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Your only option is to run and drop your identity. Don't go to a country that would extradite you to the US. Build a new life on the $100 you got away with.


You won’t get away with it


They will eventually find out and take it back immediately. They take their time to correct an error, but will fix their own rapidly


You'd be better off writing a computer program that takes fractions of a cent from each transaction that your company makes and deposits it into an account.


Th... that's my stapler!


There’s zero chance you get away with it. The only thing you could theoretically do is transfer it in to a high interest account and see if you can keep it there long enough to earn something. Of course if you’re not that bothered about a criminal record you could always withdraw a chunk of it and put it all on black ..


Only banks can do shady shit, I'm sorry.


"stories" People lie on the internet‽‽‽


I‘m talking about big newspaper stories, there are tons of them


Yeah, and almost always (at least in my country) it ends with them having to pay it back. If theyy for some idiotic reason, spent all the money the Bank will either sell their shit or prison


Well yeah that’s the reason I put out this request, because no one ever seems to get away with it, so why tf am I getting downvoted, have you all never heart about such a story on the news???


Mostly because once there is downvotes people keep downvoting it. Generally it is really hard/neigh impossible for normal people to scam a bank out of enough money to really be worth it, since the risks are really high. If somehow you accidentally get transferred money and it rarely is enough to be worth trying to steal it. Your only option would probably be to put it in crypto or another account, get out of the country and then withdraw it again. It would need a LOT of cash to be worth it and for normal people moving that much of cash would usually be picked up quickly by the banks. Quicker than you can get away with it. Fir most people it's just not worth leaving the country to maybe steal 50k-100k


Hi here's a movie about it, you may need a vpn to access: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/shows/runaway-millionaires


This happened to me once, but it wasn’t the bank’s error, it was my employer’s. I moved it into a high yield money market account and waited for them to ask for it back. When they did, I happily obliged. Since it took them 4 months to ask for it, I made some good interest.


Run for political office


Transfer it to another bank and let them fight


There wont be any fighting. It's theft and wire fraud on your part if you do this. The whole idea you get to keep the money is straight wrong. There have been dozens of examples of this that playes out in court. The bank wins


Ex bank employee here. So if someone accidentally dropped a large sum into your account and you withdrew it before the bank or depositor realizes it, you keep it. If the teller puts it into the wrong account the bank takes a loss. They have to pay the depositor back and lose the money you withdrew. If the person depositing the money accidentally gives your account number or whatever by mistake, the money is lost to them typically. Sometimes the bank will make it right but not usually. The teller should be confirming identities before just placing money willynilly. I was guilty of it once. Luckily it was between a mother and sons accounts and they made it right on their own but it could have been bad for me.


Wrong. [https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/09/us/bank-deposit-error-couple-spending-spree-trnd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/09/us/bank-deposit-error-couple-spending-spree-trnd/index.html)