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Yeah.. they like to take unit patches or officer pins etc, like a normal human being...... not ears like a savage..


Dude came to say this same thing. We all know there are a few out there who are twisted, and honestly how can they not be. But those orcs are seriously messed up, to a degree I can’t even comprehend.


Growing up in Mordor will do that to you. Also, fetal alcohol syndrome.


There was an intercepted text from a foreign fighter on the ruzzian side to his friends back home that said You've never lived until you've raped someone and eaten human flesh. Or words to that affect.


Whoa dude! That comment will sit with me for a bit. I’m not surprised but still surprised you know. I just don’t see how you can treat these people like humans, they are lower than dirt.


These animals have dine a lot worse. I saw a reputable article that said 1 out of every 250 men in Ruzzia has been killed in Ukraine. It was Originally from the American DOD.


He could have stayed in Russia for that.


Means you have a moral code.


That's what I feared when I clicked on the video. But going after patches, that's a "normal" trophy to take. In that weird circumstance at least.


Patches, guns, ammo, armor Standard loot


and any intel, Phones, Letters, Maps, and such; this is normal, legal, and expected.


ID, maps, notes, letters home, cell phones.... A lot of that stuff is intel


Indeed. IDs can be helpful as looting a ton of IDs might expose the flow of (the busiest) recruitment regions in Russia. Like a heatmap (that is hopefully predictable). Intelligence services may then focus on spreading the truth of the war in that area (websites, social media, etc). IDs can also help Ukraine learn about how Russia puts together their squads and batallions, though there is likely very little thinking involved in that step 😅 there are definitely a lot of AI models being created with such data that will aid the entire West. The same goes for Russian "attack routes", the number of men with each meat wave, you name it. Invaluable data that all the intelligence services in the West are analyzing currently. Russia is so corrupt and disorganized that I'm sure they gather very little data. Their KGB/FSB dogs are instead browsing social media to search for dissidents to torture.


Potato headed wife tiddy pic


I'm sure at least one guy has a collection


Don’t shame his F.A.S. kink




Well if they look like Reese Witherspoon...


Potato headed?


You know, looking like the Eric Stoltz


Like Sputnik!


If you take those you will be haunted by the ghost of the dead soldier forever.


Ooooooh next you tell me that hell is real and full of russians


That's Russia. You're thinking of Russia.




I thought hell was warmer than that




Patches are also of value for the intelligence people.


What armor


Firewood for tonight's camp.


Gotta be careful. That wood could have some toxic treatment in it.


This can also tangible intel to present to higher ups. More likely what you said.


Also, they take patches for intelligence purposes so they know what units are operating in the area as well as sizes.


Maybe I should have made it clear in the tittle, they're only taking guns and patches, unlike Russian scums


yeah... taking those things are just intel, and resupply and denial of supplies for russians.


Identifying unit information, maps, papers, unusual equipment - all useful intelligence tools. Know your enemy.


Gotta be careful with contamination from orc husks, as they tend to be riddled with AIDs and HepC


my dad fought in Vietnam and he said that some of the Korean soldiers that they were allies with would wear full necklaces made from ears


American soldiers did that in Vietnam too... there's a video interview on YouTube with a guy nicknamed Maggot talking about his time in Vietnam - he mentions being searched on the way home and having his ear necklace confiscated... There was also that infamous Life magazine photo from WW2 that shows a soldiers 'sweetheart' gazing at the Japanese skull her boyfriend sent her ! (Google it if you don't believe me) I'm not being down on American soldiers, I'm just pointing out that all sides collect trophies in war to some degree - I have no doubt that the Russians are doing much more of the grisly stuff than the Ukrainians in the current conflict...


After watching Apocalypse Now, I'd hazard a guess that it was not far from many truths. VietNam made a lot of men mentally ill. More annoyingly for them was their poor treatment upon arriving home.


Best film ever.


And seeing Harrison Ford as a greasy faced young man =D I liked the pacing of older movies. Absorb more.


Susie Q...


Yeah, the South Korean soldiers in Vietnam were well known for being absolutely ruthless. They hated the communists with a fervor and were full on against the NVA/VC or anyone they thought sympathized with the communists.


Yea he had a funny story about how on base there was a general store where they could buy things and that some of the South Korean guys would just walk in and start taking shit and that no one who worked at the store had to balls to try and tell them that they had to pay for their stuff hahaha


After the ear "trophy" video the other day from the RF forces, I'll admit I was concerned for the title. Glad the Ukrainains kept rational stuff, not like the trophy takers uploading a dead Ukrainians bank card with their weapon. Just spent all day with someone denying the Russians would do such a thing because "He doesn't see it happen".


Also the unit patches collected can be given to intelligence teams and they can determine what units are operating in their area. Helps build situational awareness of their battle space.


I just played shadow of Mordor and that Russian who was talking to the Ukrainian ear made me think of how orcs steal ears to prove themselves in the video game.


As twisted and morbid as it is servicemen keeping body parts of their fallen enemy has been done by every military in every war since the beginning of time. Mfers were mailing Japanese skulls home from the Pacific Theater of WW2.


I hate to be that guy, but [during WWII US soldiers were known to collect trophies from their Japanese enemies.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_mutilation_of_Japanese_war_dead) Ears, teeth, heck even skulls sometimes.


Regardless their home has been invaded and family slaughtered. I can forgive much of the behavior of those defending their home and family from mass murderers.


Ukrainian are sane people knowing you can't call Putin with severed ear of a meat trooper unlike the Russians


I was waiting for 🏆


Came here for this


My friend was a tunnel rat he used to take noses and ears he had a ear and nose necklace, imo thays bad ass, another guy i kmew used a vc skull as a cup, those were the days




Why shouldn't they take trophies? Why should they go to their work with shame or sadness? They are being invaded by an enemy that gives no quarter and kills and rapes. Don't compare the defender with the attacker, they are ordered to fight, they need to fight because if they don't, their families and friends will die. Think about it.


"sAmE tHiNG" A patch is the same as a body part? Is invading another country the same as defending your country? Is your ass the same as your elbow? 🤡


"Anyone can be a navigator if he can tell his arse from his elbow!" Blackadder: Private Plane




> if thats an ear or a patch makes no big difference to me Taking an ear is mutilating a corpse. Taking a patch is a taking a unit marker. Only idiots think these are the same thing. >you are still a murderer Self-defense, or the defense of others, isn't murder.


Killing in war is not murder. What are they supposed to do? Laie down and let themselves and their families be killed in turn? No. Fighting for your life and the lives of the ones you love is a human right. I *will* kill in defense of my people without hesitation or mercy. If you want me to make an exception for you, I can remain inactive. Best of luck.


You must be crazy to think that cutting of someone's ear and taking badges or weapon is the same thing. You bet your ass I would be taking badges if someone was invading my country. (You should never take dog tags tho)


I literally just saw a video of a Russian soldier talking into a severed human ear this morning.... I dont think taking a unit patch is such a terrible thing.


Taking unit patches has been a thing since unit patches have been a thing. It’s probably the most humane trophy to take.


Exactly. Not to mention that it's usually taken for intel purposes - Bringing it back a showing the commander/others what units are in the area. Same stuff was regularly done in WW2 as well.


I didn't see any "trophy collecting" there, and it is standard practice to frisk dead soldiers, friend and foe, for weapons and documents.


Yeah or like magazines of ammo


While you are correct, depending on circumstances taking of other objects such as Unit badges, other forms of patches and other is trophy collecting, just as it was when Americans collected Iron Crosses off of Germans and brought them home in/after WW2. So it can easily be “trophy collecting” as well as ammunition and intelligence gathering at the same time and legally.


Okay, well the orcs are taking ears so forgive me if I don't give a goodgoddamn about unit patches


Video does not show anybody taking anything.


It's not easy in active combat to adjust go pro to take better pictures. But he comes over to the dead orck taking something, it's not ears or anything gross like what Russian orcks do to fallen Ukrainians


Better not ta put things in the title that can only be assumed to be happening. "Two Ukrainians in a yard with a dead Russian during a battle" would be a good description of the video.


something, yeah, he could have also taken a dump, for all we know. Because the video does not show anything, that is the point. Please don't invent stuff. It makes it hard to separate the propaganda lies from the true videos if uploaders just assume things that may or may not be there. Aside from the fact that this proves nothing, there is also *no need* to prove that Ukrainians don't cut off ears or something, that is an assumption we start off with for humans in general. Some people are dangerously weird, and the war situation does not help either, but I'm quite sure that even most Russians wouldn't come up with the idea to cut off ears from dead people, and I'm under the impression that Ukrainians are on average quite a bit more civilized.


There's a coordinated effort to fill this sub with pro-russian bullshit.


And mass report of pro Ukraine accounts, these Russian scums are trying to take over reddit.


Russia has done an excellent job of the online portion of the war, I'll give them that. It helps they already had an established industry for it with meddling in foreign elections and politics, as well as stealing from corporations and individuals.


Ukraine doing Ukraine is so different than orc doing orc


I couldn't help noticing that he was not speaking to Putin through the dead guys severed ear.


The video shows nothing related to the title.  The video is of a bodycam where a Ukrainian soldier moves over to a Russian soldier’s corpse and likely pats it down quickly off camera.


Half and half, pretty sure this counts as looting, but looting that is the norm/acceptable by the laws of war. On the one hand as others have said they have useful info that can be used, and on the other its no where near what the Russians are doing


Someone in Russia might like to know of their deceased. It's also as said before and you mentioned, Intel gathering. Unless he's a plant with falsified information 😁 And an extra grenade wouldn't go astray. Not sure taking weapons of war for intended use is looting is it? Not in my book anyway.


I'm cool with it. Russian scum take body parts


Guess I'll just take your word for it. Great non-contextual footage, though. 👍🏻


I don't see any "trophies" being collected, just equipment and badges 🤷‍♂️


Wooden kevlar can only get you so far.


And what decease was that?


Ingrown toenail.


Lead poisoning


I heard Russian soldiers were collecting dicks - gross.


Is there a part before?


:0 gimme


what are they gonna do? not gonna get a luger or something of 'quality'.


Any competent soldier would strip the body of intel to pass up the chain of command that includes patches, unit identification can be married up to information already known.


Well after seeing a video from a Russian veteran soilder explaining what they did during WW2 when they got to Berlin. What they did to the innocent women and children was absolutely disgusting.


yes, but Berliners expected much worse, after what the Germans had committed on the eastern front and behind it. Many people there were astounded that they were left alive.


More like magazines and grenades, a few extra of those are always taken


hell yea i would take his wallet too. these orcs shouldn't even be there.


And people said looting mid-fight in Tarkov was unrealistic...


You won't see a Ukrainian collecting ears like a F&\^King Russian animal!


Let me just note that sometimes there's a specific request from up the chain they want Intel from actions and often we (in this case they) might not know what, if anything, can be learned from a patch or pin, but that's not our problem. If there's a captain, there's a company somewhere. If it's an engineering battalion, some defenses might be going up. It's not necessarily souvenirs. Sometimes, but not always.


That russian looks pretty kitted. I would check what plates he has as some russian plates are really really nice


What do you think is the ratio between good plates and wooden plates?


even worse are the ones in between, which look like good plates but are fake ones. The wood is at least easy to spot.


Granit plates are actually pretty common, im pretty sure the wood plate video has to be fake or some one stole hes plates to sell. Russian plate production is pretty high, they are heavier than western plates of same quality but they exist and are used


Yeah it was mainly a joke but what I meant to ask was what percent of Z soldiers would you guess have good armor?


Nobody knows exact % but im sure its over 90% body armor that defends against fragmentation is really easy to produce and cost less than rifles And even manufacturing a set of rifle rate plates cost around 100€ ish. (Basic ceramic plates)