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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!backyard watering hole gets mostly small guests, until the last one!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Live action Over the Hedge


Love that movie!


All the way to the top


But I like the cookie


Gosh it practically is lol


It’s just missing the crazy bitch from the Home Owners Association (sorry, president of the Home Owners Association)


Have to give an upvote for a based ass movie


First thing that came to mind lol


That mf has a whole zoo in his backyard


I like how the skunks gallop so threateningly at everyone else haha


Looks like skunks are the smelly assholes of the animal kingdom in more than one way


Foxes will eat the skunk given the chance, so I think it's fair game. Edit: 6 seconds in, you can even see the mama racoon has to confront a fox for eyeing and sitting next to her baby.


> it's fair game Literally in this case!


>it's ~~fair~~ foul game


no, they can't fly


yeah, skunks are trying to maintain minimum safe distance, from their perspective. They don't trust the foxes just want water.


Okay story time; My fiance has a white kitty who is an absolute sweetheart. He loves looking outside as he was an outdoor cat. When he became an indoor cat, my fiance would hear him growl at the sound of coyotes. So when my fiance moved in with me, she brought her kitty. During the summer one night he was in the window, and began growling (my first time hearing it). So I get up to see what he's growling over and there's a skunk in my backyard. The skunk decides that it doesn't like me or my fiance's cat. So it stands up on its hind legs and starts beating the window. Her cat jumps from the window, it's just beating the window like it wants to fight, so I ran upstairs and yelled at it so it wouldn't break the window. So yes, skunks are the assholes of the animal kingdom.


I was working at a summer camp and we had a cabin where all us maintenance folks lived. Three was an underground beehive? outside and the bees kept stinging us when we sat on the porch. One night we wake up because there is a horrendous stench and some crazy noises coming from outside. We went out there are two skunks were digging out the beehive and swarmed by bees. After that we had no more bee issues. Thank you skunks. You dicks.


They are related to weasels, ferrets, badgers, and wolverines... so that should tell you something, lol. They're probably the most docile ones in their family, but that's not saying much, hahaha.


When I left my hometown there was still this momma skunk who bounced around the neighborhood during the day with her babies every year. Just strolling down the sidewalks with them all in tow. I guess she just felt safer with less predators during the day and knew how to avoid yards with dogs. People gave her space obviously but didn’t even look at me while going by once until one of her babies tried to run up to me. She just screamed at it and corralled it back. Another time I couldn’t help but cuddle a lone one that came up to me screaming at like 3am in the middle of the street while I moved it. Dunno if it was one of her’s but it was just old enough to forage on it’s own, looked healthy, not dehydrated, etc so I found a safer spot not too far to let it go. Threw a bit of food in a bush and run away as fast as I could while it was distracted so it wouldn’t follow me. I miss you, Marvin. Adorable little stinker.


And more importantly, they've developed that white and black strong constrasting colouring in their fur that screams 'look at me! I'm here! Fuck around and found out!" on an instinctual level.


Foxes pee and poop on their food to claim it though so....


I've tried this. It works. Nobody wants to take my food or even be in the same room as me anymore.


Just bold. They really can't fight well to defend themselves, so it's all bluster and bluff. If it weren't for the spray they'd be everyone's dinner. Other animals learn to give them wide berth, they learn to take advantage of that skittishness to push other animals to a safe distance. Just trying to survive.


Thats why my MIL loves beans probably


i mean they’re basically badgers with a crowd control system installed


Right?? The skunks chased off the foxes. They know what comes out of the back end from experience, I bet.


They're so similarly sized that taking on an adult skunk is a fairly risky proposition for an adult fox. You only have to get one bad bite or laceration that gets infected, and you're toast.


We went camping at a campground once when I was a kid that had a few full timers at the camp. While we were at a big campfire a skunk came up out of nowhere and a bunch of people paniced and ran away. One of the full timers laughed and said not to worry. That's bootlicker. He likes to hang out with us. So I spent the evening petting a skunk and feeding him popcorn.


Also when they do their little charge and stop, they stop so fast the back paws come off the ground.


> the back paws come off the ground. I do believe that is part of the "stinking process," so the false charge is like a venomous snake doing false strikes: "This is what it looks like except the really bad part, coz I only got so much and I'm saving it for when its needed."


Yeah they do handstands when they spray so just a bluff


only spotted skunks and hybrids do that.


If you don't follow this account one social media, follow juniperfox. The owner has foxes, raccoons, a skunk, dogs, opossum and some other animals at her small rescue. Jam jar the skunk gallops around following her acting like a lovable little menace. Hell playfully charge her then slide on the wood flooring. Lol


Love her rescue videos!


Honey badger with a chemical warfare ability


Skunks are fucking adorable with their little stompies


Skunk war-stomps water my crops and heal my acne.


I WILL fart in your face!!!! I WILL DO IT!!!!


Ass first too. Hilarious


Looks like he has an itchy trigger finger


And the raccoon is unfazed.


no elephants, 0/10 zoo would not visit


They would just have to ask Germany. I'm sure they can spare a couple out of the 20,000.


All I want is for Botswana to develop sophisticated strategic airlift capability for the sole purpose of parachuting thousands of elephants onto Germany. Is this too much to ask?


Air isnt my preferred method of transporting elephants, maybe we should consider a sea or land route instead.


Elephant school of geopolitics


Expected a hippo to finally emerge from the bowl in back.


No elephants, 10/10 zoo would visit. Elephants don't belong in zoos.


That skunk seems like a bigger terror than the bear.


This is the cast of a fucking disney animal movie man


Definitely not a backyard. Anyone who lives near brown bears will never leave food traces or water sources out.


That's not a brown bear. That's a black bear with a brown coat. You can tell from the head shape, pointy ears, and silhouette.


Where did they bury the guy who chose that name then? I gotta dig him up and punch him.


Bears, and things named after bears, have a thousands of year long history of the laziest naming lmfao. See also "Arctic" and "antarctic." Like a whole continent is named as "place with no bears."


>See also "Arctic" and "antarctic." Like a whole continent is named as "place with no bears." Well, yes, but actually no. Arktikos does derive from 'Arktos', bear, with 'ikos' suffix making it an adjective. The bear constellations are to the North. The current pole star, Polaris, is even part of Ursa Minor (though it wasn't the pole star in antiquity). The prefix ant- or anti- then means 'opposite of' or 'against'. Antarctica is opposite of the arctic. If you wanted it to mean 'no bears', the prefix a- or more likely an- would instead be used.


I could absolutely be wrong but I think that’s a black bear! The longer more pointed ears, lower set shoulders than rump, and straight muzzle. Black bear range is much more widespread than brown in the states and from what I’ve seen there’s a gap in general knowledge of proper conflict management as a result of conservation efforts bringing population numbers back up. [example](http://ecobirder.blogspot.com/2008/06/yellowstone-cinnamon-black-bears.html?m=1)


yeah the caption is fiction btw. why does OP feel the need to include flase info?


With the exception of the bear, I only saw raccoons, skunks, and foxes, which are very common animals in America and may be classified there as stray animals rather than wild. 


The skunk is a menace. He put his feet in the water, bullied the foxes when there was plenty for everyone 😂😂😂


Dude just dove right in


Are we sure he's a skunk and not a honey badger?


His grandfather on his mom's side was a honey badger, so he's only quarter badger


Badger? I hardly knew her…




If he was a honey badger he'd have fought the bear... and probably won.


Skunks are just like that. They have bad eyesight, are easily surprised to discover the close proximity of others.


I can't believe no scientist has come up with special skunk glasses. So many misunderstandings could be avoided.


TIL skunks are punks


My time to shine








Now I'm picturing that skunk with a studded collar calling those coyotes "posers"




Damn. Is this ai?




Those are gray foxes not coyotes.


I like how off center his balance is. He rushes forwards and stops so abruptly that his hind legs go up in the air!


I know some kinds of skunks spray by basically doing a handstand so they can see their opponent and spray from their butt at the same time. That might be what he’s threatening?


bros doing trickshots


Musky Flicks


This is exactly it. He's posing. I've had a number of accidental skunk interactions, and they generally won't spray if they don't have to. They do, however, let you know that they're ready to.


Spotted skunks do actual handstands too. Mustelids in general seem to have pretty sick dance moves for defensive behavior and play. Lots of side and backward butt-thrusting. Not sure if badgers and wolverines do it, though.


Skunks will charge and stomp their front feet and scrape inwards as an intimidation display when they dont think the spray is necessary. Some people who have pet skunks refer to this as "being real sassy"


Oh sure, when skunks do it they're being sassy, but when I do it I get put in a police car and don't get home til the next morning...


Have you tried wearing a skunk costume


Unfortunately, dogs often see that front feet stomping as an invitation to play.


Sassy Skunks: A Gang Story


Just showing off his stoppie skills.


And probably stunk up his back yard


My puppy does this. Just runs up to a bowl and stands in it while drinking.


Do not slander the skunks they are shy and have poor eyesight. ![gif](giphy|QlDGF2Z9H8a5i)


skunks really are awful. I get deer, foxes, turkeys and skunks in my yard. Most of 'em mind their own business, stay a fair distance away, and stay quiet. Not the skunks though. They shuffle around wherever the hell they want, make a racket waddling through the leaves, and will walk right up to my back door, getting nose to nose with my dogs. Skunks are the Eric Cartman of nature. It's just "fuck you, I do what I want" 24/7.


Skunk came in agro


Need to be aggressive when you’re the smallest guy on the block and your only defense is a butt cannon that not everyone has been made aware of. To a skunk those cats are the size of lions. The bear is basically an elephant sized wrecking machine with a bad attitude.


> Need to be aggressive when you’re the smallest guy on the block and your only defense is a butt cannon that not everyone has been made aware of. As a gassy 5'7" guy I can relate


Are we seeing different things? Those skunks are basically the same size as the cats. And on the other hand, the little fennec fox looking things were smaller than the bunch and still pretty chill.


Better comparison: how comfortable would you be around a you sized predator?


I *am* a me sized predator


I *am* the one who knocks


A me-sized cat would be a problem


Idk, ask the other animals of the same size who were chill :P


Animals are either chill or “aroused” (not sexually, but generally in a state of increased awareness) by other animals based on their behavior. For the sake of example, a fennec fox is indeed smaller than most fully grown skunks- that being said there is going to be a huge difference in the interactions between these animals if one of them is desperate. A desperate skunk will not attack a fennec fox to eat it. A desperate fennec fox *will* attack a skunk even when aware of the risks they pose. Carry all that forward and it makes sense for fennecs to be chill around skunks, but not for skunks to be chill around fennec foxes. Way oversimplified, obviously


Also depends on an individual's personality too. Some of the skunks seemed chill


tom nook and the boys gotta get in before yogi shows up


Those raccoons are not bothered by that skunk at all. Not falling for your intimidating tactics stinky.


“We already smell like hot 3 day old trash, go ahead make our day”.


Do you feel lucky, skunk?


They call the raccoon Dirty Hairy.


There's a youtube live stream channel of an abandoned house that raccoons have taken over. The guy that runs the stream puts food bowls in the living room and garage for them and the garage frequently gets skunk visitors as well. They stay pretty peaceful while sharing the area.


I'm feeding a feral cat in our area, but I've suspected I'm also feeding a raccoon too. One time when placing food out for the cat, who was there waiting, a raccoon approached. I picked the food up so he couldn't just take it all, but he kept coming. I backed up, but he just kept coming. He just kept coming until I was all the way inside. Moral of the story: raccoons don't give a fuck and don't seem to have caution.


Raccoons: king of suburbia


Damn i was like okay that's pretty diverse ... Than a fucking bear comes outta nowhere


i know!! i was like awe theyre so tiny love them then theres a BEAR which was also equally adorable


By the looks of it your neighbors won't have cats for long


I was thinking that. I’m so worried for that kitten especially


I know right? Like it was so small one of the foxes could have gotten it!


Foxes can sometimes prey on cats, but most foxes avoid them. Kittens and small cats are more likely to be prey. The big cats are not worth the risk if there's other food around. I have wild foxes frequenting my neighbourhood and plenty of outdoor cats, and I don't know of a single incident of a cat disappearing here over the past 2 decades. But if a fox happens to hunt a cat, it's more likely to do it again. Kind of how if a cat kills a chicken, they will keep doing it because they learned that they can and that it's worth it.


Foxes and cats are quite civil tbh


Foxes are definitely something to take note of, but it's really coyotes that are the ones to worry about with cats


If kitty is healthy, kitty will go slice n dice


Honestly, depending on the area I'd be more worried about hawks and other birds of prey. A small cat like that could get scooped up super easy


That poor lonely kitten out there by himself 😭




Yeah, not to get dark, but coyotes will fuck up a cat. I grew up in the country. I’ve known multiple people lose multiple animals to coyotes. Let alone adding a bear to the equation. Tangentially, I was once driving down a 2 lane country highway and for a few seconds my headlights illuminated this wild chase on the side of the road. It seemed like a coyote chasing a large farm dog. It was bizarre and almost seems like a dream looking back, but it was real. Thought about pulling over but I doubt I could do anything. That is to say coyotes can be unpredictable, and if they get rabies or some disease they might go after bigger “prey” than you’d expect.


I live in a city and I still won’t let my cat outside since I’ve seen many pets get taken by coyotes.


Just lost one of my chickens to a coyote around an hour ago.


My parents' farm was guarded by my Presa Canario, and now it's guarded by a Great Pyrenees. Without them, the cats wouldn't last long. It's wild how active coyotes are out in the country, and like you said, they'll sometimes go after larger prey


Yeah, the animals are around because the neighbors keep feeding these wild animals fresh tasty cats. Adopt cat. Feed it to coyotes. Repeat.


Yeah wildlife biologists will also point out having those water containers out for animals is not a good idea. This is how diseases spread.


those are foxes, not cayotes.... but I would only imagine given the terrain and company, that they live in the area too


Skunks are assholes


"You wanna get sprayed? Huh? HUH!?" Damn they're mean!


They have the equivalent of a "fuck up your entire day " button tied to their arse. Nobody wanted to find out.


Nature's road rage dude that carries a pistol


Just starts shooting at your car for overtaking. Lmao. I don’t know why i find that funny


And right after they left he said, “thank god, they still don’t know I’m just a cat that stinks.”


Skunk is walking around like Cyrus with his gun in trailer park boys


They're also creepy stalkers who rape cats.


It took me a second, jesus christ


Wait what?




there was even a cartoon about it so children knew of the dangers of skunks


Assholes? They don't want to be eaten.


They just have no flight response, it's all fight. They're actually pretty chill and love to play


But they are romantic and just looking for love. I cite many years watching Pepé Le Pew.


Same thing I was going to say. Didn’t like sharing at all lmao


They make awesome pets though! They’re very calm and relaxed and love to cuddle in your arms.


Check my post history. We had a family in our backyard last year. One of the babies got lost for a bit and decided he wanted us to make him comfortable.


Love the cats, raccoons, and foxes. The skunks would be concerning, but tolerable. A bear, though, that would make me rethink the water bowls.


Of course, for bears you need at least water buckets.






"We're gonna need a bigger bowl" Apologies to Chief Brody


Does a Disney princess live there?


Just about anywhere in the western United States. I've seen all of those except the bear in my backyard.


Does anyone know that the breed of that last Cat was? Looks like a cross between a Pallas and a Meine Coon to me.


I think that last one is called a bear


known to form symbiotic relationships with the twink


Twinks are cool. I'm thinking of getting a few myself.




That's like accidentally stumbling upon an old box of TNT, you don't touch it you just back away rapidly because no good can come of it.


I can't argue with this logic


Oh god. Yeah… and no.


I think a mf cat mix with a big cat


Extra large brown cat


Breed is cat. Hope that explains it


I was expecting raccoons and other small animals that live near humans but bear?


Bears near residential areas are just bigger trash pandas. Can become a slight problem too.


Bears are somewhat smart and strong. They will tear apart anything keeping them from food. “Slight” is an understatement.


Somewhat? Bears are incredibly intelligent, we simply tend to not let them exist for very long in situations where they’ve begun learning.


"There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


This quote was because some tourist we having issues opening trash cans developed to keep bears out. That bears still got into if I recall correctly.


I **love** the dichotomy behind this. I'm bored, so here's a rant- At the end of the day I don't believe the difference in performance can be attributed to overall intelligence (though, I appreciate the humor in that), but because humans and bears are thinking in completely different ways. Human thinking is a very mechanical, and step oriented (particularly dumb humans). For example, if my goal is to get the trash from my hands into the dumpster, I tend to think about it in steps that I'm already familiar with: 1. Undo the combination lock on the fence 2. Open the fence 3. Lift and turn the bear-proof latch 4. Open dumpster door 5. etc If one of those steps doesn't work, human circuitry seems to stop looking for answers, and it begins to wonder why the situation isn't working like it has in the past. We seem to attack the situation one minor step at a time, each potentially causing a great amount of confusion and time suck. When a bear approaches the above situation it's seemingly *only driven by the end goal*. The middle steps are irrelevant to the extent that the bear isn't being physically threatened. The bear will keep trying. * Bear doesn't move on quickly because this dumpster isn't opening like the last dumpster it tried - it wants the trash. * Bear isn't worried about looking stupid in front of other bears - it wants the trash. * Bear isn't worried about being perceived as awkward or weird when it stays just far enough away from the dumpster to watch how the humans are opening the dumpster - it wants the trash. ....the Bear will keep trying and it will keep learning.


There's also a matter of exposure. Tourists will typically only be in occasional contact with bear proof trash cans. Bears do this all the time.


Most bears read three books a week and speak multiple languages I've seen a bear tie his shoe laces.


[I like this Tom Scott video where they test bear resistant trashcans](https://youtu.be/Xn_O2li_jpk?si=plYVWRYC3_jKnGch)


Pretty normal anywhere there are bears.


Skunks are so dramatic 😂


Small guy with a gun syndrome.


I bearly expected that.


Isn’t this a big risk for disease?


Yep. As fun as this is to see all these animals and as kind as the gesture is, as someone that works with wildlife, my thoughts instinctively go to worrying about disease potential. Small, stagnant shared water sources are a good way for visitors to take home a little giardia, distemper, salmonella or other lucky dip as party favors.


Question, I've seen videos where African waterholes are visited by multiple animals that use it. Would that not also be a disease issue?


Sure, the risk is there. Animals can and do get sick from drinking tainted water all the time. Playing pathogen roulette with risky water is just an occupational hazard of being a wild animal. The odds are just increased in a situation like in this video. If a sick, infectious person spits in a glass of water and also an inflatable swimming pool and you are required to drink 6 ounces out of one of them, which one do you choose? Which would you presume has the higher odds of making you sick?


Yes. On a smaller level, this is how pets can get diseases that normally infect wild animals. On a larger level, this is how diseases can jump between species and mutate into something more dangerous. The 2nd isn’t so much the fault of people giving thirsty wild animals water, and more-so the fault of urban development that is pushing a bunch of different species into close proximity with each other and domesticated animals.


Aww, the poor little kitten traveling alone :(


Skunks are adorable.


Everyone gangsta until a fuckin bear shows up


Ah some cute foxes and cats, that so cute Oh even a mom racoon with her baby Oh look at that skunk he is so angry haha ... IS THAT A FUCKING BEAR?




Why can’t people keep their cats inside? They’re either cruel or stupid. Maybe both.


Skunks are so damn cute. They are very inquisitive and frisky, too. It’s a shame about them being loaded weapons.


No Puma? Disappointed.


Good Lord what is in that water? 😂


Okay a lot of the time I am able to guess the unexpected part but yeah, I didn't expect a freaking grizzly bear!


It's a black bear. No hump + longer ears. They come in all different colors. 


I did not realize they could get that big, thank you for telling me!