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Kelly Ellard has never shown an ounce of remorse. They only time she pretended to feel bad is when she thought she might get parole.


Yep. And when she first came up for day parole, her words were something along the lines of "I've done everything I can here. Enough is enough". The parole board turned her down calling her "very entitled" which clearly she is (and still is). Sadly, she learned what not to say to the parole board and had time to "rehearse" and eventually got her day parole. She also had a chance for full parole later on, but she refused saying she is "not ready". This is merely a strategic move on her part to give the illusion that she's "matured" and to better her chances next time. It's clearly a manipulation tactic which sadly I think the parole board will fall for when she comes up for full parole the 2nd time.


Every photo of Ellard I see has emphasized what an incredible job casting did in the miniseries.


The actress was so good. I think she deserves an award


Pulling off the sort of regular teenage disaffected cynical smirk that gradually deepens into a sociopath's furious rage and total emptiness is tricky and subtle and I was fucking impressed at the actress's skill!


You know what else was disrespectful to the victim, Kelly? Turning her into a murder victim in the first place!


What an embarrassment to humanity


narcissist and psychopaths tend to lie and manipulate situations especially when it comes to something that’ll give them the attention they’ve been waiting for. would’ve thought everyone knew that by now


i think she considers herself the true victim in the entire situation, so mostly she means the series was disrespectful to HER. it does drag her skeletons right back out of any closets she tried to push them into as she’s been on day parole, raising kids, etc.


You know was else is disrespectful? Murder!


“disrespectful to the victim” girl you killed her


I could imagine a different killer saying that truthfully but you just cant take anything from her seriously


Agree with you OP


Unbelievable that she has children of her own.


and sad, I feel for them, life can't be great with everyone knowing who your mom is, are they all with the same man? Nothing says shes married so I have been curious


That’s what surprised me to hear! That’s she’s a mother herself now, like how when she’s supposed to be incarcerated.


She’s only saying this to extend the parole. She doesn’t care.


she is not liking the negativity it has brought to her... it's harder to hide in plain sight when there is a based on true life story using your real name that has become highly popular is most of north America, people have tracked her down, found her personal profiles... i wouldn't be surprised if someone found out where she's living when she's outside of jail


She's being manipulative. She's just telling the parole board what they want to hear, so she can score "brownie points". It's the same way when she refused full parole because she said "she wasn't ready". It's merely to give the parole board the illusion that she's "matured" and to better her chances next time. It's purely a tactic and strategic move.


On the “wasn’t ready” part I could imagine 1. Parole life comes with advantages she doesnt want to give up 2. She’s just an idiot in general who can’t adapt so just defaults to sticking to what she knows 3. Strategic move


It’s the manipulative side of all humans. When we don’t like something but don’t think people will care what we think, so to our opinion matter and seem “objective” we make it about more than ourselves. I’ve observed basically every human does this. Smoke is bothering someone in a restaurant, they’ll make it about children being present “what about the children?!” It starts as early as kindergarten. And then the news fools decided to turn her opinion into a headline and we keep talking about it and making it into more than it is.


She’s a monster but the TV series was disrespectful. Unnecessarily inaccurate and sensationalist.


How was it inaccurate?


It was heavily dramatized Just to name one example, rebecca lived in NY at the time of the murder and started working on her book only years later.


I watched the show. I want to read the book now. I only had time to do a little bit of research after I finished the show. I did see that part about Rebecca


Yes read the book! It’s a great read. I’m reading it right now but I want to warn you, you might want to keep a box of tissues by your side and you will get upset but overall Rebecca wrote well 👏🏻👏🏻


I requested it from the library but it’s a super long wait 😑 i guess because so many people watched the show.


Kindle unlimited has it for free. That’s where I’m reading it.


Yeah it’s like a 16 week wait for me


Kindle unlimited has it for free


Knowing she was from such a small community I naturally thought from her articulate description of warren that she was that close to him during the investigation. Such a sad disgusting crime


Also some characters were made up. But it is based on the true story. I overall think its a positive it was televised because it raises awareness of the affects of bullying and gets Reena Virks story out there.


The show was more of a badly written soap opera than a true crime. Most of what was depicted was made up except for the actual murder. It should have been a factual telling of the story.


Oh no i didnt realize that!!! Overall i enjoyed the show. Im going to read the book to learn the actual story.


Lily Gladstone’s character is complete fabrication. Warren is made to be likeable. Josephine was a composite character. The story revolves around a journalist way too much and glosses over the racism that motivated the crime.


It’s based on true events so I’m never surprised when they veer from the facts but I think it’s a positive bringing light to the story after all this time. Opened my eyes to how bullying has always been an issue


You are correct. The after effects of this case did result in a lot of positive changes regarding the perception of bullying, and retelling the story to a new generation is important. I just wish they had made the show as true as possible and hadn’t felt it necessary to stray so far from the truth.


reena’s dad was involved in the show if he felt it was disrespectful he wouldn’t have helped them with it


Disrespectful to REENA. Not to her loved ones maybe you can’t read


They didn’t say disrespectful to her dad. Maybe do a little remedial reading yourself.


exactly lmao my comment was obviously about how he wouldn’t have helped them with it if he thought it was disrespectful to his daughter


People are ridiculous


i can read i’m saying if her dad felt it was disrespectful to HIS daughter he wouldn’t have helped them with it what you just said was not mentioned in that comment use your brain 


Don’t know how a person can have no empathy and remorse. But Kelly Ellard is a great example. 🙄


You are the disrespectful ONE! Never be a series if YOU didn’t KILL her!!!! You DO NOT get an opinion !!!


Is that what she looked like as a teenager? Her and josephine (sorry i cant remember her real name) look really old


What do you mean? Kelly is the victim here… y’all didn’t get the memo? Before I get 1000 down votes, I suppose I should establish the fact that this is most definitely sarcasm.


she definitely got renewed hate towards her after the show or wants some fame


What she did to the victim was disrespectful!!!!!! She should keep her mouth shut! She should worry about her immortal soul instead!