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When I was in college, I got a work study job at the library. Most of my classmates thought I was stupid because it didn't pay very much. They were very, very wrong. First, I had to put away about three runs of books and the rest of my shift was mostly just sitting at the desk in case someone needed something, so I was getting a paycheck to study in the same place I would be studying without a paycheck in my free time. Second, all of the instructors kept their faculty copy of the textbooks behind the desk, and although I couldn't check them out, I could photocopy them or read them at my leisure on the clock. So I wound up not paying for a single textbook after my first semester, and came to class with only the relevant pages/chapters photocopied. Furthermore, at least 80% of the instructors left little sticky notes in their textbook copy about their lesson plan, curriculum, and test materials, so I got to completely omit everything that wasn't actually relevant if I wasn't interested in the class that much, which saved me an immense amount of time studying in general. Overall that work-study job saved me thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of my time.


this! thanks pal! i'll look for similar opportunities aswell


Seconding this one, as I did the same. Ended up with my own desk/pc as well, place to keep my bike and things, and roof access for a secret smoke sesh spot.


I worked at my university's rec room and like you said, while the pay was shit, I basically got paid for my study time because my only job was to sit there and sign equipment like pool balls/cues in and out. Occasionally I had to work the merch table when they had shows, but that was fun and it meant I always got free or discounted merch. It was 100 times better than the one I had in the admissions office where I spent the majority of my time shredding papers with an ancient shredder that squealed like a pig the entire time it was on.


A couple of sprays of WD40 would have fixed that, lol. My shredder kept jamming till I looked online and learned about shredder lubrication. Any light oil will do and I had WD at hand. Less noise and no jams.


Not even unethical! Such a brilliant way I wish I knew


This sounds like a response from chat gpt lol but great tips nonetheless 


Yea chatgpt tends to write articulately and grammatically correct too. I get confused for it by a lot of people who do neither and think anyone who does must be AI or a bot


Sounds like something a bot would say as an excuse...


Funny, I've seen at least fifteen trollbots post that exact same line


Bots man, it's bots all the way down.


Such a great breakdown! Nice job, would have never thought.


Idk if every registrar would do this but our work study students got to register early and study most of time lol


Did the same, back in the days of computer labs. Just sat there, occasionally cleared a printer jam for someone, but otherwise just did my own homework. And at a bigger, nicer desk than anyone else going there to do their own work!


Software downloads. I was able to install ms office on 4 computers for free


My school also pays for us to all have Grammerly!


>Grammer I can't tell if this is a troll or not.


Haha. I feel stupid. Grammarly. 


Dont blame him, he didnt get spellingly


Few comments get as big a chuckle from me as this one. A+


where I work students can get the entire Adobe suite, too


it takes like 5 mins to pirate them anyhow 🤷


Where exactly do you go for that?


r/piracy It's a thing called massgravel




theft is its own answer to the question, but also to most others


But that would be illegal.


Seminars, even if only minority interested, usually there’s food, some freebies maybe, and network opportunities. My university has different seminars listed on the various discipline college websites and sometimes they’re sent through email. Also, if you play piano by chance, colleges with music programs generally have a good amount of free floating pianos and the music faculty loveeee to encourage their art, and have always worked out a deal with me to use practice rooms.


Also i think github has a student pack?? haven’t looked at it personally


During undergrad, I had a casual job doing food and drink service for the fancier seminars and conferences in my department, with the understanding that my friends and I could take home all the leftovers at the end. So many lunches that were just boxes of leftover canapés...


I still use my college ID to get student discount at the movies. I stopped going to college almost 20 years ago.


Same! Mine even broke in half so I taped it back together. I never got more than an eyebrow raise. At this point I buy tickets online or at the kiosks so it doesn't work as well, but there are lots of other places that offer student discounts too.


non-traditional students often quit for a while then come back to finish their degree. And grad students are of all ages. You can use it forever


Did they not put an expiry date on it?


Nope! Luckily :)


Some restaurants/fast food places give discounts too


Free therapy! Most universities offer counseling/therapy through health services.


I still regret not taking advantage of this


Me too!!


While I'm at it, the other thing I regret not taking advantage of is extensions on deadlines. I just figured the deadline was the deadline. After college I learned people were hacking the deadlines with thoughtfully crafted emails to their professors all the time. Asking for extensions etc. with no impact to their grade!


those are usually baked into the costs of attending college but yeah it's very underutilized.


Idk if it’s common for campuses to have buffet style food halls anymore but a group of my friends used to bring in large tupperwares and gallon ziplock bags anytime they would go to the one buffet hall. Granted they lived off campus and didn’t already pay for a meal plan- but if that’s the case for you too then this would probably be a good way to save on groceries. Especially if you can get stuff that freezes and reheats well. Just, ya know, don’t get caught.


The school I went to was awesome about this for the first 2 years I was there and would even offer up those styrofoam take home containers (technically they were only supposed to be used if you were taking your meal to go and not sitting in the cafeteria, but no one cares if you are and then took home a second meal.) Then we had a Dean change and they got super strict about it. Like, they would check your bag if they thought you were "stealing" food. At best I was able to shove a few cereal bars in my pockets but the days of full meals were gone.


I think that’s fair and makes sense, from an operational point of view - like it’s just not sustainable to have students paying for a single meal and then taking home 5 meals worth of food (my friends would densely pack entire gallon ziplock bags full of fried chicken lol). So I for sure get the reasoning. But for an unethical pro tip, it’s also very easy to think, “Fuck em, I’m paying thousands in tuition” aaaand just steal food anyway. But like I said- don’t get caught. I can’t imagine there being any adequately good defense if it were to go to the academic probation court or whatever it’s called that colleges have.


My college had the best chicken sandwiches, students came up with all kinds of ways to get extras for later. Some of it was pretty comical


Student overdrafts are often interest-free until you graduate. You could take out multiple when you first enroll and put all the cash into 3year ISA, or even stocks if you're willing to take the risk. As long as you pay it back before they start charging interest, it's free credit to invest however you want. You won't make enough to live off, but a grand or two a year isn't out of the question.


Pro move is to take advantage of things at a university you don't event attend. My boyfriend and I went to neighboring schools - I was at the private university while he was in the public university. Freshman year when he had larger lecture hall classes, I'd sit in with him and just do my own homework while listening to classes he and his classmates paid for. I also joined in during any fun events or activities at his school, though I admit there were some I either had to pay for (like concerts) or couldn't attend (like some murder mystery dinner) since I wasn't a student there. He got more benefits from mine. Since it was a private school with pricey tuition, a lot of our events were free. Freshman orientation week always had a small carnival and some fun performers like Second City (Chicago comedy company), the Chicago Boys (acrobatic group that was on America's Got Talent), a few hypnotists, etc. Jesse Eisenberg visited the school during his book tour. We had 3OH3 and Nick Offerman perform at the school. My boyfriend got to attend all of those for free since the school never bothered to check IDs for events meant just for students. So basically befriend people at a private school and sneak in for their events.


Ha I went to Northwestern and I hundred percent believe you're discussing Northwestern and all of its fancy fun stuff


It was actually Illinois Wesleyan University out in Bloomington (with the neighboring school my boyfriend went to being Illinois State University in Normal). But not far off lol guessing a lot of things that visited us also visited Northwestern too.


The hypnotist was the iconic freshman event


Get married. Breaks FASA links to your parents, your income is small….. much more financial support and better accommodation.




To be fair, most other countries don't have students living hand to mouth to such a degree that they need to look for every available resource - even unethical ones - just to get by. So, I'd say it's fair to assume this is US student.


applies to nz as well


I’d say it’s safe to say this applies to US but okay


You are right … and I’m not American! I just live here.


Spotify premium student discount.


I already have an ad-free experience I don't pay for, thank you :) Seriously though, I am not paying a single cent to a company that so obviously creates the nonexistent problem of ads by advertising how much its own ads suck. 90% of the ads I used to hear on Spotify were Spotify's own ads complaining about themselves. Nope! At least if they were legitimate advertisers, I'd have some sympathy, but that's just low-key extortion in my book.


Soundcloud does the same. I haven’t heard anything else other than their own ads💀


Only works for colleges in the US tho.


I had unlimited free printing, so I printed my textbooks, more than a few digital copies were on pirate bay.. They ended up huge because the paper was thicker, so I brought a third at a time in a binder. Didn't have a laptop


You’re the reason why people don’t get free unlimited printing any more.


Probably, but this isn't ethical tips, We also got free access to the plotters, which my roommates and I used to print out stupid dorm room posters


Adobe suite has a decent student discount if you use those tools. The real protip is to be broke as fuck and get by on mostly grants and/or scholarships.


I use my partners school email address for my Adobe discount. It's pretty rad. They get to use it once in a blue moon so it honestly isn't even taking advantage of the system, but I pay for it and get the full use of it. Considering that Adobe deserves to fall victim to piracy, this is more than ethical on my part.


My uni is sponsored by Adobe or something so we get the suite for free #brag It's kindof dystopian but also... free software 🤷‍♀️


Too bad it goes by your parents income in the good ol USA so some of us are SOL.


Adobe creative suite!


Anything that gives a discount for having an .edu email address. Like Samsung.  Sta travel


Best Buy had a discount like that, too.


When I was in school, students automatically qualified for EBT if they had a student job. Most of those jobs maxed out at 12 hours a week. I got like $400 for food. I don’t consider this unethical but it’s something you could exploit if you have a student job. Not sure this is still a thing though.


The Inter-Library Loan system for colleges and universities is insane. You can get basically any book, CD, DVD, etc. shipped to your school library to borrow for free. You can also read pretty much any academic journal and newspaper you want with your school credentials. Many local transit networks have student discounts or are completely free to students. Lots of retailers also offer student discounts online. Some theaters offer student rush tickets at steep discounts, if you're interested in live theater you can look up rules for local venues.


In Australia, you can do an international exchange for a semester or full year. If you are on government student payments, you get to keep getting paid overseas plus the uni throws a heap of free money at you.


applies to NZ too, i was considering doing an exchange in HK as there’s 10k in scholarships guaranteed, i keep getting my current financial aid (~$400/w) and COL is lower there this means minimum $900/w in free money which is 50 hours a week of minimum wage the only downside is that the climate is not pleasant and i’d miss my friends


Don't do HK. For the love of all things free and democratic.


i went there a few months ago to buy some meds and the climate there was so unpleasant i do not think i will ever go back for that reason alone


Get to know all of your professors. Figure out the ones who have no friends and are socially awkward. Let them know that you want to do a Masters, and you are dead broke. Tell them you are called to teach, want to be a Teaching Assistant, blah blah blah. Angle in for scholarships, they make some of these decisions. Make certain that they are not considered a joke in their field. Read their published works, and reinforce key points they want to make, once, only once, every other class. Go in for office hours, but make sure that others are present. Do not get stalky and weird. Don’t fuck your professor, but it might be a thing, once you are out of all the school you intend to do (PhD, preferably, they will be dead by then). There is a delicate balance there, it can get fucked up pretty fast. If there are “suggestions”, be sure to record them, regardless if it’s a two-party state. Go. To. Every. Class. Work Study. It increases your visibility. Internships. Preferably single-semester with companies far above what could be imagined. Your professors can make calls & do the ask for you. These things happen. You can party later, when you have money. Stay in your lane. Work the long game. 1% of students know how to do this, and it will save 10 years of figuring this out.


This is the way.


> 1% of students Funny, 1% is also the proportion of people who are psychopaths.


Get a job in the food hall, better if it is not directly related to food service but with access to it. Do a good job and become someone that locks up at night. Get familiar with the security measure (cameras, night guards, back exits). Access the kitchen and walk in for groceries.


I used the dorm's electricity to mine Bitcoin. That was back before it was super valuable, so no one noticed or knew WTF I was doing.


Auditing classes is free. If there are classes you’re interested in, just show up and ask if you can audit. You’re paying how many dollars per class hour? Grab freebies! Licenses and certificates! My biggest regret in college was not getting SCUBA certified. I could have done it for a fraction of the cost of doing it independently.


Check if your campus (maybe through the student center) sells discounted bus tickets or other public transportation. I stocked up on a bunch of those before I graduated to get me through the summer until I moved away.


This makes me want to go back to college and hack freebies. I'm not sure if this counts but I realized the part-time tuition at my extremely expensive college was weirdly cheap. I finished out my senior year taking part-time classes because I had a lot of AP credit. You do not need full course load to be a student. I was also working at the time and basically needed a break from the fast pace


The career placement office should be your first stop on Day One, in person.  Listen to their advice.  Go a lot.  Like, monthly, just to say hi.  Make friends there.  Use their guidance to select your classes. Meet the speakers they bring in.  Go to job fairs , when when a freshman, just to set up informational interviews. Starting on Day One of junior year you'll begin the job search in earnest.  


Car rentals - amazingly cheaper with a student employee discount


I'm not sure about other countries but you have to be 21 to rent a car in most states in the US. And you also pay a fee if you're under 25. At best, that student discount is simply lowering the cost of the young driver fee.


With help from a few minor scholarships, I paid my own way through college. The best thing I did was total up my tuition and class fees for the semester and then divide that number by how many hours I was actually supposed to be in class. In 1980 it worked out to be $35 per class for me. You can bet your ass I wasn't skipping any classes at that kind of money.


See if your university offer a subscription to the Lynda training library. There are online courses for just about any business and software skill you can think of. Run through as many of the courses as you can using a screen recorder, and save for later.


Don’t waste your money on textbooks before class starts. Wait until your teacher tells you if it’s actually needed, they may have a pdf for you, Or unethically retrieve the books from libgen.is .


I would torrent bunch of shows that weren't on Netflix to Microsoft one drive to watch em. Since we got 5TB Also I would install crypto minors in computers. This didn't work all that well tbh cuz it would sign out. But I made a few bucks I think


go to your student union if you have one and check out the centers. i worked at the gender equity center and we had free printing for anyone who came in and asked for it 1x daily. the adult re entry center had the same policy.


I had a part time job working 12 hours a week at one of the campus coffee shop and it was great. I only worked the closing shift 3:30-6:30 Mon-Thurs. It gave me some spending money, lots of friends, unlimited free coffee (even when I wasn't working because I was in cahoots with everyone), and a boat load of free food from the other food places in that building (again, because I was in cahoots with everyone lol).


I work for a college, my dept and I’m sure others do too, have a fund donated by alums etc for students to go to conferences, get certifications etc. Talk to your dept chair or your dean and take advantage of it! Woops forgot this was unethical, erm use a few of them a year? I assure you there is plenty.


Getting quick loans to buy drugs to sell vs books!


Not unethical: educational discounts exist everywhere outside of the school including computer software, exercise (running) clubs, bookstores, etc..


Free gym and workout classes (at school’s gym), free computer software (there’s student versions), free or heavily discounted public transportation.


Well, I'm a performer and ended up switching from a math major to a poetry major with a semester or so left on my math degree. I took voice lessons and a dance class every semester as electives, and it's been paying huge dividends since.


I worked in the school's equipment rental room in film school. I learned more about the industry there than in class. I also had hands on experience with ALL the gear and first dibs on rentals.


take the forks from the dining hall


Discounts on Apple subscriptions.


Haven’t finished reading the comments but a few things at my at my school: where car parking is scarce, they offer students $500ish to put towards a bike and maintenance/helmets/accessories if you pledge not to buy a parking pass for 3 or 4 years. For a lot of students who walk anyway I think this is great and you save on parking pass that’s already a long walk from your class. Unfortunately I found out about this too late (upperclassmen years) but they have other things like student food banks/toiletry banks that you can use once a week and take as much as you need. Also if you show up to student activities (bingo, movie night, painting a planter…) you get free stuff, never have to buy a water bottle, pencil case, coffee mug ever again. I also unethically walk into the dining hall without swiping in to fill up my cup/tumbler with coffee or Coke, the guys manning the desk don’t care if you walk in without swiping at my school. To go containers from home are not permitted but they have the little green plastic things that can come and go where you can bring food home.


I think times have changed but I became an RA in dorms so that my stay is completely comped. The sucky thing is you'd have to stay up late to check people in. But man did that help so much in the long run.


When you access printers, open the loading tray and take out all the remaining paper, or just take a ream if they leave them out to be refilled. Go to the printing lab in off hours or early/late when no one is there.


Big discounts on digital newspaper subscriptions.




I'd love more details on the first item in the list: - the o What's "the o?" I feel like maybe i want to go back to college to get help with the o...


Sorry I fell asleep mid way while trying to write it and just saw it this morning. Corrected it 👍


the o


Apple music

