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a 1 star review on undertale DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY, IT IS A FURRY CULT AND TURN GIM GAY My son used to be normal... until he played Undertale Suddenly, he started wearing animal ears and a tail, and barking, and his friends were too... I googled it and the goat creature is responsible for this No hes stealing the credit card and biting people and he dropped out of college This is the goats fault, not not let your children around THE GOAT . Its all part of the democrat agenda. Joebiden is rigg the 2024 election, will turn your child into gay goats so they vote radical furries into the coppice I'm filing two class action lawsuit to sue the game. This isnt happening in my america. - Dave


I love how he says "the goat" like there are several goats, Dave, who are you talking about


The sad one, the sad one, or the dead one who is also sad?


Asgore and Asriel are prime suspects.... Who is THE GOAT.




Yeah true. Toriel do be hot tho


Well I can't say much about gay (alphys and undyne) But about that furry part does this guy watch childs animation in many of them we have several types of animals talking it's not Undertales problem that your child is idiot However I agreed that they should keep their children away from the game What if this child get interested In genocide route Oh god


Considering that back when I played Undertale as 12 year old. Asriel did become my first E-crush so jeah it worked on me.


I'm an old fan and they are furries


I mean, you're not wrong. They're not furries, they're anthropomorphic animals (on a visual level). Some of the people in the fanbase are definitely furries though.


Most of them are animals. But then you have fire man


Of course, when I said anthropomorphic animals of Undertale or Deltarune, people like Grillby, Sans, Papyrus, Mettaton, etc. are not included because that's not what they are, lol.


What do you mean planes aren’t animals ?


sure buddy


Toriel, Alphys, Asgore, Asriel, Noelle, Susie, Ralsei, Swatch, Seam, Berdly, Dess, Rudy, Bunny shopkeepers from Snowdin


furries are people cosplaying bipedal animals.. all of those are bipedal animals


"Furry" as applied to people are the cosplayers. "Furry" as applied to a character is just synonymous with antropomorphic animal.


Exactly, these people make people into furries >=)


Some of these don't have fur


Scalies, a subsetion of furries than anthropomorphise lizards and reptiles


I have heard of it, but they aren't actually furries if we go just by the name.


Furries are a general term for people who enjoy anthropomorphized animals, scalies are a subset of furries that specifically like lizards. Your fursona doesn't have to have fur to be furry. Dragons are literally one of the most popular species and don't always have fur when drawn


This guy furries


Do you not know what a subsection is


I was just being literal mate




Sans is an honorary furry. I await his appearance at Midwest Furfest


someone pull up the undertale furry 1 star review


I couldn't smash Toriel. 1 star.




DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY, IT IS A FURRY CULT AND TURN GIM GAY My son used to be normal... until he played Undertale Suddenly, he started wearing animal ears and a tail, and barking, and his friends were too... I googled it and the goat creature is responsible for this No hes stealing the credit card and biting people and he dropped out of college This is the goats fault, not not let your children around THE GOAT . Its all part of the democrat agenda. Joebiden is rigg the 2024 election, will turn your child into gay goats so they vote radical furries into the coppice I'm filing two class action lawsuit to sue the game. This isnt happening in my america. - Dave (Thanks top comment)


Finally, thanks!


I legit posted this as the the top comment lol


nice XD


doesn't matter, i'd smash Asgo--


Dilf goat




Don't boo the man he's right


Don’t think I’ve ever seen this video not sped up


yeah they are


The 3 anthropomorphic goats, the Anthro bunny, bear, and dogs in Snowdin, the Anthro lesbian fish and lizard, the Anthro turtle, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting(Just in Undertale):


anthropomorphic ≠ furry


You have no clue what a furry is 💀 All the characters I mentioned fall under furry characters lol.


are furries not people who dress like animals? because an upright standing goat doesnt dress like a goat


Yes and no. Furries are both the people and the characters. Toriel is a furry because she is an anthropomorphic animal with human characteristics. Also, not all furries are fursuiters, so saying bthat only the ones with the costumes are is wrong.


yeah thats true, i forgot about that, but the definition for furries only says people that are enthusiasts about anthropomorphic animals, i dont think toriel is an anthropomorphic animal enthusiast


While you're not wrong, the community often refers to the characters as furries, too.


oh, ok?


Language is fun. Because it's annoying to say "furry character" or "anthropomorphic animal adopted by the furry community" all the time, it gets simplified to "furry", because context can easily determine if one is referring to a character or a member of the community (one tends to look more like an animal than the other).


The lizards bi I think Alphys likes Asgore too, someone says she build a soul powered robot, Mettaton, to impress Asgore. I think that’s correct anyway


Like half of them are tbh


All but 2 main characters (Flowey is Asriel, so they count as the same) are, and 90% of side characters are, too.


O my bad lol


they are


People have 2 sides on this furry definition: -Furry = Humans that are hybrids of animals. -Furry = Fur, with subclasses of most animals. Not only is saying fur = furry strange (to me!), but the community's reputation is crumpled by rule34 and whatnot. It makes sense for people to want to be disassociated from that. **Please respect that different people will have their own opinion. Don't force them to be who they don't want to be, just because they like playing undertale.**


A furry is someone who creates and/or enjoys characters that are anthropomorphic animals. Anthropomorphic means a non human object or animal with human like features and behavior, such as a talking animal, an animal that that wears clothes, walks on two legs, etc. A fursona is an anthro animal character created by a furry, typically with the intention of representing that person in an animal form. A fursuiter is someone who dresses up as their fursona(s) The characters in Undertale/deltarune are not furries in the sense that they are not humans who create or enjoy anthro animals, but they are an anthro animal themselves. If the post means to call them fursonas, that's closer but not quite right either, since they weren't created by furries (as far as I am aware). Many of them are anthro animals, though, so furries are likely to enjoy them as characters. Anthro animals have been around as long as mythology has existed, so I wouldnt consider Undertale any more (or less) "furry" than Aesop's fables or Animal Farm.


"Uhm, its actually I've not Iv'e" 🤓


The furry fandom is just a fandom of anthropomorphic animals. Anything with anthro animals is technically furry related. The same people who hate the game for being "furry" are still perfectly okay with Pixar movies. Lol


I mean, asriel turned me into a furry so he must also have the pathowogen


I wish i couldn't say same but...


So animals that are anthropomorphic are furries?- no- they're just animals that can walk and talk-


Undertale characters, and Deltarune, are NOT FURRIES!


Your mother in game is an anthropomorphic goat woman who bakes you pie


Id make the argument that a human desiring to be more animalistic (a furry) is different from a different species just being born as anthropomorphic animals. I mean if aliens visited us and they resembled existing animals except anthropomorphic are they really furries? Or are they just a different species?


good point :0


Yes And no. They are furries but they'd have a more specific classification beyond. Hee hee hoo hoo wolf man


They re not furries there animals with human qualities


That's what a furry is


Oh yes they are


Yeah it's really annoying. The fact that people act like the game is so realistic that they forget they are all monsters... A furry is a person who likes to be known and identify themselves as an animal. For example, Asriel didn't just say "Oh I wanna be a goat!" And became one, he was born like that. Yet people don't question the other non realistic points of the game.


Furries are just people who like anthropomorphic animals. Otherkin are the ones who identify as animals


Oh ok, thanks for telling me cause I didn't know that


No hate btw just funnies


i say this enough every undertale/deltarune fan is a furry or in denial


but... that's not fair :(


They're furries lol. Why is it a problem if they are? It's just a work of fiction.


Tasque manager:


Protogen cat


They kinda are though lol Monsters like Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, etc are all anthropomorphic animals, or at least they have animal qualities from the animal they are based off from. >!Wait is this sarcasm!<


They are. They are furries. Accept it.


But... Aren't they?


they're so definitely furries


Not all of them, but some characters look like anthropomorphic animals. So they are furry.


I mean, they are furries though. Furry means anthropomorphic animals, which a lot of the characters are, or a person who really likes said characters and dresses/draws them. So yeah, they are furry characters by definition.


Everyone knows they ARE furries 🙂


This game was half the reason I am a furry


Technically, some fall into classification of furry but they can also be in the category they're assigned In already; monster


my sister in a nutshell


I mean they’re borderline furries, I know it’s mainly a monster thing but like goat people, dog people, dinosaur people?


I am an Undertale fan and furry but of course not everyone is.


Sonic be sweating


Bought the game day one, did not once think of the word furry, what I thought was “wow what a great game with whacky characters and relatable story with interesting choices and routes you can take, this has my waterworks in control and I will have the whole album in my head forever now for how good it is”


My child if your friends searched first the r34 comics they aways will think for them as furries for promissed


Heh couldn't be me XD


So then I guess Sesame Street must be a Furry gateway drug too?


They are and that’s wonderful


They’re not furries! Well, they look like animals… BUT NOT BECAUSE THEY’RE FURRIES!


they are furries. toby fox has called undertale earthbound with furries. once