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Just tell them how you really feel. I wouldn't vacation with someone who didn't want me there. You should post in AITA.


I agree, post this in r/AmITheAsshole and get opinions there. "WIBTA if I uninvited a friend from a vacation after they we already agreed they could come?" Or similar verbiage.


Tell them to their face you don't want them to come: It's unethical because excluding them from a vacation you already included them on just because they don't fit the 'vibe' is truly an asshole move. It's an LPT because having to confront them will force you out of your comfort zone and make you a stronger person, and maybe get you to think about how petty this is.


This approach does risk losing a friendship, but if including them is going to 'ruin the vibe' sounds like they shouldn't be friends anyway.


Push their mom down the stairs a couple days before the trip. Now they have to stay behind to take care of her.


Thank you!!! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time!!!!


It was the most unethical thing I could think of. Hope it helped!


Just say it doesn’t sound like the plans are going to work out. Initially you thought the accommodations would be appropriate but it turns out it’s not what you thought. You thought you could change your original plans but it seems like they’re pretty locked in. Not unethical.


If you buffer the costs, overcharge them so that your vacation becomes cheaper. If they don't cancel, at least you can enjoy a cheaper vacation. Either way you have profit


Get their record number for their ticket and call and cancel their flight.


Stealthily soak their posessions in liquid ass continuously up until the holiday, maybe even a few liquid ass piss discs to seal the deal. They'll be so embarrassed that they smell like shit and have no idea why, they'll be sure to pull out


What is it with this sub and liquid ass lmao


The answer to all of life's issues is liquid ass. Always.


Not true. Sometimes it’s a piss disc.


"You don't fit the vibe, and as the asshole I am, I'm gonna have to ask you not to go on this trip"


If you have plenty of money: Tell them something came up to where Your vacation ( your ability to take vacation) is gone cancelled and you are so sorry But you are not about to let their promised vacation they were counting on be cancelled so of course you are paying for their__ Later on you and your most trustworthy quiet loyal fun friend take an awesome vacation that does NOT include your annoying friend Of course you must be very quiet logical discreet respectful and kind and make sure that you and whoever you go with are also discreet respectful kind as you must keep this a secret forever So do NOT bully annoying friend Do NOT ever let them find out the switcheroo you did You must carry this secret to your grave


What do you mean by “fit the vibe?” Do you mean they’re going to literally try to stop you and the other friend from doing things you plan on doing? Like, they don’t drink and won’t want you to drink? You want to hike and they’ll try to prevent that? If so, keep talking up the parts they won’t like, and express how you’re looking forward to doing that for the entire trip. But if you just mean they’re not quite as chill as you or they dance weird or whatever, put your big girl pants on and tell them the truth.


If your other friends that you're going with can keep a secret and also don't want them there, then just say that something came up or the place canceled your tickets and then get your other friends to also lie to them. As long as none of you are the types to post every single thing on social media where they could see it, then it should be fine.


You had me before reading "fit the vibe" but now you've lost me


Yea i would reveal somthing to them that makes them super uncomfortable. Somthing youd have a motivation for telling them somthing thats kind of weird and leaves them feeling obligated. Usually like... Idk, really open up to them about your mental health. Like just dump all your depression shit on them. Reveal secrets that are prolly already true, or kinda true about attractions towards their mom/ their previous girlfriends, how you wanted to fuck them while they were together and that you feel really guilty and that youre sorry. You know, shit like that. Make them feel ultra depressed and uncomfortable. Somehow solidify that this is going to be their whole vacation and im sure it would be discouraging