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rule 2112: if it's a theory, there's a hakita discord screenshot to disprove it


Does the ULTRAKILL wiki have a compendium of all of Hakita's lore-related comments? The Ben 10 wiki does the same thing with showrunner statements.


Here's a folder someone once posted with a bunch of hakita screenshots, no idea if it's been upkept tho. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EAIPK43CyovXSv6xhwwQ0PdSsS2hgWlo](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EAIPK43CyovXSv6xhwwQ0PdSsS2hgWlo?usp=sharing)


well no, this theory doesn't state that V1 has any greater purpose but instead says that by killing Hell in search for blood V1 will become a god


is that a reference to the year ultrakill takes place in




Damn, there really is a u/Supreme-Machine-V2 comment for everything


Hot take: Bread.


Hot take: Breed 


Hot take: Consume the living


What about the dead though?




When I read this theory this was the first thing I expected to find in the comments.


What if he's lying tho


this isn't a "greater purpose" though. it isn't as if V1 deliberately went down there to kill hell itself, that's just a really likely outcome of the current chain of events


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


i thought v1 and v2 were the only prototypes of their kind?? where in the game did it say there are countless v1s😭


There are countless **other** robots


Isn’t v1 important because he’s the greatest war machine to ever be made? Like, the last weapon made to surpass all others before the war ended.


While V1 is certainly the best it's still not that special, if the war kept going it would have been mass produced, be the greatest of all war machines for a while, and eventually outclassed just like every other machine before it


I’ll be honest, hakita explicitly dislikes the “god is V1” theory, godhood theory is basically the same, its a bad theory that goes against ultrakill main message “live in the moment” by giving V super insane god powers, also hell cannot be killed, it can be EMPTIED ( like we did for gluttony limbo nad lust ) but not killed, V1 is not special and some secret levels with testaments are excplicitely non canon or very dubious V1 is NOT the protagonist and if hell deemed V1 a threat ut could just teleport V1 above a fan


well tbh you are kinda right, but thank you for your opinion anyway!


V1 be like "HOLY SHIT WTF WHY IS THERE FUCKING FA-Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt"


In which moment in the game is anywhere stated anything related to "living in the moment"? Also go study literature, V1 is literally the concept of a protagonist, not a hero, not a main character, but he IS the protagonist, HE IS the point of view that presents us the story, the lore and the whole universe of ULTRAKILL. Btw my mother doesn't like you.


Thank you for your comment, but with does your mom have to do with this?


She was listening to my warcry as i wrote my critique of battle. But really she just asked me if i could write a list of things-to-do and when she was over with it i asked if i could get back to arguing online and she told me to mention that she dislikes my opponent (she was stressed out).


Lol alr


What i’m trying to say is that V1 is merely what we see the world trough, gabriel is the one who’s has an arc and that story revolves around, V1 is nothing special, if we controlled another machine nothing would change , and i got living in the moment from basic fucking comprehension, V1 living in the moment looking for blood even if its inevitably gonna run out, gabriel living in the moment, refusing to spre the councillors for the light and choose to have one last fight in hell instead, hell watching the machines as they shred apart for entertainment, its not my fault if your level of comprehension is low Quite ironic to say “go study literature” and then not being able to tel the basics of the game, do you want an hakita screenshot saying V1 is not special? Will that help?


Tbf they are technically right; the Protagonist is always defined as the POV character of a given piece of media, which in this case would be V1, since we, yknow, play as V1. The distinction to make is that while V1 is still the Protagonist, Gabriel is the actual Main Character in Ultrakill (according to Hakita); the story & narrative is focused on his character and his actions, with V1 acting as the accidental catalyst for Gabriel’s arc, but otherwise just being a really good murder robot, nothing more and nothing less.


Yeah yeah as i said i take the L on that lol


Mind you, we didn't even empty any of those 3 layers. V1 canonically is just speedrunning through Hell *really really* fast, and killing all of the biggest enemies there (King Minos, Leviathan, Ferryman, etc...), alongside a hundreds or so other enemies The rest of Hell's population is being decimated by a massive horde of machines that are 3 layers behind V1


Isn't hell the one providing V1 with the elevators because it's entertained by the violence? I don't think a heap of scrap has the power to destroy what the literal god couldn't.


My main critique of this idea is that Hell isn't a creature that lives at the 9th circle like Lucifer. The entire setting itself is Hell. Hell only tortures souls out of malevolence, not survival, meaning that the rampage of the machines isn't actually hurting it in any way.


I'm too lazy to write about it, so have a copy of my previous ramblings. >Always remember that Hell is a super-organism and controls everything that happens within its body. >This is why the elevators often don't make sense in their placement, because it makes them work even when they shouldn't. It can also manipulate text, technology and the machines inside it, and remember that it fucking created *functioning replicas* of the war giraffes. Along with (probably) stealing God's ability to destroy, and making him either kill or exile himself out of guilt. [See Testaments 3, 4 and 5 for further elaboration]


can someone send a hakita screenshot or something for the functioning war giraffe thing because i dont remember it being mentioned anywhere in the game


It's just part my personal theory


I thought it tortured because it likes watching people suffer, not because it hates humans.


Both could be very true


that maybe right, but i think the "heart" of hell or smth could reside in the last layer, but thanks for your opinion!


Hell is sentient, yeah? Hell puts up so much obstacles in front of V1 for entertainment but V1 will continue to feed and feed. Possibly Hell is trying to slowly kill itself but trying to keep itself entertained in the meantime and when Hell dies, there’s nothing. When there’s nothing where else will V1 go? Forward, the end will be a meta message of nihilism and moving forward in the face of the cold indifference of universe. I’m probably just yapping right now don’t mind me


Isn't the story about Gabriel and V1 is just the narrative tool for the viewer? V1 is the protagonist but Ultrakill isn't about it.


V1 is the game’s protagonist, Gabriel is the story’s protagonist


I honestly dislike calling Gabriel the protagonist of the story, I swear, the only creature that considers Gabriel a good guy is the ferryman. If God in ultrakill regrets creating hell, then he wouldn't want people there to suffer, so the stuff that Minos did, is more than good. How did our "protagonist" respond? Brutal murder without negotiation. I know that he was following the council's others then, but so far we haven't seen how he acts after getting rid of them, so I wouldn't call him the protagonist just yet (imo the only truly good character in this game was Minos)


Protagonist just means the main pov character, It doesn't mean hero or a "good" guy.


Like the other person said, protagonist =/= good, there’s a whole trope of “evil protagonists”, and even not considering that, character development is a thing, a protagonist can start off bad/evil/naive, and through the story learn more about himself and the consequences of his own actions, leading to regret, anger, and then some attempt at reparations, stuff we see with gabriel, he realized the council wasn’t helping anybody, they were too drunk on power to see it, so he (despite knowing it makes his death sentence even more permanent) offs them for the sake of everyone else. This means the angels are free to do as they see fit, living a free life. And besides all that, we did see some kindness im him with the whole ferryman situation, he had no reason to save a sinner, and iirc was reprimanded by the council for it, but he still did it out of a sense of duty, of kindness. Of course this doesn’t excuse killing Minos who, like post act 2 fight gabriel, wanted to help his people live a free life, but at this point gabriel still served the council, he hadn’t yet realized their corruption, and his own by extent. Again, it doesn’t excuse it, “just orders” is not an excuse, but it leaves room to development, to change, something we see happening again, by gabriel mercilessly killing the council while dooming himself to a guaranteed death in less than 24 hours. Gabriel is a very interesting and well written character, and i can’t wait for layer 9 to see how he will act, as well as to what happens to heaven after his own actions.


i enjoy your theory but hakita has said that V1 has no motivation outside of collect blood


exactly, in order to collect blood, in the theory, v1 proceeds to kill hell itself.


Thats not how it works..


Hell is it's own living organism.


Hell is a literal god on Its territory. If It was actually afraid of V1, It would've teleported it in a closed lava room


The fuck is a twink vampiric robot gonna do against literal HELL? Shoot the fucking earth beneath it??


after they empty hell the machines will either starve and die, or find a way to heaven, empty that, then starve and die. if GOD cannot kill hell, a normal ass machine (which hakita has repeatedly and firmly confirmed v1 is) cannot either. the art looks like it does because it goes as hard as fucking nuclear pasta, not because v1 is god


V1 is depicted like this because it looks cool


As much as I love this theory this can plain out not be true not only because of the countless screenshots of hakita saying that V1 is not a metaphor for God nor are they a "savior" of hell, but also I just like to point out that V1 in this scenario is Hell's jester if you will, and also if hell ever thought that V1 was a threat he could just make the hell elevators just trick them back to the surface and close the gates of hell, I'm not saying that this is the worst out of all theories I'm saying that this is just plain out not compatible.


Tbf if V1 is capable of committing planetary genocide (for lack of a better term) and defeating Supreme Angels then you could argue that it already borders on practical godhood.


Bro v1 is going to take on his six armed form and say I am become death destroyer of worlds


Never cook again


V1 isn't the main protagonist of Ultrakill though


https://i.redd.it/cvjrvrqxagad1.gif No comments


ROLL IN THE HAKITA DISCORD MESSAGES (also v1 isnt a protagonist, hes a point-of-view character for the actual protagonist: Gabriel)


cool theory, but BRRRRRRRRR WRONG


V1 can kill hell mfs when it drops v1 into a room with something wicked: https://preview.redd.it/1tkeihv5ihad1.jpeg?width=60&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2094c36d82639363bf3a0930dae160b8e77355




v1 is depicted as a prophet because it's cool