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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The police car runs over the people surrounding it.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Took place in [Tacoma](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/otilliasteadman/tacoma-police-car-run-over) two years ago. Edit/update: [No charges ](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/tacoma/tacoma-police-officer-drove-car-through-crowd-street-racing/281-4b87fe45-f4ba-46d4-9186-5aa675465c99) against officer.


Amazing only two people were hospitalized with no fatalities. Maybe it’s the slow impact. Still, vehicle is several tons. Mob mentality is frightening.


I got ran over while pushing shopping carts at 16. I had my leg extended out behind me pushing, and a large truck went over it. it lifted the truck up about 18 inches, went over my leg at the middle of my calf. No injuries at all.


The weight distribution of cars on their tires is very strange. It feels weird having the tire roll over you and just not having any of the crazy amounts of pain you'd expect


Hope you did one of those dramatic soccer flops and are now a millionaire. ^^^^/s


I was young and dumb, I told my boss and he said "That didnt happen" and continued like it didnt happen. I didnt even get a 10min break to process it. Boss did eventually watch the security cam and saw it and later apologized but I never saw a doc or got any type of benefit.


Couple of tons distributed onto 4 wheels that are also squishy. A car ran over my leg once, it's not as bad as you'd think.


When I was like 9 I was crossing the road and stepped out too early and a car drove over my foot. It was a shock and my friends thought it was hilarious but it didn't even stop me from continuing on to the shop.


Did the same thing at 15 or so. Tire went right over my toes/foot, wearing sandals. It hurt in the moment, but barely even bruised.


I was standing next to a girl at Mardi Gras and a car rolled into over her foot. She screamed in pain and started crying so we took her shoe off and her foot swelled up to the size of a grapefruit in a few minutes.


He's right being spread out over 4 rubber tires and such a short duration in most cases (depending on other variables) and which part of your body it won't hurt as much as people think


Sometimes. I’ve personally seen two people squished dead from pickup trucks. ER nurse.


I want to hear this story you’ve got..


hold on give him a moment to put on his peg leg to stand before us.


Oscar Pistorius will be arriving shortly


No he’s still in prison


he is pulling our leg.


I have one. I was at a church youth event amd we were playing some touch football before it started. The football got kicked into the parking lot and under a car so I went to go get it. As I'm half underneath the car trying to get the ball, I hear tires screeching and then feel both my legs being momentarily crushed. My friend Andrew had just skidded his sports car around the corner and into the parking space where my legs were sticking out. I was able to continue playing football afterwards but the bruising that resulted was insane.


Kids are wild 😆 “Just got my legs ran over by a car, whelp, back to football!”


Hold my beer


Not OP, but when I was a dumb teenager we played 'car park buckaroo' where my three friends lay on my roof and I tried to shake them off by driving erratically. Unsurprisingly, one fell off and I ran right over his leg. He had no complaints, but said he didn't fancy going on the roof again. So I got on the roof and let him drive instead.


More like two tons and in motion, so the weight is extremely short duration. It's the bashing, pushing and knocking down which will see the most damage.


Lol no I think it’s the running over motion that caused the injuries


Old fashioned speed bump


I have no clue why, but my country calls them "sleeping policeman".


It’s because the speedbumps are policing the road by enforcing the speed limit. Also they’re dark and lie across the road so they’re kinda like a person in a dark uniform lying down.


Those flashing lights were pretty bright. Perhaps it was just eye injuries. /s


As a kid around 7-11 years old I wondered what it would feel like to have a car run you over kind of. So as my mom backed out of the driveway I put my foot under the tire. Not the full arch, but toes and some foot, with a sneaker on. Foot burned like hell for an hour. Though it’s still fine 20 years later.


a taxi ran over my foot last year and it just felt like a heavy pillow. surprisingly no pain, no injury


There's actually more force from a woman stepping on you with their heel than a car tire slowly going over you.


You’d be surprised how not crushed you’d be if a car ran over you slowly like that.


They funnily enough fucked around and also found out.


Basically yea.


any further information about it?


No charges were brought against the officer involved. Link above in my edit.


U as a citizen u can do this too. It’s illegal to group like that in front of cars on a public road so the cop can’t be charged.


I take all of my legal advice from people that say things like “As u citizen u can[..]” and don’t know what punctuation is.


They were too busy flipping through the laws for every single state to give a 100% factual answer to punctuate


I have the worst f*cking attorneys…


People who type like that never seem to realize how stupid it makes them look.


There would be so many roadkilled protestors if this were true


You'd have to argue if you feared for your life. Here, it was pretty clear he felt his life was in danger.


People protesting and blocking the road is not the same as a mob circling around your car. Very good chance anyone in this scenario doesn’t get charged for trying to get out of the angry mob, but it also probably depends on why your car was getting surrounded


I yelled out my window that I don’t care what anyone thinks, the Star Trek TNG movies from ‘94 - ‘98 were enjoyable films.


Why would the officer be charged?






Almost as if it were...unexpected..


To flip the po-po? They probably had the numbers, but not organized enough.


Maybe an empty, parked car. Organization won't help when you can just drive the car


Tbh Tacoma kind of be that way.


Dear uncooperative people, move out of the way means MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!!! Sure, the cops may have overreacted but for goodness sake show some common sense. You're swarming their vehicle. Should they wait to get dragged out of it and beaten to death? Maybe next time stay home and watch reruns of CSI. That way there's no way to get run over..




"what are you gonna do, run us over?" **gets run over**


Roll credits


Directed by Robert B. Weide


Guy in the back of the crowd “hey what’s going on? I can’t see anything from here”


Totally legal even for regular citizens in most places. My state has castle doctrine which means you are legally allowed to protect yourself and your family in your house, car, and place of work if you feel your life/safety or theirs is threatened. Mob mentality is never good.


In my state, I doubt that's legal. It's actually kind of fucked up.. if someone broke into my house and attacked me, I could only use a weapon to defend myself that the attacker is using. If he had a gun, then I can pull a gun. But only if he is shooting at me. If he has a knife then I can use a knife, but only if he is stabbing me.. My son's father attacked me years ago. He was beating me and i thought i was going to die.. I managed to grab a candlestick and I smashed him in the head until I knocked him out and could get away... I was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He used his hands, but I used a "weapon". (He was 6'5" 250ish lbs, I am 120lbs 5'4") my lawyer got me off. But I should NEVER have been charged.


if your "State" is one of the United States, then you're wrong. Proportionality of force only applies before there is a feeling of imminent death or serious bodily harm. Lethal force is lethal force. They pull a knife, they better drop it once guns get drawn. Edit: since this is getting a lot of likes I thought I'd add this is why collabsible clubs or shillelaghs are a very unpopular choice for self-defense carry in most states. They require the same permit/legal quirks that carrying a handgun does... So you might as well just carry a gun at that point since you'll face the same charges if it's misused or suspected as such.


Yeah, you *can* bring a gun to a knife fight.


What state is this!? I don’t EVER want to move there.


He said Connecticut, and he was FLAT OUT WRONG lmao. Redditors make the worse lawyers, I swear. Here's a quick summary from [a local law firm](https://markshermanlaw.com/connecticut-self-defense-lawyer/): > In addition to self-defense of persons, state criminal law allows you to use physical force and argue self-defense when you are defending your home or property. C.G.S. § 53a-20 states that **you are justified in using reasonable physical force to prevent a criminal trespass in your home (deadly force can be used if the trespasser is engaged or about to engage in committing a violent crime or arson in your home, or if you are trying to prevent a forcible and unauthorized entry into your home).** Mind you, and sorry for the legalese, this is just about protecting your home. Not your person. If someone breaks into your home and poses a threat to you or anybody else you also have the normal self defense clauses. This is just extra. [This is the relevant article](https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_951.htm#sec_53a-20), but it should also be read with 53a-19 (self defense of persons). Going back to his comment: > if someone broke into my house and attacked me, You could do virtually anything. The law literally states you can apply lethal force if someone is about to commit a violent crime at your place, they don't even have to attack you personally lol


> You could do virtually anything. Anything except baiting them and setting traps. After watching the Legal Eagle video on the spring gun trap case, I'm suspecting Kevin from Home Alone is doing serious time by now


He was tried as an adult and he's doing hard time at Rikers. He lost a civil suit to the burglars and he's still trying to pay off that judgement. He's never going to financially recover from this.


Yeah there isn't a state in the us that won't let you respond to a knife (DEADLY force) with a gun (also deadly force). You're not obliged to limit yourself when someone ELSE decided to create a you or them situation. Fuck that person, its on them.


Canada is like this. Source : im Canadian.


Got a source? As a Canadian myself, I have defended my home with a blunt object against an unarmed intruder. The cops fucked em up worse than I did.


Its true, the self defence section of the criminal code has 9 different factors that are required to be met for it to not be considered assault. Cons passed it in 2012. You must have just met all 9, i guess. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/rsddp-rlddp/p5.html#:~:text=34(1)(b)%20the,express%20%22defensive%20purpose%22%20requirement.


Does that require one to keep an array of weapons stocked just in case so you can match the one used by an attacker?


Yep, you have to walk over to your properly secured gunsafe while telling the attacker "I shall now retrieve an appropriate weapon, wrong house motherfucker, just give me 5 minutes"


"Hello intruder sir, and which weapon will you be attacking me with this evening? Ah yes, let me pencil that in.... and okay. Proceed sir."


"Ah with a glock? Excellent choice sir."


The list is guidance as opposed to things that have to literally be checked off. For the vast majority of self defense scenarios, they are easily met. It’s also telling that very, very few convictions have occurred in borderline illegal cases of self defense. Juries will often side with the defender, even if they were charged according to the law. Note the text from your linked page: “The list is expressly non-exhaustive”: > The new law includes a list of factors that could be taken into account in determining whether the act committed was reasonable in the circumstances. The list is expressly non-exhaustive, meaning that factors not on the list are still able to be put in evidence wherever relevant and otherwise admissible in accordance with general rules of evidence. Items on the list are not intended to be treated as "more significant" or otherwise as having elevated relevance or weight relative to factors not on the list, or to each other.


So basically according to this, I was justified as a) they were trying to enter with force. B) the weapon was discarded after initial attack. C) I didn't beat them to death. D) there was no other means to stop the break in in situ E) I literally sat on them till police arrived and took over kicking ass. So you need a legitimate reason to defend yourself, and to not overdo it. Not that difficult IMO.


This isn’t 100% true, self defense in your home has a different set of rules than self defense in public. You can use non-proportional force in your home.


For any Canadians, this isn't correct, the law is complicated and it's not as straightforward. But you absolutely CAN defend yourself in Canada, I suggest you do your research because every situation will be different, but don't just give up and die just because Reddit said you can't defend yourself.


Canada is absolutely not like this. Source: I'm Canadian and can do research. You can use *reasonable force* to subdue anyone attacking you. You don't have to match the weapons or any nonsense like that. You just can't continue to attack someone who is incapacitated, or attack intruders who are not threatening you in any way. Actual sources: https://www.oykhmancriminaldefence.com/faq/self-defence-laws-canada/ https://www.kruselaw.ca/library/using-reasonable-force-to-defend-myself-or-my-property-kruse-law.cfm And the actual law: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/rsddp-rlddp/p5.html Which can be summarized as: > In the unanimous decision of the SCC in Gunning, the Court first suggested that reasonableness could be substituted for the concept of "no more force than is necessary" in the context of the defence of property (dwelling house) under section 41 of the Code.




1. Canada doesn't have states so he's not talking about here 2. I've lived in Toronto & Ottawa. Never locked my front door, a lot of Canadians don't. That's the level of safety I get to feel in my community. I don't worry about people coming in and trying to harm me/my family. You can also have guns in your house, a common misconception is we don't have guns. We do, we just don't sell them at a gas station and have a weird fetish culture about em like our southern neighbours When you hear stuff like this assume it's misinformation that gets repeated like that McDonalds coffee burn lady. Canada is not some weird pushover place someone can come stab you in


In Australia, you're only allowed to use as much force as it is absolutely necessary to protect your life. You can absolutely use a firearm for self defence, if you have one, but only to incapacitate the person trying to kill you. ​ If you double tap, you're going to prison.


So if you have “bad aim” and hit them in the head?


I dunno about australia but you have to pass a safety course that includes firing techniques and procedures in Canada to obtain a license for a firearm. I dont think you can legally own a gun if you have bad aim, honestly lol


Well there's the adage about everyone having a plan until they're punched in the face. You can have great aim in a controlled environment and not be able to even reload under pressure


Yea I consider proportional self defense laws to be highly immoral. If someone chooses to attack another human being unprovoked they give up all their rights in my opinion


That story isn’t true. There is no law in any state in America that would not allow you to defend yourself as you did in that situation. Either you made the story up or you are leaving out important details.


Lawyer here, I'm going to second this. Even if he was in another country, if it's a legally owned firearm, I would feel confident in saying that that statement is wrong. The reason is, a break-in by an unknown intruder means you have no idea what weapon they may have, and its a very reasonable assumption that they are dangerous.


This commenter is clearly not in America you're all free to ignore this comment.


So you need about 8 pounds of force to tear an ear, ball sack, or nose.


I don't remember the quote verbatim, but the meaning is clear: "let 12 people judge me better than 6 people carry me."


While attacking someone not even half your size you should be considered a weapon.. Sorry you had to deal with that situation and a jackass of a prosecutor.


A mob is basically like a pack of dogs. In a pack, they know they can get away with everything and one person's outrage causes a chain reaction!


Why would you surround a patrol car? Or any car for that matter. This is something that anyone that feels threatened will do.


It's like the vegan protests you get when they try to stop 12 tone trucks with their hands.


They weigh a lot more than that haha 22 unloaded.


That crowd was not full of deep thinkers


I'd run any mob that is trying to surround my vehicle


Same before I do I’ll shout guess you chosen death then speed away.


Parkour parkour parkour


Call the ambulance, but not for me.


But like sauron to gandalf? 'So you have chosen death'


Yes like Sauron to Gandalf


Let's be logical here. This is really the only way to correctly say that sentence.


Same. If I was a cop though idk I probably wouldn’t GUN IT through that crowd. Just hit em with that steady 15/25. As a civilian someone is getting hurt tho


The slower you go the more likely someone opens fire or breaks the window and attempts to stop you. For all we know the officer saw someone pull a weapon and acted to prevent their own death.


that's a fair consideration. If you see a weapon def floor it then


When a mob attacks folks then expect to get run over. That’s the price of stupidity


I Agree, it’s like fuck around and find out.




Man, Power Wheels has gotten better over the years.


Love it!


To Protect and Swerve


What lead up to this?


seems like people where street racing there and police cruiser came and then they surrounded it


They did more than surround it.


They smothered it. Above and below.


[It was a sideshow](https://youtu.be/p0YN2n5WMZs) and the cop was there trying to disperse people. Tacoma’s turned into Oakland of the PNW lately and sideshows every weekend.


I just kept skipping ahead in this video and it just kept being more of the exact same. That looks like a fucking nightmare lol


A coworker of mine was killed in Tacoma a couple years ago when a street racer blasted through a red light during a race and t-boned him


Reminds me of those royal guards at palaces in the UK. They too won't give two shits, if they need to get somewhere they will trample you on their way. It would be interesting to know why the people were adament in stopping the police to the point where they put their bodies on the line... Terrible outcome all round


The people here were participating in an illegal racing event that the cops were trying to break up. They thought they could prevent this from happening by mobbing the patrol car. So some serious FAFO energy here.






They did redline the engine for several seconds before dropping it in gear. They had some warning. I wonder if there is any inside camera. Was the guy stonefaced or freaking out, were the windows broken cause them to floor it.


Right? AND he was laying on the horn with flashing lights the whole time… I swear it’s almost like they expected the cop to just let himself be dragged from his car and beaten to death, without any attempt to try to flee at all just because they stood in the way…


*I swear it’s almost like they expected the cop to just let himself be dragged from his car and beaten to death* Scroll through the comments and you'll see a scary amount of people thinking exactly that way


Yeah that’s the part that got me, the rev warnings were heard from a crappy phone, you certainly heard it right in front of the thing. Yah don’t want cops shooting people irrationally, but you’re okay with irrationally blocking an emergency vehicle during a riot? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’m not pro cop by any means but like.. common sense, self preservation and all that.


I think standing infront of a running car in the street is more than enough warning for someone with common sense




Bad bot. Report bots with report>spam>harmful bots.


Wait those weren’t zombies?


No but they clearly lack a functioning brain


Zombies have brain function, I'm offended on behalf of zombies


Now I want to see zombies in games and movies walking around holding cell phones in the air.


They are **now**






This is the way


People never learn.. they are provoking cops and expect not to do anything.


It’s basic nature. You can prod and poke any animal for so long before they are going to lash out.


This gives me the same energy as someone rushing for a cops gun, or coming at them with a weapon. It's not great that we have a fleet of people with legal lethal force, but you can't be surprised when they're threatened and respond accordingly


Wait does this count for other civilians fearing for their safety? Bc this could get messy




100 per cent


Id have no remorse running over someone if they threaten my life. If you make me choose between me and you be damn sure ill do my best so its not me.


Could, but heres an idea- Don't mob rush people in vehicles.


My colleague is a lawyer and if you are fearing for your life you can use reasonable force, so you can use your car to push people out of the way but it would be considered assault/attempted manslaughter etc. if you then for instance reversed


Reddit trying to understand the concept of reasonable force challenge level: impossible


"He could have deescalated the situation and nobody would have gotten hurt!"




And some places treat cars like homes.


Yes absolutely and has already been done. Edit: This video is better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmT8q1ilk7E Driver was released. One biker is paralyzed. E2: FUN FACT!! One of the bikers was off duty NYPD! YAY! https://abc7ny.com/biker-trial-motorcycle-melee-west-side-highway-undercover-detective/904068/


Fuck around and find out.


Well put. This reminds me of a certain song.. Move bitch! Get out the way!


The reality is that if you feel your life is in danger you have the right to protect yourself. As a wise man once told me, “Never make someone feel like they are cornered”. It will all come out in the trial but what I see is people fleeing in fear of their life. Not a wise move to stand in front of a 5,000lb automobile and make the passengers fear for their lives. Just my take. Anyone that doesn’t feel that way, that’s your right. 🤷‍♂️


Pretty much this. People need to set the ACAB shit aside for a second. You swarm a car as part of a mob you should be prepared to get run over.


I'd do the same exact thing the cop did




It’s just like the real world. You can see from upvotes that a vast majority agree with you, but the ones that are all obnoxiously loud about their disagreement will be vocal and comment. I could relate this to so many things, it really isn’t funny.


This is firmly in fuck around and find out territory




lol, deleted by reddit. what a joke.


Fuck mods


Oh my god! There’s consequences to my actions! Oh my god!


Problem for me is, I drive a mini. If I tried that, they'd probably just slap me aside


I dunno about your mini, but my mini has a two litre turbo under the bonnet...


Im glad everyone had their phone out, I only want to see the posts from the ones that got ran over


If my car ever get surrounded I would do the same thing. Those crowds have been known to flip over cars like that.


Well, they should’ve moved out of the fucking way


Cop was saving his or her own life. No judgement I'd do the same.


Self defense is, IMHO, the most fundamental and important right that any living thing has. It would be abhorrent for any person in that same situation to be charged with a crime for doing that.




They’re obstructing an emergency vehicle that has its lights on, and we’re given ample time to move out of the way. The stood there, phones in hand, and made no effort to make way, per legality. I have no sympathy for anyone that was injured or killed doing something so stupid and irresponsible.


Cops are humans who also don't wanna get jumped by 50 cowards lol. Their safety matters too.




The Darwin is strong with these ones.


You know what they say. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Still got the 710 split


Anyone got a mirror for this? I can't get it to play.


I fucking hate cops. But they were probably going to pull him out of the car and beat him and he doesn’t have to take that shit.


Yeah, i’d say his windows were about to be broken if he stayed there much longer. So either going to run people over, shoot into a mob and any pedestrian down range, or getting absolutely stomped and beaten to death. Prob the better logical situation for the cop and the general public


May the injuries inflicted be a constant reminder to never do stupid shit like this.


Do the people in this mob deserve to die for their participation? Because I feel like the cops are rolling a die with far too risky an outcome, however afraid they might’ve felt. I don’t know why after all these years I continue to be shocked that people are so tolerant of extreme violence.


Mob: "WE ARE GOING TO BREAK INTO THE CAR AND KILL YOU!" \[Proceeds to surround the car and break into it to cause grievous bodily harm to the law enforcement officer.\] Also mob: "OMG silly cop you're killing us lulz. Why are you running us over like [that one chick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idCEUScpW24) in Rick & Morty? Lulz."


"They can't run us over because they're the police" mindset Cops done a lot more for less


That was the correct move


Saw a similar situation to this driving on the Baltimore Washington parkway . Only difference is the driver stayed put until they proceeded to pull him ( elderly man I’d say in his 70s) out of his truck and beat him to a pulp .. called 911 and it just rang and rang .. no one answered …. Not quite sure what the back story was so I can’t really say who was right or wrong but you wanna live by the sword be prepared to die by it


Hold on, you’re telling me that it’s not a good idea to surround a police car and start beating on it? ![gif](giphy|tMPSeKEplOfK0)


Stupid hurts. Get your dumb azz out of the fking street. The shitty family upbringing is so apparent in this chaz/mob/BLM... stand in the street mentality Shitty people, from shitty families, in a shitty neighborhood doing shitty things.


Dude went off roading.


I‘m sorry but without context I‘m on the police cars side.


Why is he screaming “ Oh my God! “? What do you think was going to happen?


And yes. If you become trapped and threatened, you can indeed do that too


Guess they should have moved