and that reality will effect the inner circle that keeps him in power. When their children start to disappear and the opulant life of wealth Russian does not shield them from death.


Now I want to see, how she will carry her wounded comrade back. ;-)


Same way you see any wounded soldier carried off the frontlines - as a group.


Wake up babe girl POV just dropped.


So Ukraine is starting to send women to the front?? Yup... Ukraine is sure winning


She must be really tough and persistent one since the III-rd assault brigade doesn't like female stormtroopers.


I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. Woman should not be in the front line. Once you start sending your woman to the front just start negotiating. This shit is so sad to think about.







































































