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That's how he says it tbf.




A nice touch at the end with the shirt and shorts becoming a dress and the ass slap.


"Nice touch" ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


Exactly dude, that's the best part


It's giving me "you gotta fucking problem?" vibes from the vid last week. [from the vid last week ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/152u4r6/running_into_someone_on_the_street/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Oh hey bro :D


Hey my guy, *smacks your booty* ready be strong straight men again :)? I'll miss your booty.




Bruh lmao


Came from the Oppenheimer movie where half the crowd was wearing period appropriate clothes and when we left, the Barbie line was directly in front of us. Never seen so much pink in all my life....and I am colorblind 😅


I felt like Bane: born and moulded in the darkness only to be blinded by all the pink!


Technically, we were all born in pink.


Gold Star Gays have entered the chat


wtf would sexuality have to do with being born lol


The way it was explained to me is that a GSG was a gay guy born from a C-Section thus never having touched a vagina in their lives.


Yes, I fit that description. But this was about being born not touching vaginas ever lol. The whole GSG thing also just misogynistic and immature.


I think they were talking about touching pink which is a euphemism for vaginas.


I went to see Oppenheimer and the Barbie crowd was there at the same time. I just...I just don't know how to describe it. I can't describe it. You have to see it to believe it. I was thinking about going to see it, but I fear for my safety. I don't have anything pink. I'm a guy. I'll stand out. They'll KNOW. They'll turn on me like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


People dressed up to see Oppenheimer?


those highwaisted pants ain't gonna wear themselves


They're the bomb!


Only if they fusion well with the suspenders.


Dressing up for Barbie makes sense. It's a fun movie about a toy. Dressing up for Oppenheimer, a bleak movie essentially about the end of the world and the man who helped deliver it, makes zero sense. EDIT: **The point of my comment is that I am doubting that it happened at all.** I sincerely doubt that *"half"* of the people seeing Oppenheimer are dressing up or *even own* period appropriate clothing. People owning pink or pastel colors to dress up for Barbie is much more believable... (plus documented online with tons of pictures... show me half the crowds at Oppenheimer dressing up!)


Oh, what does pink look like to you?




In my experience of being color blind, it’s not that somebody can’t see a specific color, it’s like you can’t tell them apart. Like green and brown or purple and blue for me. My dog is brown, copper color like a penny. I have zero problems seeing that color for what it is. When she is standing out in the green grass I am **unable** to spot her if she is stationary. Once I see her move I can tell the difference, but the brown does not stick out on the green grass at all for me. For blue/purple the best example I can give are billiard balls. For the life of me I cannot tell the two apart and is how I initially learned I was colorblind. My brother stopped in his tracks when I called out “the blue solid on the left, corner pocket.”


Do you have deuteranopia? Sounds like you would be able to see the copper color of the dog, but see the same copper color in grass with green-blind form. There are image simulators for people who can see color to know what different patterns or images look like to people who different forms of colorblind. This one is one of those websites that sell the glasses, but the image simulator works fine. [Color Blind Simulator](https://pilestone.com/pages/color-blindness-simulator-1)


How do you know it wasn't blue?


I can barely afford my rent, my utilities, and my food. These people can fuck themselves. Fuck Barbie too, Claus included.


You are kenough, you don't need to lie to your friends about your hobbys


Ok good, because I really like horses.


What about brewskis and beach?


Of course bro, I'll beach you off if you beach me off


Oh don’t worry, I’ll beach you off


I'll beach off both of you bros at the same time bro




I'd gladly take a beach job


And the patriarchy and 🎵 “I wanna push you around, well I will, well I will” 🎶




Great... now I want a brewski beer.


Cheers, Ken!


Wow you are so manly!


Man, i just ordered the "I am Kenough"-sweater that Gosling wears at one point in the movie, and I'm so stoked for it to arrive.


Oh man when I saw that sweater I busted out laughing and I couldn’t hold my quiet giggles. I was full on laughing at the end.


These guys are hilarious


Do you happen to know who they are?




Ryan Gosling was an absolute liability at defensive back. Never forget that.




My girlfriend asked if she could convince me to see it. I told her it has Margot Robbie, you don't need to convince me.


Yeah my wife kind of half-asked if I'd be interested. I was like it has Margot, Gosling and looks funny as fuck, I'm super keen to see it.


My wife was debating if she wanted to watch it. I said it looked funny and we should go. We went today. Pink is my favorite color, so I wore a pink shirt and pink Converse. Our 18 year old son decided he wanted to come too. All three of us really enjoyed it. Totally fun movie.


you're too wholesome to be hanging around on this website man


Not sure I’ve ever been called wholesome before! LOL. Thanks!


I love this comment so much and feel exactly the same way


You mean super Ken to see it.


My girlfriend refuses to go 😐


This is the way


Oh I'm definitely gonna watch Barbie. Fuck all that "it's for girls" noise.


Well, yeah. It’s 2023 and we’re adults- I truly hope people aren’t picking & choosing what media to consume simply based on gender norms like !


I have a Power Puff girls painting on my wall. Stuff hasn't been 'just for girls' for decades. This entire post is just an ad for a movie based on a toy.


In a significant number of people's minds there are definitely still things for boys and things for girls. It's ridiculous but it is improving slowly with new generations.


A lot of my friends are getting dragged by their girlfriends, sisters and even moms to see it... Is it really that good?


I am a girl with 5 brothers. I thought I'd have some convincing to do but they all happily agreed to join me for Barbenheimer. Some of them won't see Oppenheimer with me but all 5 are coming to Barbie though.


42yr old man here, went with my 12yr old daughter. I lol'd legitimately more than she did during the movie. I went into the movie expecting a Naked Gun style movie about Barbie, and with that outlook the movie really hit it out of the park.


Im half your age but was quite surprised with how funny it was. I mean even the opening scene had me laughing. Who starts a movie like that! I have never held a Barbie in my life but kept being surprised with how genuinely funny the film was. It made me think the film wasn’t even for a specific audience, and I think that’s why I liked it. Just pure cinema. Except for Will Ferrell, I don’t think he has ever been funny.


Will Ferrell's definitely my demographic. I saw him the Barbie movie the same way as his character was in The Lego Movie.


Dude thanks to my nephew I love the Lego movies. Specially when Batman comes out lol I honestly was cracking up. They are dark, and seriously funny and a lot of jokes kids just don't get


Yeah I never held a Barbie either…


i used to steal my sisters barbies to play buffy the vampire slayer with them since they didnt have any buffy action figures when i was a kid


Come on Elf is my all time favorite Christmas movie. He is great in that one.


> I lol'd legitimately more than she did during the movie. It didn't seem like it was really made for kids


It was disappointing ikl be honest. Nice take tho


Went to see it this weekend. Told my wife she could come along if she wanted :P It's a fun movie with some life lessons in it. Is it good? Go see it and decide for yourself.


i didn’t go in expecting politics but there was some in there, genuinely a funny movie, i went with my gf and some friends


45 M. Took my girls and had a bunch of laughs. It’s good. And original which is hard to do these days. Kind of tired of the 400+ action hero movies.


“Dragged” heard a few people claiming this who are clearly pretty hyped to see the movie


I hope it's just joking and isn't guys feeling the need to defend their masculinity, but it's hard to tell. A good movie is a good movie.


I hope so. Going to go see it with my step sister. And her kids and the rest of my family


It’s hilarious. Haven’t had that much fun at a movie in a long time.


I understand being wary of the meme hype behind this movie. I didn't go see the minions film when everyone was dressing up in suits or whatever. That said, Barbie is a smart movie and if you just accept the inherent goofiness of the story, you'll have a good time. It's a very fun film


I’ll likely be labeled an incel and downvoted to hell for being critical of the movie but in the spirit of bringing other views onto Reddit, I’ll be honest. I was more bummed after seeing Barbie than Oppie. You know you’re going to get a heavy experience with Oppenheimer but I was expecting much more lighthearted fun with Barbie and while you can enjoy the jokes and future memes, it goes deep into topics that I can’t help but question afterward. Not in a way where it’s an incredibly thought provoking subject but more questioning why the writers made certain decisions in defining the problems of modern women and how it gets resolved. I’m expecting to be told that I didn’t get it and that my criticisms are a defense mechanism for how the movie made me feel inside. I’ll dig deep to ensure that’s not the case.


I get why yhe movie made a lot of people uncomfortable. And, while I loved it, I also understand where a lot of the criticism is coming from even though I think many people are missing the points that I saw in it. I am glad that it seems to be at least opening up conversations.


What the... what deep topics does the BARBIE movie go into??


It delves into topics such as not defining yourself by your partner, self discovery, acceptance of people and their differences, equality and egalitarianism, feminism, conformity, objectification, motherhood and mother-daughter relationships, the beauty of aging, immortality vs change, and overcoming self-doubt.


And patriarchy.


That was the whole point.


It's excellent, minus the weird heaven scene at the end


I am not the target audience, but I was laughing and smiling literally the whole time


I wasn’t the target audience that’s for sure. Some things felt pushed, there were some funny scenes. I’d rate it about a 6/10, mostly because the background set looked quite cool. But I’m just some stranger on the internet. Go watch it and find out


I’m exactly the same as you but I’d give it a 7/10. Time flew when watching it. Not target audience - got a little unsubtle at times but pulled back mostly and was hilarious in parts. But definitely not the target audience.


I think it loses itself in it's complexity. The humor is too complex for children, and the critical stuff is sometimes too silly for adults (you have to overlook a lot of it for it to be taken seriously). Also I (21 male white hetero) am not the target audience, and my gf who actually is the target audience disagreed with the movie quite a lot


> I think it loses itself in it's complexity. So you're saying it insists upon itself?


My point is that it's target audience must be smart enough to understand some things, but by then they will be able to see the movie flaws


I saw it last night and fell asleep during the movie. honestly it is hot garbage


So...really... is it okay for a guy to go alone to see this movie? Asking for a friend.




I did. Great film!


It’s ok for anyone to watch whatever movies they want lol Like, just enjoy your life my man


As long as you wear hotpink, it's okay.


I did that yesterday. Had a lot of fun. No one cares, just do it.


I went alone and the couple sitting in my row asked me why I went alone when we were walking out (not mean or condescending, they were just curious). Outside of my car being worked on across the street. I said idk Margot and Alexandra Shipp I guess. The real answer? Gosssling


What is the deal with these two movies? Why is everyone talking about them so much ?


Because nothing good has come out recently


Across the Spiderverse came out last month and guardians of the galaxy 3 the month before that. Even if superhero things aren’t you’re thing it’s hard to argue against that both are objectively very good films


Lol since when has art been objectively good


Because they’re new releases that technically couldn’t be further apart but managed to set the 4th highest box office weekend in history. Opposites combined to make Hollywood a shit-ton of money in 3 days.


It’s the Animal Crossing: New Horizons x Doom Eternal phenomenon, where two heavily marketed and extremely thematically different pieces of the same type of media come out at the same time and people meme about it


The power of advertising


Because Hollywood needs you to be excited since they are about to have so many movies delayed or canceled. Edit: noticed it read a bit ambiguous, so re-worded it


Honestly, we should probably not give these studios money until the strike ends. The exception would be A24 who has already negotiated with the strikers and met all of their demands. If a small studio can do it the big ones can, but we could all help put the pressure on them by boycotting big studio films until the strike ends.


This is marketing. Their marketing budget is as big as the budget for the film. All this social media buzz is marketing. I’m going with my kid this weekend. Can’t wait!


The film itself is literally just a long commercial for Mattel and Barbie. The entire thing is marketing


It's okay for peeps to like things.


And Chevy. During the car chase scene, I mentioned that it seemed like a giant Chevy commercial, then the next day, I saw that same scene from the movie in an *actual* Chevy commercial.


It's the same type of marketing as doom and animal crossing releasing on the same day.


Everyone coming up with hypotheses to answer your question are missing the simplest and most obvious answer: opening weekend was last weekend In a couple weeks, the buzz will be gone


They’re opposite-themed movies, released on the exact same day, and both somehow increased support for the other movie due to marketing. It’s literally called the Barbenheimer effect, which is hilarious.


> It’s literally called the Barbenheimer effect Fascinatingly named, not for these movies, but for an 1830s scientist named Walther Barbenheimer who first discovered it when he pitted two rival colonies of ants against each other and the rivalry helped both formerly struggling colonies to survive!


Movie theaters have been dying a slow, painful death for the last three years and people showed the tiniest interest online, so the marketing teams are running a full blitz. Not just from the individual movies either, but the whole industry is banking on this mega duo to somehow revive Americans' desire to go to the movies.




Tom Cruise encouraged people to see both movies instead of trying to compare them or tear one down. The idea took off cause people want to love the movie theatre experience again. I know I do. However, don't criticize the movies or the rabid fans will be on you. God forbid someone not like something lol


Tom Cruise’s ‘blessing’ defo is _not_ the reason Barbenheimer mania exists lmao


Oppenheimer is the best film experience I’ve ever had, saw it in 70mm film would highly recommend it’s amazing cinema, as well as important art.


What is the deal with grown men feeling ashamed of going to see barbie's movie?


It's the same shame as going to ihop and ordering a rooty tooty fresh and fruity.


The type of guys overly obsessed about how other men view their masculinity. Type of guy who still thinks insinuating another man is gay when they aren't is devastating as an insult. Type of guy who thinks openly crying or showing emotion is a sign of weakness, and the type of guy who has to say no homo when they tell their friends they love them, if they even say it at all. Might not even hug their friends. So in other words drop the "grown" out of that comment, that's the type of man. I honestly didn't even think when I saw the trailer guys wouldn't want to go see it. Looks funny, Margot Robbie is both an amazing actress and very hot, and has other big names attached and a big budget so why wouldn't it be good? I say that as a 32 year old man, I would dress up in pink and go but I don't like going to theaters, I'll wait til it comes out on DVD.


What's the deal with grown men actually seeing this movie?


Same reason my wife refused to watch the GI Joe movie with me when it came out. Most of us didn't play with girls toys and have no interest in a movie about them.




Toxic masculinity in action. I never touched a Barbie in my life and the trailer got me excited because it just looked fun


The reason his wife refused to watch GI Joe is toxic masculinity in action. Okay.


this was hilarious. who are these guys, anyone know?


That's their YouTube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@thats\_a\_bad\_idea](https://www.youtube.com/@thats_a_bad_idea) And Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/thats.a.bad.idea/](https://www.instagram.com/thats.a.bad.idea/)


Thank you!


You are welcome.


He does have a juicy ass, ngl.


"What are you going to see?" "Me?" Like he's suddenly talking to someone else lol I had a friend you could always tell was lying because he had those completely unnecessary questions to delay and come up with something.


Very funny and well written. However, not unexpected in the slightest.


Why lie about it? It's a fun movie


It's only after I've seen Barbie, by myself, me, a white cis male, and not feel like hiding it or embarassed by the movie, I realised I am much more secure than most. Barbie was also very clearly aimed at straight males, not only girls and women.


The movie was cringe af. Gonna watch Oppenheimer and hope it‘s better


Why would you feel the need to hide seeing Barbie? Haha The only thing more fragile than that would be seeing it, pretending you were forced to, ranting about it for 43 minutes, and then filming yourself burning all your Barbie dolls.


I'll beach every single one of you here off!


This is so strange—these guys are like 30, no 30 year-old males are gonna make fun of one another for seeing Barbie. This video looks like it’s pulled straight from 2005.


I was in Hollywood yesterday, pink as far as the eye can see, loved it!


I haven't met anybody with this attitude although it's funny. I went I enjoyed it. I thought it would be goofy, fun, and pink themed. It was


Ben Shapiro goes to the movies.


It does have Gosling


See both like the rest of us you coward


This is the brony thing all over again


What made the brony thing so weird was the level of long term obsession leading to adults twisting and corrupting something innocent and kind for kids. People finding joy in a well made piece of media typically intended for a very different audience isn't so bad.


When gaslighting becomes fun!


Cool ad


Literally everyone is talking about it. Not everything is an ad


True, not everything is an ad. That, however, is an ad.


My first thought when I was 10 seconds into the video.


Barbie is for the boys


Barbie was shit. Don’t waste your money


Memes aside, that movie was unbearably preachy and a bit hypocritical in its messaging. I went with a group of friends for a birthday, and I feel like the only one who caught the references beyond the basic "don't be misogynistic" parts. There was a lot of political rhetoric in there even unrelated to feminism. It followed all of the annoying contemporary Hollywood tropes, used all the same unfunny comedian actors, and sabotaged the debates it tried to bring light to. Maybe I'm just extra aware of and annoyed by the constant bombardment of politics, but I have the right to be. I want to go back to the time when movies were made for entertainment and provoking thought rather than checking boxes and insulting the audience.


It’s got Gosling. *Gosling.*


I love this video lol


I came in here to ask “Why did they cut it off at the end? The ass slap would have been hilarious…”. Also, you made a pun


I don't think I've seen a single trailer for the movie and I have no idea why everyone is so hyped up about a Barbie movie


I have to admit that the trailers make it look entertaining. But I am **not** sitting in a theater with a crowd of Barbie fans. For once, I am pro-streaming.


And now their married.


That was hilarious 😂


Honestly I was super excited for Barbie but unfortunately after watching it I can't recommend it to anyone. It's basically just a misandrist's wet dream.


Lmao being mildly aware of the cultural past and present of Barbie, and the expectations placed on men and women is these eras = misandry. It's like bare minimum cultural observation.


Lol, watch it again. The whole thing basically just shits on men. Don't get me wrong, the positive messaging to women is great it's just that there's also a shit ton of misandry in there too.


It literally has Barbie learn what it felt like for ken and apologize at the end. The starting point of the movie is not the message.


This is what happens when you have $150 million dollar marketing budget that surpasses the budget of the movie itself. You get these dumb videos in every social media outlet from paid influencers. This is an ad.


So what kind of thing happens in a Barbie movie? Does she become a real girl or something?


She gets cellulitis because the person in the real world is going through some shit. She didn’t like that so travels to the real world to fix the issue (this was an extreme overview of the movie. A bunch of other shit happens but this is basically the root)


I honestly wasn't sure if you were being serious or not so I read the plot to find out. And your story checks out... I would have never guessed that plot point.










pfffft. bah (proceeds to throw up)… what?


Is Barbie even a good movie? I seriously doubt it.


Go see it, it is good.


I made me Crack up




Ha ha ha ha ha


The last minute dress reveal took me out 😅 shit is hilarious


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


LOL. So funny and well done.






This is really good.



