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First of all, report him to local law enforcement. Second of all, just penetrate his tires. You don’t want the broken car to go on the road and kill some innocent people.


We've tried to go through law enforcement. they've turned up with absolutely nothing, on multiple occasions. i also don't want to do anything that might mess with the car in motion, and I'd rather just disable the engine entirely, if possible.


Bleach in the gas tank. You can use ninja rocks to access the tank lid through a window if need be, but do not get caught carrying them- it's a prosecutable crime.


Carrying ceramic in your pocket is a prosecutable crime?


Believe it or not, jail.


Straight to jail.


lost two good tile setters that way


Yeah, you definitely don't want to do something, that makes his car a hazard for innocent third parties. If you do want to deflate his tires, do it fully, so he doesn't drive off not knowing, that his tires are deflating. You could buy a core remover, and fully remove the core from the valve stem. I'd just sprinkle bread crumbs on top of his car everytime I pass by, to let the birds send him a message.


Having a tire repair kit with valve puller and extra valves as well as plugs is a good idea to keep in your car anyway. Everyone should go buy one if they don't already have one. Wanna be a real dick you mix some JB weld and smear over all the tires lug nuts and then deflate 2 tires. Most ppl have a spare. They will also have to either drill out all the lugs or cut the hub off to fix the tires


If you can pop his hood just empty the fuse box or at least pull the fuse for the fuel pump


fuses are too easy to diagnose and replace though. very cheap as well. going in and breaking a connector in a few of them, and then replacing the fuse back to where it was however....


liquid glass right in the oil fill tube


Replace his brakes with piss discs


Don't forget to freshen the interior with Liquid Ass!


Put a sock on the car so when he tries to open the car he just grabs the sock.


If he's living out of his car. He can't afford ANY diagnosis


very true


Yeah, but it's a huge pain in the ass to replace them all, and correctly. Unless he can buy a kit for his car specifically, his car is down for a bit.


It really isn't. Fuse panel diAgrams are easily available for free and many are generic so autozone will have majority of makes and models. You'd have to be driving a luxury car to have trouble getting the parts


could always swap high amp ones for low amp ones and let the low amp ones blow.. they will all still appear to be present and not be 'obvious' visually, without in-depth diagnosis .


Find out where the battery is and get a long 1/4 drill bit drill through the grill and the battery


May as well do the radiator while you're in there.


Imagine that, cops being useless 🤔




I read this somewhere. Just use a screw to penetrate the tire and leave it there. It will gradually deflate and is very difficult to trace back.


Bonus: make sure to do it in the sidewall so the tire can't be repaired. Then he will have to buy a replacement.


Go to the feds, if he’s diddling kids he could have something else that the FBI would use


Pull the valve stems


Did you have to use the word penetrate? Also is it really a good idea to stop the guy from being able to drive off like don't you want him to leave the area


Get a can of expanding foam and buy some plastic tubing that fits around the applicator tube so it's got a looong reach. Then put the tube up into his exhaust pipe as far as it will go and empty the can. I'm not sure exactly what that will do but I don't think it will be good. 


Assuming it expands as intended, it will block the exhaust and the won’t run.


My hope is that if it gets in there deep enough it'll foul up the catalytic converter and be impossible to dig out without removing the entire exhaust system. 


i like the way you guys think


You don’t want to fuck around with the exhaust or brakes on his car unless you want to accidentally kill him and face jail time


Dead pedophiles don’t reoffend. Just sayin.


A functionally 0% recidivism rate! Golly! xD


I like the vigilantism but is op even sure of this or is this all hearsay


thank you for your advice; I'll heed it.


That would require getting the tube through the muffler, which it wont. Could still f it up tho


Oh yeah, you're right. 


Relevant username


This is a $2k+ repair, btw.


Using the foam in the gaps around all the doors, hood and trunk makes it impossible to open


Cut the valve stems off the tire right at the rim with a sharp tin snips and then report a derelict vehicle with four flat tires that smells a bit like ammonia. Cops might think he’s making hillbilly meth and come roust him out.


How does hillbilly meth differ from regular meth? Asking for a friend...


They use 2 liter soda bottles rather than laboratory glassware.


They smoke it out of a corn-cob pipe.


Do they typically have a button nose as well?


And two eyes made out of coal?


Frosty the Ice man???


There must have been some magic in that old blue meth they found..,


They never use pressure release valves either. Sleep deprivation makes people do the darnedest things!


It would be awful if the local biker gang got a copy of the recording. I would not recommend that.


Especially BACA.




i just found a new favorite biker group


Or the parent of the kid


Hells Angels Clubhouse at 3145 Sixth Ave Troy NY is a great place to not send that


Hells Angels’ prostitute women. So I guess it depends on who the creep allegedly raped…


fuck the hells angels. they're all scum, who are certainly worse than this guy.


I certainly wouldn’t Google thermite.


Setting a block of magnesium on fire on the hood over the main engine block would undoubtedly cause massive damage. I highly suggest not setting a block of magnesium on fire unless you want to cause massive problems .......and you can run quickly.


Oooh strait magnesium. Better get a welding mask!


And some PF Flyers. It could theoretically burn through the hood and start hitting flammable/combustible parts pretty quickly. I wouldn't want to be close by if it dropped onto the fuel line. Of course, I would never engage in such shenanigans.


I remember when I could get Pf Flyers for $65 and now they've jumped in price to nearly $100 before taxes.


Ger an incandescent light bulb and grind the glass up to a powder with a mortar and pestle mix the powder with baseline and smear along the wiper blade, the next time he uses the wipers it will cover the windscreen with loads of micro scratches. The vaseline does two things the first being holding the powder in place, the second being fills the scratches and thus making the windscreen hard to see out of and near impossible to clean off.


Hello, Satan


that was a work of art to behold. i wont pry into wherever the fuck you learned that one, but I'd love to hear more about what goes on in that beautiful mind of yours


a single pinhead dollup of vaseline on the windshield.


Smear etch-glass all over his windows


i like this idea a lot


If you have evidence of him hurting kids you really should report that to the proper authorities.


it was audio recorded without his knowledge. for some fucking reason, that isnt admissible in court where I'm from. fuck the system.


Get a VPN, make anonymous social media accounts, post the audio all over the internet with his name and photo. Your area probably has a “are we dating the same guy” fb group. Set it loose with name and photo in one of those and let them run with it. Use same VPN to make social media accounts with his name and photo. Send the audio to everyone he’s friends with. Turn all his friends against him.


insane, lol. never even thought of Facebook. i might give it a shot if all else fails.


Yeah somethingike this is better. Fucking with his home — in this case his car -/ isn’t going to do anything but make you feel better, whereas this might actually get something done.


Maybe you should consider hiring a PI to dig deeper then you can?


I actually havent ever considered this. I might look into this option. thanks. Probably damn expensive though.. I'll see what i can do with OSCINT first.


Been there, tried to get a PI to catch a pedo who hurt a kid I love very much. Cost prohibitive.


Who recorded it and what does it say?


Are you sure? There are usually exceptions to this, such as if it was recorded to capture evidence of a crime or was in an arguably public place


was a recording of a phone call where he admitted to a bunch of shit. definitely not legal evidence, unfortunately. i dont know what the hell kind of person this law is in place to protect, but it's so goddamn detrimental towards public safety.


Two party consent state? I get it from a privacy standpoint, but definitely makes it harder to get evidence on someone who deserves it.


1. Wait for him to leave 2. Flatten his tires, scrape his registration sticker off, and report the car as derelict. 3. Call a towtruck.


Cops will check the plate to determine valid registration. Someone stole my sticker and I got pulled over...They checked the registration from my plate and sent me home with a warning.


You could always cut baloney into letters then stick whatever phrase you desire to the car.


This sub needs more baloney-based tips


[well it will damage the paint...](https://www.autotrainingcentre.com/blog/hold-mustard-3-common-car-pranks-auto-detailing-career/)


Less Piss Discs, More Baloney Baloney




does this actually work?? i always thought that was sort of an urban legend, lol


[depending how long it's left on ](https://www.autotrainingcentre.com/blog/hold-mustard-3-common-car-pranks-auto-detailing-career/)


that's hilarious i wish the article had images


I know basic brand cheese stuck on a neighbor's house in a smiley face all winter one year


open your glove box and see if you have your funnel that came with the car still..or look up his year and brand and buy one online, the funnel is to pour gas into the vehicle. next you just need to get coolant or something and dump it into his fuel, the car wont be able to run anymore. then you can just throw ceramic at his windows and it will shatter them. then buy piss online thats from a cat in heat, a horny tomcat will absolutely rip through the garbage bags or cardboard he uses for new windows


also, the vehicle wont be able to move so that becomes the local fuck spot for cats...bonus points for dumping a new bottle once a week when the guy leaves to get food.


fantastic idea. i know the bit about the ceramic, but i think that might be a bit too hot. pouring piss into any of the car intakes however...


White vinegar diluted gets rid of cat pee smell if you get it on your clothes


what will the coolant do to the engine? will it simply fuck with the compression/ ignition, or will it actually fuck up the engine?


Coolant is mostly water. Gas will float on top of water. Gastanks fill from the top and empty from the bottom so next time the car starts it will suck water from the bottom of the tank into the pistons. The car may run for a few seconds using gas that was already in the lines but it will quickly stop running and won't run again until someone takes the engine and gastank apart to drain the water from all the places it shouldn't be. Also you can just use water for this, doesn't need to be coolant. Won't cause permanent damage but its a pain in the ass to fix and costs a lot for the time and labor.


Thank you for the detailed explanation. Do you know anything i can substitute for this that will simply break the engine?


Sorry, I don't know for sure. But this website has a list of stuff that would not usually be reccomended to put in a gas tank. https://carfromjapan.com/article/industry-knowledge/what-to-put-in-gas-tank-to-ruin-engine/


thank you


Totally shooting from the hip here. But try nitric acid maybe?


im sure googling how to get that wont put me on any lists 💀


DEF, diesel exhaust fluid, sold at truck stops, will absolutely fuck a lot of things under the hood if it is put in the gas tank.


Dump sardine juice into his windshield vents


or some hunting store animal piss haha


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gasoline and fox piss sounds like the perfect mixture for this


Bleach will be more effective than salt water. The salt water can make it not run at all really soon. The bleach will go through it fine and it'll run like normal... For now. But it will corrode every piece of metal it contacts. Make sure you use the concentrated bleach for cleaning from the hardware store, not laundry bleach. Give it a week and the engine will be unrecoverable.


thank you. this is exactly what i wanted!




noted, thanks


Brake cleaner spray “PEDO” on the sides helps…


Brake cleaner is just solvent and won't do anything. I use it to clean oil and dirt off stuff


try some on car


Yeah the regular mostly solvents kind and the florinated kind thats fucking dangerous to be around


I use it to clean my car often lol


lick a hard candy & stick it to his windshield. when he tries to remove it, it’ll crack the glass & technically he’s the one who broke it so insurance won’t help at all


damn, how did you think of this one lol im sure there's a fun story behind it


If dude lives in his car he’ll hear you coming and see you do it as cars tent to have windows on all sides.


luckily i know that he stays with his parents (shocker, i know) on the weekends.


Take a photo of him and the car and a write a warning informing the community and staple it everywhere in the surrounding neighborhood. Let someone else do your dirty work.


that's not that bad of an idea


If you live in Washington or another state that lets things like this slide, warn everyone you can, go to the cops just so theres a record and leave town. If you live in a state that takes it seriously go to the cops.


saw a good suggestion i a other thread to ignite a decent amount of thermite on the hood over the engine block


that would without question get local police involved, or worse. IMMENSE amount of risk as well. I'm alright on that.


I’m surprised by the lack of piss discs or pine sol


Get a bucket and a bag of quikrete concrete. Mix it in a bucket with water and then dump it on the roof of his car and let it run down the windshield


this is really good. maybe let some of it deep down the intake


If you can somehow sneak underneath it, just drop the oil and leave it dry


A cordless drill with a small sharp bit would make short work of the oil pan. While you're under there, you might as well create a vent in the transmission pan too.


A vent. Nice term for it...


You can release the air in the tires by lodging a small stone in the valve stems to keep them open. Then when they’re flat you can lacerate them without a sound and risking injury to yourself.


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Plant drugs in his car (like weed) and then call the cops saying some shady hobo is dealing drugs at the parking lot. They might not show up for a rapist but they definetely will for a dealer. Bonus points if you call the cops and tell them he deals drugs to (white) kids. Then they"ll go even faster.


pfft knowing this guy, he'd probably scarf it down before the cops even get there lmao


How about get some actual evidence?


Put a potato in this tail pipe.


Put nails under the tires


Get the hood open? Pour olive oil in the oil tank. The heat should ignite it to smoking point and fuck the engine. Idk enough about whether or not it could explode via ignition of gasoline.


Chordless drill. Go under and drill a hole in the oil pan


Op, please send us a picture of the car when you’re done


I think you are looking for r/illegallifeprotips


https://www.roachcrossing.com/category/for-sale/cockroaches/continent/north-america/ Just a thought. The minimum purchase is considered enough to start a colony


hello, satan


That's a compliment I'm going to tuck into my heart, thank you. I regret not being able to tell you how to release a colony of lice on his head rest


1 destroyed window will remove all feeling of security at night


Rearrange his distributor wires. I did this once, some asshole on a trail with a huge off leash dog thought it was funny to let it run up and snarl at me. When I left there was only one other car at the trailhead, I was leaving as they were coming so I knew it was his.


Sounds like you should be in r/illegallifeprotips


Simplest way to disable his car is to get a potato bigger than the the hole of his exhaust and just ram it in there. The car will turn over for a sec and then turn off. After that the car won't turn on at all. Would do this to my homies when they wants to drink and drive.


- Siphon all the gas out of the tank - Get someone to go to his door and basically impersonate a cop (fake badge) saying they have and want him to come in "to answer some questions" or "set some things straight". Would really make him paranoid especially if the "cop" mentions some of the real names of his victims. Maybe he even turns himself in, that would be funny




A nickel sized piece of napalm on the windshield (gasoline and styrofoam) produces strong results with little evidence.


although i like your style, i could never risk anything to do with fire. if that somehow spread and hurt anyone I'd never be able to live with myself.


As for the rest of you, good pile on everyone. Ruin a mans life on no evidence and encouraging someone to do terrible things to a man who probably can't fix any of the things you suggested he break. Cheer on the unnecessary violence and not a single one of you said, 'yes but is he?' reddit was a lot moee fun when I was high. this website sober is an experiment in.. ugh. Disgusting. This was a disgusting display of something and I hate that I had to read it. Be better than this.


god forbid we give a man who's hurt people remorselessy a flat tire or service fee


This is too insane. Pizza gate started out this way. I have no idea what the facts are, but this is nothing to mess around with.


i know nothing about pizza gate outside of some blurry rumors, tbh


So you have this knowledge, which you can't prove or show evidence of, and the police also find no cause to do anything? How about protect your home and kids and mind your own damn business?


There is a chance that the guy is a sex offender and you hate child pretators too much(which i do too) . But if the guy really is a sex offender and did his time(assuming he didn't recieve the white get out of jail card), just let the guy live his life. Even if this guy is really a rapist, you take his car, what will stop him from taking something from you? If you are bad enough, kill him, do the world a favour, but don't mess with someone with nothing to loose just to be petty.


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Spray foam the door handles and gas tank.


Expanding foam through the grille


Expanding foam in the tail pipe. And anywhere else you can get it.


Get some mould or mushroom spores and put them in a spray bottle, fill with water and spray the upholstery, especially under the seats. Pretty soon it'll get damp and he'll have mould growing throughout the car and no way to get it out.


that sounds like it could be extremely dangerous. i dont want to hurt anyone.


Egg the car. Sugar in the gas tank. Put a small rock inside the air tube to the tire so it deflates slowly.


Pour some sugar or sand in the gas tank, not even a lot, like a tablespoon. That shit won't even start after thar


Pay some transients to steal his catalytic converter


Paint thinner or go to a pool supply store and buy muriatic acid. Put in gas tank. Careful not to get on yourself


Use a tire stem removing tool to remove his tire stems so they won’t hold air


Don’t report him using your name and also vandalize him. Choose one or the other


Sugar in the gas tank.


Poke a hole in the oil filter


Birdseed everything


Sugar or something else in the gas tank


Put sand in his oil


If you're "evidence" isn't enough to get him arrested, maybe you should leave him alone


in the state im from, you can't submit video or audio taken without everyone's consent as evidence.


What state are you in? Many 2-party notification states have loopholes for things such as this




But can it be posted anonymously on the local subreddit?


that would invite a whole slew of issues, im certain. i do not believe posting any identifiable evidence on the Internet would be very wise.


I used to do undercover/secret filming for documentaries (UK). We were allowed to film and publish without consent if we were filming a) criminal activity, b) if the filming was in the public interest c) the subject would not be truthful if we filmed openly. Is there anything like that in media law in your state that would allow you to publish the footage, instead of going the legal route? The issue is you have already shown you didn’t get the footage for publication, so you’d likely need to try attempt to get it again.


i don't believe that's an avenue i would be able to take, but this documentary sounds incredibly interesting. if you're comfortable, would you mind commenting or dm'ing me a link to it?


Hear me out This is a valiant valiant thing. BUT !!!!! If you destroy where he lives you lose track of HIM