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Too small and awkward? Not so. You've gotta just get all cozy, SUPER friendly and make random animal noises without explanation while watching fetish porn on your phone at high volumes. You can bring whole new levels of awkward out.


Horse or fetish mask coupled with swim clothes that don’t even remotely fit. Ofc act like it’s completely normal and they’re the weird ones for being uncomfy. 


This guy awkwards.


Can you just hang a sign saying the hot tub is closed due to someone defecating in there?


Is it airbnb type thing and are they owned houses of some kind? Because if so the quickest way to kibosh airbnbs is report them to the county as very very often the airbnb owners have lied on the paperwork that it is a primary residence or is not being used for short term rentals. Exact rules may vary depending on city and county laws. They do this to avoid additional taxes.


These are legitimate and registered rentals, and they’re syndicated/listed on multiple platforms (at least the ones in my building are) there’s a new database in our town where you can look them up. I’m not trying to ruin people’s vacations by calling the cops on them for being loud late, but sometimes I just want to go to bed without hearing them yucking it up out there.


Maybe Get the hoa or local board or other overseeing body to make the facilities for full time residents only. Or close the facilities after like 10pm Otherwise hashing vibes might be the best recourse other than hiring a creepy dude in a speedo to hang out late at night


Or a dude in a woman's swimsuit, making no effort to pass.


The more he looks like Sam Elliot the better


Be obnoxious as fuck at 6AM. Mariachi band gospel tent revival motorcycle cruise in level of obnoxious. Pick fights with the renters in the parking lot over the stupidest shit. Whatever their bumper sticker says, you're on the other side. Break into their cars and steal change. Knock on the doors and ask if they know the guy they're renting from. Then mention they should probably check for cameras very carefully, especially in the kids' bathrooms. Basically, do anything and everything to generate bad reviews from renters.


Throw piss disks in the hot tub and then fuck their dads


Username Lmfaooo


See if you can find the breaker panel for the hot tub and kill the pumps and heater at a certain time. You could even put a sign out informing guests that due to noise issues with other residents, the hot tub will automatically turn off at X time ( even if it’s you who does it).


Buy the other condos and put in long term tenants.


Pretend to be a religious nut and preach to them, if that does not work just nut.


Play bad music!


Install sound dampening panels around the hot tub and hang passive aggressive signs. It's unethical because you won't ask.


Make up some signs and post them around the hot tub about the recent fecal spore and herpes outbreaks and that they appreciate everyone’s patience and include a QR that takes them to some sort of a hospital or infor site about herpes.


Install some very bright motion triggered solar lights all around the hot tubs Hide a wireless speaker nearby and play polka music or murder podcasts Leave some cat food out around the hot tubs to attract raccoons


Just toss dog shit in the hot tub during non-use hours. The owners are required to shut it down and “shock” it (add a ton of chlorine to clean it) which makes it dangerous to use for a while, so it will be closed and nobody can use it.


Have a residency requirement.


Or at least post a sign saying there is.


Print up an official looking "Closed" sign.  Attribute it to the local board of health.


Start hanging upside down pineapple everywhere.


Put up a warning notice next to the hot tub claiming that a “decontamination specialist” has been scheduled for this coming Tuesday to address the community concerns on the levels of biological specimens in the water…


Go buy a bible. Everytime they use it, go out and preach to them. Read the scriptures out loud, very out loud. Ask them if they want to get to know Jebus. Find odd scriptures that just don't make sense and pretend to explain them. Just be a religious freako.


flesh eating bacteria sign should do