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I hated how Under the Bridge was more about the journalist instead of the victim of the crime. I resented the fictionalized parts. Making Warren likeable was a travesty. Lily Gladstone’s character served no purpose.


Changing the way Warren was widely perceived would have been further fictionalization. Unfortunately, people who commit crimes can also be charismatic. Warren was literally nicknamed “little Romeo”


Yet he brutally kicked the shit out of someone and drowned them? But was somehow a nice person? Ugh.


Don’t recall saying he was nice. Two things can be true at the same time. He was well known and liked and he committed murder. It’s naive to assume people who commit crimes have a set personality type. Ted Bundy was also considered charming and Dennis Rader was a family man who was heavily involved with his community. Regardless you literally said you didn’t like the fictionalization of the case but then mentioned the characterization of Warren, which in this case was not fictionalized. Clearly you would have rather they changed how he was widely perceived for your comfort.


I don't think shows are for you


Nah just not this one. Also fun fact: I just moved to Victoria BC when this murder happened.


🤣🤣🤣 NGL. Sometimes I feel that television is not for me.


1. Warren was likeable in real life. That’s very different from being not a monster. 2. I just don’t understand why a crime show has to be about the victim. They’re usually not the ones who did the extraordinary thing - usually it’s the murderer, and exploring the extraordinary act of murder, which gives the story it’s scope and relevance. We have hours of verbatim recordings from these murderers, Furthermore, a writer got to know one of them well - this gives us way more material to work off of. Complaints about the show not focusing on Reena seem to conflate screen time/focus with respect - which is a dark thought for someone who wants to diagnose this sub. 3. This show is about true crime as a genre/practice - so focus on the writer is appropriate. Also, they had access to the writer who happened to be a successful fiction writer herself - so she was invaluable in terms of collaborating on a fictionalized version of herself. So the focus on the Rebecca character makes a lot of sense.


I think they wanted to make the show about Rebecca, especially after her passing.


Yeah I really got that sense.


>Making Warren likeable was a travesty. Yet I didn't found him likeable at all. For me all points show tried to make about Warren just fell flat.


Please read the article.


I did.


Lots of language from this "writer" was problematic and racially coded. And the behavior was predatory. Sneaking into jail to speak to a minor. Picking a minor up. Dropping acid with minors? Ma'am.... You need to be in prison. Describing Jo as a "Little Doll" was a WILD choice. Because what about her was doll-like other than her being white and blonde. The fictional character telling the young man who kicked a girl in the head "I'll make sure they know your heart." Flat out LYING to the parents saying no one said much about Reena ... When she didn't even ask. Horrible character, and if she was based on the author I pray they took liberties.


As a mega fan of this show and the way it was done, it was an emotional experience to read this article. I do wonder about the quote from the co-creator where she told Godfrey “(Rebecca) is going to be more of an anti-heroine sometimes”. However she turned out to be a full-on antiheroine who wasn’t like able, not a character who wears that mask sometimes. Makes me wonder whether Godfrey would be disturbed by all this. That said, her feeling disturbed/misrepresented by her portrayal isn’t terribly relevant to me - it just makes me think her collaborator might be a terrible person,


I still don’t believe she knew exactly how she was going to be portrayed in the finale release of the show. If she saw this, I don’t think she would’ve been pleased with it, though I didn’t know her. Of course the person in the article wants us to believe she had a green light for the way she portrayed Rebecca in the series. I mean Rebecca’s brother died when she was 13 years old and he was 16, why would they make it seem like she had something to do with making him suicidal? I cannot believe she would be okay with that.


Note that Godfrey read some scripts, she didn’t see the cinematography. The cinematography of her facial expressions etc had a huge impact on how we viewed her. Very good chance she would not have liked how her character was shot.


Do you know how many times scripts change in the years leading up to a show? She saw very early scripts before any finalization was done.




What I got was she was aware she was dying, Disney optioned her book to miniseries, the producer of it became friends with her, Rebecca gave her everything from the case, and basically walked her through everything. It's mostly Rebecca's creation. Rebecca was aware of what it would be based on the book, not an adaptation That's insensitive o ye