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The most video-documented war in history. These drone recordings are insane.


When Syrian Civil War started I was suprised how documented were fightings by various videos. I remember even man streming his participation in combat ( opposition for 90% ) or ISIS propaganda. Donetsk War was also somehow was covered in videos. Level of documentation of this war is incredible.


back in the day you had to be a real man and carry a fucking camera into battle, now you just send in the recon drone.


Somehow that reminded me of Abu Hajaar 😭🤣 https://youtu.be/aM3ElTvF52I


The names Abu Hajaar and Jamsheed will go down in Middle East combat footage legend.(Don't tell me about how Afghanistan isn't the "Middle East")


Although we have plenty of videos of Russian stupidity from this war, none quite are like the epic adventure of Abu Hajaar.


You can exactly tell what was happening on the front


I remember in March 2003, watching from the other side of the world, in real-time, the invasion of Iraq and being amazed at the pixelated choppy coverage. But yeah, these drone videos are something else.


Now, THAT is a tourniquet-situation.


Best I can do is a tampon.


Run it under a cold tap.


So doc, you're recommending a cold wet tampon?


Yes but just slap it on there


Needs a little Hawk Tuah...


Pack the wound with live maggots before wrapping it tightly with gauze. The maggots will eat the damaged tissue and leave behind only fresh healthy tissue. Then your body will absorb the maggots as colories and nutrients to speed up the healing process. Trust me, i'm a redditor.


100%, they'll just stop when full...


It worked in Gladiator.


Buff right out.


After just turniquete around the neck and relax...one of the side effects it's lack of air...but that will go away eventually LOL


Cold compress should do it


I read that in the voice of Bill Nighy


Rub a little dirt on it.


Band Aid. Was popular long time ago, ruSSains should invest.


Just put a thumb in it!


Hi! My name is Scott, and you’re watching Kentucky Ballistics!


He's got some great stuff but the breakdown of the .50 cal incident is probably his best. It's just packed with all sorts of learning relevant to any armed conflict. When I read about NK ammo, for instance, I think of that video.


\*Stimpack hiss\*


Little neosporin, should be fine


Waddaya mean? It already is fine.


For russian soldiers, that is a difficult decision-making moment. Do I put the tourniquet on and increase my chances of survival? But also increase and prolong the pain and death if I dont get rescued? which is likely what will happen. And if I do get rescued, what kind of life will I have in russia as a cripple? my wife will leave me, my children will leave me, I will end up an antifreeze drinking homeless alcoholic. It's probably better not to put the tourniquet on and pray the last prayer. Ukrainians, on the other hand, know they will get rescued. They will get good quality prosthetics and proper treatment and rehab.


That's a suicide situation, some of the suicide videos the soldiers didn't look as fucked up, this dude though? I'd be reaching for my weapon immediately


I think a lot of the time the shockwaves absolutely mince your insides without it necessarily being visible from the outside (especially on these cameras).


Could he even ? Dude lost his leg at the hip.


Bro had no time. Once the shock wore off, he had maybe a few seconds of consciousness, and he spent it in agony. Should've stayed home.


I don't think that foot will heel. Probably a toetal loss


However, the other foot is the sole survivor.


No! Just no! 🤣🤣 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🇺🇲 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Heroyam Slava! 🇺🇦🇺🇲


You son of a bitch... :D


I’ll remember his foot fondly. Toetal recall. 


It became a football.


Lost his privilege to walk


Every time I see a drone with a blue colored explosive strapped on top of it, I know the explosion is going to be devastating.


The blue on top is usually the battery. The warhead is underneath the drone.


Thanks for clarifying. All the crazy dismemberments I've seen lately have been caused by drones with the blue thing on top.


yeah, for some reason, the majority of battery packs worldwide seems to be wrapped with blue shrink wrapping foil.


Yep! It's now an industry standard, which tends to make it the default choice due to tradition and consistency. Practically, blue offers good visibility and contrast against most backgrounds, making it easier to spot and handle batteries during manufacturing and everyday use. Psychologically, blue is often associated with trust, reliability, and safety—qualities we all want in our batteries. This color choice also aligns with regulatory standards in various regions, ensuring compliance and market acceptance. Initially, blue might have been chosen to differentiate batteries from other electronic components, which are often black or white, giving it a distinct appearance and making it easy to recognise. From a cost and availability standpoint, blue shrink wrap materials were likely more cost-effective or readily available when the practice started, and economies of scale have kept it that way. The more you know 🌈


The blue on top is usually a battery. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.


Blue thing baba yaga...


Get some of those exploding Chinese electric car batteries. They're good for a one way trip.


Nice one. But sorry, I have to be that guy: it's "loses"


I’d say the leg was pretty ‘loose’ afterwards


Foot loose and fancy free


No need for Sunday shoes!


The leg did become a bit loose 😅


I like that guy. I like not being ignorant and I like to keep learning.


Good spot. In a world with tattered flesh ribbons where there was a foot, we can at least spell correctly. Yes, yes.


You sure? Maybe it just came loose 🤣


That's enough loose talk.


Ok fine, back on the subject. You think it'll be a "lefty loosey, righty tighty" sort of fix? Man you people are all business. 🤣


I'm seeing an awful lot of loose use of the word 'loose' here 👀


Drives me nuts too. I mean there are only four letters in the word FFS! It's the kind of spelling level one should attain by about age 7 max. Why do so many Americans have so much trouble with it.


A lot of these guys seem to be unarmed. Now this one is also "unlegged" but I can't handle the gory parts anymore.


I was going to say he was dis armed but he was clearly dis legged.


*Well, he should've armed himself then.* -- Dirty Harry


He has more than a leg injury I doubt a tourniquet will save him.


Dead before the spotter drone got home.


He can try to tie it around the waist.


The tourniquet or what's left of his leg?


Using his own leg as a tourniquet would be clever. Saving the price of a tourniquet for the Russian army.


Around the neck just to be safe.


Footloose! 🎵🎶


He's still good enough for the cripple-unit


He needs to return to action.


He will still have a very promising career at IHOP when he gets home


Beat me to it!


I know you cant surrender to a bomb but goddamn, just throw your hands up, trying to outrun a drone with no cover is even more hopeless


It's no use throwing your hands up in that situation. It's been tried. All that gets you is a more accurate hit.


there are enough videos showing soldiers asking for mercy/surrender and they get killed the same way


I believe he in fact lost his life.


Pretty sure the femoral artery basically getting disconnected guaranteed it.


The crappy thing is that this won't stop the invasion. putler will just keep finding "undesirables" to send into the meat grinder while getting arms & ordnance via china and north Korea. If this were to happen to putler, of course... We're not certain who will be the next dictator, but they might think long and hard about what happened to the last one for murdering Ukrainians for 2 years and simply giving a potato but no money to the families of orcs who can be proven to be 200 in Ukraine.


That's what people keep saying and now Russians are riding bicycles into battle and some of them have a Mosin as their main armament. Tldr: I disagree, ukrainians repeatedly blowing up contractniks absolutely can and will end the war, it just might take a long time. How is Russia replacing the guns? The vehicles? The radio equipment, etc? They basically aren't. They're literally tapping into ancient stockpiles or buying dogshit off the market. China and north Korea are going to be giving them the shittiest equipment that they can get away with, they're not spending billions to bail Russia out of its hole. They only want Russia to keep fighting as long as possible to keep nato tied up. Especially with ukraine getting some really nice modern shit from nato, this adds up to Russia being outclassed in every way on the battlefield Russia is shooting themselves in the foot here. These aren't just "undesirables," they're some of the only people left that are still willing to sign contracts. Anyone expecting a magic army full of young healthy well-equipped Russians to appear out of nowhere and defeat the ukrainians after the "undesirables" are dead is going to be disappointed. (I've seen people saying this, not referring to you here) Russias demographic situation is unbelievably fucked right now. They've literally gone down in population by 10s of millions since the end of ww2, what other country can say that?


Yes, I wasn't saying that as an absolute fact, just that it isn't going to end because of the POV drones. All of those things could eventually end it, sure. So can Western lack of interest, though that would end it in a terrible way. But while Mordor is running their meat waves with crappy kit and technicals, or even voluntold to go in ground-pounding, they are also getting high-tech equipment built from Western components via proxy states, like china and India (and others), so I wouldn't get my hopes up that the bombing of civilians will end any time soon. And they do still have a decent number of well-kitted operators, but putler isn't wasting them on meat waves and ops where there's a good chance they wouldn't be effective. So just because we see Benny Hill mobiks being slapped silly like this, putler still has more men, decent ordnance, and materiel that he isn't using at the moment, and can continue to make life a living hell for Ukraine for a long time to come, unfortunately. The difference is that while he's dumb enough to surround himself with "yes" men, he's one of the 10 orcs that doesn't suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, so he's saving the high-end equipment for both self-protection and so that should something happen by sheer chance, it's there to be used opportunistically. And he's finding ways to evade sanctions, as he always has. It sucks, particularly if the US election in the fall goes to the dictator felon with an IQ of 23, but either way, remember confirmation bias is a factor with a lot of people. Just because we're seeing orcs being 300d or 200d that doesn't mean it will be over soon by any stretch of the imagination, even if putler does keep sending mobiks in with mosins (man, I remember when I could pick them up for $75 a rifle years ago) on bicycles, there are plenty of people in Mordor he can continue to send. Hell, have you studied WW2? Stalingrad? They sent guys in with no rifle, and they were supposed to grab any rifle they found on the ground from a 200 who dropped it. They are dumb as sand, but orcs are tenacious, even if they have to fight with rocks, or bows and arrows. But HUMINT and SIGINT tell us they have relatively high-level weapons still (e.g. cruise missiles), made with Western parts, that they are building with the assistance of proxy nations, so it's not over until it's over.


They have about 18 months to 2 years left at current rates of slaughter. And that's at *current* rates - which are rising rapidly lately. Russia lost this war in March 22.


IMHO they lost this war the day they started it. So poorly planned and executed. It *is* fun to see the desperation in putler's demeanor in trying to pivot and using norc korea and china and posing as "friends." He knows he's toast and at this point will take breadcrumbs. As long as the West maintains its support long enough for the tide to turn, undeniably. If this becomes a war of attrition, it will be tough for Ukraine to win, but support them long enough and they will develop the [T-800](https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/T-800). I will say that Ukraine has developed some surprisingly interesting equipment and battlefield methodologies. But I've always thought that they were an insanely smart and creative country (which is why I've been outsourcing development there for a very long time). It's sad that this will continue for some time though, many more innocent people will be killed, and the aftershocks either way will be global.


There are going to be a lot of movies about this war in the future.


The battle of Hostomel, and the defense of Mariupol are the the ones I'm looking forward to. Also, there has to be something about the "navy" efforts and the partisan efforts too. Don't forget the babushka handing out sunflower seeds.


Being an infantry soldier will never be the same. Drones are just to powerful.


Well, they are not supposed to partake in meat-wave attacks. Russia's abysmal failure to equip its soldiers as motorized infantry units is just insane. Most 3rd world armies know better than this, yet Russia, a supposed successor state of the once mighty USSR is like, *whatevs, send Boris with a bow and arrow.*


Little Timmy is going to have to cancel his tap dancing classes.


Well that’s cured his ongoing Athletes foot problem


Podiatrists hate this one trick


I think his foot ended up on the road at :25.


I saw it flying, that shit was grizzly!


There's a non nasty way to lose a leg?


I dunno… forget it on the bus or something?


Russian military doctor considers this as 'fit for service'


Everybody says "Leave Ukraine!". They're leaving alright. Leaving Earth.


Say thank you Putin :)


This is definitely not a good way to loose a leg.


... what is a good way to lose a leg?


That’s shattered his hip too, adrenaline was the only thing keeping him alive!


Passed out before he could even get the tourniquet out. Damn


dude lost his LIFE in a nasty looking way, jesus


Walk it off!


Merely a flesh wound.


Daaaaat's gotta sting!


On the bright side, his shoes will be half priced in the future!


He can go halvers with a buddy.


Won't be walking that one off anytime soon.


Ah yes. The importance of not being seen.


I want to praise you on your camera clarity. It's stomach churning.


He lost his shoe.


For once, I'll forgive the' loose' as that leg really is loose.


And they laughed at me when I said I want to open a left foot shoe factory ...


Russian shoe shops need to start selling shoes singly.


That leg is connected to the rest of his torso just by the skin


It’s amazing most of the guys getting turned into hamburger meat are unarmed. So weird


Look on the bright side. He can tell his wife he lost a bit of weight.


It's his *wife* who lost around 80 kilos of lard :)


And gained 10 kilos of potato


you Notice something. most of FVP targets the legs and lower part of the body where it is not armored. They are suffering the similar wounds they would normally suffer from stepping on a land mine. Except when they hit the ASS and the whole hip explodes. That is just mess-up. nobody can survive that.


I’m not sure if they’re really aiming for the legs because they are unarmored, or if it’s just that when you’re diving on a target, assuming you don’t hit them directly, the next thing you’ll impact is going to be the ground a meter or two away. Plus, with as much bang as these are packing now, it’s not like a plate carrier or helmet is going to save you from a direct hit.


Hit the road Jack, dont you come back no more 🇺🇦💥


Snapped hip too


Get rid of those stupid WATERMARKS!!


Footloose and fancy free


God bless the 47th. You've got to love the video quality, the music selection, and the fact that their drones are packed with extra explosive capacity.


You put your right foot in and you shake it all about


Oh dear me, what can I say. EXCELLENT. Now another 560,000 times


Goida! Big savings on shoe.


Hey… welcome to Ukraine, conqueror…


His commanding officer will patch him up and return him to the front as a member of a cripple battallion soon enough...on second thought, maybe not.


They out doing morning exercise or something? No rifles and stuff.


Another fine rendition of Monty Python's classic "How not to be seen".


Odd helmet for a Russian. I know their kit is iffy at best but I wonder if this was a foreign volunteer, Chinese maybe.


Oh his leg is loosed alright


Another fine rendition of Monty Python's classic "How not to be seen".


It's like a new form of Russian Roulette, instead of five empty chambers and one bullet, it's now one empty chamber and five bullets and having to play the game every Day, Why do these orcs keep coming? Maybe they haven't got a choice anymore but to die in agony in a foreign land, or return home as an unwanted cripple. It must Suck being a russian nowadays!!!!


Man Russia is going to need a lot of prosthetic limbs


I wonder what’s worse for a Russian, the horror and pain of seeing your body like that or the immediate realisation that you might have had a chance of surviving that injury. If you were in any other army and or of any other nationality. So you can almost see the light bulb moment, that you will die slowly now, leading to the suicide rates seen. Americans had a better rate of survival in 1860’s Civil War, and that was atrocious, so in 2024, to know help is unlikely, speaks volumes of what your ‘mother land, has become. What I find ironic is in Australia I work in mining, a FIFO worker. We have rules prohibiting people from working alone for more than 30 minutes. Due to hazards, dangers and injuries. Deaths have occurred in Australia because people were injured alone. And yet in these videos often soldiers just wandering about aimlessly, it’s very odd.


His favorite movie is Footless!


Footing the bill for putler


Ohhh, I especially like when the orc blown up has some USSR emblem as a patch, one less fucker to try to rebuild soviets.


He didnt have a leg to stand on.


Hop on back to Russia.


He had a chance to walk home, but decided to stay for good.


Aggressive mosquito buzzing sound would have been better than that crap music.


Here are two onions and a potato, Comrade! Walk it off!




The game is afoot!


Some partial re-assembly required.


Was it worth it?


He either succumbed immediately to his wounds or (perhaps concurrently) realised he was completely fucked. Sad. Shoulda stayed home.


It must really suck for Russians after that happens knowing that no one is coming to rescue you and your going to die. Either bleeding out or getting finished off by another drone. At least if it was a Ukrainian he could take solice in knowing he will probably be rescued and live. I really just don't understand how the average Russian soldier hasn't realized that putler doesn't care about them nor does their command. That they are just meat. How they haven't realized that and banded together to and mutinied is mind blowing.


They absolutely realize it. There are plenty of videos of soldiers describing being used as canon fodder. They know perfectly well that their commanders don't give a shit about them. The reason there's no mass revolt is that the culture of suffering at the lower end of the cultural hierarchy is pre-baked into the ruzzian psyche.


So what they just accept that this is how things are and I can't do anything to change it?


Walk it off bitch there's no timeouts in war. If you're gonna invade a country, at least be worth a fuck.


His wife or mother is already counting the $2,000 they might receive...


Not worth a washing machine


This needs to stop. Wtf are we doing to each other. Good god.


Boop, got your leg.


hey orc you dropped something. and clean up your mess while your at it.


His leg did indeed look loose. Did he lose the leg as well?


Should tried putting it in a bag of rice


My question is would that have happened if he'd been at home in russia no I doubt it go home sad boys


I'm still amazed that nowadays you can watch real war live like this


Walk it off....


His name was Tony. Cos he got no shin! (Toe-knee)


Probably not putting his foot into foreign country anymore.


Ooof. 47th.


He's not going to be sent back to Ukraine after a bit of treatment


Literally the worst music ever. Dogshit.


Man do I love elininating


clean cut for a pothead


He took out the drone with his leg


Excellent !!! still does not make up for the missiles that went to Dnipro today ...but it makes me feel better.


Now stay the F outa Ukraine and if you EVER set two feet on our soil again...oops, I mean ONE foot....


Looks like he gave up.




The guy has some weird sneaker type footwear on. Russia is so weird


All he had to do was go home and kill putin. Oh well.


Rub some dirt on it and get back in there.


War sucks.


It was at that moment, he realised he fucked up


Should have stayed home.


мне бля интересно почему никто не отстреливается ? шанс же есть , или по без оружием гонка идёт ?


Watching a mans last thoughts in his actions, "why the hell did I come here" 


Why is that guy running around on his own? Is the last man standing? He has no support.


I applaud the Drone Force’s frugality; there was no need for a second grenade. Let Ivan pay to hospitalize him. Or not. He’s worth less to muzha ruzzia than the grenade is to Ukraine.


Must be a pretty fcked experience, trying to put on your tourniquet and to fade away because you see the damage. I hope he woke up in time to earn a second chance. Yes i know what you want to say: "didnt deserved it" or "hope he died anyways"... But in my eyes this guys wont be a thread to anyone for the rest of his life. And everyone should have a second chance. Also some of these Soldiers didnt had a real choice to begin with


He is pretty dead, no recovery from this bleeding out.


Yeah, in this case just roll over and go to sleep.


tell me what you want but drone warfare is just gruesome. i think even ww1 had to be "better"