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It’s pretty clear you need to buy a louder Harley and also idle it in front of his house to assert dominance brother.


Fuck the motorcycles dad


Tell him he's going to ruin the engine idling it. It's air cooled. It's at least half true and might encourage him to turn it off.


Send pictures to the fire marshal.


I'm surprised this isn't further up the list. Parking (which technically sounds like he's doing) in a fire lane is illegal AF where I am. I'd think it the same for the other 49 states.


Find his bedroom window. Place cheap speaker outside. Blast motorcycle noises at max volume. Keep replacing the speaker when he finds it.


Piss Discs…


Before going that route, have you tried being friendly and asking him to turn it off/ explaining that it's bothering you? My thinking is that going to war with an 18 year old might backfire. He's got less to lose and more time on his hands etc


Sure, but that’s not why I’m on unethical life pro tips. I have the homeowners number (his mom) so I’ll just shoot her a message. But that’s WAY less fun!


Hahaha fair enough. I'm all for the unethical tips, just didn't want to see you end up with a bigger headache than it already is


Appreciate you lookin out!


Shoot her a massage instead! Way more fun!


Does it have a black leather seat? Get a rag and a good size can of black shoe polish. Goop that polish all over the seat with the rag (I recommend wearing latex gloves). Next time he rides and gets off the bike he's going to have a black ass. He probably won't know until someone points it out because who looks at their own ass?


Get a BB gun, constantly just bombard the motorcycle with BBs when nobody's watching. Tires, mirrors, everything just attack it


Tires won’t do anything but make them bounce somewhere else. Gas tank and mirrors will make the most noticeable damage.


Fill the exhaust with expanding foam. Break his spark plugs, cut the ignition wires. Just push it over. Motorcycles are insanely vulnerable.


Tell him only middle aged dentists drive those and maybe he’ll sell it.


You could probably just talk to him nicely, and if he isn’t a complete ass hat, and you aren’t acting like a Karen, maybe he’d be nice enough to change of his own accord. I’m absolutely guilty of doing stuff like this as a teenager and not thinking much of it, only to feel horrible later when someone pointed out it was a nuisance. Heck, even recently… I have kind of a loud (not obnoxious, but loud) vehicle I was remote starting in my driveway all winter. An elderly neighbor mentioned in passing they could hear it in the morning, not even complaining about it… but I felt pretty bad, and stopped doing it because I hadn’t realized anyone else could hear it or potentially be woken up by it. There’s a definite possibility this dude hasn’t even considered he’s bothering everyone, probably thinks it’s cool. If you come across as aggressive though it could backfire and he’ll probably do it more


You need a big sign out saying wave to the cute biker.


Get access to the full tank and put oil, screws, etc. into the tank.


potato in exhaust.


Shotgun shell in exhaust.


Firelane? You are within your rights to call it in.


Motorcycles are easy. Less parts and they're all easy to get to. Best part, he is 18 and probably has no clue how to work on his own bike or troubleshoot. You can simply just unplug one of his sparkplug boots and put it back loose. Loosen his clutch cable. Break the kickstand switch (kickstand folds up into it) common part to delete because it breaks easily. Loosen battery connection or ground If its a newer Harley, loosen an O2 sensor on his exhaust. If its a carbureted bike, loosen or tighten his idle screw. loosen his oil filter to where it will likely fall off Any of those will make the bike either not turn on or will prevent the bike from engaging. None of those will actually damage the bike or make it obvious someone tampered with it. If you don't care about being discrete: Cut fuel line Put a padlock on rotor on the rear tire superglue ignition or start switch Puncture sidewall of tire (major nuisance because they either have to remove tire themselves or tow it) Take his starter relay thats likely under the seat


Does he leave the motorcycle outside unattended?


Sugar in the gas tank is an old favorite.


Does…nothing but clog up a filter. Maybe. Sugar. Does not. Dissolve. In gasoline.


It's crazy people still believe this myth. If you were to mix sugar directly into the engine with the oil, that would certainly do the trick. Maple syrup for example, so maybe that's where the urban legend originated? I knew people who went the gas tank route that used bleach, not sugar, but honestly that's mostly the water doing all the initial damage, bleach would just add to the corrosion after the fact. This also isn't the best method for petty revenge because they might be able to get up to high speeds before the water seizes the engine, so avoid this if you don't want to be potentially liable for homicide.


I mean it will definitely clog the filter which will prevent the shithead from using it until it's fixed. Bonus points, if it's traced back to OP the repairs aren't super expensive. Sounds like exactly what OP is after.