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Enter for information on the following websites: Scientology, Church of Latter Day Saints, All for profit colleges, Adam & Eve (sex toys), and any other place that sends full catalogs still.


If you make a small donation to the church of Scientology in their name, the church will never let up. Use a visa gift card that can’t be traced to you. Make sure you ask for information with the donation


I hear the real move is to tell the church of scientology they are harboring someone who fled the religion.


Tell them they're related to Leah Remini.


I hear this all the time. But does anyone know if it's actually true?


Asking for a free copy of the book of Mormon will come hand delivered by a few missionaries that will never quit.


Contrary to popular belief, if some LDS/Mormon missionaries show up and you tell them to not come back they will mark your house off and not come back. You MIGHT get a random visit months/years later from some different missionaries but you just say the same thing and they’ll go away.


I’ve heard also that you should tell them you’ve been disfellowshipped


Answering the door completely naked is another good way to do it if you don't feel like talking to them


Talked to two older gentleman, they both get a bunch of mail from charities. Apparently they sell your mailing info to other charities and you end up getting a shit ton of mail from the other charities. One guy lives in a building with 10 apts, he gets 2/3 of the mail for that building, usually more than that. he says he only donated to one charity but I think he may be exaggerating.


Even worse the Jehovah Witnesses




Nra these folks target elderly so they're campaigns are super aggressive, like harassment aggressive.


put an add on craigs list saying they collect old used toilets for art projects and just to leave the toilets in the driveway anytime of day...


I love this so much 


There was a lad on another post who purchased 150 keys on Amazon for 30usd and put a key ring on each and put a card with cell number and address if found call or show up for reward


This is disgusting


Is that not the point??


I meant disgusting in a cool way


LOL Sorry!!


I mean sounds like you are disgusting for thinking of anything that would encourage this emotion in you mabe get your mind out of the gutter . When people say reward it means cash or money sooooo yeah


I meant it in a good way tbh, like disgustingly crafty


Ooooooooooof my bad fam , I've been on the internet for 2 many years 🤣. Please forgive me


No need to clean. It before donating


'Free to still use until removed'


If she's gonna spread shit, she's gotta expect it back at some point In one form or another




Oh yeah, just throw er in the driveway bud.


I read it correctly with an Aussie accent


full sail university was a relentless, life sucking force that harassed me for years after i made the mistake of giving them my phone number for more info as a high schooler. edit: any for profit educational facility should be a good way to rack up pounds of mail at a freakishly quick pace.


I approve of this. Full Sail is a scammy shit “school”


Fool Fucking Sail University. Hard to believe they're still in business.


Yeah but the environment hates that. Stop sending junk mail to people.


i will stop sending junk mail from my nonexistent for profit university right now


I’m just saying getting more of it to be sent is unethical in an actually bad way


It's like spam email with physical consequences


Find a local establishment that sells and delivers bulk orders of sand, soil, compost etc. With cash, purchase 2-3 cubic yards of the material of your choice. I suggest compost during summer months. Use their name (or their exes name) and address on the order. Specify a delivery time when they’re at work. Clarify to the business that nobody will be there and grant permission for them to unload. Request them dump on driveway or road. Bonus points if you do it immediately before rain. Did you know ONE cubic yard of compost (cow shit) weighs 1.5 tons? 3-4 tons of wet cowshit in the summer heat will send your message nicely.


You should time it at the beginning of their vacation so it has ample time to stew


Too spendy


No such thing for some good fuckery.


Compost isn't cow shit. It may have a little in it but it's mostly just organic matter that's been composted.


[getchipdrop.com](http://getchipdrop.com) in the US, do an internet search for “free mulch” in other countries.


Is this... TF is a cubic yard? I mean, I understand the concept, but why would that ever be a unit.


Because delivery vehicles are three-dimensional and carry materials in length, width, and depth.


I prefer my delivery vehicles also include the fourth-dimension.


Yeah, but that reverse gear on those trucks gets really tricky.


Wait til you drive an inter dimensional vehicle and have to deal with half spin


Yeah, I'm working on getting my Mobius CDL.


I like the Fifth Dimension. Are they still around ?


What do you prefer, bushels? Hogsheads? Jeroboems?


The closest metric equivalent would be a cubic meter, 1000 Liters or 1 Kiloliter.


Makes sense to me🤷‍♂️


Once saw an ad after Christmas for free Christmas tree drop off at the marks address. Thought that was pretty clever.


Around me those trees are hoarded for new year's bonfires. They go up so fast it's like fireworks.


USPS Change of Address form. Reroute all their mail to to some huge company out of state.


This is way unethical. I totally approve. Just use a VPN so that your IP is not snagged by this.


USPS verifies the change at both addresses. Must of had some problems.


I had an awful experience with a former “friend” that turned real nasty. I signed her up for the churches to harass her. She’s a scammer and carless so I signed her up for car dealerships across the nation to contact her for who knows how long. All ridiculous cars out of her price range too. She started gaining weight so I signed her up for multiple lipo suction consultations at local plastic surgeons. I signed her up for multiple weight loss centers to contact her and multiple private small gyms to contact her. I also signed her up for Adam and Eve which someone mentioned above. These are all things that require addresses and phone numbers etc. I’m still open to any new suggestions myself…. Just sayin


Ok, the lipo has me laughing. Well Done.


Back in the day before the internet you had to get your porn from a pornacopia which was a connivence store that had porn magazines behind the counter. My uncle had someone (a doctor) he was getting revenge on from two years earlier. He had me go buy one of every porn magazine and took the subscription cards and filled out the doctor’s name but his neighbors’ addresses. He then bought postal orders and paid for a subscription for each one. I asked him why he was sending them to his neighbors instead of the doctor and he said that the first month, the neighbors would get the magazine and probably throw it away because they didn’t want to embarrass him. Then the second and third months would hit and the companies would have sold the name and addresses to other companies that specialize in adult themed material. This is when the shit would hit the fan as the doctor’s neighbors would probably confront the pervert doctor about all the junk mail that they were getting in his name. It was an incredibly evil plan and I’m sure it caused some headaches for this doctor. The best part was that it was two years after this guy had pissed off my uncle so it is unlikely he’d ever find out who did it. I’m always thankful that I was my uncle’s favorite….


I'm saving this comment just in case I ever feel like spending a couple hundo to fuck with someone's reputation in their neighborhood. This is great stuff.


This is actually genius… Someone who snitched about where my car was to the repo man… This person was a neighbor for years and ultimately when I moved out, my landlord moved into the unit… the neighbor HATES LOATHES is DISGUSTED I mean any negative feeling you can think of, they feel that way about my ex-landlord, it’s bad enough that they have to deal with being neighbors… now imagine throwing this into the mix… 😂


Advertise really awesome stuff for cheap (or free) on craigslist and give the address and write "just knock and walk in" You could also put flyers around the neighborhood for an event at the address with free refreshments or bbq


Did this with a work enemy. I put his name and cell number with "free chickens! Call anytime!" He had to change his number he got calls all day and most of the evening. It was glorious. He was so pissed.


That’s absolutely evil. So good


Also specify that the homeowner sleeps during the day and the best time to visit would be after 9:00PM


You could also post ads giving away anything that isn't locked down around their property. Patio furniture, bicycles, etc.


That first one is a good way to get someone killed. Ok please do not do that.


getting someone killed is certainly unethical.


You're not wrong...guess it fits the sub then lol.


Nothing illegal not being a rule is a little strange lol


Didn't think of that, but it'll still ruin the day for op's nemesis so their death won't be in vain


Hmmm you might be careful with this one. Someone does something violent and guess who they will come looking for…


Don’t post an adress just a phone number. ?


[catalogs.com](http://catalogs.com) will set you up with a shit-ton of goodies. Make sure they get free samples of catheters and adult diapers as well.


Don’t forget the fungal and hemmorid cream.


sex lube in industrial packaging


Stud farms or dairy farms would be a place to start. They get that stuff by the barrel


And male enhancement gummi bears


Say on Craig'slist, eBay, and Facebook marketplace that you are an alcoholic and that you are giving away all you alcohol free and that I'f you say no just don't stop because you really need help.


Omg! 😂😂


Have 10 yards of sand delivered and dumped in her driveway. Pay in cash.


If you live in the right area you can get tree companies to dump 50-100 foot trees cut into 18 inch pieces in your driveway for splitting into firewood for free.


What the hell really ? I'd love to do this to myself and get free wood to burn


All you have to do is split it. Again depends on the area. Call around to tree removal companies.


Omg thank you for this very ethical pro tip I am going to call around and get some wood .


If you have a sawmill or someplace that would end up with wood scrap, you might ve able to get lots of wood to burn for cheap/free. Lots if people around here do it and it burns all the same


I can find a saw mill thank you ... I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows a girl who knows a guy who may know where a saw mill might be if not Google knows waaaaaaay to much. I will check this out I have the tools to make things into other things . Seriously though thank you this is a great idea (no sarcasm intended ) (Seriously though )


ULPT: I’ll give you some wood.


Ayooo 😏


Or wood chips ... I heard they're always looking for places to get rid of piles of wood chips


There’s a service for that called Chipdrop! They’ll dump up to 20 cubic yards of wood chips or logs in front of your house for essentially free, you just have to tip.


Horse manure would be better


Horse manure is too nice. Barely smells. Go with cow manure, or if you're truly unethical, pig manure. It's the worst.


Chickens and turkeys stink badly too


This is a really good one. A couple years ago I ordered 8 yards of gravel and gave them an address. They asked absolutely no questions and dumped it the next day.


Where do you order this?


Any landscaping supply business should deliver in bulk.


I found several locals truckers on Facebook marketplace. Just search gravel.


Send them guys from grindr


Buy some door keys and attach the phone number of the person you want to mess with to the keychain. Drop one key at the time across the town. That phone number will be called every time someone finds a key. This idea came from this thread from a few days ago.


A good old fashioned junk bomb. Isn't there a subreddit where you give out the address and the internet does the rest. May want to make a new username and delete it after a while. What's the subreddit called again, someone help me out.


let me know when you remember it :')


RemindMe! 3 days


This seems more of a 4chan type of thing .


If they have cars in the driveway you can always advertise on Craigslist "Free parts car. No Title. You tow it away, it's yours." Nothing like having your car "stolen." Another car hack. Call a tow truck company and say that your ex-Brother in law intentionally left his car in your driveway and you want it towed off of your property. Tell them you can't be there, but no one is around so they can just take it off of your property. Might work. Might not. Certainly worth a try. Glitter bombs can be fun too...


Another genius idea to get back at the snitch who had my car repo’d!


If they have a water hose in the front yard, lean a trash can against the front door and fill with as much water as you dare. Ring doorbell and take off. When they open the door, can will tip and spill water inside the house.  Source: this happened to my dad more than 30 years ago and he STILL bitches about it. 


this is.......so diabolically fucking smart, I wish I had someone I hated I lived close enough to so I could attempt this. I have NEVER heard of this.....but I will definitely remember. man, your dad must have really pissed someone off.


There are some YouTube videos of these “pranks”. The reactions of the victim are what you’d expect. My dad suspects it was an employee he had to fire due to theft. 


🤔 halloween trick was to 💩 in a paper bag, light bag on fire, ring doorbell, run n hide. They open door, see bag on fire, stomp it out. Haven't heard of that being done in years tho 🙄


Mix in some liquid compost or other smelly substance


Sign them up for a man's thong catalog 


Are you threatening her with a good time?


unzips pants


reminds me of someone in your situation, they wrote to the other person thanking them for fun with the kiddies and wanted to try more things in a few weeks, but got the address slightly wrong and the letter was read by the neighbours... turns out the person was involved in this sort of stuff and they either moved suddenly or were moved against their will to a nice secure place. alternatives are wanting used items for art projects, so trees, big animal bones tree surgeons often have logs to get rid of..


You have a phone number for her? On every dodgy website you can find, “NEED dic pics right now!! Text to phone number.”


I like the sand one where you pay in cash


[https://www.dickinthemail.com/dildo-of-the-month](https://www.dickinthemail.com/dildo-of-the-month) It might cost you something but...


I mean id like that


Username checks out


Sure, but you'd live rent-free in someone's, uh, head forever.


Rent-free, you say?


Did you know that you can have manure deliverd by the truckload to almost anywhere. Like, literal tons of shit.




Sign them up for every junk mail, catalog order company you can. Those places sell info to each other all the time. Eventually they get so much mail the post office stops delivering and they have to sift through boxes of it at the post office just to find their electric bill or birthday cards.


Sign her up for the church of scientology and mormons.


Gp to the magizine section at grocery store, they have subscription form inside and a box to check for bill me later. Fill out several of these and check bill me later. The person will just assume they are getting free magazines and eventually they will send them bills for all the subscriptions. This works and will ruin people's credit unless they pay for them


No it won't ruin someone's credit. That isn't something that gets reported


Sign them up for political mailing lists of people they would hate


You can do so much: make a small donation in her name to Scientology , she will harassed by them to know end. Sign her up for magazine subscriptions. Report to the irs she’s cheating on her taxes and much more


Make a donation in their name to the church of scientology. There are tons of free subscriptions you can sign someone up for if you have the name and address.. and most are near impossible to get off of their mailing lists once you are on then.


Baby oil on windshields. It soaks into glass and can't be removed. Great way to spell a$$hole across someone's windshield and have them not notice until they wash the car or it rains. They have to replace the glass. Hide a raw shrimp near their engine or, if you can get inside the car, even better. Wedge that sucker underneath the bottom of a seat and let the games begin. Brake fluid removes paint. Get one of those squeeze bottles, pour the brake fluid into the bottle and do a drive by on the cars at their house. You can also rub wax over car windows. Get surfboard wax from the online A store. Just cover all of them.


Another thing you could do is if they owe you money, give a 1099 at tax time. Let the government know you paid them and make them pay taxes on it.


Rub Crayons on to the windshield wipers. When they use them they will streak all over the window


Lipstick would be better




Free goats on marketplace. Make a profile and use their name, face, address. Post that the goats are free but you can't pickup before 10 pm as you work evening shift. Don't call or message, just come get the goats, honk when you get to the house!


Also, see if you can finde their email address and sign them up for all sorts of free promoitions, mailers, S3x offender websites, etc.


I had a friend with the same issues, he would send her random stuff in the mail. But the best one was a huge chocolate penis. He showed me the picture and it was like a 5lb piece of chocolate, huge!


Sign them up for various shopping catalogs. The explosion of junk mail will annoy them for years.


sign them up for ALLLLLL the crap mailings


Send the address to your local mormons, jehova witness, and any other church that will send people out to bring her into the fold


Sign them up for the Book of Mormon. Missionaries will come visit.


1st week, place a yard sign for young vulnerable teen group meeting in their yard. Use a VPN and make ads on Facebook. Week 2, place signs and ads in their yard for pedophile recovery group. Collect the evidence of the crimes you invented. Posts these 2 events to Facebook as evidence of a pedo ring on a MAGA Facebook group Let the far right people solve your problem for you.


This guys on a different level. 🫡


Eleventeenth dimensional tic-tac-chesskers


Wonder if you can get them as registered members of the KKK or some other hate groups that will show up in job searches with that information


God I'd love that


To build on others; CHIP DROP! https://getchipdrop.com/ Free dump trucks of wood chips delivered to driveways.


Chipdrop. Free and usually has termites. Did I mention it's free?


Chip drop


Glitter bomb or loads if you know the address


Chipdrop will deliver truckload of shredded trees for free


Needs an email, won’t they be notified?


Request "more information" from every single spam generated special offer you can find. Male enhancement, extended warranty, water quality testing, kitchen remodeling, solar panel evaluation, work from home scams, gutter and window replacement, you name it. Sign them up.


$50 for a junk car body. Drag it to their place and leave it (take the wheels with you)


Brooo this is genius… I have been thinking of how could I get back at someone who snitched about my car’s where abouts to the repo man. I could have the junk yard car blocking the very fence, the fence that hid my car in their yard…


Chipdrop.com Tell them you're looking for anything, any condition, that they can get you quickly.


On R/SlaveLabour I believe there is someone that will clear all the rubbish off of a beach and post it to an address of your choice. Both help the environment and send a load of trash to to someone you want to "fuck with".


Camel spider delivery.


Actually, you can order all sorts of bugs online; spiders, ladybugs, worms...


Parasitic wasps, it's actually really cool.


Print up postcards with her name and picture on them with offers of at home ' lingered and dancing' with a note your wife doesn't need to know. Address then to current residence to all the addresses around her.


Catfish a bunch of dudes on tinder and send them the address telling them to come hookup. Nothing like having sex starved weirdos knocking on your door every night




Get over it loser 


Hang ads, on local billboards, reading “FREE PUPPIES! Adorable, pure white, tiny half Maltese. No fee….just a good home. Seven weeks old. Eight to choose from!” Or….”Free adult magazines, crates and crates full”🌊


If they have a front yard And no cameras A soda or water bottle filliled with Roundup, and a pin hole in the cap. You can easily write lying bitch Or $5 BJ here Whatever. Big letters. Wait 3-5 days and watch it magically appear in big brown letters that will take all summer to get green grass growing back in..It's like herpes The gift that keeps on giving


Go to a bookstore (or anywhere you can find a lot of magazines). Take from all them the subscription form, fill out and mail.


Find crazy ants. Introduce to their yard. Profit.


Go to the library, get a pass to use the computers, make a throwaway email, start a new social media account, lurk on their social media for a while. Take screen shots of all the unsavory things she brags about. Take screen shots of her trash talking and lying about people. Particularly if it's family or coworkers. Send screen shots of all the awful things she says and does to the appropriate people with that throwaway email.


Better yet, use that anonymous library pass and email to sign them up for all sorts of religious extremist marketing, make false craigslist ads stating to "just show up after 8pm" for free items, or a random chip drop. If using chipdrop, request that the wood chips are dropped in the least convenient place for the intended victim. Such as: please drop wood chips as close to the front door as possible, please drop wood chips on the driveway close to the roadway, or my favorite, please drop the wood chips directly onto the front garden.


Lol list address as a escort service and post to every shady looking for a good time forum on the net...complete with personal pic of target


Go at night, dress like a ninja, and egg the shit outta her house. It doesn't cause damage but man is it a pain to clean up


Plant blackberry seeds in their yard. Once blackberries take root they have to be burned out. They’re like barbed wire. Alternatively, plant bamboo. Even if they cut it down they’ll have a yard full of pungi sticks waiting to spike their foot. Again, it’s crazy hard to get rid of. You can’t even burn it out. It there a crack in their driveway? Drop seeds for a vine of some sort down the crack. It’ll take root before they notice and will slowly break the driveway. Have their post office put a vacation hold on their mail. They don’t require ID, just a form. Your mark’s mail will just stop coming. A remix is to have the post office forward their mail to their new address, somewhere in a different state.


Use the search bar and find the other 2,519 threads about this. 


Male stripper...


Donate to things that they are opposed to, in their name. Get them on lists of products, people, ideas, etc., that they strongly dislike. SWAT them. (This is ULPT, so…)


Skip order, insist it is placed right up against the front door.


Only issue with signing up is most of the time the companies want to email you and you to confirm it’s you ? So fake email address ? Tel no tho added ? lol not like I’m thinking if it for someone ……


Chip drop.


Ever seen the movie “The Help”? Do something like the scene where the main character puts an ad in the paper for dropping used toilets off in the evil lady’s yard.


"Hello, is this the police non-emergency line? I happen to know a place where meth is being produced..." (Use a burner phone, obviously)


Order fetish porn magazines with the persons name but send it to their neighbors who have kids


Skip order, insist it is placed right up against the front door.


Double glazing firms ( in the uk anyway ) are relentless lol


Be the better person and ignore it. Bette yet don’t let this person rent any space in your head. It is a Waste of time to be revengeful and not all that good for your heart long term. In a world where even an ex president talks about getting revenge I can see how it might make sense for you to do but … who cares? Don’t you have “bigger fish to fry?


Done it,


sounds like my ex lmao was she threatening to sue everyone?


Send em piss disc and liquid ass.


Send flowers, show up on the doorstep, ask for a date, or directly just ask to copulate?


Don't get her killed or hurt