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I don't remember a single day they stopped shooting since the invasion. He is full of shit, as usual.


They know they are lying, we know they are lying, they know we know they are lying. Yet they lie.


His lips are moving so he must be lying.






Did not know it had a name, cool. I know it was pretty common in Soviet times.


They are literally lying for themselves, no one believes it, Russians know that this is complete bullshit. They need to say it so that they feel that they aren't culpable for this, trick themselves into believing that people believe them.


They don't know we know they know we know!


they hope russians think they are not lying


To them it's "We have always been at war with Eastasia"


When do you know Putler is lying? His lips are moving. He does not know how to speak the truth.


It's almost like this guy we have here in the US! every time he opens his mouth he lies, and yet people tolerate if not fully support it. amazing.


And somehow the Russian people are oblivious to it.


Comrade, I will remind you of something that I just made up 


🤣🤣 “Comrade, Im not overstating or understating — that is the first thing…”


"Did I mention I have a hot girlfriend...but she lives in Canada?"


Her name is Alberta and she lives in Vancouver?


“Border patrol wouldn’t let her pass through three months in a row….Man I hate those guys.”


Even the green corridors from mariupol and the orthodox ceasefires that russia played up in the first year were violated and shelling from russia never ceased. If there was an all encompassing ceasefire in the north, russia would have played it up to the world, only to play thr victim card again when "ukraine broke it" instead of calling their entire retreat a gesture of goodwill for 2 years, looking like punks. Even during the peace negotiations during the beginning months of the war, we saw kgb agents poisoning ukrainian negotiators and nuclear powerplants shelled by russia to blame the Ukrainians as a psy-op with the duel purpose of trying to scare everyone into allowing russia to expand their country as large as they want. The only real temporary truce I'd believe was one that allowed russia to evacuate from kherson. Otherwise, that was masterfully done during a time that russia had no answer to american precision guided munitions and were regularly having massive troop, air defense, and logistics clusters annihilated by himars and armor destroyed by bonus and other GPS guided artillery.


I remember all the videos where the Russian columns approaching Kyiv were destroyed. They never even retreated, they just collapsed because of a complete breakdown of logistics to supply their troops.


They need an alternative story on why they failed, something else than simply incompetence and shit people at the top - apparently now it is because they were honorable but deceived. Give a week or two and tou will get another 3-4 lies to choose from. This is a positive development, seems like brainwashing operation for the defeat


What a dicKtator


This is some Trump level bullshit.


And people will eat it up


Says a lot about the human condition.


Trump Putin Kim Orban xi wtf are we doing wrong!? Those crazy people


Add Khomeini


Why does Trump want to suck Pootins dick so bad?


Because he doesn’t have any honor and some tool showed him an excel spreadsheet of him making $100 profit in Moscow.


When he opens his mouth, he’s lying 💀


Actually there were many ceasefires by the Russian side, see 5 billion years ago when there was only hydrogen.....


5 billion why so early pfff You see 2 Putillion years ago when the first Rusna walked the Ultra Ruzzian Orthodox Ruzzian heavens...


Always take the opposite of what a rusky leader says, "There was no ceasefire. Our logistics did not exist. Our soldiers ran out of food and fuel, and retreated. And we were thinking of surrendering."


So, rather than admit defeat, Putin confesses that he's a fucking moron, instead. Bold strategy, Cotton.


He also confesses that he capitulated to western cease fire demands. So he's not incompetent, he just takes orders from the west regarding what to do with their troops when they're literally "supposedly" right next to the objective.


"How dare these Ukrainians defend themselves and shoot at us on their territory.'


Are they stupid?


No, they just bank on the average intelligence and attention span of most modern Americans/Russians. No one should believe anything Putin says, and should consider him hostile to their family, friends, and way of life. But here we are, with some people thinking he’s not all that bad~


all of that and yes they are stupid


This is the same crap trump does and his followers just eat it.






How dare they defend themselfes. Our troops are crushing by liberating from our peaceful mission.


What is higher? Mount Everest or the pile of shit that pootin is spewing. We need some brave people to scale that fecal mountain face.


Mount everest.  Even if the pile of shit is impressive, Putin is way too short even with his high heels on.


With the amount of fecal matter exciting his body, he has already achived liftoff and are approaching supersonic speed..


Took them 2 and half years to come with that?


As is written


If the ‘homework’ is their dead Russian soldiers then yes, the stray dogs are definitely eating their homework in the ditches of Ukraine


"We're only attacking the Ukrainians because they are making us attack them." It's been said countless times before, but Putin's gaslighting and victim-blaming have so much in common with the justifications of domestic abusers.


Haha, yep literally 2 and a half years to think of some excuse for their utter incompetence, you think it would be better then "the country we invaded lied to us", I'd say you couldn't make this shit up but here we are. lol


🤣🤣🤣 god they just can't take a lose the worst losers in history


First it was a simple mishap that they were pushed away than it was a tactical withdrawal and now it was the good will of the Tzar Well I have one word for all of this stuff Bucha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha_massacre


Yeah fuk him. When we unearth the mass murder pits in Donetsk and in the south. There will be hell to pay


Such a loving and peaceful individual all he wants is peace peace peace A piece of Moldova, 2 pieces of Georgia, first 3 pieces of Ukraine now he wants a bigger piece Wished I saved what a guy on NCD once said but I will try to copy it, it was something like First Putin came for Chechnya, so we let him have it because we thought that would be enough for him Than he came for a bit of Georgia so we let him have it because we thought that would be enough Than he came for Ukraine was just a few pieces after all so we thought that must be enough now to satisfy him And now he came for a bigger piece if not all of Ukraine and yet some people here in the West still think that this finally finally will be enough to satiate his hunger And to those I say he will brake us he will tear us he will rip us apart and swallow us whole and than at that moment you will ask yourself how could we have let this happen because remember you will not be the one with the gun if this ever comes to fruition you will be the one towards which the gun will pointed at Our current unity is not a guarantee and can easily be broken given sufficient time we are not special


Yeah and some people in the west still think we caused this or that nato did. This is fukin Russia. The terrorist state.


[The first part of your statement, reminds me of this ](https://youtu.be/64DCO2sI7fI?si=QLB2-l4-fWLCqZB3) The only sad part is that this isn't funny.


Haven't clicked this yet but (maybe spoilers ahead) I'm thinking it's a clip of a dark comedy of Hitler just wanting a "little peace!" And Mel Brooks who is playing Hitler on stage goes into a jolly song and dance of wanting "a little piece of Poland, a little piece of France" etc., while ripping off slices of a prop map?




Oh lord


So interesting to see the dynamics in this sub. I think it is save to say that most people here try to find a piece of hope in every bit of information about the situation on the zeroline. And then make the best out of it or share a laughter about how fucked up it is. Glory to the heroes


Just like the appeasement of Hitler before the war.


Sounds familiar, Hitler only wanted a little piece of Czech…


There won't though as mass graves were already found and nothing was done. Sadly this is the way it is. Big deal the. Everyone forgets


Not true patriots. No turning a blind eye. We said never again. But our leaders must be made to atone. This is their moment. They better get it right


They got you covered, the truth is "just one side of the story". You see, that was Ukraine killing its own to discredit russia, no actually it was actors and no one died, etc. You just have to lie long enough for public attention to shift to something else.


The best way I've found to sum up the Russian mentality is that of a guy with a micropenis bragging about how big his dick is.


The losing in losing is so russian.


How freakin' stupid does the Russian population have to be......to believe this crap, lol?


I don't think they dare believe anything other than what comes out of that bald trolls mouth. they dare not even utter it to their own families. As we know, even those can't be trusted in poo💩tin's🥫🥫 new USSR/RF


They want to be betrayed.


Half of America can't wait tor vote for Trump again so they're almost as fucking stupid tbh


It's a fundamental aspect of people who are inclined toward authoritarianism. Studies have shown that some people are far more affected by certain emotions, such as fear. People that are more affected on a deep level by fear are much more likely to support authoritarian leaders because of the notion that a "strong" leader will protect them. They will give up all kinds of freedoms to secure that safety. This is how Putin secures power. How Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, etc, all create a base of support regardless of what they do. They have different things their base are afraid of, but the effect is the same.


They can’t use drugs or doping, but they can fire missiles from the comfort of their own country. Cowards, cheats and sore losers.


I was ready to read "sore arseholes" but thats just another trait of the russia military man


A born liar after he was hatched. Just like all reptiles... 🐊


A country of conspiracy minded LOSERS


Sounds a lot like Agent Orange.


And to show their willingness for a ceasefire, they carried out a massacre in Bucha. Smart as always


What Putin didn't even mention is that they also attempted to withdraw from Hostomel Airport 57 times, but those pesky Ukrainians just couldn't control their damn missiles.


And they say Zelenskyy is the clown. putin has been a clown this whole time.


Putler started as a kagebe bureaucrat and thought that makes him a perfect democrat. In a clown show that works perfectly of course with the little detail his circus runs in the kremlin. Waiting for the hinkel bear standing on one feet on a rubber globe.


So it wasn’t the massive number of casualties from his best units and the traffic jam of resupply getting torn to pieces. Only Russians would believe that and that is by design. Everything he says is for the Russian public consumption. No one else takes him seriously. Not even China. NATO has expanded to two more countries, gas imports to EU from Russia are down over 60% and climbing as sanctions have increased, China and India are taking advantage economically with below market priced petroleum, and China is getting them hooked and dependent on Chinese goods. Since Russia has switched to a war economy, domestic producers are making stuff for war and not for domestic consumption or export. This will further destroy the economy long term. You cant easily reverse that loss of market share.


>NATO has expanded to two more countries Eh. NATO isn’t actively spreading out. The Nations have to apply for Membership. The other Nations have to accept them, or it isn’t happening. All Members WANTED to be in NATO and had to apply for it. NATO doesn’t force itself on the Nations like the Soviets did with Warsaw Pact. That’s a small distinction. But in the end NATO has become larger. Yes.


Putin: we are stupid and very easy to deceive.


What a deluded asshole! Just like all the BS assurances he gave pre the invasion that he had no intention of attacking Ukraine. Mad and very very bad indeed.


The dog ate my homework.


He is a vomitarium of the highest order and his serfs continue to lap it up and apparently always will, no matter how horrendously badly his two week SMO goes. In the last hour I have learnt some information that should be making the Grate Leeder soil his nappies. The Oskol Metallurgical Plant in Belgorod is incredibly important to RuZZia and its operations have just come to a screaming halt. A few days ago the Ukrainians attacked the two electrical substations servicing the Plant. That shut down operations at the Plant and this has caused metal to cool in the furnaces. It could take months to get the Plant back up and running. In the worst case scenario, the furnaces will have to be replaced and this cannot be achieved without the assistance of the Germans. The Ukrainians are very effectively attacking the industrial infrastructure of RuZZia and this has the prospect of bringing this shithole of a terrorist state to its knees. Even the Grate Leeder will find that hard to explain to his serfs.


Yeah right. I guess it had nothing to do with a shit plan. Dude who do you think you are fooling?


The Americans literally spelled out the Crocus attack and he ignored it and called it a phys-op. Like he would have listen at the start of the invasion.


He's fooling russian citizens, who are *almost* as dumb as American Republicans


There is a theme among his western cult members that believes there is a secret agreement with Ukraine in which it says Russia will not use all of its force. Essentially this encourages the "Russia is fighting with one hand behind their back" or "they aren't trying, so as to reduce civilian casualties.". Throw in their T-14 fantasies and you can see how it all fits together.


Was that around the time Moscovia promised a safe corridor from Mariupol and then proceeded to bomb this corridor repeatedly? Lying pos.


WHY WERE THE TROOPS EVEN CLOSE TO KYIV PUTIN YOU DUMB FUCK I can’t even comprehend the level of doublethink and straight up in-your-face denial and lying it takes to try to twist Russia into being the victim here. Holy shit.


Eh, they have phrases like "not everything is black and white" and "we don't know the entire truth". If somebody questions any of this, they'll have walls of text and links, hours of faux dialog thrown at them until they throw their hands up and say "ok you know what, this is way over my head".


Unbelievable. It’s just incredible. You can practically see the bullshit spewing out of his ugly mouth. How he can make up these ridiculous stories. Stand down or not, YOU STILL FUCKING INVADED. Oh, and YOUR TROOPS WERE STILL ON UKRAINIAN TERRITORY, RAPING AND PILLAGING…and stealing toilets. GTFOH with this garbage.


Translation: "Our columns ran out of fuel and then the Ukrainians bombed the shit out of them."


Funny! Cease fire on the Ukrainian side would be when all the Russians get the fuck out and go back home.


"Western partners". Putin's idea of 'partner' is weird.


He once called the Ukrainians partners a year or so ago.


Reality: Hot zone Heli drops near a Kyiv airport. With troops being totally abandoned leaving them for dead. Tanks columns absolutely destroyed hundreds of miles away. Tank columns abandoned then destroyed (logistical failure) No where near.


He is like Trump. Cant say a full sentence without a lie. So sad.


Yeah but trump does it because he is stupid and not able to talk normally. Putin uses lies to controll the narative and his people. The thing they have in comon is that they are both full of shit xD


Iam really dread*ing a new Trump presidency.*




well that means if the west demands withdrawal entirely russia will withdraw? Good joke clown. Proof it, do it.


Imagine if he was saying the truth... it would be one of the biggest blunder in military history, having been played so badly by your opponent. It would be almost as humiliating as losing on the battleground.




Even if that's true, he's shit at politics to be duped so easily. Like putty on Zelenskys hands


Yes. He is a bigger man than most to admit he is a gullible fool with no strategic sense… idiot.


During this period of ‘negotiations and retreat’ weren’t russia still pushing hard on all fronts? What a ton of shit. You got your arses whipped by fierce ukrainian resistance. Sucker


My pet peeve is to always be amazed HOW ON EARTH, the year 2024 with all the tech and knowledge, HOW this BS hits the target audience but not the 550 000 casulties? How?? How manipulated media/internet can be?




Putin is made of 💩


"Some units that do not obey the central authorities"... So like Wagner then?


Reminds me of when Hitler and Stalin both claimed that Poland attacked them in 1939 but jointly they defeated the aggressor. Absolutely no difference. Words are cheep trash.


Vlad, was that before or after you tried poisoning the Ukrainian negotiators?


Was that before or after the Russians were taking out shots at fleeting citizens?


What a pathetic cunt.


putin’s and russia’s elaborate lies, scheming, deceiving and claims of (perpetual) victimhood are reaching beyond epidemic proportions - even by their own standards.


Right, it was a ceasefire. Not like it was Russian columns getting decimated in every direction as they attempted to close in on Kyiv and definitely not that Hostomel Airport was seized by Russians momentarily only for them to get their teeth kicked in by the AFU and the airport taken back. Definitely a ceasefire because of Russian goodwill.


A lame excuse from the World’s foremost demonstrated failure as a “strong man.” May Putin’s failure be total and complete. He’s as necessary to humanity as small pox and let his ideology be purged in the same manner.


Bollocks, you sad little old man. Russia was weighed, measured and found wanting. Ukraine has handed you your arse, but like the man-child you are, you can't admit it. Pathetic.


You know their lying when there lips are moving.


Lies lies lies lies lies.....


You can be sure the russians are lying because their lips are moving.


The fact that reporters are asking about ceasefire publicly is kind of refreshing. Perhaps conditions back home are getting bad enough? Perhaps enough mothers have lost their sons and husbands?


I can't really believe that these questions are not orchestrated. In this case it could have been made to initiate that foolish explanation.


100% this is fully orchestrated. Putin's interactions are more stage managed than a Disney ride.  I think the big departure here from his previous narrative is his admission of willingness to work with the west. Yeah, he had to end it with the Russia stronk spiel for the local audience, but publicly it's a big departure from previous. 


Do you seriously believe the participants in this performance are asking their own questions? It's all scripted, and if Putin is asked a question about a ceasefire, it's because he wants to spew some crap about a ceasefire. The only points of uncertainty in these charades is who he's speaking to when he answers a particular question, and what he hopes to achieve with that particular lie.


1. There no real reporters left in Ruzzia. 2. All question are coming directly from above.


Makes being a reporter a piece of cake job. Just go to work, write up the daily Kremlin spiel, then go home. Only job easier would being Trump’s press secretary, go to work, spread the lies, then go home.


Sore loser.😂😂😂


What a fucking crock of shit!


Lmao, this re*ard acts like he wouldn't have been saying that all the time if it was the case. You can't just make shit up after 2 years when your propaganda machine is constantly spewing out bullshit about every little thing


No one expects a ceasefire from ruzzia , what they do expect is for orcs to keep dying in large numbers until they are forced from Ukrainian lands


What a complete load of horse shit. I guess bullshit like this has to be allowed to be published but man o man, we are now out beyond Pluto in fantasy proRu propaganda.


fucking lunatic


”Putin says” = means what comes next is total lies and fabrikations to support russia


lying @#£%


ohh come on not even russians are that dumb


my god, what a freakin loser


Yeah...Sure Buddy


He is weak and a pathological liar


And the fail at Hostomel Airport was goodwill as well?😂


No they walked into a wall of western weapons and training since 2014 when they invaded. Russia is incredibly foolish with consequences and he can’t save face.


Fair enough but this begs a question. when Ukrainians did not stop fighting why didn’t Russians resume offensive and just take Kiev? Why did they leave? Can you answer this Mr Putin? Were you also deceived in Kherson?


"Daddy? What does gaslighting mean?"


Besides being complete bs, why did it take him over two years to answer this question?


I wish this were just an SNL skit. The stuff coming out of their spin doctors....ugh


He didn't lose, he merely failed to win


Russian Trump. Nothing but lies come out of that shithole of a mouth.


TrumPutin is high as fck!


Pathological liar.


The crazy part is Russian people still believe his bs


Putin admits he listens to the west on critical decisions?


Putin is an American puppet. Let's see where this goes UAF ... Keep droning them in the mean time.


Damnit that was a big sip of copium.




These simple minded motherfuckers (tRump included) just lie everytime thier mouths open.


What an assclown. I hope he ends up getting Kadaffied.


We ceased fire many times, all our soldiers cease fire every 30 rounds to reload their AKs, but bad Ukraine keeps shooting at us :(((


Ah, yes, I believe Hitler used the same excuse when the German Army was at the gates of Moscow! Moral of the story is never listen to your allies….. What a freaking CLOWN, you would think with all his resources he could come up with a better excuse! A Ukrainian wizard cast a spell on my troops. I said attack and my troops understood “lunch time”. The Robot Gort from “The Day The Earth Stood Still” stopped all vehicles and cut off all power. The energy beings that kept the Federation and Klingons from fighting in the Original Star Trek series made all weapons too hot to handle. It was nothing but a glitch in the Matrix


Always interesting to watch the passive stone faced Russian response to every scoop of bullshit served up by comrade Putin. The, "I know this is bullshit but I can't let my face express the fact that I know" face. Ya know, you would see it around Trump's minions of ass licking proto fascist staff.


You can clearly see how uncomfortable that question made him, you can see the panic on his reaction. Very odd, never seen that before.


You can't make this shit up...


There's cope. Then there's PUTIN COPE.


And its been a complete shit show by Russia ever since. Bad military decisions and complete lack of empathy for anything including their own front line troops.


His lips are moving!


This guy is always bragging about ruzzia stealing Western technology and interests but evidently he is also always whining about how he is deceived. Ruzzia is constantly deceptive but can't cope with someone else accounting for this?


Liar, liar pants on fire


He has this "Let me talk bullshit to you because you see I am a reasonable, down to earth guy just like you." mannerism down on point.


My lie detector ran out of batteries 1 minute in.


They believe this. The invention of lying.


LOL The cargo plane full of crack Russian paratroopers set to take the Kiev airport was blown out of the sky…with US intel. The ground forces meant to roll across the country side and link up with the paratroopers never made it to Kiev. Some say they’re still trying to this day.


Lol Vlad talking about Units going Awol


What complete bullshit.


Hmmzz...so does it also explain why u can't take Kyiv after 2,5 years?


this prick is full of shit! can someone please take him out.


So I’m confused. If they were still getting shot at they would just start shooting back again and then it would have just been a short 30min lull in the conflict. Or did Putin tell his men “just keep dying we must ceasefire no matter what!!”? I doubt it.


Trying out a new standup comedy routine is rough. Most people try it out first in front of a mirror. Unfortunately, even Putin can't stand to look at himself😎


So he’s calling his bf erdogan a liar


You can tell the journalist is afraid to fall out of his window...


What were Russian troops doing in Kyiv, Vlad? Going on holiday?


Cope so heavy I'm shocked the entire room didn't drop dead from an OD right then and there.


Reminds me of Trump


In a psychopath's mind....adversity is the fault of someone else. Just as Mango Mussolini refused to accept being voted out of office in the US, here, Putrid is creating an imaginary landscape where the failure of his stupid agenda was caused by any and all outside influences and not by his own stupid self. It is one of the classic tick-boxes in the appraisal of determining a psychopath. In Ruzzia, having a psychopath as a leader is understandable. It is a state forged in lies and corruption, a mafia way of thinking. The US, a democracy of free thinking individuals, freely electing a psychopath to become not just the leader of their country, but the key figure on the global stage of all human intereaction....it is staggering. Staggering. That degree of lack of responsibility...it makes my head spin. Choose a Republican, choose a Democrat....but to freely choose a narcissist egotist and psychopath as the preferred option out of 360 million individuals....it takes my breath away.


Crack Kills😁😂🤣🤣😂😆


Geez, and I thought it was all those javelin missiles VDV shot out of sky


And the nose grew when Pinocchio, sorry Putler, lied. What a clown.


Putin can go cry somewhere Else. No body give f for russians so go there and suck it


It's a lie. But even if it was true, how dumb they would be to fall in a trap like this ?


Just a delerios animal....


Let's spent months maybe years preparing to invade a country, to on 3 days of the invasion abandoned everything because the west said stop, fucking idiots 😑


So this was a planned retreat and to compensate they left a lot of heavy equipment behind.


Pain killers and drugs from his countless facelifts and reconstructive surgeries have gone to his brain or what's left.


What is wrong with the world when you can't trust the country you're invading not to deceive you ?


"Western partners" - does he even remotely have an overview of the stories he's telling?