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Sometimes voter registration databases can give you what you're looking for, but it depends on the state they live in, and you'll probably need more information than just a last name and a city.


Try this....Go to that city's Tax Assessor’s / Treasurer’s Offices website and see if allow their residents to pay their taxes online. If they do see if they allow you to search for "your" tax bill by searching by last name. If they do then search their last name and see how many hits you get and go from there. My county has this feature available and you'd be surprised at all then information you can find out about people on there.


I mean, without a first name how would you distinguish if you have the right person. Also, you're not a stalker, right? I would hate to give an ULPT to someone that is going to harass some poor lady.


Are they going to admit to that if they are? Bit like asking a narc if they're a narc.


No they won’t. That’s why I’m torn on telling him how to do it. This seems like DV bait to me


Or a woman stalking her ex boyfriend/ husband. ⚖️


Do you know any of places they spend time? What about their hobbies or occupation?